Sorry Harper - you are too young to qualify for this YET!
Yesterday's post on dating reminded me that I have had a book give away I've been saving to do and now is the time. As most of you know - I didn't get married until I was 30 and I went to college thinking I would graduate "with a ring by spring". It was a hard time in my life and I know how it feels to want to find the ONE and not know what God's plan is. I know the loneliness you feel and sometimes the hopelessness too. I know how it feels to watch your friends one by one go off like Noah's Ark (two by two). I know how it feels to go to countless wedding showers and buy 200 pieces of China wondering when you will get to pick out your pattern. ha! I know how it feels to wonder if you will always be alone. I know how it feels to go on one HORRIBLE blind date after another. ha! I remember the routine I had of jiggling my keys in my purse and yawning a bunch as he drove me home so he wouldn't try to walk me to the door. ha! ha! OH the stories I could share!
And that's why I pray for you daily.

If you are single and would like one of these books - just leave me a comment and I'll draw on Friday. I'll also be praying over the comments that God would bring each of you a Godly husband soon. I could write a book on singleness myself. I know you feel forgotten and left out - especially at church. You are NOT forgotten here. And you are FOR SURE not forgotten by God. He loves you and has a plan for you.

One last thing - I asked for prayer for this little baby the other day but they have had some major setbacks - please keep them in your prayers.
And a girl I grew up with had a baby yesterday morning, little Holland, and they may be sending her to AR children's hospital today because the baby has excess fluid on her abdomen and they can't figure out why.

Also - how cute is this little girl???? She has a Chiari 1 malformation of the brain. Please be praying for her and her family.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 394 Newer› Newest»I am a single college girl. Waiting patiently on the man God wants me to marry :) Im in no hurr but of course I do want to get married one day! I would love to have one of these books!! I really appreciate your prayers and love reading your blog! Harper is too cute!!
Praying and Believing,
wow's like you took the words right out of my mouth! ha! It sounds like an incredibly interesting book and I think I'll be picking up a copy if I don't win! :)
Hi Kelly,
I just graduated from the U of A, and I've been reading since Harper was born. I'm single and jobless... and always get encouraged by you and your blog. Harper is so lucky to have a mom like you.
These two books both sound amazing. I am an unmarried young woman just hoping that I marry the right man whenever that happens in my life. Its just so hard to KNOW which one is THE one when guys are such liars! At least most of them are NOT all. Anyways I hope I win!
Sara in SC
Thank you so much for praying for us!! I am a single lady in college. I have actually never had a boyfriend. I am usually content because I know that God has someone great out there ready to sweep me off my feet, but I do get discouraged when all of my friends at school and church have a special someone and I do not. I have my own little pity party every once in a while because I just feel like no one will ever come along, but I know I just need to be patient and wait in the Lord...hopefully it will pay off!! Thanks for sharing your life with us! Harper gets more beautiful every day!!!
Single college girl from Oregon here. Would love some lifting words and advice about finding Mr. Right. Thought I had him once, but I guess not :(
Thanks for all that you do Kelly. I am praying for those sweet little ones too!
I've never read any books like the two you are offering, but I'm thinking now may be the time. I dated someone for the past few years, but realized it wasn't the path I should have been on. I'm trying to let God take over from here and lead me to my future husband.
Kelly you are too cute and really stand out among mom blogs because you understand what it's like to be single (so many women marry young and have NO idea!) Thanks for loving us, and praying for us, it's nice to know that you've been in my shoes! :)
Almost 30...single...broke from all the bridal and baby showers...wants it to be my turn...thankful for your prayers!
Oh my goodness, I would LOVE to have this book! I can totally relate to feeling left off of Noah's Ark. I'm trying to be patient so that God can reveal his plan for me, but it can be so hard sometimes. :( Your story about meeting Scott always gives me hope!
I would LOVE and APPRECIATE either of those books! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love reading your blog esp. to see adorable pictures of Harper like these ones, what a cutie patootie with that big bow!
God has a different plan for everyone and everything happens for a reason. I'm so very thankful that I’ve found my Mr. Right :)
These books look wonderful! Your daughter is just sooo beautiful! I just love her little lips!! I think I will have to arrange my sons marriage as well! LOL
I'm turning 30 this year and with each shower and wedding I attend I wonder if any of these people will even remember me when my time comes, ha!! Would love to read these books!
Kelly, I'm single and about to turn 27. Your comments made me laugh, because they are so true. And, like Pamela, I'm broke from gift buying, especially now that we are in full blown wedding season. ;) I'm actually going to college again for my masters, so maybe the "ring by spring" will work the second time around. :)
Really, I'm so thankful for all the opportunities I've had as a single woman the past few years, but like you said, sometimes it's lonely and hard to fit in. I read Candice Watters on and I would also love to read the love languages book. Hope I win!
I would love to enter the giveaway! I went into college with a boyfriend and dated him through my junior year, I thought I had big plans for us and with the blink of an eye God changed everything and reminded me that it is not my plan, but His plan. I sometimes struggle with the fact that all of my friends seem to be pairing off and just when I thought that I had found "the one" I am alone, but I know that this is God's plan and this is the best for me. Thank you so much for your post today, it was very inspiring and both of those books look amazing! Have a great day with your little baby doll :)
As a newlywed I'd love to receive the Five Languages - thanks for the chance to win!
Thank you so much for opening up your life for all of us to read. You are such a inspiration to us all in so many ways. I am a single mom of a beautiful little boy who is my own miracle from God. I married a man who I thought was the Christian man I had always prayed for, only to find out he was not a Christian, he was just really good at acting like it until we got married. I suffered through almost 2 years of sadness and a miscarriage before he left me the day after my birthday last year. I did everyting I could to save my marriage. I knew God could do anything but in the end it was over. I see now what a blessing it was for me and for my son Noah. My divorce opened up many doors for me, most importantly it gave me the opportunity to go to nursing school, which is something I have always wanted to do. It is through his strength and his grace that I make it through it all. Our God is so amazing!! I would love to have the chance to win one of those books, although that first one caught my eye as soon as I saw it :) I pray daily that the Lord will bring a good Christian man into my life and the life of my son. Noah does not see his dad at all, he decided he did not want to be a dad anymore when he decided he did not want to be a husband. I try and explain to Noah that his true Father is in Heaven and is with him everyday. Again, thank you so much for all you do. Always remember, the words you speak might seem small to you, but can sometimes have such a huge impact on people like me. God Bless You and your family!!
Kelly-I've been reading your blog for a while. I happen to be a NICU nurse, so I have been faithfully checking your blog for a while. I'm so happy to see that Harper is growing so well. I really loved this particular post and will be picking up copies of the books regardless if I don't win. Thanks for all your posts and insights.
Hi Kelly,
When I was in college, I watched friend after friend meet and start dating someone. I tried SO hard to be positive, but it wasn't easy. I felt like I would never find someone and used to tell people, "I don't ever want to get married" - it was a defense mechanism to try to make myself feel better.
After the first semester of my senior year (right around Christmas), I broke down. I cried to my mom, to my sister and to some of the older women at my church. They all tried to assure me that I would meet someone, but I needed to be patient. Most of them told me that when they stopped looking, they found their husband. I didn't believe them.
I did, however, start to focus on myself. I told myself that my last semester at college would be focused on getting ready for seminary, strengthening the foundation of my relationship with God and on serving others. I rung in 2007 with a whole new attitude.
Less than a week later - I met someone. And we're getting married in 10 days!!
I never would have known this at the time, but I appreciate my life as a single woman. I had opportunities I NEVER would have had if I were dating someone. I was able to study hard in college and prepare for grad school. I have wonderful friends and we have great stories. And - most importantly - by allowing myself to focus on me and my relationship with God - I met a Christian man who supports me in my ministry, will pray with me when I'm scared, worship with me when I want to rejoice and wants to (if we feel called to) raise children in a Christian home.
It's worth the wait!!
Thanks for doing all you do to encourage single women.
I just love your humor with Harper pictures...HAHA! So cute! She is adorable...if you didn't know ;)
I'm not single.(so count me out for the book) I have my Godly husband, that I prayed for a few years back. I will be praying for all the single gals out there, that are still looking and waiting. They should NEVER give up. I married the last person I thought I would marry. We knew each other before dating and who would have thought I'd marry that wonderful man. Thank you God!
Ennis TX
Goodness I'm so glad you said that about church. The lonliest place ever for me personally. Thank you for remembering us! These books look great!
Brenda Keller
I'm a single mother that struggles with knowing whether the one that has been in my life on-and-off is the "one" or if there's another one out there. Coming from a broken home myself as well as trying to protect my sweet children from any additional heartbreak, makes me prayerfull waiting for my husband.. or maybe I already know him!?
I would love to own one of those books, as I"d like to show my children a loving home outside of the single mother home they currently live in.
Love your blog and Harper is getting so big!!
I've been looking for a new book on this topic to read - will have to try each of them! That is, of course, if I don't win! :)
I am happily married (I too married "late" - I was almost 30!), but I just wanted to tell you how I love that you have a heart for single gals! What a blessing you are!
Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway, I am a college girl waiting for the man God has planned for me!
Hey Kelly! I'm on your prayer blog under "Waiting for a Godly husband". I'm 28 and always thought that I would be engaged by the time I graduated college but definitely by the time I was 28! I am learning every day that my time is definitely not God's time. As I look back, I am definitely glad that I didn't get married right after college; I don't think I would have been the wife that I want to be and I think it would have been pretty hard. I feel like I am ready now... but I keep telling myself that I will find the one for me when God decides it's time. It's harder to remind myself that during wedding season though! I would love to win a copy of the book.
Harper is so precious. I know you could just eat her up! Enjoy that sweet baby girl!
I too have been reading your blog for quite sometime. I love it. You're always so inspirational. God and I have talked a lot lately about the single issue. It is just so hard to not worry about it. Thank you so much for your inspiration. I always LOVE the beautiful pictures of Harper and still pray for her everyday!
I am a single mother of FOUR! How horrible ?huh? Not by choice though. I was married at 21 yrs old to a man that I knew I'd be with forever. After 12yrs of marriage and 3 little boys, he got in the wrong crowd and begun doing wrong things at which point caused him to begin beating me to a pulp! I dealt with the beatings for 3yrs (becuz I loved him and wanted him home with my kids and I) ...UNTIL... I found out he was having an affair with my best friend of 8yrs, who lived 4houses up from us. I had to leave to get to safety and for my kids.
I married again, only 3yrs later and had a beautiful little girl with a man that I know will ALWAYS be the love of my life, however, after one year of marriage, he left me becuz of irresponsibility and he just could not grow up.
Now don't pitty me!!! I have been raising these boys on my own for years and my little baby for 11months and I'm doing G-R-E-A-T....but man do I get lonely. that I aired all my dirty laundry, could you put me in the drawing? LOL!
PS...I'm 36yrs old and have a 14 yr old son, 10 yr old son, 8 yr old son and 22mo old daugher....ALL THE LIGHTS OF MY LIFE!
PS....that picture of Harper could not be any cuter!
I would love to be included in the drawing for these books! They sound wonderful! It is a constant struggle to be patient and wait for my husband in God's timing
definitely the five love languages, sounds delightful!
I would love to win one of these books! I'm sitting in the office right now so I can't cry, but I did tear up when you mentioned feeling left out at church because YES YES YES, I so know that feeling. Our 20s and 30s group is 85% coupled/married. I wish I knew if there was a plan because right now, not knowing is driving me crazy.
Love Harper's facial expressions!! She is such a cutie!!
waiting as God continues to write this story. i'm thankful for those, like you, who understand it.
oh,i live in NWA too. i'm in grad school for counseling at JBU but live in springdale. so fun to know you're from around here.
Hi Kelly! I love your blog and Harper is precious. I LOVE that bow! I'm 25 and single. I really do love my life (I spent the last two years living in Mexico and moved to Vancouver, Canada a few months ago), but so desire a husband to share the adventure with. I've heard great things about both of these books and would love to read them.
Thanks for always thinking of us single gals!
Hi Kelly,
A great friend of mine has been sending me many of the delicious recipes that you post for months now, and today she forwarded me this post (a true testament to her wonderful friendship!) This is the first time I've read a post that wasn't a recipe (don't worry, I just added you to my reader in google), but it really touched me. I just celebrated my 29th birthday and my 29th year of being single (yeah, not so excited about that part). Although I don't think (and my friends often confirm) that there's anything that unappealing about me, I am always the "friend". I seem to have been in this cycle my entire life of being interested in guys who like me as a friend and who end up wanting to date one of my friends. It truly breaks my heart a little bit, because my dream since I was little has been to get married and have a family. Not only has it been a dream, but I feel like its truly a calling. I really appreciate your prayers as I try to trust God with this area of my life and tune out Satan's lies that so easily creep in. Thank you for your encouragement and committment to prayer!
Harper is adorable! Love that headband.
I, too would like to be included in your book drawing :)
Hey Kelly, I have been meaning to buy The Five Love Languages, but winning it would be even better!! I love your blog & try to read it everyday. You are such a special person, it shows in everything you write!!
I am 24, and of course single... I have never had a boyfriend or a relationship, and I am terrified of a relationship but want it at the same time... how much sense does that make!?
Thank you so much for these wonderful book suggestions, Kelly! I have actually read Five Love Languages several times. I can't wait to find a Godly man to try these principles out with.
Well, I debated on writing and entering because I am ~~Ahem~ 50! I was married to a man who professed his faith in Christ and was baptized in our Church, we went as a family to church and church activites and then one day, it just changed and he was foul mouthed and horribly abusive verbally to me! However I was not about to give up and got us to a Christian Counselor, not once but three times till I had absolutly nothing left to give him, and he was so shocked when I asked him to finally leave because he was just damaging our family so much. We had been married at that time for 21 years, yeah, I tried so hard but it was too much for me anymore. It has taken me now 7 years till I am now thinking I would love to find a wonderful Christian man and be married again~~It has been hard to come to that realization that I can be a good wife~~ So, I would love to get the book and if not, I may just go out and buy it...I love your blog and your precious sweet little Harper....Thanks for the contest
I also thought I would go off to College and meet my husband. I am turning 26 next week and am still worried and a little sad I have not found him yet. Love the blog. I read all the time!
Hi Kelly,
I have been reading your blog for awhile and LOVE it! You hit the nail on the head with how I have been feeling about singleness recently! I also thought I would leave college with my MRS. degree, but 6 years and 7 bridesmaid dresses :) later, I am still VERY single and longing, hoping and praying for the day when I will be a wife and mother! In the meantime I am trusting that God knows what is best for me!
You have been such an encouragement to me and I would love to be added to your prayer blog and to read those books!! Thanks!
Thank you so much for this post. I am a single 29 year old, who has been to more than her share of bridal showers and weddings, and I am now starting in on the baby showers. It is hard because I am happy with my life, but long for more. Since my nephew was born, I have had the longing to be a wife and mother. I also wanted to thank you for the church comment, because I feel like I never have that place where I truly fit in. You are always so inspirational and uplifting!
Reece and I love Harper's headband!! It suits her very well (what wouldn't? she is a cutie!) and I am so happy to see that she has just the right outfit to match it! That was the second time I made one like that and I feel like you must be able to tell from its poor craftsmanship! So I will have to send Harper some of the newer flower bands I have been working on! We are also so very glad to see you both doing well!
I never believed in arranged marriages until I had children!!! I think it is the best way to go, but I think getting the children to agree may be another story! HUGS
I'm a 30-something single girl working on a PhD, and I've enjoyed reading your blog, praying for Harper, and seeing prayers answered in her life. This post came at a perfect time for me. Usually I'm content with where God has me, single and all, but I go through phases where I really struggle. And that's where I'm at right now, wondering when or if the right guy is going to come along, and what's wrong with me that I haven't found him yet. I appreciate your prayers for us, especially as someone who's been there yourself and can understand. Thanks so much!
THanks for never forgetting us!
I don't need either of the books because I have a wonderful boyfriend who I am madly in love with but I have read the five love languages and just wanted to comment that it is a very good book and for all the people that enter and don't win, you should go out and buy it. It's really helpful to understand how other perceive love.
Love the pics of Harper as usual!
I'm 27 and single and would love to read these books! I, too, have often felt alone at church. I've come to realize that God is the only one that ever fill my desires, but I'm still looking forward to the day I meet the man of my dreams!
Another "ring by spring" hopeful (I went to Baylor - is this a Baptist college thing?)that just turned 26, and hasn't been married or engaged. I am undoubtedly thankful for the last four years of my life, being out of college and not married. I'm with someone now that I pray is the one, but I've realized over the last year that it's given to God, and only time will tell. Patience is a virtue that I do not have! I appreciate you praying over me here and on the prayer blog.
It's so hard to be ready for the next step in your life, only to be told over and over again that it will happen when you're ready, and if it hasn't happened yet, you're not ready. If nothing else, these comments help me to feel that I'm not alone in a sea of Southern belles getting married at 22.
Thanks again, Kelly, and all the other comments who share a story!
13 is the number of wedding showers I've hosted! 12 is the number of baby showers! 9 is the number of house parties and 8 bridesmaid dresses I own. Bought my cars and my home with SINGLE marked...and don't regret one bit of it.
As I knock on the age of 33 this summer...I know that the good Lord has Mr. Wonderful working really, really hard to be ready for me! But, goodness it gets old somedays.
I met a lovely married lady in the pool over the weekend who said "better to be a sassy single than a bitter bride." So true. I'd wait a lifetime for God's provision rather than to have a husband for Saturday's wedding I'm attending.
Thanks Kelly for remembering the hearts who long...all kinds of hearts. Love you - kate
While I am happily married with a beautiful 2 year old daughter, I would like to be entered into the drawing for the book. I would like to give it to a friend of mine who has never been married, but would very much like to be. She just can't seem to find the right guy.
P.S. Harper is such a cutie!!!
My mom always said that "Good things come to those who wait." This must mean that the man I will marry is perfectly tailored for me....Not necessary perfect, but imperfectly perfect
I've read the love language book, but the one by Candice Watters looks great! If I don't win I'll probably pick up a copy anyway!
Kelly, I LOVE reading your blog and just KNOW we would be friends in real life. =)
Harper is just presh. Hope y'all are having a great day!
This post describes exactly how I feel so often. I am so excited for this giveaway!
I'm a single 30 something year-old that has been following your blog since the day Harper was born. I enjoy reading your blog and seeing all the great pictures and videos of Miss Harper! Either of the books would be great if I am chosen as a winner!
Oh Kelly, you have no idea how much the concept of singleness has been weighing on my mind lately. I've really been struggling lately to accept my singleness and have had a hard time being happy for many of my newly-engaged friends. I am trying to be content with where God has put me, but loneliness has been getting the best of me lately.
I feel like singleness is made to be a curse in our society and even in some Christian circles, so praising God for my singleness is not something I've been able to do. We need to come together as a community of Christian singles and support each other!
I am the mother of a single daughter (age 25) who I know has the same feelings you expressed in your blog. I tell her all the time that it's all in God's timing, but I would love to give her the books for some hope and inspiration.
(We have 3 bridesmaids dresses on order for this wedding season and next)
Hi, Kelly,
I am married, but was wondering if you would consider entering my name for the 'Five Love Languages' book. There are a couple of reasons I am iterested. First I teach a class at our high school called Personal Development. A good part of the curriculum is centered on knowing yourself and your relationships with others...especially dating relationships. I am sometimes shocked at the comments made by Freshmen Women (14 year old girls).
Secondly, I co-facilitate our high school youth group at our church. It is called Peer Ministry.
Also, I am a mother of two single young women, ages 20 and 24. You can check them out on my blog if you have time when Harper is napping!
If I am not eligible, I still thank you for your generous give away! Take care ~Natalie
Hi Kelly! I dont know how I found your blog but, thanks for posting this and for understanding, I needed to read this today. You have encouraged me! Thanks for praying!
Hi Kelly,
I didn't get married either until I was 30, so I totally relate to how it felt being single, looking for Mr. Right (Mr. Christian Mr. Right!) etc...I do not wish to enter the drawing for myself, but I work with a Christian gal who is single and 30 and really wants to get married but seems to have no sucess meeting the right one..I would love to give Candice's book on getting married to her!
thank you,
Both of the books look great! I am in the "preparing for marriage" stage, and feel blessed to have found the guy that God picked out for me, but I still love to read books like these, the more biblical truths we can put into practice, the better!
Kelly I LOVE reading your blog. You are such an encouragement to me! I love reading your blog. I give me hope as a 25 year old single woman. haha Please enter me into the drawing!
Yeah, I sort of feel like Kathryn Heigl in "27 Dresses" at this point. I have actually only been in 5 though, but it still feels like more. I hope I win!
Kelly -
Your words are so was as if you wrote my thoughts exactly! I know that you have been in my shoes and its always nice to "know" others who understand. I want to thank you for praying for us single girls...what a blessing you are!
I am a single about dating challenges!! ha! I would love a copy of both those books and will look for them if I don't win!
Hi Kelly! I admire you and your faith so much! I would like to be included in the drawing for the Get Married book! Thanks, Nicci Feathers
Kelly, thank you so much for sharing your life and your Harper w/ everyone! It is so inspiring and fun to read your blogs everyday! I am a single gal not so patiently waiting for my Mr. Right and would love to be included in the drawing! Thanks again!! :)
Get Married sounds like a good read. Thanks for praying for us single gals. :)
Thank you for being sympathetic to the plight of the single woman. I especially appreciate the comment on feeling lost and ignored at church. For a long time I've been in what I call the church "dead zone". I was out of college and on my own at 21 and didn't feel like I fit in with the college crowd, yet I wasn't a young married or a single over 30. In fact, I'm still none of those things. It's not that I don't think I can learn things from older women or married women but sometimes a girl just wants someone who can relate to her!! (Can you tell this has been an issue for me lately???) MY best friends are married w/ kids or in serious dating relationships so I really do feel like the only place I'm needed is at work...and I've off for 15 days. It gives my mind WAY to much time to idle.
Anyhoo, sign me up for one of those books; it would give me something to do!
reading this post is all too familiar :) i am 26 & single, went to college with "my plan" of how things should've played out, but apparently God had other plans for my life & i am sooo thankful! i truly believe that God has a man out there that he is preparing for me & i know for sure he is doing quite a work in me to be his wife! There definitely can be some pretty discouraging times so I would love to win this book. I've heard of it before & it looks like a great read!! I've read the 5 love languages, but not the singles edition. Looks great!
Thanks for praying & thanks for posting!
I love that bow H is wearing! You are so sweet and have such a heart for others :)
I'm a single young Christian chasing after God's own heart. Of course I would just loved to be married but my time will come. It's so hard to be patient when all my friends are getting married and having babies of their own.
I am a long time reader but don't think I have ever commented. :) I am one of those single ladies. I am only 19 so I feel that I am to "young" to ask for prayer about my future husband. I pray for him often and write letters and cards to him. I have been doing that since I was about 13. All I have ever wanted was to be a wife and a mommy. If that is the only dream that comes true I will be completely happy with my life. I know God has someone for me but as you said watching friends around you get married and have babies. Heck even start dating's a little hard. I dream of the day when I will start planning my wedding. I even sit and wonder how we will meet. I know this is a long comment but It felt good to talk to someone about it. I sometimes put on a front and make sure everyone knows that I am strong and know that God has a plan. And while that is true, sometimes I am weak and just need to talk to someone. Thanks for thinking of us and I am blessed to have someone in my life (blog life :)) that really knows how I feel.
Oh and I am a HUGE Gator Fan and love the SEC as well. Of course if I had my choice I would be walking down the aisle to Tim Tebow. :) Anyways...thanks for sharing the books and if I don't win I will probably buy them. :)
Lots of Love, Dani
I'm a single 27 year old. I happily serve as director of Children's Ministry in our church. I love my life, but I definitely cannot wait to share it with someone special. This has not necessarily been my plan, but I am waiting on God and refusing to settle. Thanks for your prayers! :)
Kelly - I have no use for your books - except maybe to give them away to some single girl. i just want to make a comment that I talked to Holland's mom (the baby you asked prayer for) and although she does have some fluid in her abdomen, she is otherwise very healthy and should be just fine in a few days.
Your very married dad
Thank you! It is hard out there!
I'm a single college girl. I've known all my life that I want to be a wife and a mom. I trust God has a plan!
From that picture, I'm not sure exactly what Harper thinks about her arranged marriage! Shock maybe? So cute. :)
These books look wonderful!! Thank you so much for your empathy for us who are still single...(and waiting on Mike..HA!). I would love to win this book as I am sure so would everyone else. Thank you for your prayers.
Love you!!
Thanks for sharing your story!
Thank you for your posts the last couple days. Many times I feel that singles don't get validated, I will explain. I could relate with your whole post. I also thought when I graduated college, I would get married that summer, isn't that the natural next step ha! I have now been out of college for 5 years, wow! My family and friends want me to find Prince Charming, I think as much as I want it to happen myself. Recently, I watched a friend of mine that longs to be pregnant, looking at another friend’s pregnant belly. I felt like I could read her mind and began to think how in the church and really sociality people are so understanding to that desire in women. BUT many times with singles, people say well it must not be God’s timing or tell you that you need to find your completeness in God. God spoke to me very clearly that it is ok to long to be married and it is ok for it to hurt sometimes. I know my life is in God’s hand and I find peace & hope in that!! I am not forgotten. Thank you!!
I would LOVE to win! Thank you for praying- it means so much. And it means a lot to have someone who truly understands :o)
I would love to read one of these. Thank you for giving them away! :)
I love reading your blog!! It's so uplifting!!
I would Love to Win one of the two books! Starting to get down on myself and being single (while everyone i know is in a relationship or getting married)
Hi Kelly!
I'm a 26 year old single girl in WI! Have you ever seen the movie "27 Dresses?" That is basically what my life has been for the past few years. Everyone is getting married and I'm always standing at the front of the church..but not as the bride!! I don't get down about it first love and most important relationship is God. And I know HE will bring me my husband when He knows I'm ready!
I stumbled across your blog a few weeks ago and have loved reading all your posts :) I recently turned 24 and am a single girl trying to figure out life and relationships. I think both books sound very interesting-especially the love languages one!
P.S. This is the first time I've ever commented on a blog-so exciting!
Thank you very much for praying for us single girls. I am actually a wedding planner so I work with happy engaged couples on a daily basis. While I love my job, it is difficult seeing the happy couples and wondering when my time will come. I know God has a plan for me, I just have to keep having faith.
I would love the chance to win one of the books. I saw on your blog the book Lady in Waiting. I recently read the book and enjoyed it so much I bought another one writte by the same author.
Thank you for your encouragement!
Kelly- I'm always so encouraged by your blog and your testimony! Thank you for always remembering the single girls and praying for us! These books look great!
I would LOVE to win either of these books. I am a single mother to a 4 year old. I have never been married but have came extremely close 2 times now. I remind myself each and every day that I am on God's time and all of this is just a part of his plan. But for every struggle I go through, it makes me that much stronger. So, here I am waiting, wanting to be married. Thank you for ALL the words of encouragement.
I am a single college student and I am waiting (not very patiently) for that great Christian guy. Literally ALL (and I really mean all) of my friend are either engaged, married or have been in their relationships 4+ years. It's really hard being the only single bridesmaid, the 9th wheel, etc. I would love one of these books!
P.S. Could Harper be any cuter!!!!!
I just love her. :-)
Thanks for thinking of us singles Kelly. I have a daughter but I have never been married. I chose not to get married "just because". So I am still patiently waiting on who I am supposed to be with. If I don't get selected, def looks to be a good read! Thanks!
Hi Kelly,
The "Language of Love" book sounds right up my alley. My boyfriend and I seem to come from different planets some days! Your story has been quite inspirational to me! Thank you!
I'm not single...but I do have the cutest little boy that will be perfect for Harpers "arranged" marraige...ha! Cruz & Harper...sounds cute together!:)
Love your blog, Kelly!! I'm a U of A girl transplanted in Chicago and my heart belongs to the Hogs :) I'm a newlywed, and I'd LOVE a copy of the 5 Love Languages!! Thanks for all of your uplifting and encouraging words!
Hi Kelly!
I am a single college girl at the University of Alabama! I am graduating next spring and it kills me watching all of the other girls my age getting engaged and making wedding plans. Thank you for praying for me and the other girls who long for the day we meet our Godly husband! I would love a copy of the book so definitely throw me in for the drawing! Thank you so much!
Sounds like a really interesting book!! So I am gonna add this comment and cross my fingers!! :)
I live in Germany though!! ;)
so true! the church does seem to forget about us single gals! thanks so much for pointing us to these books!
I've heard of both of the books, and would love to win one!!!!
I'm 35, single, living in NYC. You would think with 8 million people in this city, I would be able to find a nice guy!!
Thanks for praying for us!
My beautiful single daughter really needs to read some good inspiring books on this subject. She does so well at accomplishing any goal she sets her mind to except for finding the man God wants her to marry. My fingers are crossed!
Kelly, I am a single girl and I would love either one of the books!
Hey Kelly,
I am not single, but my best friend recently broke up with the man she thought she would marry. She is 29 and having a VERY hard time with the break up because she just hasn't imagined herself single, at this age. This book would be wonderful for her. Even if I don't win, I will go out and get her one.
i am also a single girl would love these books
Kelly, it is so appreciated that you are praying for us single ladies! It feels especially great since you know what we're going through. Sometimes it really feels like everyone who is married doesn't remember what it's like anymore! It sure can be rough! So thank you for your prayers. I'll be praying for everyone else here, waiting for their godly husbands!
I'd love either of those books! My sister has been feeling like this lately and 2 of her closest friends were engaged this week.
My (older) sister is single and patiently waiting for the man that God has picked out for her. I would love to share this book with her! Thank you so much-
In true single girl sentiment, I would appreciate the books, but love a husband.
Although, I actually DO love my husband, I just haven't met him yet. But I do pray for him everyday... and pray that God is molding me into the wife I am supposed to be!!!!
I really do love your blog!!!
I think it is great that you are praying for the single ladies. Everyone has to remember that God has a plan for each of us!
I was very much a career woman-focused on reaching my career goals and being successful. I did it!! Then I got married in my 30's--wouldn't change a thing.
I really think everyone should wait till at least 30 to get married.
Hi Kelly,
I am a single college girl. I attend Texas A&M University and I am waiting to find Mr. Right. Sometimes I think I will never find someone. Thank you so much for thinking and praying for us! Those books sound great!
Thank you!
I, too, am a single college student (like some of the other commenters) and am patiently (okay, maybe NOT so patiently haha) waiting for prince charming to come along and sweep me off my feet! i've never even been in a relationship and its SOOO disheartening considering the ONE main thing I want in life is to be a mom! I can TOTALLY relate to much of what you wrote in this blog and i absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE (did i mention love?) how you care so much/pray for/are understanding of how it feels to be in this position!!!! i would be thrilled if i won one of the books! cant wait to find out whos the winner!
p.s. i hope we dont need a blog site to be a winner? i comment often enough so i hope this works :)
-megan from wi
I am grateful for your prayers - as a just turned 30 and still single young is nice to know there are happy endings out there - gives me hope. I sure would like some hope in written form!!!
This post made me smile! Thanks for thinking of the single girls! :) I haven't read either of those books yet. You're too sweet!
Thanks for thinking of us single gals!
Both of those books look so awesome and what you wrote about being single is so true! I will be 30 in February and oh man - it has been a long road of TERRIBLE first dates and feeling so much like I will never find anyone. I think my family has been praying for me to find someone for the last 6 years - at least! Thanks so much for your blog and the chance to win the books.
I would love one of these books...and to gtt married! 27 and still waiting...Thanks for your encouragement!
Becky K
I dont know if I am eligible for the give away but I would love to be able to give this book to my best friend. She is am amanzing girl that is longing for love and alwayts attracts the WRONG guys. She has a baby and that makes it even harder. I keep reassuring her though that God has someone already in mind for her, and hes just not ready yet!
I am 26 years old and go in and out of seasons of contentment and discontentment....daily trying to trust that God truly does know better than I...
Bobbie B
Hi Kelly,
This is the very first time that I've read your blog and I have been starting to feel like my time will never come. I'll be turning 26 in less than a month & have always thought I would be married by now. God truly has a way of confirming that we need to seek Him first (hence me being introduced to your blog!).
I'd love to read this book & look forward to reading your past & future posts. God bless you!
Hey Kelly,
I'm not sure if this contest is open to Canadians, but both of these books look great.
I always enjoy reading about your family! Harper is such a cutie :)
30, single and not so loving it... but trying :)
My little Isaac would like to apply for the position for future hubby of sweet Harper! A fellow NICU grad and an Arkansan...what could be better! =)
I have a really, really cute two-year-old who would be fantastic for Harper! :)
It sure is refreshing knowing I am not alone in being single!like I'm not "alone" after all. Waiting for a Godly man is turning out to be the single most faith builder I've ever experianced. Thank you SO much for reaching out to us single gals! The books sound amazing!
Just wanted to thank you for remember the single ladies!! It has been really tough for me to see my friends, siblings, and cousins all happily married with kids and not be able to be in the same boat.
I'm a 26 yr old Canadian girl living in London, England...we've just gone through another season of weddings-and my girls and I are praying that this year is THE year. We range from 26 to 31 and we are praying for each others hubby's, getting fit and serving in our church.
Thank you so much for your prayers. I'd love to win one of these books!
and to all the other single girls out there-just keep running hard for Jesus and one day you'll look over and find that the right guy will be running alongside you!
be blessed,
Thanks for offering up these books! I don't know if I qualify or not. I do have a boyfriend, but am wondering if we will ever get married. I watch friend after friend get married, some who have dated a much shorter time than we have. It is hard. I was also single FOREVER and feel very lucky to have found someone. But sometimes I still feel very alone, because I am "just" a girlfriend. Does any of that make any sense? Oh well. God has a plan and it will all work out!
For so long I felt like there wasn't anyone for me, and then God totally surprised me with an amazing Godly man that I went to college with! Never would have imagined that! we're getting married in 10 days and I couldn't be more in love, more thrilled, or more excited!
I HIGHLY recommend 5 love languages for singles. I read that months before Tyler & I started talking and it really changed my view on how I interacted with people. A great book!
Thanks for being so encouraging Kelly! I'm praying for all those single ladies out there b/c I too was single!
~Krista from Sunny Seattle
Single girl chiming in here! I'm thinking if I don't win, I might have to make a trip to the bookstore to buy these books. Some days it gets me down that I'm STILL single, and other days I wouldn't have it any other way!
Right now, even though I so badly want to find the man of my dreams and get married, in a way I'm dreading my wedding. My father just passed away in March unexpectedly, and I keep wondering who will walk me down the aisle. He was supposed to - and I will be the only daughter who didn't get walked down the aisle by her daddy.
But that's a different topic altogether! Thanks for the giveaway, love the pictures of Harper!! You are adorable - and skinny - and I'm so glad I found you blog!
Let me just say...Harper is too cute! I just love her bow that she has on in this post. Do you mind telling me where you got it? I have a 14 month old little girl, who still doesn't have enough hair for a bow, so I am always looking for cute bowbands! =) Also, I've enjoyed reading your blog! It's so awesome to see your love for God come out through what you write!
I am a 22 year old single gal. It is hard watching friend by friend get engaged and married. I desire a family one day, and I pray that God would give me the patience to wait for His timing. Thanks so much for your prayers. I have enjoyed reading your blog and about your sweet Harper. :)
I LOVE the Five Love Languages, but I didn't know they made one for singles!! I am single, out of college 2 years now, in my first job, and in a town I despise and where I know no one, which makes it hard to meet people (the ones I have met (2) haven't really worked out)! These books would be great!
Thank you so much for praying for us single gals :) I haven't heard of the books you are giving away, but I would love to read them! I too am a single girl living in Virginia...just waiting for God to show me His plan! Thank again and Harper gets more and more beautiful each day!
Julie in VA
Oooh ... I'm always game for a good read. Especially in the summertime! I'm 28 and getting ready to start medical school. Oh, and I'm single. :)
okay- so where did you get this flower bow? too cute!
I'd love to win the Love Languages book. That sounds really interesting and useful.
Just turned 25 and the last single girl of all my friends! Would love a good book for the summer!
Hey Kelly!!! I loved the new pictures of Harper, she is a cutie-pie. Everything you said above sounds like me. And yes, I can't wait to pick out my china. SO here is my comment, I hope I win, please continue to pray for me.
You have encouraged me in so many ways Kelly, as a 30 year old single gal sometimes it is hard...but you are a constant source of light on that front...Thank You for caring about us :)
I am really interested in the first book and I am going to read more about it now....I love the whole Love Languages series...such great stuff :)
Hi Kelly! I would love a copy of the first book. I am a 27 year old single gal working at a church in what I like to call "family land" everyone my age is on baby two or three! Did I mention I also have 6 weddings in the next three weeks...whew....Thanks for praying faithfully for us single gals....
Thanks so much for continuing to support all of your "single ladies" that read your blog. I am a college student who came to college with a boyfriend, and with my life planned out- or so I thought! Yes it was planned- but they were my plans, not Gods! He needs me to work on my relationship with him before I find one with another boy!
My two roommates and I are all single, and we would love to have a book to pass around! We have so much fun looking at cute pictures of harper! She's adorable!
Thanks for all that you do for us!
P.S. Now you have a friend with the same letter! Holland!
Not only am I single, but I'm a single mom and I have been praying for a God fearing man. I've never been married and I would like to be married by the time I'm 30, so I do have 3 years. I've always thought I would get married and then have children, but it didn't work out that way, it wasn't until i found Jesus and realized i did everything backwards but i'm ready to do it God's way now, it just a matter of being patient. Hopefully this book will help me get there.
Thank you Kelly for being so considerate of us single gals.
Discovered your blog thanks to Candice's referral! So glad I did! 27 yr old single girl checkin' in. Thanks for doing this giveaway!!
Don't know if you've found her yet, but this is one of my all-time favorite blogs: Prepare to get addicted. ;)
Blessings on you!
I have a single SIL who is a very Godly woman, but at nearly 37, she's losing hope of finding Mr. Right. I would like to enter her in the drawing for the first book, it sounds like a fabulous read for her.
My daughter is a 32 year old single girl who prays every night for God to send a marriage partner. Thanks for the chance to win a good book for her. I have prayed for him since she was small. I've called him Tim in my prayers but don't know his real name of course. Someone out there has been prayed for a lot!
I'd love either one of the books. I'm about to be 34 and am the big sister whose younger brother and sister are not only married, but have 4 kids between them!!! It's been a few years since my last pity party, but I can use all the encouragement that is available!
Thanks so much for remembering us, Kelly!! I'm 27, single, and trying to patiently wait on God's timing. ~ Bethany
I would love to win a copy of the first book for my sister. She is 36, and I know at times she struggles with still being single. I would love to bless her and allow God to speak to her through this book. Thanks for the contest!
I have a very special friend who is going through a hard time right now watching all of her friends/acquaintances get married. I would love to win this book for her!
I'm a 34 year old impatiently waiting single Christian woman. Thanks for the books, if I don't win them I'll definately buy them to read over the summer.
Hi Kelly,
I have followed your blog for months now and am soo... excited for you, Scott and Harper!
I, too, waited years to get married the first time. Sadly, my husband passed away suddenly right before our 5th anniversary.
It is encouraging for me to read of others who have experienced times of waiting. It helps me to realize that I am not alone in my waiting.
Thanks so much for your transparency on the internet - not an easy thing, I'm sure.
Here's hoping I won't have to wait too long to get a copy of this book,
Thanks so much for sharing these books! I will be buying one, if I don't win. I long to be married to the one that God has planned for me and I don't ever want to settle just because I am ready! It is all in His timing! Love reading your blog and hearing your heart!
Thanks, Kelly! Even though you are at a very different place in life from where you were in your twenties, you haven't forgotten your journey. That means a lot to me! You are a wonderful mommy and you have a beautiful heart for people who often get overlooked.
I just had you add me and my friend to your prayer blog, and I am just so thankful there are people like you out there. I've had 11 friends get married in the past year and am too broke to buy books, so I'm excited to enter the contest! ;)
Kristy W
Kelly I would love to read the book for single girls! I have been to at least ten weddings in the last year - and a bridesmaid in three! It's hard watching your best friends get married when you have no prospects... and know that you have several more friends who will be getting rings by year's end. Thanks for all you do to encourage everyone - and Harper is absolutely PRECIOUS!
Hi! I am a 27 (almost 28) year old woman trying to patiently wait for my husband :D Its hard watching other women my age get married and have two best friends in particular. Lorie is pregnant with her fourth and Veronica is awaiting her ring to make the engagement official. *sigh* and I'll be heading out into the mission field soon. I'll be honest, I would LOVE a copy of the book, but don't have money to spend on much of anything ;D As for the lovely babies, I just read an article about a handful of college age kids who started their life in the NICU as preemies and they're doing wonderfully now! God has a perfect plan for them! I will pray for the families of all the kids, that the Lord would give them peace and comfort and (if it is His will) healing! Thank you for sharing your struggles and triumphs with us still single ladies!! God bless!
I would love either of these books!Being only 17, I love how straight foward and heart felt your blog is. But I can't wait for the day when I get to met my soul mate. If I don't win, I will ask my mother to check for these books; the next time she goes to the library.
I would love the "get married" book. I'm 26 and have only dated one guy waaaaay back in high school. Ugh. I feel like it'll never happen! Thanks for praying for us!
I am 28 year old single mom. I actually went to Seminary, became a children's minister, got married, had a little girl, and then got a divorce after 2 years of marriage counseling. He was actually diagnosed with a mental disorder and wouldn't take meds. It became unsafe. I would never thought things would end up this way. I know God has a plan though.
I'm a single 26 year old who is trying hard to wait patiently for God to bless me with a man. Some days, I find myself questioning whether or not I will ever be a wife and a mother. All of my friends are now married and beginning families of their own - and even my younger friends are at that stage too. Thanks for the encouragement. Waiting for my day to come...
hi kelly. i'm a Candace referral. i just want to thank you for your blog and for your words of encouragement to those who are single. i am turning 29 this year...everyone close to me has gotten married or is getting married. and in spite of the fact that i am so well-seasoned in being single, i find that i still struggle with it. i appreciate those who have been there, and have survived to tell their stories. and i appreciate those who are still there, with me, and show so much more grace and patience than i ever seem to feel.
pax christi.
Hey Kelly. I'm a 23 yr old single girl from Alabama. I just graduated college, and I'm kinda in that stage where I'm trying to figure out what the Lord wants me to do next. Sometimes I feel like this world was designed primarily for couples. Ha! Especially when it comes to church. I'm very active in my home church, but its small, and I'm one of few singles. Living the single life is tough! I love your blog, and I enjoy reading it daily. My blog title is Lady in Waiting. I remind myself daily that the Lord blesses those who are patient, and have faith that he will bring the desires of our hearts. Your life is a testimony to that very truth!Blessings to you today!
Glad to finally hear of someone who understands how it feels to be single. I'm the last of all my friends to be married. It stinks! I constantly remind myself that in God's time it will work out....but it is still a daily struggle.
Hi Kelly!
My name is Kelley! I love your name! My friend, Kelley, sent me this post today... no lie!! We both have the same name, spelled the same... :o) I am a single 32 year old woman and have been waiting for God to send me the man He created me to spend the rest of my life on earth with... and He is taking His sweet time! I don't know if it is me, hindering the process or if it is my soul mate not knowing where to look for me... what?? But it is taking FOREVER. I am being very patient though. I have been vigilant and steadfast and prayed for God to send him my way and will continue to wait for Him. I know that He has the right man for me and I will let the WORLD know when it happens!
I am so blessed to know that others have been through what I go through with feeling left out at church and with the married friends. I love my married friends, I do... but they do not appreciate what it is like to leave an event, dinner or girl's night alone and go home... alone... to an empty house. Sometimes, I'm sure they would love to trade places with me, but others... I'm sure that they would not wish it on me. Just to have someone to hold me or cuddle with... have someone to talk to and share my everyday concerns, fears, stupid thoughts and laughter with... how simple is that? And how much does that mean to a single woman? The problem is that we should be seeking that in God and we tend to seek it in other avenues and people. That is why single women find themselves in such precarious situations...marrying the wrong man, seeking emotional (and sometimes physical) relationships in the wrong person, and leaning on people (friends, family and others) to provide dependence and comfort that God alone can provide.
Thank you for your blog and thank you for providing me an outlet for a brief moment in my day to vent about being single...
God bless you for reaching out and having a heart for singles... I am in the process of finding a new outlet and finding a new ministry that allows me to meet more singles and grow within a larger group. Unfortunately, my church is broken up in age groups and there is more focus put on on married couples than singles.
Thank you for allowing me to share!!
I love your blog and have to ask, please pray for me. I am 35, never been married and seem to pick the wrong guy each time. I have learned a few things though and can proudly say that I broke up with a guy just a few short weeks ago because I knew it would not work out plus while he says he wants to get married, he quite enjoys the single life. I have learned not to settle but struggle daily as I see I am the only one in my group not settled down with a husband. I truly hope and pray that I will find that one true love who I can share my life with and grow old together. Plus, that biological clock starting ticking in December and for the first time in my life, I can honestly say it bothers me that I haven't found the one yet.
Kelly, if I win the drawing the book would be put to good use. I am dating someone I love, but would love to see our relationship become more Godly. We are both trying and definitely taking steps in the right direction, any other book recommendations you would have would also be lovely. :) Meg
Count me in the single and approaching 30 crowd. Everyone always tells me to enjoy this while it lasts and how they would love to be single again. Well you know what? I think they are smoking crack! Being single is LONELY, especially when you don't live by your parents and your friends from college are spread out across the US. Don't get me wrong I love my Thursday nights Greys Anatomy watching all the girly tv I can without mocking. But I'm lonely. And I long to have the happiness that my parents and my brother and sister in law have.
Kelly - Please include me in the giveaway! And thank you for praying for us single girls. God bless you!!
kelly, thanks for such an encouraging post! it was a reminder that i am not alone in this singleness journey, even though it feels like it more days than not. God is so good at sending things our way, right when we need it! thanks for offering the give-away! have a blessed week!
I turned 30 in December and SO THOUGHT I would have at least 1 baby, if not 2 by now! Waiting is so difficult, but there is also so much joy in the process. God in infinitely good when it comes to His timing. I am looking forward to meeting my husband, but know there is a greater Plan in all of this. Thanks for the shout out to the "single ladies"!!! [Cue Beyonce!]
I would love to win either of these books! I am a 20 year old college student and am really struggling with being single lately. Thank you for the encouraging post! Your blog is one of my favorites.
Thanks for sharing! I may buy a copy even if I don't win!
I'm a single 33 year old in South Carolina. I've only had a handful of boyfriends and have basically given up on the idea of marriage. I'm okay with it because I know God has a plan for my life. It doesn't take away the fact that it's something that I want. These books would be so helpful to me.
Thanks for remembering us single gals.
Jennifer :-)
I'd like to win whichever book God knows my middle daughter needs right now. She's 19. Thanks!
ahappyheartathome (at) gmail (dot) com
I am so single...have been asked numerous times when I will have a boy friend and am waiting for that "special someone" to fall in my life! I would love to win a free book!
Oh wow I would love to win one of those books!
Hi, Kelly! I'm hanging out in MS about to start my pediatric residency! (One of my classmates is heading out your way to ACH...but don't give him any business...keep sweet Harper at home!) Anyway, I find that God has blessed me with being content at this point of my singleness...but that does NOT mean He has taken away my desire to marry. There are days when I long for someone to come home to, someone I can tell about my day at the hospital, someone to just enjoy. As you pray for us as we wait, please pray that we would USE this time to grow near to our eternal and heavenly husband...sometimes I think that's why He is allowing me to remain single right now. Just not too long, please! ;-)
Throwing my name in the ring :) Thanks for a great giveaway and being so encouraging to us girls.
I'm for the arranged marriage! My boy is 5 months older than Harper, just the right age for her ;-)
I love how much Harper has changed since she left the hospital. She is so beautiful. She has been an inspiration to me as well. Watching her grow and live has really encouraged me to do the same.
I am 37 yrs old, a college graduate, never been married. I haven't even dated in 10 years and I wouldn't even know what to do if someone asked me out today. I wonder if God intends for me to learn to survive by being single. Thank you for your prayers!
Ohh Kelly, there have been a couple of occasions where you have hit the tale on the donkey in your post! Ha -- okay that sounds a little strange, but when I read your post just now it was something I so needed to hear. First off, thank you for being so open and reaching out to "us single girls!" .. I went to a Christian university, so of course there was the whole stigma of "ring by spring," I come in and out of contentment in wanting to get married soon but knowing that I and or my future husband are just not ready to meet yet ..
I trust that God will bring him near soon. Thank you for these book recommendations -- I think I might just have to make them some summer reads!
You are an incredible example of using your experience to reach out to others who are going through what you have gone through. The Lord always has a plan -- its just not on our timing, but HIS is much better, right?! ha ..
Loving Harper's headband today -- This little girl has style!
After a broken engagement last summer I am starting a new relationship right now. I can't wait to see what God has in store. I have read the 5 Love Languages but not the singles addition. I would love to win one of these. Thanks for not forgetting us!!
Your encouragement means so much. You truly understand and can relate to the single life. I am 27, all my closest girlfriends, younger brother and now my young friends are married or engaged and some are having babies. While I am happy for them, I just wonder, will I ever be there. Praying too for the Godly husband, but trying to use this season of life to glorify the Lord. Thanks for remembering all the single ladies! Blessings, Ashley in Texas
PS. Harper is beautiful!
I definitely need some perspective on my singleness because my patience is wearing thin! ;)
Sometimes I feel like you can read my's hard to be in my 30s and surrounded by wonderful friends with great husbands and cute babies when I want both of those things so badly myself. Thanks for remembering what it is like.
Hello, I' a little young but still looking into marriage, wanting to find the right guy. Look like an interesting book!! *Gabby
Oh goodness! Thank you for even sharing these books! Even if I don't win... I will totally go out and buy them! I think it's awesome and inspiring that women not feel BAD about wanting to get married. So many people make women feel bad for not wanting to be alone!
Also thanks for sharing the ADORABLE Harper with us! I love that head band btw! :)
Found you from candice's site! :)
Kelly, I appreciated the blog and can relate to much of what you've said. I've enjoyed reading the Love Languages book, but have never read "Get Married". I think it's awesome that you're giving them away!
First of all, if you didn't get married until you were 30 then that means you are over 30 and that is unbelievable! Great for you!
Second of all, I have been following your blog for sometime now, but never leave comments. Until this giveaway, I have been hesitant, but I would love to win one of your books. I am the type of girl that has been looking forward to marriage since as far back as I can remember and can't wait to start a family. I would love to read a book to give me some advice on making sure I am with the right person.
Third of all, I just think Harper is the cutest thing. Your family is so precious. Keep up the good work.
I love that you can totally relate to the plight of the single girl!
Also, Harper's just so darn cute!!!
Thank you, Kelly for helping out the single girls!
Found your blog about a month ago through another blog).
I'm (deep breath) 33.... I am in the very difficult process of trying to adopt a baby. It is a rollercoaster ride.
It got to the point, for me, that being a mom was more important than being a wife.
If the right guy comes along, great. If not, hopefully I'll have a baby.
I would love to win either one of those books, but may end up buying them anyway.
Thanks for the book suggestions--if I don't end up winning them, I just may have to buy them or look for them in my library.
Thank you so much for praying for us single ladies!! Your words of wisdom & encouragement are so meaningful...and fill me with hope that, one day, I too, will meet my Godly Husband.
Thank you for sharing some really good books to read while I am still single.
You and your family are so blessed to have each other. I will be praying for you all as well :)
God Bless,
Please don't put me in the running for the books. I just wanted to add some encouragement for your single readers. I didn't get married 'til 1 week after I turned 35- got pregnant on my honeymoon and now have 3 precious kids- ages 5, 3 and 16 months. And it's so easy to see now how God used those years to prepare me for this. But when I was single, it was so lonely and heart-wrenching thinking I may never get the desires of my heart. I was even a single missionary in Budapest and at times felt angry with God for abandoning me- but of course He didn't! He used that time of loneliness and now I am the most contented and thankful stay-at-home mom you could meet. And I'm married to the kindest man who loves the Lord and is my best friend! It's easy to say now that it was worth the wait- but I know that wait is a hard one when every birthday you feel further from your dreams. I hope my story is an encouragement to those who are still waiting on God's perfect timing.
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