I had to share this video - I was getting ready this morning and Harper started blowing rasberries. It cracked me up. Please ignore my EXTREMELY loud annoying laugh.

Who is watching the Bachelorette? Last night she took the guys on her 3 dream dates - zip lining down a huge building, western movie sets and a car museum. Really? Those were her ideal dates? Not sure about Jillian. ha! I was wondering......I know most of you are married but if you weren't and YOU were the bachelorette (or if you were planning a dream date with your husband) - what would it be? I know for sure mine would NOT combine climbing tall buildings or car museums. And if you ARE single - I'd really love to hear........!
Mine would obviously be an SEC football game, shopping in NYC, and maybe just good old Chili's and a round of putt putt.
Right now ....... just eating together at the same time at the same table would be amazing. ha!
P.S. Jillian wasn't my favorite last season but she is really cute. She has amazing style. She is kind of my fashion idol right now. If I was only that tiny...........I'll keep plugging on the Crystal Light. ha!
I am the first wow!!!!!
A nice romantic dinner at a cute restaurant, shopping and just riding around on a warm summer night.
LOVE the video of harper!
love the video of Harper....
I'll be married 13 years this year and my favorite is just dinner with the hubby... Just being able to chit chat about anything.. doesn't matter what! Love it!!
Harper is so precious! I love it when they discover cause and effect. Too cute! My dream date with my sweet hubby would be a trip to the lake, maybe a nice walk on the beach... so delicious (WARM) food, and then some QT with him watching one of our favorite movies! Ahhh... the good ole' days! Ha! The good ole' days have just been redefined a little huh?
Single girl here (well, single but in a long-term relationship)! If this fantasy date was all about me, it would definately involve some jewelry shopping. And I agree with going out to Chili's. My boyfriend hates Chili's (I know - how can we be together?), but takes me on my birthday. Of all the places in a big city to go...I choose Chili's!
So, long story short, shopping and food would be a dream date! But def not ziplining or car museums.
That is the cutest video! Too funny! I am a huge Bachelor/Bachelorette fan. My favorite guy for Jillian is Jake! He's too cute! I would love to have a nice romantic dinner possibly over looking the ocean. And afterward take a walk down the beach at sunset. Now I just need to find a guy! Lol!
Have a great day!
I been maried too long to think about dating LOL been married 52 years after a 3 week courtship, then eloped (I was only 16) so we must of had some perfect dating.
The video was great!! So happy that your dream of being a mom came true for you.You sound like you are enjoying every minute of taking care of your baby.
I'd love for my husband and I to go shopping for cute outfits then have our own photoshoot... In NYC!
Hi! Love the video! Too cute! My ideal dates would not be what she did either- weird. I'd want to go to a football game as well as you- have a romantic candle lit dinner with wine on the beach, and/or be in a secluded area(the beach again) having someone like Rascal Flats singing, just dancing in the sand together! :)
Hi Kelly! The Bachelor/ette is my all time FAVORITE reality show-hands down!! Jillian was also not a fav of mine last season~my pick was Mel but we all know where that went! But Im with u- Jillian is actually really cute & I love her style too! I liked Sasha...maybe its bc Im a Texas gal & he's tall, dark & handsome, i dunno but i was shocked she let him go. Anyways dream date--shopping in NYC ill agree.. a big fancy dinner & then heading to a COLTS football game ;-) hehe a girl can dream!
I loved the little video. She understood when you were asking for her to do it again, she's a smartie!
My husband and I like five star dining but we enjoy going to the movies too. If someone else was paying for it and we had an unlimited budget I would turn our date into a cruise or a shopping spree at our favorite stores!
Those would SO not be my choices. I would like a picnic on a beach, lunch on a sailboat, or going to an NFL football game with 50 yard line seats and hot dogs.
Babies blowing raspberries is always cute!
As far a dream date goes...I would just be happy with a night to go on a date anywhere!!! We've only been out alone together four times in 16 months!!! No babysitters puts a damper on dating.
First of all Harper is a DOLL! She made me laugh too! :)
My dream date would be to first go shopping for a beautiful dress, then board a private plane and fly to Paris for dinner. Wouldn't that be awesome?!?
Another single girl here! I didn't like Jillian in the Bachelor until the last few episodes. She's so cute and down to earth. My dream date would be a candle lit dinner on the beach or in a nice restaurant overlooking the ocean then a walk on the beach at sunset! Now if I can find my Mr. Right! ;)
Too funny! My ideal date would be a nice night with my hubby just him and I eatting dinner together with both hands, with a full nights sleep!! That would be pure bliss!!! One day one day when my son is grown and out of our house :-) Yes I do wish I were as tiny as her as well! I made the comment last night that she has the cutest clothes and style!
BTW I forgot to say that Harper is just sooo precious!!! I can't get over how darn cute she is!
Your post cracked me up because I have a video of my little girl from about 6 months ago doing the same thing. I got so excited about her blowing raspberries that she still does it to this day. Now there is just a lot more spit involved!! She is so precious!
If it had to be in my home town then it would be have to be one of two things
1. Wild Hockey Game and just walking around down town
2. Going to Gooseberry Falls and spending time taking pictures and hiking and maybe sitting by lake Superior with a candlelit dinner!
Jillian is very cute but i agree that she was not my fav!!
I wish she would have gotten rid of David last night!
That video is too cute! My dream date would be dinner on the beach watching the sunset and then a long walk just being with each other.
I love the video! That is super sweet!
I love the video! Totally cute! You're laugh wasn't annoying at all! I think the same thing of myself when I video Ridley! Anyway, my fav date right now is just going out with my hubby to eat dinner...and tonight it's gonna happen! Ridley's staying with his Aunt Kelly! Yay!
I was watching that cute video and noticed my mouth was open trying to make hers open too! How embarassing is that!!
My dream date!? Hmmm.. I guess my dream date already existed with my ex! We were at a viewpoint at a lake looking at stars talking and falling in love.. That was 5 years ago.
I like dates where i get to know the other person. I would like to go hiking on a date with my dog and him, then maybe at the top of the mountain(what a great workout as well)get out our picknick and talk, hopefully fall in love, then watch the sun set and take a cablecar back down.
That would be fun!
That video is absolutely adorable!
As for Jillian - why in this world isn't David 'outta there'!!! Someone needs to just have ABC's producers escort him off the premises! And Tanner, the one with the foot fetish - eeeewwwwww! I mean, it's okay to appreciate pretty feet, but that guy's just sickening!
My dream date with my hubby. Okay, this is really way out there dreaming, but here goes . . . A suite with a private pool somewhere on the ocean - facing west. First up, dinner at a crazy good restaurant, then a walk on the beach as the sun begins to set, then cuddling on the double chaise on the deck and watching the sun finally going all the way down, and then a kiss, and fade out to romantic music! Bye!
I'm lovin' Jillian's wardrobe too!
I would make the boys either bake with me or watch tv or movies with me. I like laid back interaction.
I liked Jillian on the Bachelor, but she wasn't my favorite either! She is really cute though.
I really like Ed and Jake...but Jake the most :)
I personally would want a "real date" if I were the bachelorette. It's easy to fall in love when you get to have dinner at the top of a building, wear fabulous clothes, and all the jewelry you want! She has got to get rid of the foot guy - he is beyond creepy!!!!
The video is just too cute. Love the little ruffle shirt she has on!
Harper is so so cute!!! But I have to admit I got tickled at you listening to how you got a kick out of Harper!! Sweet Memories and you got it on tape!! YAY
Hummm, I think my dream date would be going out on a huge lake, water skiing and tubing. Then after we were freshened up we would have cheese fondue for dinner and chocolate fondue for dessert.
Harper is a doll, it is great that she can blow raspberries on command! She is so SMART!
Oh, funny...I see your Crystal Light plug and just last week, I decided to quit the Diet Dr. Pepper & buy CL. I used to drink it all the time years ago & got away from it. But,I'm excited about the new flavors. Raspberry Lemonade is really good!
I'm totally with you in loving Jillian's style! I'm taking notes on all her clothing choices each week!
at this point I would be grateful for just any date!!!! hahahhahhaha oh just kidding...........a little! ok friend I had to leave a comment on this one.........i like activity so snow skiing or high ropes would be sooo fun...a little competition is always good.......but honestly i would love a date at a place like Ace of Cakes and making yummy art desserts and then pig out on them!!!! that would be so fun for me!!!!!! then dancing the night away...........hahaha WAIT>>STOP ME FAST .....i could keep going and going haha
ok, love you friend and that sweet baby girl!!!!
The video of Harper is so funny! She is a doll. The last "date" my husband and I had was in Jan. when he took me to the Melting Pot for my bday. It was pretty great. A perfect date right now would be anything that involved eating a good meal and sleeping for for 8 consecutive hours! ;-)
I keep replaying that video cracking up!! Too dang cute!
Such sweet raspberries :)
My hubby and I love the beach, everything about it and we are fortunate enough to be stationed on a group of islands in SC. I would love to go to a local restaurant on the beach, eat fresh grilled shrimp out on the patio lighted by those cute lanterns, and end w/just a walk in the sand right where the water rolls in under the moonlight....But as you said, I'd settle just to eat at the same time at together...we have a 7 month old daughter :)
Love the raspberry phase! Adorable!
Thought of you when I opened my Diet Coke today...sorry. :) I have been trying to drink more water in addition though, too. And only have one dc a day...sad.
I'm doing a giveaway on my site for a 4th of July bow. A bit smaller than Harper usually wears, but thought I'd let you know anyway. :) It has some cute bling on it...
I love when you post videos of Harper! She is precious! And I love hearing your laughs and giggles too of just joying in your daughter.
I haven't gotten too into the bachelorette this time around, but it's fun to think about dream dates. Mine would be all at the beach - parasailing, building sand castles, having a picnic, horseback riding on the shores, finding shells, and ending the night with a nice dinner out on the ocean in some fancy boat or something. (o:
Too cute Kelli! Isn't it just amazing what they discover? Not really sure what my dream date would be! I'll think about that one!
Horseback riding with my hubby followed with a picnic dinner watching the sunset. I'm not a natural riding, but know my man would LOVE it. I also like shopping with my husband, but he HATES shopping, so it is rare when go together...Academy, Costco, and HEB are about the extent.
Why in the world did she keep David-Juan may be a cheeseball, but that guy is just a loose cannon...guess they need the drama.
Hi, Kelly! You are looking so good- not like you have had a baby any time recently!
My dream date happened last year on my honeymoon and I would have the same one repeatedly if I could:
We went to Antigua and stayed at a resort that had cabanas instead of hotel rooms. We were pretty secluded with a private balcony that overlooked the ocean. We had to dress up for dinner, so after a day of lounging in the sun we came in and got ready. We were all dressed up, ate our candlelight dinner by the ocean, and listened to beautiful music from a local band. We sat on our balcony and just watched the ocean and the beautiful sky! It was so romantic...I'd like a repeat, please!
I can't tell you how much I laughed when watching that video. Her eyes just light up. She looks so proud of her rasberries.
I am a Bachelor/Bachelorette fanatic. I don't know who I like right now of the guys. This one is tough for me. I just can't believe that she kept David. He practically stumbled into her arms at the rose ceremony.
My dream date with my hubby would be somewhere tropical definitely, dinner overlooking the beach and then a long walk in the sand. Aahhhh!
A picnic in the mountains. A day long drive. Dinner outside!!!
Harper blowing raspberries is PRECIOUS!
As a single girl, I would love to go out for a quiet dinner and movie, or perhaps a stroll through Downtown Disney, or maybe even shopping in Pasadena with crepes for dessert afterwards. Jillian must be an adventurous and daring girl!
What a cutie pie! She's so adorable :)
I am SO with you on the Chili's and putt putt. I'm such a dinner and movie kind of girl though.
And...love the video...she almost looks surprised every time she does it. So cute.
I am single and at this point in the game, I'd go to the gates of hell as long as it was on a date! No, just kidding. I think dinner somewhere (especially where you can sit outside this time of year or in the fall) and a walk in a park somewhere would be a good date. You get to talk the whole time, have good food and walk in nature! Once you've been on several dates, I love to stay in and make mood in the kitchen; I'd say that's a fave of mine (but no good for a first date). Next to the zipline of course. :0
And it's not natural for ANYBODY to be that skinny!
Chili's and a round of mini golf sound about perfect to this single gal!! Or maybe Disc Golf followed by some frozen custard =o) I love, love, love movies, but there is just no chance to just talk and be... you know?
Well I AM single, so this is probably the first time I get to say YEA to that! haha. My three dream dates would be:
1. Something where I got to ride dolphins! Maybe if they closed Sea World for the day and I then I could pet and play and scuba dive with all the friendly aquatic animals.
2. A Day in NYC to see a few shows, one of which would be Wicked. And dinner at Tavern on the Green.
3. I love Savannah and Charleston, so just about anything at either of those places. But I think the Ghost tours in Savannah are SO romantic and if you get scared he gets to hold your hand and put his arms around you. Haha, I'm such a sap!
But I agree, those were the weirdest "wants" for a first date.
another good option other than Crystal Light, try cutting up different fruit in a pitcher and filling it with tap water, fruit infused water! I always have a pitcher full of lemon or cucumber water in my fridge, very refreshing!
I just absolutely love when my husband and I are able to cook dinner together. This is one of our favorite things to do. Have some wine and talk over a great meal. We usually end up sitting there forever after dinner is over when time allows. All of that is about to change after our baby gets here in August :)
Oh, that video was precious!
My boys were sitting beside me watching and they were cracking up.
Me, a good dinner, putt putt, or a movie...I like waterfront dinner's at Doe's and Fisherman's Wharf in Hot Springs.
def not an adventerous girl. I like my feet on the ground.
I am thinking a nice dinner, a movie, and then night time swimming! But I would settle for dinner at the same time to:) We have a 9 month old.
I agree, Jillian wasn't my favorite from last season either but she is cute. I kinda feel like she kisses a lot? Is is just me:)?
Too cute of a video!
Well I am not single, been married for 12 years and I still have not had my "dream date" come true.
I would love to be taken to a place where you can swim with the dophins. That would be amazing.
I should have my hubby read this as a hint ;)
My dream date (and engagement story if you can believe it--and I'm single, so here's to hoping) would be a Denver Broncos game. I'd love to get proposed to there. But I'd love to follow that up with dinner at Elways (the restaurant, not his actual house) and maybe a trip to Canton, OH for the Football Hall of Fame. If we were going girly, I'd say a NYC shopping trip followed by a NYC Ballet would be amazing.
Single girl here in Dallas.. my favorite dates are the ones where the whole thing is the guy's idea, and involve dinner at a restaurant nice enough that I don't feel overdressed if I dress up, then just chit chatting afterward on a patio somewhere with a glass of wine or something. Maybe throw in a spontaneous movie or something.
I LOVE the Bachelor/ette, but I think Jillian is the one I've had the least in common with. She is a v cute dresser though! How about that one piece outfit she wore with Sasha??
I think your laugh is cute :) And Harper is just adorable!
I am single and for me a perfect date would first of all be a date with a guy I enjoyed/saw potential in (the last few dates I've been on- which I don't go on a lot- have been duds)...second it would probably involve good food, a good conversation and then a walk outside...the last thing that would make my top 3 would be a kiss at the end of the night (not on a first date, though!) :)
Precious precious Harper!
I had to think about this one...my dream date with Charlie would be us driving in a convertible down the coast (any beach coast). Then we find a private beach and have a picnic. We did this on the Road to Hana in Maui and I think of that time often. Loved it!
fun questions - my dream date: Since my husband is a commercial pilot, Id love to take a 777 plane, just the 2 of us, and fly somewhere, both in the cockpit. I've always wanted to see that view. Id like to shop in Paris and eat at one of the cafes - nothing fancy though. HARPER IS PRECIOUS! So wish we lived closer. I'm praying to find good friends here.
What a cute video!! :)
I love going for walks on the beach. So my ideal date would be going somewhere nice to eat for dinner and then walking along the beach as the sun was going down. :)
Thanks for the laugh that was just too cute!!
Hahaha, Harper is such a cutie! And I love that she already understands that you're asking her to do something and recognizes what it is by how you respond. Smartie!
Yeah, those dates...ummm don't sound like fun. Ha!
I would probably want to choose something that we would both enjoy so I'd ask the guy what he was into and see if we could find common ground.
My own ideas:
1. A really fun, interactive and upbeat restaurant...fancy, but not schmancy posh because that usually puts the boys off a bit.
2. Go to a really cool plant nursery. This sounds lame, but I've been so some amazing ones where you can picnic and there's music and of course...he's got to buy you flowers, so it get's an A+ in my book. :)
3. Grocery shopping + making dinner together at one person's house. This one requires that you trust the guy, but it's a really fun bonding experience and it allows you to REALLY get to know someone.
I have done all of these with my man and we're 5 years strong! :)
xoxo Caroline
Kelly, your laugh is as delightful as Harper's new talent! It's absolutely precious to see/hear you interacting with one another. Really.
Dream date- hmm...I'd love to explore another country with my husband. We haven't been to England or Ireland together. He is a lot of fun to travel with. I just wrote about our day between the Greek and Bulgarian borders a couple of years ago- not too romantic, but it's a great shared memory!
Harper is WAY too cute!! Love the video!
My dream date????
Sharing a bottle of wine at an elegant restaurant bar with a piano playing in the background. Then an extravagant steak dinner at a quaint table for two. Followed by a stroll on the beach at sunset.
Harper is so cute :) Getting to be so big!
Her dates sound pretty great to me! How else to see what kind of adventure is in the man? My dream dates would probably be: day out at Six Flags/go-cart racing/batting cages/putt putt. Then I could see if the guy could beat me, and if he couldn't, how they made him act. Can he handle me?? :)
Well I'm single and I haven't had a date in over.. let's see..*counting* 4 years? Did I mention I'm 27??!! I"m just picky! Anyways I don't like loud places or fancy places, so just somewhere quiet where we could talk, maybe the beach. wish there was a beach in indiana!
Oh to go on a date, how wonderful that would be!!! Let's see, my ideal date with my handsome hubby would include picking up something yummy to eat (probably pasta) and taking it out on a boat in the middle of a calm lake surrounded by mountains. We would eat and visit and watch the sun set while cuddling together under a warm blanket. A girl can dream, huh???
Single gal here...I don't know if this is my "dream" date, but I think it's more fun to actually DO something so I think an activity like bowling, or putt-putt, or even him teaching me to do something would be fun. And then eating dinner, of course!
I agree with Kandice. (2 commenter) I would also add taking out a boat on the ocean at sunset. possibly having a candle light dinner on teh boat, or at a romantic restaurant.
I don't really have a dream date off the top of my head. I just wanted to say that Harper is so adorable. That video was priceless!
What a precious angel! She has really grown since I last saw her. Aren't the little things the best! Darling video!
I know Kinley and Harper will soon be great nursery buds!...if we can survive vacation/wedding season and all the traveling it entails! So ready to get back to our wonderful church!
Perfect date post baby: quiet dinner just the 2 of us!
I love hanging with my hubby. A nice quiet dinner and then dancing or going to a NBA game. The wonderful night would have to end in a beautiful hotel room....so I could relax and not worry about what cleaning I need to do...I know...terrible!
Harper is adorable! My 11 month old watched the video with me and he smiled so big and blew rasberries back at Harper! How precious!
Cute video! Isn't it fun watching them learn new things everyday?!
If I could have a dream date w/ my man I'd have a nice romantic dinner, a bit of shopping where money was no object, and then we'd end the night at a romantic suite at a spa resort where we could get a couples massage!
I love Jillian but those would not be my dream dates! But you are right, she has amazing style.
Ha ha, Harper is so sweet. Your voice is super cute! It made me giggle.
OMG - I love the video!! Harper is so adorable - you're one lucky mommy!!
I'd have to say my dream date would be going to fun aquariums/zoos and kayaking with orca whales. I'll have to write that down for Mr. Right. :)
Well, I'm as single as a slice of cheese and, if you want to know the truth, my dream date would just involve the guy calling it a DATE. Like, not "let's-go-hang-out-I'm-going-to-pay-but-I-can't-say-the-word-date-or-I'll-break-out-in-hives" but a real, live DATE called by it's proper name. :)
If it happened to be at an aquarium, all the better.
It is funny you said an SEC game because I am a single again lady and that is exactly what I would pick. We cheer for different teams but at least we both are cheering for the SEC! I would love the whole tailgating before the game and then afterwards dinner on the river. I am from east TN. so I am a VOL fan. Don't hate me. hee hee
Putt putt is a fav and I love going to the mountains and having picnics or hiking a trail.
The video is too, too cute!!! I love her expression when you would start laughing.....she looked like she was thinking, "well, if it makes her laugh, I'll try to do it again!" So funny!
My 13 month old son heard the video of Harper and tried to grab the computer off my lap. I replayed it for him and he just laughed and laughed. It was so cute!
I love the video!! Too cute! OK--I've given this a ton of thought, but my favorite date would be attending church together, then heading to the lake for a picnic lunch, and just strolling the boardwalk later....PERFECT!!! I'll keep praying though...LOL!
As a single gal, my dream date is something really simple, I need to focus on getting to know the guy!! A nice dinner in a quiet restaurant, or dessert and a latte at a quaint coffee shop, walking around a park, or hiking. Football/baseball games are good too. Speaking from experience going to the movies is a bad first date...how are we supposed to get to know each other if we can't talk?
I also like Jillian's style, but you have to remember she probably has a team of stylists, hair, make-up, etc. putting her together. I just have to say the feet guy (can't remember his name) kinda creeps me out!
What a great video! You are so blessed to have such a beautiful baby girl. Thank you for sharing her with us!
Being the huge Auburn fan that I am my dream date would be Alabama vs. Auburn football game. I want to see those two play in Jordan-Hare stadium someday. That is def. a life dream of mine!!!
My dream would be a simple dinner then a motorcycle drive on the coast. We would stop for ice cream (Coldstone!!) and eat it on the beach, then continue to drive until the sun went down. Sigh...
I had a really bad day at work today and Harper made my day!! Love the raspberries..Thanks for sharing....Jo
Dinner at a romantic restaurant with good wine and well-paced service (i.e. not too rushed!) followed by a movie at home is my favorite date night with the husband!
Ohhh I love that video!! She is sooo cute and you have the CUTEST accent!!!
Harper's video is the perfect ending to a great day. Dream date-Stroll on the beach, ice-cream for two and dinner and a movie. Doesn't take much to make me happy! Just my sweet hubby, anywhere, any time.
The video was way too cute.
Romantic date... My husband and I love to go to the movie expecially the ones where the arm rest moves so we snuggle during the movie. or riding our horses together. Nothing special just getting to spend some time together.
I would love to have a picinic out in ur pasture under a shade tree but I am soooo afraid of snakes. So it probably will not happen.
My dream date with my hubby would be walking on the beach and having a candle like picnic on the beach at sunset.
I love, love that video! I was laughing out loud! I feel like I know you and crack my husband up because I talk about you and your blog all the time. I agree about the sec football, but I know we would agree about the teams...go VOLS!
As a single girl, I think the dates are pretty right on for how long they have known each other. If this were a first or second date, I would love to hit an NBA game and have a casual dinner.
Jillian was my pick for last season, and now I'm picking Jake for her!!
Right now my dream date would be just time ALONE with my husband. With two little ones, that doesn't happen very often, esp since we do not have anyone to watch the kiddos for a long period of time.
Okay.. in reguards to the bachelorette... what is up with DAVE? He has some SERIOUS issues..I think my favorite so far is Jake (the pilot)he seems like a very nice person!!
Dream Date: picnic dinner on the beach at sunset with no one else around. Watching the sun go down snuggling on a blanket on the sand. Walking hand in hand along the shore in our bare feet and finding shells. Just being able to spend time talking about everything.
And Harpers video is adorable! How did you get her to make those raspberries on command???!!!!
Love the video, and you weren't loud at all, you are just a proud Mama and that is fine!
I admit I'm watching the Bachelorette. I love those "mindless" types of shows.
A favorite type of date I used to go on with Shawn was getting up early on a Saturday morning, going out to breakfast, hitting the mall holding hands, then going home and just spending time together. A perfect date. Oh to be able to have that back once again.
I honestly don't know what my dream date would be... I'm with you, a quiet and uninterrupted dinner with hubs is what I dream about! :)
As far as who the best guy is, HANDS DOWN it's Jake. But I don't know if he's the best one for Jillian.
You are an Amazing mother!! I love following your blog and Harper is precious!! My dream date with my husband of 5+ years (if money were not a factor) a plane ride to see the sights, romantic dinner at a great seafood restaurant on the East Coast and eating ice cream while taking a stroll on the beach! ha! I can dream can't I ;)
My dream date would be a day swimming with the dolphins, which my wonderful husband planned for me when we went to Hawaii on our honeymoon! We were in O'ahu and swam with the dolphins at the sea life park. He's a keeper! ;O) Also, another dream date w/ my hubby would be a romantic dinner & going to see my favorite Christian singers in concert! We love concerts... esp. ones where we can worship too!!!
I'd have to say my dream date would be dinner at Logan's Roadhouse (my favorite-the rolls are the best!), a Colts football game, and then sitting outside talking under the starts (possibly with some ice cream involved:). In all honestly right now I'd take a fifty cent movie and a ninty-nine cent burger at Wendys if only I had the man to go with it.
That's another story all together though, lol.
After 7 years of marriage and 3 kids I would love anything that involved a full nights sleep and an uninterrupted conversation or two! I've been the Bonaventure Hotel a few times when I lived in CA and there is NO WAY I would ever go down the side of that thing!
Jillian dresses cute and I love her hair - I'm about to freeze frame the tv so I can take a picture into my hairdresser!
Okay, completely single girl chiming in here ... I've had to think about this one, and I'm not convinced this would 100% be my choice for my dream date - but it's all I could come up with right now.
I would love to go to a Milwaukee Brewers game at Miller Park, tailgate before the game with the fam, after the game go to the campground (we have an RV) and grill out for supper, take a long walk, and top off the night cuddled by the campfire.
At least, that would be my actual-reality-affordable dream date. My fantasy dream date? It would more than likely involve a beach and Hawaii!
Single here! My dream date would be walking on the beach looking for sea glass and just relaxing. Maybe take in a hockey game cuz hockey rocks and you can't just do "girly" stuff all the time! A great concert and dinner would also be fun! Sheesh, now that I have it all planned, all I need is the date! LOL!
The video of Harper is absoulutely adorable!!! I think she just gets cuter every day!
Good luck with the Crystal Light! I'm aiming to drink more water and less Pepsi/Coke...so far so good on day 2 for me. I hope I can keep going too!
Hmmm...my dream date?? Well, being that I am single...My first dream date would be to go to a low-key bar/grill for dinner & then spend the rest of the evening watching a MN Wild Hockey game...My second dream date would be to a restaurant for dinner that also had a live band play...and maybe take a turn or two on the dance floor to some romantic song...
I'm really proud of you in your efforts to try & drink more water...I do the Crystal light thing too once or twice a day because otherwise it gets too boring. My favorite it the Cherry Pomegrante flavor (Immunity boost).
Thank you for sharing your story...Harper is a very blessed little girl :)
Harper is so cute!
I'll be married 8 years in August. Just to go ON a date would be nice! LOL!
Single girl here. Honestly I've never been on a date. I know it is a shocker. I am just patiently waiting and know that God knows what's best for me and I want to guard my heart from it being trampled on.
My ideal date would be a romantic dinner on the beach that begins just before the sun sets. Living in Oklahoma means that the beach would have to be in another state. :)
Kelly, I love your blog! I so admire the path you have chosen to take being a stay-at-home mom with little Harper. I am a Premier Designs jeweler in Texas, and I have something special I would like to send to you.
I have to agree ... I wouldn't have chose that. Especially after being married 11 years.. I'd have def picked something in NYC or some sort of island/boat. She is beautiful but different. And I have to ask, what do you think of David?????
Harper is too PRECIOUS in that video--LOVE It! Thanks for sharing.
Listening to you cheer Harper on just melts my heart. How precious to heart a mama cheer on her daughter. You know Kelly, I haven't been on a date in 16 years. ahahha, But here in our small town, we have a drive in and it's so much fun to grab a burger and drink and go sit under the stars on a hot summer night.
Single here--never been on a date, either! So...I'd be happy with whatever the guy planned. Well...not something crazy like skydiving, but dinner or a walk in one of my city's fabulous parks or whatever. I always have figured God's in control of everything anyways so....whatever.
I just had to comment on this post! Harper is precious! I remember when Cristian learned to blow rasberry's, I watched and laughed with him just like you did...southern accent and all!
And, what is up with those sad dates? If I was single and had the pull of the show I would defineatly want to watch a Longhorns football game (or a Cowboy's game) from a box (not from the bleacher seats). Afterward, off to Ruth's Chris for a steak and a cold one (yummy, yum, yum)!
I am totally with you on the whole not so much of a dream date to me going to a car museum, or western set .. Ha. I'm thinking more on the lines of a broadway show, shopping in NYC, having a frozen hot chocolate at Serendiptiy .. Or I am all about a walk on the beach of South Carolina or California!! And to some sort of sports entertainment of the boy's own good! =)
Hope all is going well with the Crystal Light challenge, I love CL but somtimes a girls gotta have her caffine fizz!!
Harper is hilarious in the video!! Have a great day!
Cute video!
I did not like her either, but now I do. Love her style also! Thanks for sharing!
Harper is precious! It's so fun to see her growing up and learning how to make her Mommy laugh! haha
I LOVE the outfit Jillian is wearing in that picture. I need to find one similar to it!
I'm single and my ideal dates would be:
4 wheeling up North ...
MN Wild Hockey game & Dinner....
& I've always wanted to try a paint ball course...
Those are my ideas for a dream date! Wish me luck I've got a date for saturday for 4 wheeling up north with a very handsome guy I met at work! Love your blog and Harper is so sweet!
I loved the raspberry video. That was too funny!
Speaking of fashion icons, I'm a big fan of the ruffled collar shirts and dresses that you've been sporting lately. I was at J. Crew last night and picked up a similar style of ruffled top and a ruffled dress. It's a really flattering look. And you look fabulous post-baby! Yea for you!
I just posted about Jillian's style too! Not my favorite season, by far... but I do think she's classy and stylish! Harper is TOO cute for words.
Kelly did you know tonight June 3rd is free Root beer Floats at Sonic from 8pm-midnight??!!!! YYYYEEEEAAAAHHHHHH!!!!
Such a cute video!!!
Loved the video!!
Last season Jillian was my favorite (well. besides Melissa :)). But this season, I am really starting to doubt her decision making!!
For a date, I would love to go to a nice dinner and do some wine tasteing or go sailing! I agree it would not be a western movie set or a car show!
This is not passing judgment on anyone who watches the Bachelor or Bachelorette...I just have trouble watching that show b/c the main person always ends up heavily making out with 2-3 individuals within two days during the end of the season. It's hard to root for someone and get entertainment when they are so promiscuous.
That girl photographed sure is cute...and you are right...she is so stylish!
Last year was the first year I had watched the Bachelor, and I had to watch the Bachelorette this year to see Jillian. I love her style! I hope David and Juan go home soon, and Tanner P is a weirdo!
A perfect date for me would be having awesome seats at an Angel's baseball game, eating hotdogs, nachos, and ice cream. ha. Going sailing would be super fun too.
Harper sure is a sweetie!!
Hmmm, my ideal date...well, after nearly 12 years of marriage and 4 kiddos later, I think I'd like to go on a shopping spree, get really dressed up and go out to dinner on a yacht, then change into the next outfit and head off to a great concert, change one more time and finally hit the beach for a moonlit stroll...with a hired photographer capturing it ALL. It seems that Mama is the one always taking the pictures and my kids will wonder what I ever looked like "back then"- so I want a professional to make me look really, really good- HA You gotta have a few class act pictures of yourself to look back on!!
PS- I heard something on Air1 radio about Sonic and free root beer floats...I don't have details, and I'm hesitant to admit that I don't really know what Sonic is (they aren't up north)- happy sipping anyway!!
HA HA- I just realized that I didn't actually mention spending the date with my husband. Guess after this much time, it's simply a given!!
I have to admit...when I forst saw that picture, I thought you had colored your hair dark brown! :)
I just love these sweet videos of your sweet Harper!
I think the perfect date would be a day in New York City. Spending the day just walking the city...maybe having lunch in Central Park...take in a Broadway show. Top if off with getting dressed up and going to a nice place for dinner!
On the flip side...I'd be happy with a dinner in while lounging on the couch watching 48 Hours New Show or some documentary...medical documentary of course! :)
I love the video! She is such a beautiful baby!
Precious video!
hands down, a round of golf and lunch at the club afterward! :0)
Cute video and I LOVE your accent! :P
My 2 year old daughter was watching with me and she said "watch 'gain mama, baby funny, blow bubbles"...so funny!
Those raspberries are adorable! And such a smart girl doing it on command!
I just found your blog and I love it...I'm 25 and a stay-at-home mom to my daughter who just turned 1. And I have to say, I LOVE the name Harper!
Had to comment on the Bachelorette...isn't it kind of boring this season? I mean, I'm not too crazy about Jillian or any of the guys, the dates are kind of lame...if it hadn't been for the blowout between Juan and David last Monday's episode would have been 1 big snoozefest!
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