Well - we felt like the Clampetts this weekend.........minus Granny. We left on Thursday and headed to L.A. (no, not Beverly Hills..........but Lower Arkansas). Since my best friend Laurie is from a neighboring town as my in-laws - we decided it would be fun for us to just go down and all ride together. The 4 of us and our 3 babies.
Actually - Scott and Steve planned a trip down to work a little on the deer camp before hunting season and we just decided to tag along. We have a suburban .......surely we could all fit! ha!
It was fun getting us all in the car with all of our stuff. Laurie and I had to get in the back first and once we were back there - we couldn't move. But it really was a lot of fun and a lot easier than I thought it might be. The babies all slept most of the way there. Thank goodness - because we pulled into my in-laws driveway at 1:30 a.m. Harper and I went to bed at almost 3:30 a.m. and got up at 6:30 a.m. You can imagine how great I felt on Friday. ha!
On the way we stopped at an old hamburger place that I'm pretty hasn't changed the menu or the decor since 1968 but it was really good. The whole trip we ended up sitting segregated - guys at one table.................

and the girls at the other.

Friday - my MIL, Judy, and I went to a really great store in town and then had lunch on the square while the guys worked at the deer camp.

We came home so Harper could nap. What is a good southern girl to do when it is nearly 100 degrees and you just can't get cool? Go naked of course! Oh she loved this!

Friday night, Laurie and her parents came and met us at the family deer camp and Scott's dad cooked steaks for us. They were so good. We also had homemade ice cream. Can't get much better than that.

She loved being outside

Laurie and I and Harper and Sarah Kate - of course you could NEVER get a picture with all 4 of us looking at the camera. ha!

The men had no problem digging into dinner

After dinner - they have this OLD merry go round outside and we decided to take it for a spin

It was so much fun and the babies loved it!!!! (and so did the mommas)

These are Laurie's parents and their beautiful granddaughters

On Saturday - Scott's mom had a little "sip and see" for some of her friends and family in town to come and meet Harper

Such a cute cake

JiJi and her girl

Judy's best friend Sherry helped her put it all together - it was so nice

I was so in love with this fruit tray that Sherry did

Scott's Aunt Rebecca and Uncle Jerry came. This is his first cousin, Stephen, who is one year younger and grew up down the road from him. They are both only children and now they both have daughters.

Some of Scott's cousins came and these are all 2nd and 3rd cousins of Harper - Jake, Jamie, and Ashlyn

That night we had a Magnolia tradition - Chick-a-dilly fried chicken. Greasy and yummy!

Harper really enjoyed all the attention from her grandparents and we had a great time. What normally takes us about 6 hours took us ALMOST 9 hours today. ha! The babies did good but Harper had a meltdown the last hour or so. She was tired, hungry and needed a diaper change but we were getting so close to home - it was so hard to stop. So Laurie and I tried entertaining the girls by singing to them but I think Scott and Steve nearly had a nervous breakdown between the screaming, chattering and 50th rendition of "Oh Senor Don Gato was a cat". Welcome to our "new normal"!!!

I just want to end by wishing a VERY Happy 1st Father's Day to my baby daddy - Scott. Harper loves you SO much and I love you more each day watching you with her. You were my rock in those first few weeks and I'll never forget how sweetly and tenderly you spoke to her in her little NICU bed or how hard you cried those first few days. We can't wait to see you every day and my favorite thing in the world is how big she smiles when she sees you! You are a GREAT dad!
Happy Father's day also to two of the most wonderful men I know - my dad and Scott's dad. I'm thankful Harper has two grandfathers who are completely wrapped around her little finger. Scott and I will never have to buy her one toy because I'm pretty sure her granddad's will give her anything she wants........most importantly their love!
P.S. If you live in my area - and are interesting in helping March of Dimes - one of my friends is the chair person for the Signature Chef event in October to benefit MOD and they are having a committe recruitment meeting tomorrow night. If you are intersted - go
here to get details. I know it would be an awesome opportunity to serve!
a) I'm the first comment. Oh my!
b) Props to Chick-a-Dilly
c) Love that you refer to Scott as baby daddy.
d) Glad that y'all had a good time in LA!
No, I WAS Granny on the trip! Did you see me getting in and out of the truck?????? That is a BEAUTIFUL picture of Harper in the orange outside!
enjoyed reading about your trip, I love all the pictures, So Scott likes to hunt huh? We have a farm in Kansas ( Labette county)that we tend out and we do fly or drive out for hunting season on the farm , (deer and turkey) All three of our sons and my husband love to hunt, I go along to be a maid , LOL
Happy Father's Day to Scott...Harper is so lucky! Your family is so precious!
Just wanted to let you know that even though I'm not a "blogger" myself, I so enjoy reading yours. Keep up the good work :) .
Looks like you guys had an awesome time. And I do believe Miss. H's booty is the sweetest little tush I have seen in some time. Well, next to Gabe's tush. ;O)
Thanks for the shout out, girl! I really appreciate it!
Looks like you had a great weekend! Happy Father's day to your husband! My last name is actually Clampitt...before my parents named me at the hospital the nurses called me Ellie Mae! Ha!
Looks like a great weekend. I love the "Sip & See" idea - I don't think I've ever heard of that, but what a great idea!!
Gotta love road trips!! Believe it or not they do get better! Harper is so adorable in her orange outfit!!
How fun--that looks like a GREAT weekend!!!
I laughed about y'all singing/entertaining on the way home! We still laugh about me sitting in the back seat singing Conway Twitty songs on the way to Flippin one time when Rhett was a baby...Now I wouldn't trade our car DVD player for anything--ha ha!
The sip-n-see looked fun, too! The fruit tray--wow!
Looks like you guys had a great time. I love the naked bottomed picture of Harper. She gets cuter and cuter with every post. We have 12 days to go until our baby girl makes her debut!
Wonderful update and beautiful new pictures. So glad you had a great time. Love love that orange outfit picture of Harper. It's my new favorite!
That looks like such a fun weekend. What a pretty little party your mother in law threw for you! Everything looked so nice. You look so great! ~ And so soon after having a baby! You're like the incredible shrinking woman. HA!!! You look fantastic and so very happy!
Kelly what are you thinking!!!! That naked picture of Harper is going to come back and haunt her one of these days when she is in the running for Miss Arkansas. Which on second thought is not a bad thing. After all, I don't want my grand daughter entered in one of those "meat parades" in the first place.
Love - Dad
Did you stop at the Whattaburger in R-ville? I LOVE that joint!
I wish I could have been a fly on the wall listening to you and Laurie sing! Sounds like y'all had a great time! Just think....9 hours is 3/4 of the way to the beach! My how a baby changes everything.
What a fun time!! Love the pics and I LOVE the close up of Harper and that orange bow!! SO CUTE!!
I love the naked baby picture! TOO cute!!!
Harper looks so happy in orange...perhaps she is secretly a Vol!
What a great weekend you had! My old stomping grounds is Magnolia...that is where I spent most of my summers as a kid. Lots of memories there! Glad ya'll had a great father's day weekend!
I learned Senor Don Gato in elementary school! I've never known anyone else besides my friends to know it...how funny! Looks like you had a great trip. Isn't it funny how much more involved traveling is now with a baby?
I LOVE THE FRUIT TRAY and those little melon balls.
Looks like a great trip and I have to say I just love the pix of Harper in the orange. What a great shot!
Thanks for sharing!
I loved looking through all of the pictures! Road trips with babies are always an adventure! I love the picture of Harper in the orange bow. She is so beautiful. I also adore the naked shot. :) It reminds me of when I was a young girl, growing up on the mission field in Africa. It would get so hot we would strip down to our underwear and lay on the cool concrete floors! :)
I'm so glad you had an awesome weekend! I loved looking at all your pictures. Glad your back! Hope you have a wonderful Monday!
I know what you mean about how much longer it takes to travel with children! My 7 hour trip from the midwest back home to Russellville (YUM-Feltern's What-a-Burger!) once took almost 10 hours with children. My mommy friend and I drove down three summers ago with our 3 girls (ages 2 1/2, 4, and 4 1/2 and I was newly pregnant with #2) - it was a long drive but tons of fun...try it with your buddy in a year or so.
SOUNDS like a blast! love al your pics, and yum fried chicken! love the picture of Harper in orange with the orange bow, just darling!
Everyone has a naked baby photo. You can embarrass her with it later.
You stopped at What-A-Burger?!?!?! I'm so jealous! Please tell me you washed down your burger with a chocolate shake? I'm really living vicariously through you now :).
Thanks for telling us about your trip. It sounds as though you all had a great time.
I loved the one of little ole naked Harper! So darn cute!! I also loved the one of Harper and her Daddy on the couch. How sweet! I hope he had a great first Father's Day!
Harper is the cutest little baby!! :) Harper looks like she is loving hanging out in her birthday suit!! I sure love reading your blog and I'm glad you guys had a great trip!
This Texas girl loves homemade ice cream, too! It's just not summer without it!
Amazing how much you have to pack with kids:-) Looks like you guys had a great road trip!!
Kelly, you look fantastic!! Seriously, you look like you haven't even had a baby! GOOD JOB! Happy Father's Day to your hubby :)
Goodness, what a FUN adventure for you all! I am sure this weekend will be remembered forever .. =) And many more to come. Way to go Daddy's in surviving those hours in the car.
Happy First Father's Day Scott! What a beautiful family you all are!
Oh what a fun road trip!
1st- whatttaburger...oh my, now I am craving one and it would take me at least 6 hours to get there!! I love that place!!
2nd- harper looks so cute in that orange outfit and I love the idea of a sip and see.
3rd- don gato is my all time favorite song from elementary school. the music teacher at my last school always taught it to my 1st graders so they could sing it for me.
4th- my friends in my neighborhood had a big party and they all made cake balls...three different kinds! I told them you'd be proud.
5th- happy fathers day scott!
I love that you referred to him as your "baby Daddy!" Ha! Looks like you had quite the road trip. You are brave! I always think road trips are more fun with friends. And I am now going to bed before I am tempted to go eat something...this post made me hungry!!!
Looks like a great weekend! Loved the pics, especially the close up of Harper!
What fun,..family, food, and fellowship! Cute kids, cute mommies,..sweet grandparents,...and a lovely fruit tray...ha!
Kelly,... joy just radiates from your beautiful face.
I enjoy your blog so much.
Continued Blessings!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
I laughed trying to picture screaming babies and mommies singing at the top of their lungs!LOL
Sounds like a fun adventure!!
Hello Kelly,
I have been reading your blog since Harper was born but never commented. I check on your family everyday. First, could there be a cuter baby! Second, I thought I noticed something about Magnolia on a jersey that belonged to your husband and then in your last post you are on a trip to Magnolia. You were where I wish I could be. Let me explain....I live in Alabama and my youngest son has joined the football staff at SAU and lives in Magnolia. Small world. Anyway, now I have commented and I love your blog.
I love your blog!
I read it everyday its almost an addiction :D
Love ms Harper in that orange bow :D
ohhh i am soo jealous....would love a good whattaburger...need to put that on my list of places to take the kidlets this fall.
looks like a really fun trip
Sounds like all of you had such a wonderful and fun trip. I love the pic of Harper in her orange outfit and matching bow; she is so adorable!
Another great pic is of Scott and Harper on the couch; what a great dad Harper has.
Your family has been so blessed!
You look ah-mazing girl! So thin and pretty! :) It's 4:30am and I can't sleep because I'm excited about what I emailed you about...pray for me! Also, this was a great post, you made me cry with the end Father's Day comments. I'm not very close to my dad, and he hasn't even contacted us about Asher yet! It's so nice to know that Harper has such wonderful and godly Granddad's to love on her! Have a great Monday!
LOVE that pic of Scott and Harper! I mean, your baby daddy and Harper, ha ha ha!
What a great weekend! That fruit tray looks delicious.
What a fun trip!!!! Looks like you all had a super time!!!
You are quite lucky to have such wonderful family and friends. It looks like Harper's grandparents were over the moon! Sounds like a lovely time!
You have such a beautiful family...
super fun! love all the fam shots...and the merry go round playground thing...sorry! super fun times!!!
Sounds like a fantastic trip!! I'm glad that you had so much fun! And so sweet about Father's Day! Almost made me cry!
looks like a really fun weekend with your friends and family!
Everything is an adventure with a baby! It looks like you had a great time. How's Harper doing in the night? Evie is getting better which is great because Mommy is so tired! Great post!
AWESOME POST Kelly! I loved reading about this. Scott's parents seem wonderful and what awesome grandparents! Great photo of H in orange...adorabe! You look fabulous too and wear motherhood well girl! Have a great weekend! Happy Father's Day to Scott!
That old hamburger joint looks like Whattaburger in Russellville! Love that place and their fries in a bag! We live a little over an hour away from Russellville and always have to eat there when were out that way!
Harper looks adorable in orange!
What wonderful memories of a jam-packed Father's Day weekend. So thankful everything went so well!
And thankful Scott had a great 1st Father's Day!
LOVE the old merry-go-round:)
Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22
What a wonderful weekend girl spent with the ones you love, can't beat that!!!! :O) And Harper is precious as always!!!
It's great that you and Laurie and your husbands are such good friends. That's so special!
I loved the "sip and see" idea.
Your mother-in-law did a great job getting that together.
Harper is one loved little girl.
The naked picture is adorable.
Sounds like y'all had a wonderful weekend.
Happy Father's Day to Scott!
OMG gotta love some Chik-a-dilly! It is such a small world. I have been reading your blog since you were pregnant and I had no idea your hubs was from Magnolia! I grew up in a little community not far from there, Mt. Holly, but I went to college in Magnolia. It is a great little town!
very cute post! Isn't it fun with friends and family!
Check out my gracious giveaway for the week:)
Enjoy your day!
I love Magnolia! Picadilly, Magnolia Bake Shop, Spudnuts, and my personal favorite, Backyard Barbecue! Such a sweet town. My hubby's grandparents lived there and both passed away a couple of years ago, and we so miss visiting! (You'll have to ask your in-laws if they knew Todd and Dot Landes on Dogwood Drive!)
oh my goodness that fruit tray alone makes me long for a good trip to my home town... it's summer in the south!!!
harper is such a beauty. :)
Wow, you are brave people. I have yet to make the trip to NWA from LA with my two yet. Was that Waterburger? We love that place and I agree about the decor. I'm glad you all had such a great visit to Magnolia.
I was wondering where you were since no post for a few days!
I love that last picture, too sweet!
wow, that's a mean looking fruit tray. I'll have to copy that for my son's birthday!
I'll take a whatta cheese please!!!! hahaa I sooooo can't believe you guys were in MYYYYYY area this weekend!!!! I now wished i would have had whatta burger for lunch!!!! But the little man INSISTS on going to the "train place" I am sure you know what i am talking about!
I loved the term " little sip and see", but somehow I don't think it was that "little"! The food table was worthy of a spread in Southern Living!
Wow! It looks like y'all had a fun time! It also looks very busy! The pictures are so cute. Sounds like all the kiddos did pretty good for such a fun weekend!
Glad you had a great time on your trip! The orange outfit on Harper is too cute!! Hope Scott had a great 1st Father's Day! Happy Monday!
Wow, too funny, we also did a trip this weekend to Pigeon Forge, TN. We also felt like the Clampets. We have a Yukon so my sister did all the sitting in the main back, and like you said, once in there, you are stuck. I almost closed her head in the door several times after I would get out because I kept forgetting she had to climb around and get out on my side. Aidan did the same as Harper, had a meltdown about the last hour of the trip, cranky, hungry, diaper soaking wet and just done with us all.
Wonderful Post! Love all of the pictures!
yum is that whatburger? so good! harper has the cutest clothes!
Mmmm...Now I'm craving Whattaburger! Love that place. It looks like y'all had a great trip! Harper looks adorable as always. So glad y'all made it back safely!
Looks like a GREAT weekend! :)
What a great post! Harper will love this when she gets older.
Kelly, what you wrote about Scott at the end of this post has me in tears. What a beautiful tribute to the men in Harper's life!
Sounds like a wonderful weekend! It's hard to travel with kids - but worth it. What a sweet tribute to your husband!
KELLY! You got so skinny!!
"He went there to read a letter, meow, meow, meow!" I haven't met anyone besides my Texas friends who know that song! Hilarious!
Love Harper with the orange bow!
Does the March of Dimes focus mainly on premature babies or all disabilities?
I love reading your blog. I have a blog but rarely update it, but I read yours everyday. Harper is so beautiful.
Looks and sounds like you had quite an eventful father's day! So much fun! Did ya'll go to Whataburger? That looks like Whataburger from the pictures-it is so good! Harper looks just beautiful in her little outfits :)Much love, Becky
First of all... HAPPY 1ST FATHER'S DAY to Scott!!! It is always so sweet to see him holding her. She looks so tee tiny when he is holding her, too!!! It's so precious, and I love it...and I don't even know y'all! Haha! And this is my kind of post...lots of beautiful food! HAHA! Goodness...looking at those steaks (and not being able to eat one) is more than I can handle. That fruit tray is about the prettiest one I've ever seen. And that is so sweet of Harper's grandmother to host a sip and see for that little precious up and comin' Southern belle! ;o) Bless her baby doll heart!
I LOVE What-a-burger and seriously...all the pics of food in this post make me SO HUNGRY! I swear, breastfeeding is making me a bottomless pit when it comes to food!
So glad you had a fun weekend and a safe road trip!
I LOVE Harper's orange bow...I have been bow shopping for AK and I think it is my new obsession!!!
Traveling with a baby is just a whole different ball game isn't it?? But ya'll did great!! I know Scott's parents were so excited to see Harper. My sister-in-law is from Little Rock and she was the first person I ever heard talk about a "sip-and-see"! haha I love that picture of Harper in her big orange bow. You should frame that one! :)
Happy 1st Father's Day Scott! (the day after)
It looks like you had a wonderful time. You always have a great smile on your face Kelly.
love, love, LOVE harper's little orange outfit! so stylish!
Looks like you had a great time this weekend. Always great pictures of Harper!!
Check out my great giveaway. You would love this product.
Lisa :)
I know this has been asked a million times, I am sure, but I must have missed it. Where do you get the giant bows for the headbands and the headbands for that matter. I love them, but I can only find small ones. Are there any stores that aren't online? Thanks!!!!
Glad you had a good trip! And Miss Harper looks great in orange! That picture of her is so cute!
What a fun weekend! I love that big bow on Harper. I wish I'd had some of those for my baldy baby girl back when... (but we just got her ears pierced instead, and then people didn't think she was a boy)
Hi Kelly,
I am a secret avid reader of your blog. I started reading it soon after you gave birth to adorable Harper, the miracle baby, and I have been reading ever since.
I am envious of your family and the beautiful home you have created (however crazy it is!) with God and Jesus as the foundation. It is really, truly inspiring.
I have a blog of my own that I would like to "update" with a new look but am unsure where to go for templates. Who designed your blog if you don't mind me asking, or did you do it?
Thanks so much for sharing your life with us. It's really a beautiful life!
Oh and P.S. I live your southern life vicariously through you. I am from Canada, the great white North and have always loved the southern lifestyle--Steel Magnolias being one of my very favourite movies! I even bought a Paula Deen cookbook..actually two of them!
I've never heard of a 'sip and see' before! What a marvellous idea! :-)
I am hopping over to your blog from my daughter, Lana's blog. Your daughter is beautiful. What a trip you guys had with all those babies. What memories. I can't wait for grandbabies!!!!
Looks like you ate at Whattaburger!!! Yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where did you get your cute green top that you have in the picture????
Soooo nice!
Sounds like such fun times! One of my very good friends (John Bland-former Razorback QB) lived in Magnolia and Coached there years ago. I visited and really loved the town-but I am a good Southern girl and I pretty much love every Southern state. Arkansas is no exception I loved tooling around University of Arkansas too!! (different trip)
I still enjoy reading each entry of your blog and seeing all of the beautiful pictures of Harper. She just gets cuter each day and I can really tell you have lost your "baby weight". It is great to read all about your family love and shared events with
Hugs to all !
( Alabama )
Mom, Dad and I stopped at Whattaburger on the way up to Fayetteville on Saturday. We sat in the same both that Scott and Steve sat in. My Dad played football at Tech, so he's been eating there for years. He knew the original Mr. Feltner. How sweet of your mil to give yall a little party. Missed you this monring! Are yall better?
Just got home from Italy and am catching up on your blog.
I think you went to Whattaburger in Russelleville! MY FAVE! My grandparents lived in Ozark so we always stopped there driving from Little Rock to see them and had burgers and shakes. YUM!!
Kelly, I want to encourage you to find out more about MOD before you support them. I heard from a crisis pregnancy center several years ago that they were on the "do not support" list. I called them myself and was not pleased with what I found out concerning their abortion stance. I would encourage you to check it out. If you would like to e-mail me personally, my e-mail is smmclemore@comcast.net --
That's what you call a cute baby! So glad I found your blog! :)
Susan @ www.peanutpetunia.blogspot.com
not sure where to put this prayer request but thought here. I'm in canada and there is this lady that goes to our chruch and our small group has been praying for her for quite some time. We also gave her a shower. She is a single mom and had a baby 8 weeks ago. The mom has postpartum depression . So bad that the baby has been at different places each week for the last couple of weeks. Recently a couple from our chruch who has been done having kids for 5 years took on the responsiblity of taking care of this baby for what could be 6 months. The mom does have visits but supervised. For protection I guess . Father is no involved as far as I know from day one. I've been brainstorming as to what I can do like borrowing my baby stuff I need some yet as my baby is the same age as Harper. Orgazing outting a basket of stuff together from our small group. Like diapers and formula. Just asking for prayers for this Baby ella. We live in canada so hard to help out. Pray for the mom too and the couple taking care of her.
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