I hope ya'll had a good weekend. We have had the most beautiful weather this weekend. We tried to get outside as much as we could. We also had a few more "firsts" this weekend. Besides Harper's first tooth coming in...............We took our first FAMILY walk at the "park" as we call it. Daddy, Mommy, Harper and Dawson. I'm pretty sure Dawson enjoyed it the most. It was nice to get out and do something as a family of 4. ha!
This morning, Harper had her FIRST day in the church nursery!!!! Here we are before church. Everyone working there said she did really good. Our Sunday School is after church so I went in between to feed her and when she saw me - she flashed the biggest smile. It was the greatest thing EVER. She fell asleep before she barely ate anything. So I took her back and let her sleep in one of the cribs during Sunday School. When we went to get her - they told me she had just woken up and was just laying there so happy and she was. And then I figured out why. She had pooped ALL OVER herself and the bed. Probably the worst blow out of all times. What is it with me and POOP???? ha!
Is this not the cutest little sailor you've ever seen? Her JiJi got her this cute outfit - she looked so precious in it!
Church wore this girl OUT! We came home and I fed her and she slept for 2.5 hours. This girl NEVER naps so we are looking forward to more Sunday naps we hope! ha!
(it looks like she is wearing her bib like a cape. ha!)This afternoon - Scott's aunt and uncle and his little cousin Drew came to visit us. They were in town to see his aunt's brother and his family. I love this picture of Drew - it's so cool with the background all blurred!

Before I move on to a few prayer requests - can I just address a little issue?? If you know me at all - you know I love dresses. Especially in the summer. Last week I got a couple of new dresses at T J Maxx and Target. One of which I wore today. Several of you have asked me how I handle that with nursing. Well - I don't. I am not a fan of skirts and shirts or pants and shirts and I have tried to convert but I miss dresses. So I rebel and wear them anyway. And that works fine at home. But when I get to church and realize that I need to nurse and the only way is to hike my dress up to my neck - it's not a good thing. (Don't worry - I was alone in the room). Thank goodness for the hooter hider (great invention of basically a big drape you put over you that hides everything) and a private nursing room. And I don't want to buy special nursing dresses. Because I just don't. So I guess I'll just deal with it. ha!
Here are a few prayer requests sent my way recently. Some have blogs and some don't. I'm afraid a lot requests get lost among my comments and e-mails so if you have one you need me to get out - my e-mail is now on my profile. Please put "prayer request" in the subject.
- Gram's neice is 20 weeks pregnant - baby possibly has down's syndrome and is going to a specialist tomorrow
- Christi - after 2 years of trying to get pregnant - finally did and at the last Dr visit - there was no heartbeat
- Sarah - baby born at 27 weeks to a pastor in Louisiana
- Avery - this baby is from my area and is currently in AR children's NICU. She was born with a heart defect and had surgery this weekend. She has been on my heart because she has been on ECMO and Harper was just hours away from being on that and I just can't imagine. I pray that she has the same healing that my sweet girl had. She is very critical today and they need your prayers.
Beautiful pictures from your weekend...thanks for posting them. I'll be sure to say prayers for all those you put on the prayer request list.
Harper is so pretty! I love to read and see all about her.
I just put our son in the nursery for the first time a few weeks ago--so hard but like Harper he did great. He has been WORN out the last few weeks when we bring him home. I think its harder on us moms then it is on them!
Also--did u do your hair different...it looks really good in the pics from church! Just thought I would tell u--I know as a new mom sometimes its good to hear after feeling kind of frumpy!
Such a fun weekend of firsts!!! Harper gets cuter by the day! Glad ya'll had good weather...we did too in GA:)
so glad she did well in the nursery. it seems like the first year of both my kids lives was spent in the nursing room during worship...thankfully there was a window to see what was going on and speakers so i could hear the message :)
ps-you look fantastic!!
I have had a hard time figuring out the whole nursing thing with the baby in the nursery at church. I took my youngest (Lauren-2 months) to the nursery the Sunday after she got her shots and she does great but I have to either feed her during Sunday school or during worship. I have decided that I will rotate and miss one or the other every other week. Brice teaches our SS class so I don't want to miss it every week! =) Harper is just a doll. I wish we lived closer and our girls could play!!
Hi Kelly!
I came across your blog right after you had Harper. (who by the way, is cute as a button) I actually started a blog recently after seeing yours, and several others, I realized it's a great way to journal about my kids. My husband and I live in Collierville, Tennessee, a fairly small town outside of Memphis. I grew up here but my husband is also from Arkansas(Osceola).
Anyway, I just wanted to say I love your blog and I love checking in to see how Miss Harper is doing. I know many prayers have been answered for her- God is Good!! Hope ya'll have a great summer! Check out my blog- I'm still working on it! If you have any suggestions let me know!
Kim Driver
L-O-V-E all those sweet pictures!
She is precious!
Precious in her sailor dress!
Hooter hider! That is too funny, i've never heard those called that before! Harper by far is the cutest sailor ever!!
You girls look gorgeous!! SO pretty and my mom has always loved those sailor dresses too, they are cute! Will be praying for these families, it's heartbreaking to hear these. thanks for sharing so we can pray!
i, too have followed you since shortly after harper's birth - not even sure how i found you but check daily! :) love your weekend of "firsts" - harper is just beautiful! :) won't it be SO FUN for all of us "bloggers" some day when we meet in heaven? speaking of prayer requests, could you add my friend "b" to your list . . . don't know if you've ever mentioned her or not www.littleoneapril.blogspot.com :) thanks!
sheila ♥
my friend, brittany, mentioned my close friend, christi who has been trying to get pregnant for 2 years. she did, and now she has lost that sweet one. thank you for mentioning her. she is so dear to me & such a blessing to my heart. she & and her hubby love the Lord and are seeking Him in this difficult time. i really appreciate you lifting her up in prayer. if she should conceive again, i'll let you know!! please continue to pray for her!!
harper is too cute!! have a great week!
Kelly, you are looking so skinny! Harper looks precious as always!
Love the new pictures & thanks for the comment on my sweet Lauren's blog about her closet. She and Harper could play dress up! We totally had a blow out today too. I was at Target with her, alone, and I took her out the car seat to hold her. I HAD NO IDEA her back was covered with poop! How did I miss that?!?! No wonder people were staring at me!
hey! i've been following your blog for a while and love it! i'm a mother of two girls and nursed them both for almost a year, so i totally understand where your coming from w/the nursing and wearing a dress issue! i actually took an old pair of shorts and t-shirt to the nursing room at church and just left it there. when i needed to nurse, i just put that on. when i was done, put my dress back on and that was it! hope this helps!!! :)
I have amassed tons of dresses over the past couple of years - none of which I can wear to church right now for that very reason. I almost convinced myself to wean Annabeth early because I was so frustrated with my wardrobe choices this morning. I know that's dumb. Hubs talked some sense into me. That sailor dress is the cutest thing I've ever seen!
I love the blow out at church! And the nursing - I was also a dress rebel. I just hiked it up and hid under a hooter hider. But come on....people need to give you a break. In those nursing rooms, it isn't like you have something the rest of us don't have....do you??? :-)
Harper is so cute!
I am so glad you mentioned that a membership in a church community doesn't take place of a personal relationship with Christ! A lot of people think all you need is to go to church once a week. While that is important, it isn't the essential factor in your walk!
Great post...I just can't get enough of that sweet little girl :)
Kelly, it was so good to see you last night. Even though I have known you for some time its funny that in the last six months I feel like I have gotten to know you better through the internet! Anyhow, you looked as beautiful as always and I hope you got everything done you needed to! Kiss that sweet girl for me!
Yay poop! Not so much, I was a nanny before nursing school and there was a day when I went into check on the baby who had been up babbling for 45 minutes instead of napping. Well I went in to give him a little talk only to find his crib and himself covered with poop. He some how got his diaper off and played with his poop. I think I stood there for a good minute and a half trying to figure out what the heck to do next. Well after a bath and a bed stripping, little Jackson spent the rest of the day in pajamas that zippered from his toes to basically his nose. :) I win.
All your prayer requests are in my prayers.
I love the weekend update and I am so glad that Harper took a good nap for you today. I am a faithful reader, but don't comment often. Anyway, just had to say that the poop is probably due to the teething. Both of my kids had major diaper issues while cutting teeth. Just another joy of teething. Thanks for sharing your life with me, it is a blessing and an encouragement.
I am so jealous of all your "dress finds" I cannot find anything that looks right...especially with the new styles. :( I think the real problem is that i need to lose weight...but...I'm in denial or maybe laziness!
I remember putting Emma in the nursery for the first time...she was 6 months old...when she finally decided she couldn't be quiet anymore. It is bittersweet!!
Harper is beautiful as always...everytime I pull up the blog and Emma is around she hollars "Baby Harper" she prayed for baby Harper and now we talk about Jesus healing her! :)
What a beautiful photo of little Miss Harper. The sailor dress is my favorite that you've shown us.
I will pray for them.
Have a blessed week.
~Melissa :)
So you just hike your dress all the way up over your chest?! That's hilarious! What we women will do for fashion!
Let me just tell you how adorable and beautiful I think YOU are!!! :) Thanks for the sweet comment! I just love you!
Now, I just wish that we lived closer so we could meet-in-person! That is my next dream...just so you know!!!
Also, I will add those names to my prayer list. Thank you for sharing them.
Love and Hugs
WRAP dresses! I love wearing dresses too and discovered nursing was too revealing (there was another mother at church who's baby was on the same feeding schedule as mine). I bought a wrap dress b/c it was on clearance at Ann Taylor Loft (my favorite store next to Target) and never went back to regular dresses again.
Okay, what in Heaven's name is a hooter hider???
Glad you had such a fun weekend! The weather was awesome,wasn't it?! We started Brody in the nursery when he was 4 1/2 months old, too, and it worked out really well for us!:)
So very happy that you had a great weekend & I love all of the pictures from your weekend! OH and you cracked me up by the "hooter hider" haha! I've never heard that one before! It's a keeper though! I love how you adore target & walmart! BTW, I seen the comment above about wrap dresses and that is an awesome idea! Only bad thing is how some of the come so low cut sometimes. Hope you guys have a great weekend!
I'm glad she did so well in the nursery! The thought of the picture of you messing with your dress is funny! Brave girl :-)
Just wanted to tell you that you look great Kelly- so skinny! And Harper is adorable in that sailor dress!
Praying for all those sweet babies!
If Gram's niece's baby does have downs I have multiple friends who have down's kids who could help so let me know if you think it would help to hear from parents who know...
Psalms 107:6-7 Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses. And he led them forth by the right way, that they might go to a city of habitation.
Prayer BearsMy email address
Oh I *love* Harper's sailor outfit! Too cute!
I'm having problems nursing outside of the house too, but for a different reason, mainly because I am rather "busty" as of right now, and my little girl has a hard time with my let down because of how I have to sit without the boppy pillow. She is 8 weeks and just fusses and screams and fusses. It's sad. I'm thinking we need to start bringing the boppy to church since she HATES the bottle.
Anyway, regarding your dress issue...what about a wrap dress? THey can tend to be low cut but you can put a tank under it and lifting the tank would be easier than the whole dress...(I'm sure you've already thought of a wrap, but just in case)
I have had some success with dresses at TJ Max and Marshalls. I'm nursing and some of the t-shirt dresses are very convenient. If you get one thats a little low cut you can put a tank top under it and just pull them out the top when baby is hungry. I love dresses and in the summer I esp. don't like anything around my waist! This has worked for me.
Praying for these requests. . . Praising God for you and thanking you for your willingness to share your life!
Harper looks beautiful in her sailor dress!!! I brought Nathan down to check out the church nursery this week for the first time as well. He loved it and I would even consider letting him stay there in the weeks to come if none of the other children are sick.
...and I will be adding the requests you listed to my prayers.
You BOTH look so gorgeous! I just laughed out loud reading about your feeding crazies. It brings back such memories. I am so, so glad that Harper did so good in her nursery. Maybe that was the key. She wanted to sleep in her pretty room. I'm off to Target today....:)
You've probably already heard this, but when you have blow-outs, sometimes it helps to go up in size in diapers. It took 3 babies with lots of blow-outs before the pediatrician finally told me this and it worked like a charm!
Harper Of couse is beautiful, but I want to say how great you are looking. You look so tiny in that outside shot of you.
I love reading about Harper. she is precious.
I love, love the sailor outfit!
The sailor cute and bow are just too darn cute! She's all ready for summer!
It's not just you with poop! my twins had constant blowouts! I used to by the pads that go on changing tables (the flat not the fitted) and put it under them for naps to avoid some of the sheet changes but still washed their bedding CONSTANTLY!
Cute sailor dress! I love those. Great pics of the family how did you get the blurry background? I have been reading all about McMama's photography tips, now you can give us some. -kelly
Harper looks beautiful in navy blue. Thanks for all you do with the prayer requests.
What stroller and swing do you have in these pics? Email me at samantha.vermeulen@yahoo.com
It has been a while since I have left a comment, but I still read your blog faithfully.
I just wanted to say that you and Scott are amazing parents. I LOVE reading all of the adventures of Miss Harper :)!
i just bought several jersey type dresses from Wal-Mart. Including one that is black more knit- appropriate for church. But the key is that they have wide V necks, and are sleeveless. I Think you could pull one sleeve off to nurse pretty easily- just a suggestion- and all the dresses were less that 20 bucks!! a must buy, regardless of the nursing issue.
I am now loving dresses. This week Old Navy has all their dresses on sale for $15 in stores only. You may want to check it out.
Thanks for always being so sincere, real, and transparent on your blog. God is using you to reach people others might not be able to touch!
those hooter hiders are ALMOST the best invention ever, hey?! :)
-megan from wi
i think i was admiring that very sailor dress during the peek in miss harper's closet during the nursery tour, LOVE IT! have a great week.
I like the idea of having a chance of clothes in the nursining room, but that may get old after a while. You could also try getting dresses with a criss-cross top (do you know what I am talking about) and then you could just open up top instead of dressing all the way down!
As always, I love Harper's outfit!! She is such a doll. Also, you look fantastic. Maybe it is just a flattering picture, but you look as if you've lost 15 pounds (not that you needed to)!
I just wanted to tell you that you look great and it looks like your weight is just falling off. I am so impressed with everything you manage to do with a new baby.
Harper is lucky to have a great mom like you.
I absolutely LOVE that dress you have on Harper!!
The blowouts will get better once she starts solids, I promise. That breastmilk poo practically flies out!! :)
Look at you all skinny..it looks like you were never even preggers.
Harper looks so cute in her sailor dress!! Glad she did so well in Sunday School Nursery.
Praying for all those you listed... such precious stories of strength. I am amazed.
I love the pictures AND the story of her pooping all over herself in the nursery! That's always the way! haha And, about the dresses, if I buy a dress {which I LOVE} but I don't buy them very often, because I have been nursing for about 2 years straight! hahaha Anywho...but when I do...I try and buy one that is easy to pull off on top...like a deep v-neck and wear a tank top under it...so I can just pull one side down, and the tank top up. Makes it easier than pulling up the whole dress.
Oh, and YAY for the nursery!!
Harper is definitely the cutest sailor I've seen!
Even though I haven't been commenting lately, it's always a blessing when your updates pop up in my reader. God is so good, so faithful and your story is such a wonderful testimony to that. :)
That sailor outfit is so cute!!!!
Just trying to get your attention Kelly becasue on Wednesday you can get a FREE ROOTBEER FLOAT, maybe you can take a diet coke ROOTBEER FLOAT?
What a cute little sailor outfit!
It's great that Harper was able to transition to the nursey. It will be good for her to be around other kids.
To Sarah, I'm a teen(that's a twin) that was born at 29 weeks. God gave me a miracle. Keep the faith!
Girl - you are looking SKINNY...and of course Harper is precious in her little sailor dress!
Hooray for dresses!! And for hooter hiders! I like dresses too...glad the nursery went well
I love Harper's sailor outfit!
Wrap dresses! Flattering and functional for nursing.
When I had my first son, my youngest brother was four. He thought that babies "ate shirts".
I'm so glad you encouraged people to plug in to a local church. Yes, having the power of the internet and masses of people is great, but God truly meant for us to function as a real live community of faith. I don't know where I'd be without the hugs of my fellow church members.
I love the sailor dress!
I love the pics!
And Amen that the best place to go for prayer is to your church family, so important.
Yay for Harper doing so well in the nursery. Wish I could say the same for our son. He's 19 months and we're still working on it every Sunday.
I adore her sailor outfit. Does it have a brand? I'd love to get one!
Happy first tooth, Harper!! I remember the huge blowouts! They certainly brought even bigger smiles!
Just getting caught up on your blog. I don't know where I went these last few days but I'm obviously all about some summer! :) Anyway...congrats on the crystal light challenge. I don't know if i could do it. Good luck. Let us know how it goes.
And, yes...you look fab. And Harper is just as fab. Y'all are way too cute.
Love the pictures, and all are added to my prayers!
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