First - please visit my prayer blog - I have had a lot of request sent my way that I would love for you to please consider putting in your prayers. It would mean so much to these families. (I'm going to be updating it further tonight). Thanks SO much!
I don't know if I should keep calling this "Show Us Where you Live".....?????
But it's time for something I'm so excited!! I only have 6 more months until Harper's first birthday party and it's time to start planning! So I'm ecstatic to see your pictures and ideas. I found a great website that has all kinds of ideas - you can see them here:

Show us what you did for your kid's birthday parties or put an idea board of what you would like to do! I think so many of us are looking for party ideas!
(P.S. Next week is show us your wedding dress pictures!!!!)
(P.P.S. Sorry - before I couldn't get the link list to work - I'm trying MckLinky for this week instead. If you could - put a simple theme along with your name on your link!)
I've missed your posts...glad you are back !!
Are you going to put up a link list? I don't see one.
We didn't do anything fancy for our two girls' first birthday parties since they really don't have a clue about what's going on, but we have had some fun ones since then. Our favorite so far was our oldest daughter's 4th birthday. We had a princess theme, and I made a princess cake using a kit from the Hobby Lobby. All the kids dressed up as princesses or princes. The best part though was that we paid a family friend to dress up as Cinderella, and she stopped by to visit, sign autographs, and pose for pictures. To this day, our daughter still believes that Cinderella actually came to her house! It was so much fun!
I have been looking forward to this week too, I cannot wait to see all the fabulous ideas!
Ok good, I'm glad I'm not the only one that doesn't see a link list! Here's my post, just in case you're not doing one this week:
My Puppy Party
Didn't see a link list either, but here is the link to my sons first birthday party back in May. It's a boys twist on the cupcake theme...
Hey Kelly! I enjoy your blog! And that Harper! What a cutie! I just started a blog and would love for you to come visit! I am adding you to my favs! I am hoping to join in the fun with pictures of some of the parties I have done for my two! I just wish I had been able to do some of the other fridays! Thanks! Julie
I posted ideas from our Ball Party, Thomas Party and Dog Party.
My daughter's party
Cute ideas! I like the circus one the best! I guess because I have boys.
My kids are grown but I will keep this in mind if I ever have grandchildren. Great ideas.
Also, your prayer blog is perfect.
I've just been calling it "Kelly's Show Us" on my blog.
Here my post of the yard party/birthday party we hosted last Saturday.
I'm super thrilled that you're back, as well!! Yipee!! :)
Can't wait to hear more about your trip and see pictures!
This was Cady's cupcake themed 1st birthday party.
I didn't see the link list either. Here is my post.
i haven't posted any pics with your 'show us where you live' because i am currently renting, but just bought a house! anyway, i love planning parties. for my daughters 1st bday we just did a family get together. ella's first birthday is a week before christmas so it's kind of hard to plan something. we just wanted something simple the first year.
i'd post pics but im not sure how to post my link. i guess i'll look back at your old post and see if i can figure it out. i'm not very computer savvy....
thanks, kelly
How about just a small change....Show us HOW you live
Here is my post on birthday parties. We have themed cakes.
Tea Party
We do themed birthday cakes, too. Here's a link to my post about doing a frugal WallE birthday party ( and here's the link to my birthday cake roundup ( with Curious George and WallE cakes.
For my 1st child's (boy) birthday I did a Blue's Clues theme. We had balloons EVERYWHERE!! I had a smash cake for him (just a simple sugar free cake with sugar free icing, helps with less of a tummy ache) and a Blue Cake. I did blue punch and had a HUGE sub and dressed him in a Blue's Clues outfit.
For my 2nd child's (boy birthday) I had a "Teddy Bear Picnic" theme. All the guests brought their favorite stuffed animal and we had picnicky foods. (I do subs for all parties) I had animal crackers and slaw and that kinda stuff. We had a cloth on the floor for the kids to eat (most of them were 3 or older though). I had a bear shaped cupcake cake for the guests and the same smash cake for him.
For my daughter's first birthday I did a Strawberry shortcake theme. I did pink everywhere. Again served a sub sandwich. Same kinda of smash cake and a friend of mine did a strawberry flavored cake.
Wow that's a lot of info. Have fun planning the party. They are soo much fun. I know that the child won't remember it, but you will and they will only be 1 once.
Didn't see Mr Linky! :)
Here is a link to my daughter's 2nd Birthday. It was a Carnival Party!
Not sure how I would post pics but for Emmma Graces 1st birthday we did a brown and pink theme (that is what her bedroom is decorated in)and monkeys. Her invitation had monkeys on it and I bought every stuffed monkey I could find to set around...we call her our little monkey and that is how we came up with the theme. The only way I know to show pictures is to look me up on facebook (lacy mccubbin) and I have a album of her birthday. It ended up really adorable. My favorite thing from the party was a plate that my sister and brother in law had made that says Emma Grace's 1st birthday and everybody that came to her party signed it. Here is the link to the photo album on facebook (I think I will have to add you as a friend first)
Good luck :)
Glad to see you back! Maybe you could do a weekly them parties- show us your party - graduation, showers, kids, wedding, age groups etc...Jo
I have done several parties for my little boy and had a blast doing it. His second birthday was a safari theme. Here is my link
I've been obsessed with party planning all summer. Now, that my daughter's mermaid party is over... this will fill the void. Thanks.
We did a Halloween theme party for my sons 8th birthday last year.
I can see you doing the cupcake party! That seems like it would fit you and Harper!
The first two don't seem like kid birthday parties but more like for graduation or wedding showers or something!!
Have fun planning!! I am sure you will go all out!
We just had my 1 year old boy's first party last weekend--cowboy themed! If people are looking for giftbag ideas, use cheap bandanas to wrap up the favors...or use bandanas as napkins stuffed in mason jars with each guest's silverware. We didn't get that fancy, but here are the pics!
I LOVE semi-homemade entertaining! I'm in the middle of planning G-man's 1st birthday party - a PIRATE beach party! You can see his invite here:
The photo shoot I made him endure:
And here's Big Sister's Safari party at Great Wolf Lodge:
Here's a link to the pictures of my daughter's first birthday party.
The theme was cupcakes. Her invitations were cupcakes, too, but I don't have a picture of them. I can't wait to see what you plan for Harper's birthday! It's so much fun!!
2 links - the first is my charlotte's 4th bday...cupcakes, flowers and butterflies, the other is my son's 1st birthday - a "birdie" theme, b/c that is what we call him...nests, birds, feathers, silver and crystal, lots of personal touches like notes, wish jars, champagne and lots of white fesh flowers are great touches. haindpainted birdhouses were the favor too.
You will have so much fun planning Harper's first birthday party! My little guy is 3 months old and I've already started planning for him. My other son is 9 and I've loved putting together all of his parties.
My link is for Harry Potter theme party ideas.
I LOVE the cupcake one! too cute!! thanks 4 sharing!!
I just posted about my daughter's Teddy Bear Picnic that we had last weekend for her first birthday.
this blog couldnt come any daughter turns 1 in 3 weeks..boy how time goes by...Such great suggestions..Thanks everyone!
I was having problems linking up and now I'm linked up twice. Sorry about that! You can remove my #7 link if you want.
Hi Kelley-- You and I both have January babies. It kinda makes me sad b/c we can do fun outdoor stuff for their birthdays. My daughter is 3 days older than Harper. I am so excited to get her birthday planned. I love that you had this post so that it can get my party planning ideas rolling! Can't wait to see what you decide. You are so clever and creative. I know it will be fabulous!
your blog might be the CUTEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN! i absolutely love the layout.
even though our soon is only 3 months, i've already been brainstorming first birthday party ideas :)
I had a pink and brown theme! I put pictures of my Maddie on ribbon from Birth to one year- hanging from the windows of our house- and I had LOTS of pink and brown balloons and even a pink and brown #1 cake for her and a Happy B-day cake for others! I bought her a new Bib and had her in a brown and pink tutu- Sooooooooo fun! Enjoy each min. of it all- my Maddie turned 2 in May- her theme was Princess- Too fun! Love your blog!
Jamie Harris
I tried the theme birthday for my son's first birthday (trains). I went all out with decorations, games, cake, etc., but since then I have come to the conclusion that kids just want to play. They don't really want organized activities. I have also stressed over goodie bags just to realize other moms do the same thing. Now I just do animal crackers and gold fish w/a juice box or a really cute iced cookie. My four year old wants a chocolate birthday for her fifth birthday party. She means she wants a chocolate cake. I think I can handle it. Make it festive and takes lots of pics of her w/people that love her.
Hey! If you decide to do that cupcake party, I have the cupcake cake pan. I did that for Sara's first.
Hi Kelly - I was so excited about this week's topic it was one of the reasons I even started a blog. Then I realized I never take pictures of all my crazy over the top decor, etc. This was a great idea and now it's in my mind to remember to TAKE PICTURES!!! Have a great weekend!
Ok I love party planning...I really think this is what I am going to be when I grow up:) I love love love planning my kids birthday. It is really a highlight to my year! I am not sure I did Mr. Linky right...I am a first timer but if it did not work go to April for my sons first birthday/Elmo and 2008/oct for my daughter 5th/horse party.
Hey girl! I will so post tomorrow some great ideas that I think, I just haven't had a lot of time tonight! ;) I loved my baby shower, it was themed with all kinds of candies in jars! I want to do that for Avery's first.. rock candy etc.. I think that is a fantastic idea! Lots of color! I will send some pics your way! missed you!
Ok I put up the wrong thing. It links to my blog not the parties on the blog and i can not change it...HELP!!
Kelly, you should check out this site. It has ideas for weddings/parties. Here is the link for kids parties, but they have all kinds of themes! I love this site!
<3 Bon
You just have to look at this girl's blog! She is one of the most talented party planners I have ever seen. She is a friend of my sisters and her blog is She absolutely LOVES planning the most beautiful parties, cupcakes, invitations and tea parties I have ever seen. Her attention to detail is just out of this world and she is the sweetest, most Christ-centered woman with a gentle spirit. She has the most fabulous tea parties for her 4 children and everything is so perfect. Check out her blog if you get a chance. I have never posted a comment on your blog before, but I LOVE reading it every day! You are a great inspiration for God's Love to everyone!
Too cute!!
I LOVE the cupcake theme and that sweet little dress!!!
I love the cupcake party, thanks for posting those prayer requests I said prayers for them as I read them.
cute stuff. i love the circus party...i also saw a carnival party somewhere...that would be so fun for older kids.
i read your interview on the other blog... how fun! my family & i are also going to gulf shores in late summer (labor day weekend actually). i LOVE gulf shores!!!
I always try to make my kids birthday parties unique- especially when they are young and I get to pick the theme. For my son Eli's first birthday we did a "Big "E" Birthday Event". I decorated with giant E's all over, I made an elephant invitation (the trunk folded out with the party info and the ears were the flaps on the card). The wording was something like "We are elated, ecstatic and excited because Eli is turning 1" We ate all E foods, like enchiladas, deviled eggs, tea, berrIES, etc. Everything was monogrammed with E's. For his second birthday was a colors theme. "Red, Green, Yellow Blue, Elijah Cole is turning 2, you will join us- won't you?" and everything was all about colors - colorful foods and colorful decorations. It was great cuz he had learned his colors and happily pointed them out to the guests. For his third birthday we did a pancake and pajamas construction party where the kids constructed their pancakes with various topping and I got a bunch of free construction stuff from Home Depot. For my daughter's first birthday it was all tea party themed. I don't remember the whole inviation but it went something like "It's my birthday and I'm turning one, so Dahling if you can make it, I'm sure we'll have some fun... put on a frilly dress and bring your teddy bear. We'll have some fun and drink some tea so I hope to see you there". The invitations had a picture of my daughter in a frilly dress playing with tea cups and her teddy bear. For her second birthday (coming up in November) it's all polka dot themed. I have not made the invitations but they will say something like "It's my birthday and I've grown lots and lots, so mom is throwing me a party with lots of polka dots! They are round yet dainty and oh so much fun- wear them to the party and a prize you'll have won. Ring around the the rosie and spotted cupcakes too, it will be two-riffic to see you!"... Anyway that's my input. I say do something original and fun and don't worry about it all being matchy matchy. Make it uniquely Harper and have fun. As she gets older you won't get to be so original without her consent. :)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE kids parties!!! This is so fun!
I think you need to check out my WILD THING party as it would be something right up your alley! Hope your vacation was wonderful!
What lovely ideas! Oh my, I can't wait to have a wee one to plan stuff like that for!
OK so I really thought the cupcake party was SO cute.
Kelly -- What a fabulous Friday idea! I am joining the party, however, I am not doing a new post since I just posted my birthday pictures a few weeks ago. I just linked to that day instead. It's also my hubby's b-day so I had to do a b-day post for him today!
You are going to have so much fun planning Harper's 1st birthday party! Have a great weekend!
I've seen a cute rubber ducky theme. Where they made blue punch and had little rubber duckies floating in the punch.. A cake shaped like a duck- rubber ducky party favors.
For my oldest daughters 2nd birthday I did Nemo.. took 2 cakes and cut them into a fish shape and frosted it to look like Nemo. I have pics on facebook and I know you don't add people you don't know (understandable that why I post pics on facebook I know who can see them) But I can email you a pic if you are interested in the nemo cake- plus I did a minnie mouse one year. My youngest will be 1 on Jan 30th so I'm looking forward to planning her 1st birthday this year :) and love this topic on your blog !!!
Kelly I just HAVE to comment and say that this party totally caught my attention and looked like something you would have for Miss H, SOOO adorable. The link is already posted on your list but I felt like pointing it out =)
What about calling it
"Show us HOW you live"
Seems like that would cover just about everything.
Loving your blog,
The circus party is adorable!!! :)
What if you called it "Fellowship Fridays" since we're spending time getting to know one another and sharing pieces of our lives?
All of those ideas look so great!!! You're such a cool mom!
I'm so glad you were able to use the MckLinky this week...I think it's SO much easier to use! I always had to reload the page 3 or 4 times before the Mr. Linky would take my link. I definitely vote we use this in the future! :)
I'm sure Harper's 1st Birthday Party will be nothing less than spectacular! I have two girls and have posted all the past parties I have done - come take a peek!
Check out Bright seem to have a lot of great ideas for kids parties. Ideas that are easy to make too! Good luck!
Ohhh LOVE the cupcake party. My daughter's 3rd bday is in October and I think I may just do that! I had wanted to do a cupcake theme for her first bday but couldnt find any supplies.
I love all of these links. If you could keep this on your sidebar so I could come back to it for years to come, I'd greatly appreciate it.
I have boys and only one has had his first birthday (we did the very hungry caterpillar because he loves to eat!) But I love the idea of a cupcake birthday party for a little girl! Harper is such a doll and I can't wait to see what you do...I am sure it will be fabulous!
Ohhh how fun! Since I have 41 children in my care, and constant first birthdays (one next week!), I am always looking for new ideas for cakes.
My son turned one in May. I really wanted to do something fun, but honestly a one year old has no clue and they seriously can't take a very long party. They get fussy and irritable! That is not fun for anyone. My husband and I decided to save parties for when he is older. What we did do was have family members give us yarn instead of a bunch of gifts. We have a small home and not a lot of space for stuff. Ian already has plenty of toys. I took Ian to the our city's senior center and donated the yarn to the ladies who knit. They knit baby hats for the babies in the NICU. It was so special and although Ian had no clue what he was doing, he made those ladies' day!
Our goal is to teach Ian to give back. His life is such a gift and a blessing. We want to teach him to bless others instead of getting a bunch of stuff.
Just wanted to offer a different point of view!! :)
I'm loving this party! There are some great party planners who read your blog!
cute ideas!
I hate to be this person...but I don't see my prayer request on your blog :( Maybe I missed it or could be an oversight...
Hi Kelly,
This is right up my alley, birthdays!! Its a big tradition at our house to have theme parties. with 13 children its getting kinda hard not to repeat!! Thanks for thinking of this fun idea!! My link was 256, the Princess Party! I know your going to go all out with Harper and it will be fun to watch!!
Cindy (Joel's mommy)
I LOVE the cupcake idea! I love to bake so I always will go with an idea to get a great cake in there!!! I picked up a cupcake pan from Wilton and it is the cutest thing!! It works great for other things other than a cupcake. I thought a Circus Tent Cake or a Carousel would work out too with using the pan!!! Harper will have a great first birthday I am sure!! Check out my blog where I posted pics of my cakes! I follow your blog and just love seeing Harper's Pics... so cute! Maybe I will see you out and about somewhere!!
Kelly, I love your blog and I was sooo excited about the birthday party week because we are planning our son (Trigger's) first birthday will be in a few weeks which makes me VERY sad!!!! I don't want him to grow up this fast! Anyway, I couldn't see the links so I am going to post my blog on here because I put a few pictures of some things I am working on for his party. I will have pictures from the party up in a few weeks!!!
i didn't participate in your linky party but i did the candy land theme for my daughter, piper's, 1st bday, and it turned out so cute. her bday was in april right after easter so i was able to buy all the candy for the candy bar half off or more after easter. i made cupcakes and used sprinkles and gumdrops on top of the frosting and made white choc. dipped pretzels w/sprinkles among other things! bday parties for girls are so fun!! have fun planning!
I am a children's party planner in Los Angeles. Please visit my blog for LOTS of ideas!
Try again
AWEEE. i hate i missed the 1st birthday post. I would love for you to check out what we did for my son's first birthday. HE turned 1 on May 27th and the party was i June. Monkey theme. Had so much fun planning this party!!! Please check it out, if you have time. Would love to know what you think!
Aw, man! I missed it...
Ellie's birthday party (Harry Potter theme) is on my blog today! I'd love for you to check it out!
We just had our baby's 1st birthday this past Sat, is it too late to add it to this? I wanted to do it when you posted but obvioulsy couldn't yet. :) Love your blog, come here daily.
Well, earlier I posted a link to some of daughter's parties, but she just turned 6 on Friday and thought I would post a link to the tea party we had. It was so much fun to plan - for both of us!
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