Today has been a much better day! Harper has been so happy and sweet today!

I got her dressed this morning and she looked so sweet in this little white romper that I had to prop her up for a few pictures!

I let her wear her little Robeez shoes for the first time today - aren't her little legs and feet adorable?
(Ha - I am laughing so hard that I just saw in the comments ya'll pointed out her shoes were on the wrong feet. They totally ARE!!!!! I'm a terrible mother. I didn't even realize - I just slipped them on because I was trying to quickly take pictures before she got frustrated!) (Ya'll are WAY more observant than I am)

She's looking at them like - "now how am I supposed to eat my feet with those things???"

We ate lunch today with my friend Jenna and her son Brayden. Brayden is the baby who was in the NICU the same time as Harper (only different towns). They are 3 days apart. This is the first time we have gotten together since they were born and it was good to talk to someone who walked the same road. We were talking about how it's so hard for us to think about the early days of their little lives but here they are turning 5 months next week and they are perfect and healthy. I can't begin to describe to you how thankful I am. (Play Group friends - sorry I missed you - I thought play group was over for the summer???? OOPS?)
Harper and I met the cutest blog reader at the mall and I can remember the name because I'm a big "Friends" fan - so hi Courtney Cox! Nice to meet you today! :-)

I know most of you who live in my area (hopefully) saw this last night judging by all the pictures on facebook. (ha!) We were having storms here last night and I came out of Wal-Mart around 8:30 and saw this............the biggest, most complete rainbow I've ever seen. And I've NEVER seen a rainbow at night - have you? It was unbelievable. I wish my pictures were better - I couldn't get it all. People were walking out and dropping their jaws and everyone was taking pictures. And I started thinking of how the rainbow is a symbol of God's promise. And you normally see it in the daytime after a storm has passed and the sun has come out. But last night this was up while it was still thundering and lightening and dark outside. And I couldn't help but smile thinking what a beautiful picture of how God has promised to be with us during the darkest of times when we can't see the daylight coming along with the "daylight" times of our lives.
I know after the issues we had this week - you may feel wary or skeptical to pray for others but there are still so many in need and I'm going to list a few. Just know that God knows what we are praying for and He hears our requests.
Just remember - People will fail us. God never will.
Have a good weekend - I'll be posting the Bathroom Tours in the morning!!! Two of my best friends from college are coming to visit me tomorrow and meet Harper and I'm SO excited .....but I have to scoot because I have a lot to do to get ready!
Harper's new shoes are ADORABLE. I really admire your sense of grace about the whole blog issue. You are a blessing.
Harper is so cute! My favorite baby stage is around 5 months they just cuddle and coo and love to be held. Enjoy sweet Harper. It is still a blessing to see how healthy she is after all the prayers. What a joy!
I love those first 2 pics of Harper! She is so cute!! Have a fun weekend with your friends!
Harper is such a cutie! She and my daughter Camden are only a few weeks apart. It's so fun to see them changing!
I cannot wait for the bathroom tours. We're moving next month and I have been getting so many ideas from the home tours.
Don't shoot me but I think Harpers shoes are on the wrong feet?
Have fun with your friends tomorrow!
We had storms down here in Texas too but I missed the gorgeous rainbow!
Ms. Harper is looking as pretty as a peach but I think her shoes should be on the other foot.?. :)
that rainbow at night sounds amazing! i love harper's white outfit and big white bow. :)
I loved Robeez shoes! They are so stinkin cute. I still have my daughter 1st pair. They are in a box with all my "favorites" of hers, which I plan to break out at her 1st baby shower. (Hopefully...one day...a very long time from now:))
Love the rainbow picture. I never even knew a rainbow could be a night. Very Neat!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend with your friends
It won't be the last time she has shoes on the wrong feet - wait til she "dresses" herself lol....jo
Those RObeez shoes are the best. Lauren wore those all the time until after she turned one and was walking really well. :)
What a small world it is! Wendy White (formely Benitez) was my Sunday School teacher growing up in Florida. Since I moved to Alabama 8 years ago we lost touch! I have often wondered how they were and now I can pray for their precious Baby Mason! Thanks for posting a link to their blog. Wendy and Kevin are some of the sweetest people I know!
Harper and Brayden look SO into eachother! ha! She really loves her pink soft things,doesn't she?♥
Well i didn't notice the shoes either...just looking at that adorable little face! :)
I've done that a time or 2 with my kids also...if you're in a rush it's so easy to do! And honestly, some of those baby shoes are hard to tell which one goes on which foot!
So precious...I love the little "bubbles" for babies :) Maybe I can get some for Bonnie's baby soon! Love the shoes too...she's so cute!
So cute! Beautiful rainbow!
Oh, and thanks for the reminder! It's something we all need to hear from time to time!
LOL about her shoes being on the wrong feet. I love Robeez, my daughter wore the pink kitty cat ones for awhile.
I didn't even know it was possible to have a rainbow at night!! How awesome.
The rainbow was so cool. Love Harper's white outfit. For the record, I did not notice the shoes were on the wrong feet until you mentioned it!
I LOVE that second picture - too cute!!!
Those little shoes are adorable... even on the wrong feet. Ha!
I wish I could've seen that rainbow, it's beautiful and we need a little display of hope from God these days.
Adorable photo's of Miss Harper! Love the shoe-thing~LOL! And what an awesome, magical rainbow~WOW!
Hope it's ok to do this~but, there's a real baby being born tomorrow, who has the exact dame diagnosis as little 'April Rose' did. I promise you, this family is real. I was hoping you and some of your readers could visit The Glavin Family blog, Hailey's Hope, and leave some thought's and prayers. The site addy is: http://haileyshope.blogspot.com/
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! And thank you Kelli for all you do!!(((HUGS))) G'Ma~rella
Wearing shoes on the correct feet is so overrated. :-) I hope you have the BEST time this weekend!!
Don't worry, my daughter had the same shoes as a baby and I always put them on the wrong feet! It doesn't count until they start walking, right?! Haha! So cute! PS- Robeez Tredz are good for walking babies too! Super cute and great for their precious feet!
That is so much fun that you and Jenna met up today. Both your babies are beautiful.
That rainbow is nuts! I didn't know you could see one at night, shows how much I know. :)
I absolutely love the 2nd picture and the shoes are just too cute!! I bet the rainbow was awesome!! Thanks for sharing and God bless
She is so precious! I love white on babies. The shoes are too cute, even on the wrong feet ;). We love Robeez, but I just have to make sure you try Pedipeds too. They are soooo cute and perfect for little feet. My favorite website to order from is www.tinysoles.com. They have super customer service and once you get on their list, you get all kinds of discounts. Our favorites are the brown with pink polka-dots :). Enjoy your company! Great friends are such a blessing from God. Amy
Adorable, again!! :) Don't worry...I still want to come over and love and hug and kiss her to pieces!! :)
Anyways, love the rainbow metaphor. It's perfect for everything going on right now. Also, THANK YOU for your ever so kind words this morning. You just have a way of making me feel so much better. It's hard to explain, but I value your words more than you will ever know, friend! So, THANK YOU!
Love you lots
I'm loving the white on Harper! And thanks for being such a sweet spirit.
come over to my blog. i posted a pic of the new hairbows i have and the tu-tu's i make now. if you want any, leave a comment, i'll send harper one free of charge, she just has to advertise for me :) happy thursday!
Hope you have a great weekend! I wanted to tell you I know Tammy Anderson from your church- I taught her son Reece in Kindergarten 2 years ago! She found my blog through your blog! I was so excited!
I was thinking something similar last night when the sky was pink and that big ol rainbow appeared. My sister and bro-in-law are photogs and they had a wedding a few weeks ago @ the Botanical Gardens and it was all gray and cloudy. Everyone was worried all day about the rain ruining everything. The moment the bride walked down the aisle, it poured. Then after the ceremony when they were taking pictures, it cleared up and a big rainbow appeared. It was like a reminder that God has a plan and it might not seem like a good plan at the time, but He knows what He's doing.
PS I was at the mall today...I didn't see you. Bummer, I would have been a big old nerd anyway!!
Wow that is amazing - I didn't even know raibows were possible at night! Harper is a cutie pie as always. I LOVED Robeez when by babies were little!!
The rainbow pic was AMAZING!! I never knew a rainbow could happen at night? Hey you learn something new everyday hahaha
Love Harpers new shoes she is the cutest thing ever!!! Have fun with your friends this weekend!
I am so incredibly thankful that God's promises DO come through the darkness and the hard times. He is always right there and He is always good. Even when it's dark and we can't see Him...before you know it, here comes that rainbow out of the night!!!
Have a great time with Leigh Ann tomorrow!!!
Love ya!
I'm a sucker for baby shoes ;-) Those are too cute!
You're right, God never does fail us! And that's wonderful to know!!
I've only posted comments a few times on your blog, but I have been a follower "pre Harper". I know you always put out prayer requests and I have one for you - my mother in law had a stroke last Sunday. If you click on my link, you can read about it. I know there's not a high chance that you'll put her on your blog for people to pray for her, but just in case I needed to leave a comment. She is such a wonderful person and she needs all the prayer she can get right now. I know that you probably have so many people that ask for your prayers on a daily basis, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. Thanks!
I wanted to tell you again THANK YOU so much for putting Layla on the prayer list. I'm not sure if you are keeping up with her or not so I'll give you a quick update... They went Monday to start round 2 of chemo and she came down with a blood infection. They were in the waiting room at the hospital when she spiked a 103 temp. PTL they were at the hospital already and were able to get fast treatment for her!
I just LOVE Harpers shoes... even if they are on the wrong feet they are just ADORABLE! Have a wonderful weekend.
Jami- Houston, TX
I LOOOOOOOVE Harper's shoes. I think I may need to track some down for my little London. And what a beautiful rainbow! Thanks for pointing us towards those blogs also.
She looks so sweet in that white!!
I love the Robeez, but you do have to try pedipeds too as someone else mentioned. (My hair flowers were actually in a pediped ad last fall! YAY!)
I owe you an email...
How hilarious - I would *totally* put the shoes on the wrong feet, especially when they're so soft like baby shoes are.
That rainbow is AMAZING!
my daughter always loved chewing on her feet also, and when I put her robeez on she would just chew on them! So my hubbie nicknamed them her Jimmy Chewies ;-) so funny!
Harper is just adorable!!
Hi! I am a new reader, love your blog by the way! Anyway, just wanted to tell you I did the same thing to my daughter...with the shoes on the wrong feet. Funny thing, I even did it a few weeks ago and she walks now. Those darn Crocs look alike..haha!
Have a great weekend!
The shoe thing made me laugh out loud. I think the Roebeez are cute, but they just look kind of funny on. It's not hard to put them on the wrong feet. I like Pedipeds. Have you bought any of those?
Yes- Stuart and I used to live in Bella Vista and I taught Kindergarten in Bentonville for 2 years before we moved back here last year. I miss living up there, but with all the infertility and invitro- it has been such a blessing to be back home.
Tammy and her family are the sweetest. Reece is a mess but he was the light of my classroom! He could make you smile no matter what he did- even if it was naughty! ha ha
i know a Courtney Cox, i wonder if you met the one that i know? that's cool either way. the one i know is really cute too. Harper is adorable even with her shoes on the wrong feet.
We saw the same night time rainbow here in Texas too! I didn't get nearly as good of a picture though. I guess I should have gone to walmart! God is so good!
Harpers shoes are so cute and I love her white outfit. That rainbow at night is really neat. I've never seen one at night before. I guess I just assumed that couldn't happen. I'm always amazed by what God can do!
Harper is such an adorable little girl....her shoes (wrong feet & all) are too cute!!
The little white outfit is precious!
Thank you for sharing the rainbow! That was amazing I have never seen such a thing before!!!
Sara in SC
I didn't even know there could be a rainbow at night...didn't think there would be enough light! I love the little shoes, they were a favorite at our house as well!
I thought playgroup was over too, so we missed it also!
love her shoes!!
Sweet shoes! I miss the days of them being easy to put on -- mine curls her twos up now!
I think those shoes are cute regardless of being on the wrong feet! ha!
The rainbow Wed night was beautiful! The sky was the color of orange juice! It was so pretty! My first thought was, THank you God for all your promises and your faithfulness!
I didn't know you were a Friends fan! I am addicted to that show! I think I've seen every episode about ten times! Last night I watched the one with Ross and his leather pants! ha ha!
Enjoy your weekend!
I have a prayer request that I was hoping you would pray for, thanks.
i LOVE the middle pic of harper! she's just playin with her toes like "hi mom, whats up?" lol
Love the pictures. Her little face is just too cute for words. Love the Robeez :)
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