So it's the second week of "show us where you live" Friday! This week is living rooms! If you have a family room also - feel free to throw that in as well. I thought we could just combine since not everyone has both. Or feel free to do either/ or - whichever you one you have cleaned up and ready to show off!!!!
Last week was SO much fun - we had over 300 kitchens and they were all just wonderful - even some from other countries! I can't wait to see today's posts! I REALLY need ideas when it comes to these rooms.

This is my living room as you walk in from the front door

Looking in from the dining room. I like having the two couches facing each other - it makes for a good conversation set up. And before we had Harper - Scott and I each would lay on one of the couches and watch TV. Our rug came from Ballard Designs and is a indoor/outdoor rug which is SO practical. I could take it outside and hose it off if I needed to clean it. I can spill pretty much anything and it wipes right up - which is nice with a baby and a dog. And it was very cheap compared to most big area rugs.

This is our TV cabinet. I just loved it when we found it. I'm still not 100% satisfied with the things I have on display in the glass shelves ....But I'm working on it.

This is a sofa table my parents got me a couple of years ago that I love. It's sitting behind our couch and I love the decorations I have on here. My favorite things are these vases with the "fake" pears.

And obviously we have a baby swing in our living room now. At other times you can find a bouncy seat, another smaller swing,
bumbo seat, and
boppy in our living room. I got the zebra pillows at a sample sale from one of my friends who works for a company that sells pillows to
Wal-Mart. I got them for $5 each and I love them.

This is looking at the chair where Scott normally resides. We just got a leather ottoman this winter and he spends most of his time there. I spend all my time on the couch to the left - that's where Harper and I camp a lot of the day. The door to the left leads to the kitchen and the one on the right goes to our family room.

Another view from the back of the living room towards the dining room and front door

This is our family room - looking in from the kitchen. I got the green furniture when I was single and bought my first home. I got the whole set at Sam's club for less than $1000. The rug came from T J
maxx and so did the gold pillows. I had a lady make me the curtains. The glass door goes out to our back yard and also contains Dawson's
doggie door. The coffee table is a chest my grandparents gave me when I graduated from college. I store a lot of serving dishes inside there (in fact I almost forgot I had so much in there)

I made this little table when I was single - it's a big garden urn (one of those that looks heavy but isn't) and I put a glass top on it. I still love it after all these years. I topped it with a monkey lamp and a bunch of gold frames. These are pictures of our wedding and family.

Looking from the edge of the family room into the kitchen. At some point - I'd like to get new furniture for this room and put bar stools at the bar. That would be great for when Harper is older and could sit up there to eat or do homework or whatever.
Remember the rules:
1. Please link to your post, not your blog. If you don't know how - just click on the title of your post once it's done and copy the
url up in your browser and then paste it back here.
2. If you add your name but don't have a living room tour - I'll delete your link.
3. Over on the right is code for the button if you want it!
I'll be back on Sunday with a lot of pictures of our weekend and baby dedication.
Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers and ALSO to all of you who are single or praying for a child - may God bless you abundantly and SOON!
Show us Where You Live Friday ParticipantsPowered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.
Your living room is lovely. The colors are so warm!
Have a wonderful first Mother's Day & Dedication.
You have such a beautiful home! Thanks for sharing:)
What a beautiful home you have!! I love Ballard designs too!! Love your entertainment center.
Love both rooms! The fun pillows for $5 are great! Yes, I agree you will definitely want barstools for when the kids can eat in a chair. We do breakfast and lunch when Daddy is out at the bar.
I love the couches. And I especially LOVE the zebra print pillows. I am really enjoying the tours. We recently moved into a new home and I'm getting so many decorating ideas. Thanks for doing this.
I love your house! I can't wait to see the bedrooms!! :)
everything looks so pretty! I love the design over the fireplace!
Your home is gorgeous! I love all of the trim details and the colors!
My first time commenting, you have such a beautiful home. I just got my first home last weekend and after viewing your pics, I am afraid to show mine off. :( However my house is mine and nothing feels better than having my own! :) Harper is beautiful.
I love your kitchen! I linked to my blog on accident and then I couldn't undo it! Here is the link to the post if you have a way to change it- sorry!
Ok! I relinked as #13, if you want to delete me as #11. Sorry! I wasn't trying to break the rules; Mr. Linky just remembered me from something else! :)
cute, cute, cute...could you share what your wall color is in the main entry/dining/living area? THANKS....
Your home is lovely!
hey kelly! i wanted to email you but i couldn't find your email address on the blog. maybe i'm just silly and not looking in the right spot!! would you mind posting it? i'm just trying to find out where you got your tv cabinet? i LOVE it. your living room is adorable. i'm going to try and post pics of mine tomorrow! thanks for the "show us where you live" i think it's so fun! have a great day!!
Audrey W.
It's just lovely, Kelly! I love white molding and being able to use color on the walls. Perhaps at the next place... which just may be in Little Rock; hoping we'll find out soon.
Kelly, your house is beautiful. I love this tour you're doing! It's giving me some great decorating ideas. I wish I could participate, but we're in the middle of moving, so all I have are boxes in every room! These posts will be great reference for decorating the new place though! Thanks!
Your living room space is so beautiful - You have quite a flare for decorating.
Happy Mother's day...there is no better day of the year !!
Love the twist with the zebra pillows!!!
I want some zebra pillows! They would spice up my living room. Thank you for sharing your beautiful room.
Kelly, you have a beautiful home! I love the idea of sharing all of our rooms...I love getting a peek into other wonderful spaces and getting some ideas. God bless you and your precious family!
Hi Kelly, beautiful living/family rooms. If you could please post the name of the paint color... That would be great!
I absolutely love your idea of using an indoor/outdoor rug in the living room!!! We are currently doing a little remodeling in our living room and I will for sure look into the indoor/outdoor rugs because I have a little 2 year old boy who has done a job on our living room carpet so one of those rugs would be perfect!
OMG...your house is gorgeous. You have a great eye!! Have a very Happy Mother's Day!!
Many Blessings,
You have so many things you will one day have to hide! Once she gets into crawling and walking all your cute decorations might have to hide! Your house is amazing!
Kelly, I love your style. It's whimsical, yet traditional, but not TOO tradional. That indoor/outdoor rug is a great idea. Our next area rug will have to be just that! I love the floral arrangements in your house. Feathers are awesome aren't they? The zebra print pillows and the striped lamp shade go well together. You have great style! Love it!
I LOVE your living room! It is so pretty! And I love the sofa table! Great idea with the indoor/outdoor rug! I can see that in our near future!
I love your rooms! SO pretty! It looks like a model home! I'm having way too much fun with your home tour! Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful weekend and a VERY HAPPY FIRST MOTHER'S DAY!!!
You have a beautiful home! Thanks for starting this "tour of homes"!
Gorgeous rooms!! I just love the colors on your walls too. Everything looks perfect. Thanks for hosting, it's been so much fun!
Hey Kelly...
I have a question...so I'm guessing if one has a private blog then one can not participate in the tour of homes?
Just making sure I'm not missing something in the blog techy world.
Oh well. I love your house...love all of your frugal decor! But just get ready you might as well start putting away all of those beautiful breakables on the tables now! I have somewhat resided to the fact that until my son is about 4 then I'll just have a plain house. Harper will be ready to get her pretty hands on those soon enough :)
Take care, ejw
Kelly, your house is beautiful. I love your style of decorating. I love the bright colors.
I love your rooms!! You have great taste!! I want your living room curtains!!!! Gorgeous! Love the accessories on the sofa table! Love it alL!
I LOVE your living room and family room! We have the same zebra pillows in our family room (I'm about to do my post)! My mother in law gave them to me from a set she bought for her beach condo! Thanks for starting this! I LOVE seeing other people's homes!
Kelly, your house has true southern charm. It looks cozy and warm feeling.... Can we all have a bloggy slumber party and come to your house?? haha!! For reals now, not joking, lol!!! :)
I just LOVE your house!! Can you come decorate for me...haha!! I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend with your sweet little girl!!
Thank you for sharing! Your house is beautiful and you've done a fabulous job of making it a home!
Your house is beautiful! I have a question, though. I know you have a ton of Harper's pictures somewhere, right?! :) I am a new mom to a 7 month old baby girl named Rylie and I'm having a hard time figuring out how many and where I want to hang her pictures. I don't necessarily want one of those homes where there is nothing but pictures hanging on the walls...but if you hang them up in clever places, or with the right additional things to make a "group", then it can still look really good!!! Where are your pictures and what's your suggestion? I will be posting pictures of my living room tomorrow. Now it's off to bed!
Wow Kelly! I LOVE your living room! As someone who loves red, I really, really like how you used it in your living room. Also, though I love green, I've never known how to use it without looking too cookie-cutter, next-door-neighbor-has-it decor. Your green couches work very well and I especially liked how you have things that you made even before you were married. You're a creative lady! I can't wait to submit my pictures (hopefully tomorrow) and I can't tell you how much I appreciate you going this! Thanks again!
Love the couches facing each other. I would like to do something like that one day. Thanks for hosting!
Hey... What room are we doing next week? By the way - I absolutely love your home!!! Thanks!
I love you living room Kelly! You have such a beautiful home! Thanks for hosting such a fun linky!!
Kelly your living areas are both fabulous!
Kudos to you for using an outdoor rug with such a great result.
It looks amazing.
Have a blessed and beautiful Mother's Day.
~Warmly, Melissa :)
I loved the moss covered balls on the table. Happy 1st Mother's Day (with a baby on the outside)!
You have a very nice home and the most beautiful baby! Love the Hawaii posts...I miss our trips there too...we haven't been now in the last 3 years. So glad I found you last week and now I've found some new blog friends because of your SUWYLF fun! Have a WONDERFUL Mother's Day!!!
Thank you for doing this. It's so fun. All your readers that came to my blog last week are so stinkin sweet, so thanks for sharing them.
Have a fabulous first Mother's Day!
love your house! i am getting ideas...the two couches thing is neat and I adore the black tv cabinet. How is it so darn spotless?! I'm sad because I guess I could not really be your real life friend because my house has never looked that good-LOL but I want it to look just like that does that count? if you were my IRL friend you could decorate-ha
Your living room is so warm and inviting. Happy Mother's Day! What a special one this will be!!!
Mrs. Nurse Boy
Kelly, I LOVE your living room!!! It is gorgeous!!! I have the same iron piece you have over your mantle. Mine is in my bedroom over the fireplace. I have kind of the same layout in my living room and your double couch idea is giving me ideas! :) Hope you're wonderful!!!
I love your living room! I can't wait to see everyones!
You have such great taste :)
Added my link!
Did I spy a few pieces of Southern Living at Home? Love your Living Room. Glad you took pictures of it because when Harper starts crawling. Look out! :-) She may rearrange some of your things like my little one likes to much to my dismay.
This is so much fun! Thanks for giving us an opportunity to see where you live and drop in on other homes.
I love your style and your blog!
I love your house!!
Your house is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! It is exactly what I want my first house too look like!
Both of your living spaces are beautiful. I really love your entertainment center also.
Have a wonderful Mother's Day!
You have such a beautiful and warm home, thanks for sharing!
This really is such a girl thing to do...don't we all love to see someone else's home & how they do it....
Happy Mother's Day & many blessings to your family.
I love your TV cabinet and zebra pillows! Great buy! That's my kind of shopping :) Happy Mother's Day!
I LOVE your livingroom!! Its beautiful!!!
OK so I first didnt link to my post! So you can delete 116 but you have to leave 117 ;) I linked to the right post there!!!
Have a great weekend!!!
Your house is beautiful! Great job on the deco! Looks like this Friday is gonna be a busy one @ Show Us Your House Friday!
Thanks for hosting! Love seeing everyone's home. Yours is gorgeous, just as I knew it would be. Hope you'll have the time to stop by and say hi! I'd love to have you.
I hope you have a wonderful mother's day. Your home is beautiful but I can't hep but think of all the stuff you will have to put up when Harper starts to walk. I can't wait to have a beautiful decorated house again. (my twins are 18 mths)
I'm a southern girl uprooted by her husband to the cold and dreary land of the north...I exaggerate. I'm from Arkansas and currently live in Connecticut. First I have to say both your kitchen and living rooms are AMAZING and I'm going to steal some ideas. :) Secondly, thank God everyday for Hobby Lobby. That's one thing we don't have up here that I miss SO much and of course they also don't have Sonics...I think the closest one is Pennsylvania, 3 hours away and yes I've considered driving just for a drink. I feel like I'm in a barren land sometimes. :) No offense to any northerners reading this.
Ooh, can't wait to take time to look at all the rooms! (yours too!) Just wanted to be a little more timely with my post this time!!!
Love your living room!
I adore your house! The layout if fabulous. You have so much space which will be great as Harper gets older...you know for all those playdates!!! ;) You have excellent taste! Thanks for sharing!
I am soooo jealous of all these beautiful living rooms!!
Kelly, your sofa's are so cute, and I love that cute little lamp shade you have!!
Your home is beautiful!! I'm wondering though, if in a few short months, say when Miss H is cruising around, if all your lovely staged items will still be in their perfect places??
I'm all about house proofing the children, not baby proofing the house(which worked w/ baby #1, not so much with baby #2!)
Where's all the baby gear!
Again, your home is beautiful. LIke out of a magazine. Love the indoor/outdoor carpet idea. I might have to steal that one!
Oh Kelly! After looking at your living room, I wanna go shopping big time and steal some of your ideas...it's beautiful!
Your home is beautiful! You have wonderful taste.
Beautiful home.
It looks like "you!".
Lots of style.
*Cab't believe I'm posting at 7:00 am and am already so far down the list. There must be a trick to this that I'm not aware of, cause here I am at #139! LOL
What a pretty home you have! It looks so warm and inviting!
LOVE your zebra print pillows!!! If you ck mine out, I have some as well, but they are larger which works quite well for sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace! Do you guys not use yours? And LOVE LOVE LOVE the Monkey lamp...you'll notice I have a monkey too! but not a lamp
Loved your room(s)! Can't wait to hear which room is next! I'm addicted and love showing my house and seeing others!
I love the way you decorate! Our home is more transitional (the middle ground between contemporary and traditional) so I'm learning to decorate this way. But I always tell my hubby that if we build another house I want to be able to decorate traditional again :)
Your house is huge! I just love both of your rooms.
Love your sofa table and the decorations on it! It is beautiful! Thanks for your fun idea of Show Us Where you Live Fridays!
I'll add mine sometime this weekend!
Just wanted to say... we baptized our daughter on MY first mother's day - 3 yrs ago - and it's STILL some of my fav memories:
Kelly, you have a beautiful home and I just love this idea of Show Us Where You Live. My post is up and I was going to link up but Mr. Linky is missing! I bet he's misbehaving again!
Thanks for sharing your part of your home with us! Just beautiful! Love the hardwood floors too! I really want some of those apothecary jars (?). I need to keep my eye out for those!:)
Your living room and family room are both beautiful! Where are the baby toys???
Hi Kelly! I absolutely love the way you decorate. I could move into your home and be completely comfortable. Doesn't even look like you have a baby living there :-) Love the traditional feel to your style and I love these Show us where you live Fridays. Great idea!
Good morning Kelly! You have a beautiful home! Love the Show us where you live posts! What a great way to get so many wonderful decorating ideas!
Have a wonderful 1st of many,many Mother's Days!!!
wow! you won't be able to display all that stuff for long!! Harper will be tearing everything down...trust me there will be lots of broken things if you don't put them away when she starts getting into everything...i love your home, its sooo beautiful! (wish mine looked like that, but with a two year old, YIKES)
Happy Mother's Day
Your house is so pretty! I just love it! I wish I had your decorating skills! I dont have a public blog so I won't be linking my home, but I can def say your's is a lot prettier! hehe! My only other comment is just wait for the toddler years...your pretty house will never look the same agaiN! One day you will think I just cant hide another thing or we couldn't possibly have another toy, and just like that your adding something else to the extremely cluttered top shelf and putting away just one more toy! But it's wonderful...truly wonderful!
mr linky disappeared, oh well come check out mine
I love your house! It is so beautiful!
My living room has a fireplace much like yours. I've been conflicted about arranging furniture around it but it looks as if you've covered yours up with a sofa table and sofa. Is that right? It looks great but can't figure out how to do it in my room to give other furniture arrangement options.
I LOVE your home! So cute - you have great taste! :-) I hate how the baby stuff ruins my decorating scheme :-) I'm kidding - I dont mind anything if Jayci likes it!
I can not see Mr Linky?!?!? Is anyone else having this issue?? I have no clue why, I could see it last week but one day I came back to continue going through all the links and it had disappeared??
Kelly love your house!!! Gorgeous!! You have a wonderful knack for decorating!!
Okay, what's wrong with these pictures? Why is it that I'm the only one who seems to have had a toy store explode in my living room? Don't these people have kids? LOL
Love the pictures!
I haven't even looked at all of the kitchens yet! :) Thanks for sharing your home; it's beautiful! I'm loving this tour! My grandparents also gave me a chest when I graduated from college.
Kelly, thanks for doing this! You have such a pretty home & have done a great job with it. I have to thank you for all the people you send to my blog on a weekly basis. :)
Ok...I think I did it right...we will see. This is so fun. I can't wait to check out the other living rooms!
By the way..your living room is so pretty and don't you just love TJ Maxx?
I love these tours!!! I didn't have time to post my kitchen, but I had my living room pics taken well in advance!
Your living room is inspiring! Thanks, that was fun. :-)
Your home is absolutely beautiful. I know you are so very proud!
Praying for you on your first Mother's Day as well as praying Harper's dedication ceremony is everything you've always prayed it would be.
Hope to join in on 'living rooms' but we'll see if time allows??!!
Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22
ha ha. I am dumb. I just realized that I scrolled down WAY to far and put my living room link on the kitchen one. Oops! I got it figured out this time though! Thanks for doing this. It is a fabulous idea!
Your home is beautiful Kelly! I love everything, especially your TV cabinet and your zebra pillows!! Very warm and cozy!
Kelly, your living room is beautiful. I love the openess of your home. This home tour is so fun. Thanks for hosting.
Kelly, your living room is so pretty! I love your zebra pillows and the couch in your living room. Thank you for hosting the tour!
Absolutely Love your home! It's beautiful!
Your rug is a great idea! I love my rug, but it's shag, so it's so hard to clean. We shampoo it once a year.
I also am LOVING your home!
It's so unique.
Kelly, your home is beautiful. Thank you for doing this, I am having so much fun looking at everyones homes. I cant wait to see your family on Sunday morning.
I love your living room! I can't wait until we can buy a house and do with it whatever we want!
Kelly-- I LOVE your home and your decorating style! It is so inspiring! Also, I have enjoyed your blog for quite some time now... you are such a wonderful person and bring so much joy to so many. You and your family are so beautiful (on the inside AND out!) Harper is just so precious--a little doll!
Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your fun on the blog! The "Show Us Where You Live" has been a blast! Thank you again for all you do!!
Jen S.
Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful home. Thanks for hosting!
So I'm not married, and I'm poor but I wanted to share my house! :) I hope one day my house will be as beautiful as yours! Thanks for sharing
It's been fun looking at all the homes. What a fabulous idea!
I just came across your story in Serious Life magazine and I'm so excited to have learned that you have a beautiful daughter named Harper. That is my first name. How did you come up with her name?
Harper Loyer
wowzers...I LOVE it all!
Gorgeous home Kelly, I goofed and linked my kitchen again so my two listings, 245 and 247 the first one is obviously wrong. Sorry I had no idea how to remove it. I can't wait to find out what room I get to clean next week for pictures!
Your home is beautiful - you have lovely taste. Of course we already knew that! Thanks for hosting this party and I can't wait to get new ideas from all those that link up.
Your home is so pretty and welcoming! I love the zebra pillows!
I'm kind of new to the blogging world and I found your blog through one of my friends. Show us where you live friday - is an amazing idea. I can't wait to go home tonight and take pictures of my living room. I might do my kitchen too since I missed last week!
Your home is beautiful! I really like your decorating style. Thanks so much for doing this. It is so fun!
I just LOVE how you decorate! You living room is gorgeous! What a great job you have done. Thanks for sharing.
I love your living room. I have added my link, so come by and check out my living room.
Kelly- I LOVE your 2 rooms. They are beautiful and so warm and inviting! I think you have done a fantastic job!
I'm enjoying having the baby things in my rooms while I can. They do take up so much room and don't necessarily mesh with my design scheme, but there will be a day when I wish I had toys scattered and baby gear in every nook and cranny! Enjoy it!
Happy Mother's Day to you! I hope it's so joyous for you. It'll be my 4th Mother's day (oh my gosh- I can't believe that!) and I still am in awe that I am somebody's mom. Wow! It never fails to amaze me!
Happy Happy!!
I am just loving all the living rooms! Yours is great! I really like the TV cabinet. And your couches in both rooms. I can't wait for the day I get cloth couches. Right now I am sticking with leather that is easy to clean with my little ones...not complaining because I really do like my leather. It's just fun to change it up sometimes!!
Round TWO--here we go!!
By the way, your living room is decorated beautifully!!! If you're ever in Little Rock, you are certainly welcome to come HERE and give me some pointers. I'd be happy to watch Harper while you're here! :)
LOVE your living room. I LOVE how BIG it is... I am looking around at everyone's thinking, I WANT TO MOVE!! haaa. Beatiful room Kelly - enjoy until you have to start serioulsy baby proofing. ;)
Thanks so much for doing this. It is really fun! I missed kitchen week, but maybe I'll back and check them out. You have a cute home and you are such a cute family. My daughter still asks about praying for Harper. I tell her now we are thanking God that she is healthy and happy at home!
Oops! Please delete link 272! I didn't realize my last name got entered when I did that. That's why I did another one. Can you delete it? Thanks. Sorry about that. I'm a Mr. Linky novice. :)
Your living room, and whole house, is gorgeous! It ought to be in a magazine...and you ought to be a professional decorator! Thanks for setting up this tour...it's so fun to see other people's houses. I love the colors you use...mine are similar, plus we share a love of all things Ballard!
I am so thankful you are celebrating Mothers Day and wish you a very blessed one. I know Harper's dedication will be a very special time for your family, and join you in praying that you, Scott, and others in her life help put her feet on a pathway that leads to God. What a blessing she is!
I didn't get to participate last week, so I played catch up and did my kitchen too! Love your home!
Okay, I linked again; hopefully I did it right this time. Thanks again for sharing your story and your home with us.
I love your blog, this carnival, and your living room! Thank you so much for doing this! And I love that monkey lamp!
i just started reading your blog and i'm loving it! your house is beautiful!!! love the colors and those FuN zebra pillows! :)
This is so much fun :) Glad I got to participate this week!
I am #123 on Mr. Linky - I attached the wrong URL, you can update if you want, I didn't see a way I coudl edit it. Should be:
Thanks! -Laura
I LOVE your style! Your kitchen cabinets are exactly what I want, we are only painting our walls now and replacing the floor. New cabinets won't happen until the kids are older-at least 5-8 years! Thanks for hosting this, I just love your blog and have felt so blessed sharing in Harper's journey-you are so blessed!
Love your rooms. I have really enjoyed looking at all the rooms. Thanks for doing this. Have a great weekend.
LOVE your living room, Kelly! Thanks for starting this blog tour! fun fun fun! have a great weekend and HAPPY 1st Mother's day! Be Blessed! ~kimberly
I love how open your living area is. I also love that you left out Harper's things! Sophia's stuff is everywhere! Your home is beautiful!
I love your living room. The colors are very pretty!
Beautiful home!
This is my first time participating and I had so much fun!
What's on for next week????
Your open kitchen into the family is so nice, its not the layout I pictured in head from what I saw of the kitchen last week. Is'nt it funny how we picture things in are mind that turn out so differently? Have a great Mothers Day.
You living room is so warm & inviting. It looks like people woudl feel very at home there, yet its all so beautifully pulled together! You have a wonderful sense of style. although once again I don't feel like my little space compares I am happy to share as I feel very blessed with all I have.
have a very happy mothers day!
That is totally fab idea to get an indoor/outdoor rug for the living room..I have never thought of that! I will put that on my "wishlist!" Thanks so hosting this! It is SO much fun!
I love your living room Kelly :) I think the baby swing is great decor!
A little late in the game, but this is so much fun I just had to join in! I'm getting so motivated looking at all these great living rooms!
I just now found your blog from TWICE AS NICE..I am sick that I didn't get in on the kitchens last week. Mine is my favorite room in the house. In fact, just posted it this week. Now, I've missed living rooms. Oh, BUMMER ! Well, how do we find out what is NEXT Friday??
Your living areas are just stunning.
Kelly - I am loving the "Where you live Friday." I am getting so many great ideas.
Love it! Makes me want to sit on the couch and hang out.
I think this whole home tour is so fun! Thanks for the idea.
I hope you have a wonderful 1st Mother's Day!
Your house is just beautiful!!
Happy early Mother's Day and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!
Such fun... doesn't this just satisfy our inner nosiness? Beautiful home and beautiful testimony to Jesus Christ on your blog!
Oh I adore your living room. Can you come help me!? haha
I thought I would come back over and show yo where we put 13 children and a mom and a dad!!:) I have enjoyed the fun, thanks for being so thoughtful!
I love how you have decorated your space and made it so beautiful! Thanks for sharing your home!
Your house is so warm! I love how your living room is laid out. We purchased our first and brand new home at the end of 2006 and it is just now the way I want it. Thanks for doing this! I can get great ideas, I have more rooms to finish!
Love your rooms. They are so warm and inviting. Love Ballard too. My light in my entry way is from there as well as my iron lady's form, not sure how else to describe it, which I love is in my guest bathroom. If you do bathrooms you can see it. Thanks for hosting this. It's great fun. Happy Mother's Day.
I love your Living rooms! I also share your love for Ballard Designs. Their catalogs give me the best decorating ideas!!
Just wanted to tell you how lovely your house is. Can't wait to see more next Friday.
I love Show Where you Live! I am addicted to homes. I love to go to open houses - just to see how people decorate. I want to encourage you that you don't have to baby-proof your home, just teach Harper her limits. My mom's house is FULL of figurines and other things and my kids both know not to touch them. You have a wonderful home!
Love your living areas! I really like your colors and style!
Just want to wish you an amazing 1st Mother's Day! Oh isn't it special!
Know that I'm here praying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Psalms 91:3-4 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
Prayer BearsMy email address
Your home is beautiful and you have such great open spaces! What a wonderful home for entertaining!
Beautiful home! I love the paint color too...do you know what its called? Im about to do some serious painting this summer!
I love this series!
You have a beautiful home! I can't wait to see more. It's been fun peaking into everyone's kitchens & living rooms. I really love the 2 couches (instead of the traditional sofa/loveseat combo). Happy Mother's Day!
You have a gorgeous home, but all that stuff on tables, etc. will have to go when Harper is walking! They get into everything!!
Kelly, I really love your living room. We have really similar taste, so I've enjoyed looking at your house. I can get some great ideas for when we get to build one day!
Thanks for hosting such a fun way to see others homes! I love getting ideas from people all over the country! (I didn't know people honestly decorated with animal heads! I thought it was just in mountain lodges!)
Wow, everyone has such awesome living rooms! I loved looking at all the photos. I am feeling so very inspired!!
LOVE your house! What does your husband DO for a living?
Hope you have a happy first Mother's Day!
Okay, now I really hate my house
I am in love with your beautiful home!! So glad I found your blog! Thanks, and happy mothers day!
I was feeling guilty after looking at so many beautiful kitchens, that I decided to participate this week. Better late than never! Happy Mother's Day Kelly! I have truly been enjoying your blog!
What a beautiful home you have! Happy 1st Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day!
Kelly, this is such a great post that we couldn't help but post a link to it on our site.
Our visitors are always looking for great living room decorating ideas and it looks like you and your friends have hundreds of them.
Keep up the great work and our visitors thank you for a great idea!
Happy Mother's Day, Kelly!
Continuing to lift up prayers!
Psalms 91:14-15 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.
Prayer BearsMy email address
WOW!! Your home is beautiful!!
Maybe I will get there one day when the kids are older, but right now mine is more of a play room!
Happy 1st Mother's Day to you with your sweet Harper!!
You have a beautiful home Kelly and a beautiful family as well.
Have a wonderful Mother's Day!
I love your blog...always fun to read!
happy 1st moms day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for inspiring all of us with your beautiful home! I lived in Fayetteville for a year before moving to NYC for school and now in Texas, but we will always be a Razorback fan and will always love Fayeteville!
Happy Mother's Day!
Your home is so lovely...I love the way you decorate...very pretty.
wow - I just found this blog - your home is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!
I love all your moldings!!
You have a gorgeous living room! I love how open your living room is to your kitchen. As you can see in my living room post, mine is not quite as open as yours. Keep the room blogs coming. I love participating.
- Emily (TimelessPaper.com)
Wow - your house is so tidy! Mine looks like Toys R Us exploded inside it!
Finally got mine posted - whew! It's almost time for the next one!
Okay, just want to check to make sure I"m not missing something... last wk, we signed in to create a link to our post, right? I don't see that this wk? Sorry, I'm still new to blogging! ;)
your house is beautiful! much more tidy than mine, and i dont have a baby!
I just love the idea to post pictures of your home to show. So I Just had to join...
Your home is very beautiful.
If my English is hard to understand that's because I'm from Sweden...
Your house is just gorgeous, Kelly. I'm from CA and I've always felt that I was supposed to be a southern girl. Hopefully my family and I will relocate some day!
Would you, by chance, share the color of your living room walls? I've had a hard time finding a beige-y color that isn't too dark, too light, too brown, too gold, etc. and I really like your walls! HEHE!
Feel free to email me if you can. My email address is: adamstana@gmail.com
If you can't get to it I totally understand that you're super busy with that beautiful baby girl of yours!
Love your living room!
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