So far teething is okay. She actually has a bottom tooth that has come through the skin so I know for a fact she is teething. She was pretty fussy the last 2 days and drooling an insane amount! As soon as I saw the tooth this morning - I started her on tylenol and oragel and she seems to be doing okay. Her skin problems are harder on her than teething so it's hard to tell the difference. Oh and I just put a little ice in the mesh food feeder and she really liked it. We also freeze wash clothes and let her chew on those and that seems to help as well. Down the road when she starts solids - we'll try putting frozen berries in the food feeder but I do imagine it will be messy - we'll just put towels around her high chair first.
We just can't believe she got a tooth so early!
Oh, she beat my son! Haha.. he is six months (almost seven) and NO teeth.
She is growing up so fast!!!! She is such a big girl! :-)
Whoo-hoo!!! It gets even better from here! If it gets too bad, give her a little bit of tylenol to chill her out! My 18 month old is working on 2/4 "pointy" teeth.
Aww...she's an early teether!!! The teething tablets work wonders and D LOVED his munchkin feeder filled with crushed ice!
Poor baby... We got our first teeth about 2 weeks ago... Thankfully she did great! :)
Bless her sweet heart! Isn't it amazing how much sleep you can both lose when they are teething? I think you both deserve a steak for getting through it!
Brody has gotten 4 teeth all in about a months time period and the first was the worst in my opinion! It should be uphill from here!
Awww!!! We think Evy is getting close. She is drooling and gnawing on her fist and sucking her fingers....I'm glad to know that Harper started early too! :o)
That pic of Harper is so classic...one to be scrapbooked, for sure! Congratulations on this milestone, poor precious little girl! But hey, that Doe's doesn't sound like a bad idea at all!
That steak looks yummy!!
Ok, now I'm hungry for steak :-) Teething is the worst, at least it was for us! Good luck, hope Harper gets relief from all the above items!
WOW! That steak is HUGE. I'm having angina just thinking of eating such a big a hunk of meat. LOL!
Way to go, Harper!
3 words--AMBER TEETHING NECKLACE!!! Works wonders on my girl!
That is such a special milestone for Harper! I used the teething tablets to help with the pain for my little one. She was so miserable with cutting her first tooth.
Like the others have said - Hylands Teething tablets are the best - dont know what I would have done without them. My daughter cut her first tooth at 8 mos, my son at 17 weeks, the second at 18 weeks and by the time he was 15 mos old he had 12 teeth - we called him Turbo Teether! Poor baby, wasnt much fun for him or us but at least he got them done in a short space of time!
Oh and in case you are worried, nursing still went fine even with a mouthful of teeth :o)
Katie (Texas)
Oh my , I just love the way you anounced Harper's first tooth, Wait until it comes all the way thu and she clamps down when feeding, LOL
Bless her heart. I can't believe she is already teething. Would you tell her to stop growing up so fast!
Harper may be crying in that pic, but she is still super-cute!
Bring on the tylenol!!!
My son cut his first two teeth at 3 months and had ALL of his teeth by the time he was 1 (two year molars included). My daughter was SUPER slow at cutting teeth.
Hylands Teething Tablets and Tylenol... This too shall pass.
But I LOVE that picture of Harper... She's TOO cute!
Hey Kelly! My baby still hasn't cut her first tooth and she is eight months old! I guess that is a good thing considering I am still nursing!
Ok you will need to get this
it is hurricane gel. it worked for both my kids. It is fast acting also.
That sad face is just precious!!
I could go for some Doe's tonight. Thanks for making me hungry! :)
The grandkids were not a fan of the feeder. We tried frozen fruit and what a mess. Our grandson never teethed. We call them popcorn teeth because they just popped with no warning, of course he was almost 11 months old by that time LOL
Yeah, Matthew's should be in any day now!!!
My aunt and uncle talk about Doe's ALL THE TIME!
Oh my.She is getting to be such a big girl...poor Harper. I always let mine chew on a cold washcloth that I put in the freezer for a minuate or two.You will find what works for you.My little girl had colic..then when right into teething after that.. (did I spell that right?) collick..anyway I posted a new recipe on my new blog I have been doing it going on my 3rd week. I got a nice comment from your Mom.. so check it out and let me know what you think.. I am one of your biggest fans..yes Fan!! I love reading your blog...
Oh Kelly! I can't believe she is cutting a tooth already! I will pray for ya'll during this rough time of crying and pain BUT BUT BUT she will soon get to eat at Doe's!
On that note...I AM SO JEALOUS YA'LL HAVE A DOE'S! We used to have one in our town but it went out of business! I hope you enjoy that Doe's for us!
Funny! My parents have talked about Doe's and now I know they weren't kidding about the size of that thing. Looks yummy!
Oh and Congratulations Miss Harper, we'll be praying for comfort for you and your momma.
Everytime I see those teething tablets, I have to cringe! I am a nurse and I was told by a friend about the Hylands teething tablets. I bought them, but before I gave them to my son I talked to his doctor, who also happened to be the doctor I worked for. We were reading the label and found that the teething tablets contain Bella Donna. This is one of the most poisonous plants out there!! She said she would NEVER give those tablets to a child or adult. They seem to work because they actually sedate your child. Scary! 100% natural doesn't always mean safe and good. I'm sorry to sound "preachy" but I would hate to hear that something bad happened to a child because I didn't speak up. Your the mama and I know you know what is best for Harper. Just wanted to let you know my experience. I find that infant motrin tends to be the best for teething because unlike Tylenol it will releive the inflammation in her gums. It also tends to last a little longer when it comes to fever control. Good luck. Teething is never fun.
Oh, my goodness!! I'm so scared of teething; I'm really dreading it. :( How did you know? Can you see it? Or just by how she was feeling? I gotta get me one of those mesh teethers and other supplies. Blessings on your weekend!
I'll be interested to hear what you think about the fresh food feeder. My brother told me not to get it because it makes a mess?
I think B is too - I posted today about that!
Hey Kelly,
I also don't want to tell you what to do but just want you to be informed. Although those teething tablets say they are 100% natural, they contain a "natural" ingredient that is actually a hallucinogen. I bought some for my daughter because a friend recommended them and my husband who is a physician read the label and freaked out and told me to never give them to her. Her pediatrician agreed. Just wanted to let you know. I used a natural teething drop that they have at Target and it has no harmful "natural" ingredients. Hope Harper feels better!
Oh.My.Gosh!!! We used to have a Doe's here in Bryan, TX! I only got to experience its yumminess ONCE before they closed their doors :( Their sweet potato fries - to die for!!! :)
Oh my goodness I am going through the same thing! My son chews on everything, drools like crazy, and has a little runny nose! I think his first tooth is just around the corner! They seem to young to be getting teeth already :-(
precious sweet girl! Lauren is 7 months today & still no teeth. I will def. need some tips to help when that time comes!
Wow That's pretty early!! My son doesn't have any teeth yet and he's almost 11 months old!!
Harper's Granddad is drooling and slobbering too! He's not cutting teeth....he just got a look at that steak from Doe's!!!!!
Oh, sweet Harper. Both of my kiddos were "hard" teethers, in that it always affected/affects (my son, Riley is 9 mos. and has 3 teeth so far)their sleeping, eating, fussyness, etc... Tylenol and orajel are our friends around here. :) I also am a bit more lenient with feedings in the middle of the night if I know Riley's in crazy pain and that nursing will soothe him. It does pass though, because eventually they get all their teeth! HA! :) I love her little sad, teething face. She is so adorable.
Oh, I have loved using the mesh food thingy with Riley. He really loves sucking on frozen mango and frozen strawberries in it. It is a bit messy, but he's in his high chair with a bib on, so it's not a big deal.
Oh poor Harper LOL!
Poor sweet girl! How exciting!
Aw poor girl. :( Even when she's screaming, she is beautiful!
Awww.....poor little 'ole thing....I swear by a gel called Hurricaine. You can get it from your dentist. Only takes a SMALL SMALL dab...your finger is numb before you can get it to her mouth, trust me!
Awe, poor baby!
Poor little darling. That is so early!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh wow! Kensley didn't get a tooth until she was 10 months old! I really thought she was going to be a toothless wonder and need baby dentures or something.
Bring on the steak!
Good luck!!!
My daughter didn't have any problems but my son did. It was heck for about 5 days!
I tried all the things you linked. None worked really. I am afraid you're going to have to bide your time. I will say that have Tylenol and Motrin on hand. That helped my son. And me!
Gracie, like Harper, started to 'try' to cut teeth very early but turns out, she didn't actually do it until around 7 months.
Woo Hoo Harper.....
My twins are 6 months old (5 months adjusted) and one of them just cut their first tooth and another tooth is about to break through the skin any day now. My older twins didnt even cut teeth till they were almost 1 years old.
Those teething tablets are great and my boys also love the mesh feeder.
She got that one quick...Brody was 11 months before he cut his first one...but don't let that fool you. At 16 months he has 11! He gets them four at a time. Bless his heart! I wanted to send Harper a bow holder...I know you have a ton so let me know if you'd rather not. But I've been making the cutest "tutu bow hangers" for little girls. I have been dying to make Harper one! If its okay, let me know fabric choices and color schemes...you can see them on my blog at thehaymanfamily.blogspot.com
Just LOVE reading about that adorable little sweetheart! Keep the posts coming!
How do you know when they are cutting their first tooth!? My son is 6 months and still hasn't ( I think!)!
sweet girl! We put semi frozen mangoes in those mesh bags and Elias LOVED them when he was teething.
You are so funny! Yeah, Harper!
Wow that is EARLY! My daughter got her first tooth on her first birthday! And Mom says she didn't get hers until she was two. Teething isn't fun.....hang in there!
Too funny!!! Love the presentation!!!
hyland's teething tablets!
An old wives tell that my great grandma and grandma did for me and I have done for my kids is pure vanilla. The imitation vanilla will not work, just rub some pure vanilla on her gums and crazy as it sounds it works!! As well as ice and Tylenol. The picture of Harper is adorable!!
Wow! Teeth already :)
I have heard that you can soak a washcloth in juice (may be too early for her) and then you can ring it out a little and then freeze it.
Yay for Harper! Our Annabelle cut her first teeth at 4 1/2 months! She cut one and then the next day cut the other bottom one! We love the Hylands teething tablets!!!
I have a prayer request for my niece who just went to her 20 week ultra sound and they found the femur is measuing very small and something is wrong with his kidneys, which is a sign of genetic abnormalities like Downs. So, they are sending her to a high risk dr. who specializes in ultrasounds on Mon.
Please Help us Pray!
My daughter got her first tooth at four months. Just watch out when you're nursing. OUCH! I speak from experience. It hurts.
i know someone named christi who after 2 years of trying finally got pregnant-but at her last ob appt there was no heart beat. please pray for her and her hubby.
Poor Harper! Hopefully she feels better soon, teething is always a little tough. Those fresh food feeders are great! :)
Even crying she is a beauty!
My family has a tradition(old Italian tradition) that whoever finds the baby's first tooth buys the baby's first pair of shoes... I am sure Harper already has lots of shoes. but is a fun tradition xo
Hey Kelly! I just wanted to share a little tip that I just learned from my doctor. My 6 month old is teething too, and my doctor said to use DOUBLE vanilla extract on his gums (just like you would oragel) and that it works better, lasts longer, and tastes better. We've been doing that over the past week and he seems happier! Just don't spill it when you're using it in the middle of the night! :)
There is no way she could be any cuter!!!
Hey Kelly, the problem with those teethers is that they are IMPOSSIBLE to clean! Get the ones at Toys R Us (or you may have to order at Babies R Us... OR, if you let me know I can buy and ship them for you). Anyway, at BRU they have the disposable ones. Where you can just use the mesh teether once and then put a new one in. We tried bananas with Bailey and then strawberries and the teether NEVER came clean so I switched to the disposable and it was much better :)
Both of my kids cut their first teeth at four months. Teething tablets are WONDERFUL!
frozen wash cloths work wonders too.
Oh, poor little thing! Teething is the worst and so hard on mommies and daddies because you just want to take that pain away! Thanks for posting! LOVED the pic of Harper...she is a total doll!
I totally agree with Rachel. I too, am a nurse, NO teething tablets, the Bella Donna is Opium. Of course babies feel better, they are "high". Sounds like you got it all under control. Tie a knot in that washcloth and it will stay frozen longer. Also, we used our older pacifiers. Just hold them upside down under the faucet, while squeezing them, and let them fill with water,then freeze them. Make sure to use your old ones, cause they will look foggy and not clear. Kinda gross for public paci using. We used the ones that he outgrew. It is great to numb it until Tylenol kicks in, or when it hasn't been enough time. I didn't use Orajel. Our pediatrician said that it can numb their throat and cause them to choke on their own saliva. Makes sense!? It washes away before you can get it on there anyway! Good luck! What a big girl, that Harper!
Yay for Harper! I'm hoping and praying that my little Meri Grace's teething will be as easy as my son, he never fussed, it just seemed like he woke up with a head full of teeth. So far for Meri (almost 5 months) no teeth. Good Luck!!! Harper is beautiful even when she cries:)
my sister-in-law is a doctor and told me that some babies are born with teeth--so just think she could have been even earlier ;)
oh duh...I just saw that you used wash cloths :). Tired mommy needs to go to bed I guess.
Normally whatever Harper does I am so excited for Annabeth to do soon, but not this. I hope you get some sleep tonight!
The berries in that mesh food thing are GREAT! My kids LOVED them in there :)
Hang in there w/ the teeth--they usually come in pairs so once the second one comes in she should be her happy self again (until the next teeth pop!)
I'll pray that you get some sleep tonight :)
I think teething tablets worked great on my son (now 3.5 years.) My MIL is licensed in homeopathy and encouraged them. I guess it depends on who you talk to!
My daughter is 14 months and I have not used them (I kind of forgot about them!), she got two teeth at 6 months...it can happen early!
Harper is a doll! Thanks for sharing!
Oh Kelly,
My son cut his first tooth at 3 months. That just means the tooth fairy will come sooner. =) Don't be surprised if her bottom gets SUPER red or if she gets bad poopies. Something so weird about teething. Good Luck =)
Can you recommend a good website for personalized baby gifts (i.e. bibs, plates, sippy cups)...Harper always has the cutest monogrammed stuff and I want to get Asher a cute personalized bib. Also, where did you get the cute personalized pink baby blanket with the stuffed bear? SO CUTE!!!!
Oh don't tell me that! Audrey is right behind Harper! I don't want teeth just yet!!!! haha But, Audrey has been clamping down on me quite a bit during nursing!!! ACK!! Babies don't keep!!
I used "Teething Tablets" with my daughter and they did wonders. My doctor said that Orajel makes a thin layer over the gums that makes it harder for the teeth to cut through. The tablets were seriously my saving grace, and she would go back to sleep immediately after eating them. It was a miracle!! Let me know if you use them or not, I always wonder if my daughter was just silly or if they really work. My husband and I tried eating them to see what they did, and noticed nothing! Hope you have smooth sailing, she is such a doll I am sure she will be a trooper!
My third cut her first tooth earlier than the others- I was so excited because I said I'd stop breast feeding at 6 months or teeth- whichever was first! She cute five at once during round 2- lots of nasty blow-outs, so you may see those start to diminish now that the tooth cut through!
You're lucky she cut a tooth already. My daughter didn't have any teeth on her first birthday and she had been drooling and fussy for months. Then at 14 months she cut 4 in a week! She also loved her mesh thingy with fruit or anything we didn't want her to get chunks of and yes it is messy- strip her down to her diaper and expect to need a bath after, but what fun! ;-)
Your little girl is so cute! This is really random but I found your blog through a friend of mine and found it interesting even more because Harper and my son, Eli, were born on the same day!!!! I like to follow your blog to see the difference in the two :] I really hope you don't think I am a stalker haha. It is always good to read your blog though! Teething is not always that fun... my son always just wants my finger out of every teething ring, etc. He really likes oragel too!! Have a good day :]
Trying teething tablets by Hyland they are better than anything else I ever found!! And, everyone that I have talked to said they worked great for their children too!! Hope it works good for Harper! You can get them at Wal-Mart!
Kelly - another trick that you might want to try is if you have one of those little bath seats put popscicle in the food feeder and let her have it in the bath tub it's relaxing and no mess for you. Or in the kiddie pool outside... either of those two will work. Especially as she gets older and can sit by herself :) good luck with the teething! I love your blog!
My daughter started teething around 4 months too, insane. She is now 9 months and has 6 teeth, 4 on the bottom and two on the top. Fun times await you! :) The teeth really transform their little smiles though, so cute!!
Bless her heart!!! My first two got theirs around 5 months and Bentley did not get here until about a month ago (8 months). I couldn't believe it took so long.. but it seem like she was teething since 3 months. ha!
Can't believe she's getting a tooth already! None of my kids or grandkids got their teeth this early! They'd START getting teeth this early but would take months before anything actually popped out!
Received this passage in a card today and had to pass it on! Know that I'm always praying!
Psalms 107:28-32 Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distresses. He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still. Then are they glad because they be quiet; so he bringeth them unto their desired haven. Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! Let them exalt him also in the congregation of the people, and praise him in the assembly of the elders.
Prayer BearsMy email address
WOW her first tooth! Thats early! I guess she really cant wait to be eating steaks!!
You should try freezing mangos and giving her that! Some berries have the risk of allergies and I think mango is pretty good for little ones!! I am sure she would enjoy that!!
I also read about feeding with teething on 4 little men and girly twins! You dont give cereal(it actually isnt good for babies) but you would start her on her first food when she has two teeth! They start on advocado since its so easy, cut in half mash up and ready to go! Then when the next two teeth come in you could start on mango and also another fruit. But avoid grains until she is maybe 10-12 months old!
Well I hope you guys have a great weekend!!
I am with Rachel @7:18 stay away from teething tablets and use motrin. Staying away from Orajel if you can too it can numb their throat and cause problems drinking if you feed too soon after using it.
My kids all teethed at 2 1/2 to 3 months and got 4 teeth at once so don't be surprised if she gets more. My oldest had surgery both time he got his teeth so I don't know if he was in pain from the teeth or the surgery. My daughter didn't have any probelms and we didn't even know she was teething until we saw the teeth. My youngest got his first teeth at 2 1/2 month and I was told by a Orthodonits there was no way a baby could teeth that early and that he wasn't getting teeth. We woke up the next morning with 2 little teeth popping out.
I can't believe how big Harper is getting already, I have been reading your blog since just before you had her and it seems just like yesterday.
My daughter's first tooth came through at five months and now, at ten months, she has EIGHT teeth. I think she's teething AGAIN too...and that's not the greatest news for a mommy who's still nursing! Haha! Actually, she only bit me once, but she does tend to suck harder and, since I'm pregnant again, it seems to really bother me at times. Oh well, I'm just glad she still enjoys nursing and that I can nurse her as long as possible. So excited to hear about Harper's first tooth - isn't every new milestone SO exciting?!
Kayla got her first 2 at 4 months, then had 16 by 15 months! As for the mesh feeders, cold cantaloupe and watermelon were favorites. Messy, but good.
We used Baby oragel on my kids and they are fine, that was a life saver for my kids.Harper is really cute! She has not started on Solids yet you said I bet she will be happier and sleep all night with some cereal in her tummy. I am sure ahe will start that soon.Good luck
Now you will have to be careful as this will be the time she may bite while nursing! It hurts so bad she will probaly never do it again as your reaction will scare her so! She is growing so fast!
I used to help my Aunt babysit her grand-kids. When they were teething she would rub a drop of the tylenol dose directly into their gums. It really did seem to help the pain stop quicker. None of our kids would let us near them with orajel so this was a good second choice. Just make sure that you use part of the total dose of tylenol so you don't over dose them.
Ok, I hope you read this! I know you get so many comments I hesitated to comment, but 1st Harper has been in my thoughts and prayers from the beginning and 2nd I have some skin solutions!!
My youngest had HORRIBLE excema as a baby and we used AHAVA products, they are expensive but WORTH every penny for relief! You can purchase them at ULTA or Bath and Body works (some stores) Get the creme!!
My son got his first tooth at 4 1/2 months. He lost his first tooth before he was 5 years old!! When all the other kids were losing their front teeth my son was already had his in. So don't be surprised if Harper LOSES them early too.
P.S. I quit nursing at almost 9 months because he had a month full of teeth and I was afraid he was going to bite me!
That mesh feeder saved me from mastitis I'm sure when my daughter cut her first tooth. She wouldn't even nurse and I became terribly engorged. Luckily, she was already on solids and loved frozen pureed pears.
My last one had horrible eczema. I would put baby oil on him before his bath and then slather him with Aquaphor after. I started using the Gentle Naturals Baby Eczema cream with great results. We also use a little bit of hyrdrocortisone cream on the really bad spots (approved by our ped.) I think the biggest help though was starting him on allergy meds. Our oldest has allergy-induced asthma, and we started seeing the same symptoms in the youngest. We live in the allergy capital of Texas (Waco), so it's just something we deal with. ;)
Wow!! I can't believe she is getting her teeth already, she is growing up so fast!! I hope the teething process goes well for you all.
Oh-I forgot to post the other day but I wanted to tell you that Harper's nursery is beautiful! I love it!!
I got my first tooth at 3 months - I think it's a sign of superior intelligence :)
My daughter got an ear infection every time she got a new tooth - just something to watch for (like you need another thing to worry about!).
You're doin' a great job, Momma!
LOL She beat D and D's 11 months! LOL Way to GO Harper! But D's been on solid food (straight off the table) since 9 months...and still no tooth in sight! ;)
PS... loved the pics! LOL
My daughter cut her first tooth when she was almost 4 months, they just kept coming in from there! She just turned 17 month with 16 teeth, working on the last 4.
About the teething tablets, we've always used those with her. There's such a small trace amount of "belladonna", that you couldn't even get high off of eating an entire bottle of those tablets. I could see how someone just seeing that ingredient could worry, but its best to do your FULL research. The amount used is something like 1 part to 1,000,000,000,000 parts water. So No, your baby is not soothed because they are "high" as someone else commented.
Always do your full research ladies!
Here's a link on more info about homeopathic remedies:
I personally would be more worried about teething gel, there's been cases of it numbing a baby's throat, imparing its gag reflex, making them choke on their on spit up.
One thing I did when the little ones started solids was to put a large garbage bag under the highchair. That when they are through eating you just gather the garbage bag up and clean up is done!
I love having that messed feeder when my boys were teething. I would freeze yogurt like popsicles and put it in there for them to chew on. They LOVED it! "Go Baby" organic yogurt was my boys favorite kind. Thank goodness they make a"Big Kid" kind too.
Hope the teething isn't to hard on Harper ... or You!!!
Good luck! The Tylenol should help. Sometimes a frozen teething ring works too.
I learned that teething is totally genetic when my daughter cut her first tooth at 4 months and my son cut his at 12 WEEKS and the second at 13 WEEKS!! My son is now 15 months old and has all of his teeth except his 2 year molars. It went very quickly!
How exciting :) Big milestone for Harper!!
Lauren didn't get her first tooth until she was over 6 months old and then she cut two at once. then we went several months and she seemed to pop quite a few in at a time. She has 12 all together and is 16 months old. But she has a few gaps which cracks me up.
Hang in there momma!!! the first one is the easiest.
HYLAND'S TEETHING TABLETS! Teeny tiny miracles in a bottle!!!!
You already have such great advice...but here's my 2 cents for what it's worth.
*Our Dr. said Tylenol works for crankiness and fever. Motrin works for crankiness, fever, and swelling.
*Orajel swabs worked better for us than teething tablets, but frozen rags worked better!
*I LOVE the mesh feeders (you can slso buy disposable ones). Even before we had really introduced solid foods, we put frozen lima beans in them for teething. Less messy than ice or berries, plus it gives a flat frozen surface if they manipulate it right.
*One of my most used baby shower gifts is a splatter mat for under the high chair. Easily wipes clean and is a chalkboard on the back for when she gets older! LOVE IT! I'm sure you can buy them many places, but mine came from pig-pen-designs.com
Bless her little pumpkin heart! She is such a cutie even when she is crying. My son is getting FOUR of his top teeth at once...We have had a rough few days, but all 4 teeth are finally through the skin...woohoo!
you need to get her some of those teething tablets...they are homeopathic and you can get them at walmart. It's soothes irritablilty too. Like B12 for babies!
A must have.
Congrats!! Wait till she starts losing teeth, my daughter lost 4 teeth in a row!! The homeopathic teething tablets were a life saver for us!! She is getting so big!! Enjoy every minute!!
Congrats on the teething! I would ask your doctor about the oragel. My daughters' doctor told us not to use it cause it actually toughens the gums. We used the teething tablets instead (which are really just sugar tabs!). I just know it has been rough getting to this point and I wouldn't want anything to slow down Harper or make the process longer. I am not a know it all just someone wanting to pass on some advice to helped me out alot! oh...and Doe's...sounds sooo good!
I loved the mesh teethers! I used apples for Riley. They were the only thing she could chew on that wasn't gone in 30 seconds. She loved it! Carrots are good too.
So happy to see that Harper is taking it in stride. Hyland's tablets work wonders! Also, if she wants something to eat while teething, (instead of an ice cube which produces large amounts of water) give her a frozen waffle! With all those little pockets, it's a great way to catch the drool! ha!
Awww...her first tooth! Well, both of my kids got their first tooth at 4 months also....and both had a mouth full at a year old! The good news is....they both were great after they cut their first tooth. After that, it seemed like it never bothered them. Hopefully since Harper has cut her first tooth the rest will be easier on her and YOU! CONGRATS....another milestone for precious Harper!
First teeth are so much fun! My son didn't mess around he cut 4 at once. If you don't want to stain your towls with berries get an inexpensive shower curtain to put on the floor under Harper's highchair. That way you can wash it in the washin machine and you don't have to worry if she eats something that stains.
When Ladybug was teething we used Hyland's Teething Tablets. We loved them.
I love the mesh things! I didn't read all of your comments, but I always liked to use apples or pears in it when I didn't want to make a huge mess! Of course they liked the messy stuff the best!
Bless her little baby heart! My baby is 8 1/2 months and still NO teeth! But as a nursing mama, that is fine with me :/ Hope she feels better soon!
I just had to tell you since i know you love sonic so much that on June 3rd they are giving away free floats!!!
Poor baby girl. Both of my children got teeth at 5 months and had all 8 front teeth by their 1st b-day. They say it is one of the most painful things for teeth to come in. Thankfully we don't remember:) and thank goodness for frozen washclothes.
Please check with your pediatrician about the oragel. We were told not to use it as it can numb their gag reflex. The Motrin or Tylenol will get you through. I did the dab of tylenol on the gums with my son and it helps.
Ditto on the Hylands Teething Tablets!!! All of our friends and family use them.
Egan is over 2 now and we are still using them until he gets his 2 year molars in. They saved us from keeping him on so much Tylenol and our Pediatrician recommended not using Orajel. Good luck!
Aww sorry sweet Harper that your little gums are hurting.
My little Emerson is over 6 months old and we still don't have a tooth, but that's ok I know it will come eventually.
I'm wondering...where is the Doe's that you eat at? I live in North LA and we travel up to Greenville, MS (the original Doe's) to eat. It is great--uneven floors and all :)
Checking in from vacation...
Kale got his first tooth at 4 1/2 months, too!
hey Kelly. if not it is fine but do you think that you could do a "Show Us Where You Live Friday" on foyers? I am remodeling and need some ideas. If not that is fine but it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!:)
In her highchair, you can give Harper frozen waffles or pancakes and large cut pieces of cold celery. Obviously, you have to watch for when the frozen stuff "melts" and gets mushy, but they shall entertain her and make her gums feel better. Blessings!
Our little twinnies are also teething at the moment. They'll be 6 months old tomorrow, and have 3 bottom teeth each. We use Bonjella here in Australia. Apart from a lot of drool and a few fussy days, our boys weren't too bothered.
Bless it! Hope that big girl is feeling ok! Praying that little toothy isn't being too mean to our girl.
Congrats on the first tooth. I don't know if anyone has told you about teething tablets but they are the best thing that I have found to help with the pain. I am a dental hygienist so I have tried lots of things, but this has been the best thing for us. They are small little tablets that dissolve very quickly on their tongue and you can by them at Walmart! Just a heads up, thought it may help. Good luck.
What are you putting in the net teether since H isn't eating solids yet??? Just wondering because my son is 2 weeks younger than H and teething.
I highly recommend the star vibrating teether by First Years...along with the others you have! Coming from an oral sensori motor feeding therapist and Mom...has to be good for something, right? haha! Harper is a doll!
Harper is very cute. I loved listening and watching my son with all the sounds and funny faces.
as for christi....i had 2 boys and desparately wanted a little girl...jake (my oldest) and i prayed every night that Jesus would give us a baby girl...finally it happened and i got pregnant. on my first dr. visit, he too could not find a heartbeat so i was sent to the hosp. where i was bluntly told there was no heartbeat and no blood flow.......my dr. later called me at home and was very appologetic and told me that w/in a couple weeks i would misscarry.....the sunday morning after, i ws standing in church and they sang the sonf "shout to the Lord" in that instant, all was well and i knew it. i looked at my husband w/ tear filled eyes and told him everything was gonna be okay and we were getting our little girl!!! our RIVERS MARIE turned three years old on april 18th!!!! anyway, i hope things turn out okay for christi and everything will happen in due time. miracles DO happen!!! in God's time!
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