This time last year - Scott and I were headed to Kauai. We have been to Hawaii 3 times in our 5 years of marriage - we LOVE it. It may be a while until we go again and today I'm just dreaming of hawaii. (We went to Kauai twice and Maui on our honeymoon. I've also been to Oahu with my family).

The view from our hotel room - we slept with the windows open and it was cool and the ocean would crash all night. I think I'm ESPECIALLY dreaming of how much wonderful sleep I got on those vacations (since right now I'm getting 4-5 interrupted sleep hours) ha!

It is just the most beautiful place !

This was Mother's Day morning last year - I saw the most beautiful rainbow. I just KNEW it was God reminding me of His promise (I knew I was pregnant). I love this picture because I just remember how deliriously happy I was that day!

I'm day dreaming of the beach today. We are planning to go to one of my other favorite places in September - Gulf Shores, Alabama. :-) We want to show Harper the Ocean.
It seems like right now every single person I know is either going to Disney world just this moment, going this summer, or just went for spring break. I'm sure we'll have to start saving up to take Harper one of these days!
What is your most favorite vacation you have ever been on?????
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 222 Newer› Newest»Hawaai!! Hands down! I would love to go back and what BEAUTIFUL photos snapped of you through your husbands eyes! :)
Hi Kelly! I've been reading your blog since you had precious Harper. This is the first time I've commented though. :) I love the picture of you standing in front of the rainbow!! I got teary when I read what you wrote. We serve an amazing God!! :)
Great photos! It's so beautiful! My favorite place is the Pigeon Forge/Chattanooga TN area - we went there on our honeymooon and it was so beautiful! Love the mountains! :) I'd love to go to Hawaii sometime!
I would love to go to Hawaii, never been, hate flying. Favorite vacation outside of the beach somewhere is probably Disney, we are saving to take our kids too! The pics from Hawaii are awesome!!
I'm soooo jealous!! I've been to every state except for Hawaii and Alaska and I soooooo badly want to go (especially Hawaii)! One time, my family even went without me "assuming" I couldn't go!! Wha?? My favorite vacation may be yet to happen! I'm headed to Coronado Island, CA next week with 3 girlfriends and no kids!!! Woooo!
Beautiful Kelly! We went to Hawaii last year in Oct while I was a few weeks pregnant and it was amazing. The windows were always opened, the air so pure- I am ready for another trip back there after Avery! Beautiful pictures sweetie!
My most fun vacation was Hawaii, too. I was just out of high school when I won the trip on a local radio station. Little did I know how expensive it really was to visit this state.I am not sure if we would ever go again (at least until the kids leave the house).
We went to Kauai in 2005 and loved it! I've also been to Bermuda and Cabo. Loved both of those. We've been to many spots in the Caribbean and other places in Mexico. I just love the beach, period! You're pictures are great! I know what you mean, I have been dreaming of the beach for a while now. I haven't been in a couple of years. I'm sure Harper will love seeing the ocean later in the year.
it looks like i'll be going to hawaii for my 10 year anniversary! even though i'm afraid of flying, the journey looks well worth it from seeing your pictures. thanks for sharing! our favorite beach spot is sandestin. ocean blue is my favorite color! :)
Well being an Alabama girl I LOVE Gulf Shores/Orange Beach. My husband and I went on our honeymoon there and we vacation there every summer with his family!
Do you guys eat at the Original Oyster House? That is our favorite place!!! YUMMY!
You guys have fun when you come down in September!!!
Beautiful pictures!! Our favorite place...HAWAII! It's amazing there! My parents go all the time and finally bought a big house down there so that we all have a place to stay when we go! (Which of course isn't quite as often since we have 2 babies now, o-well!) Love your blog, not sure if I have ever commented before but have been reading for awhile now! :)
We had a wonderful trip camping from Virginia to the Grand Canyon. We did Disney in Florida with the kids and it was good. I would wait to take Harper until she is older so that she remembers it. Also its great when you do not have to push strollers or worry about diapers etc. By far though our best vacation was visiting Alaska. Its a beautiful place.
For my favorite vacation - I would have to go with the cross country train trip my family took when I was little (my parents and us 4 kids under 10 years old - yikes!). We had a blast!
Though...I am leaving for vacation next week (Europe!!) and I think (hope) this vacation will become my favorite!
Kauai for sure. We went for our 10-year anniversary and would love to go back!
What I wouldn't give to be on a beach in Hawaii! I have been twice but to young to appreciate it!!
HAWAII hands down! I went in 2005 and it was my first vacation and plane ride ever. I dream about it all the time! Its was beautiful and I wish I would have sucked more of it up but I was anxious to get back to my kids. Now I miss it! The next vacation I'm lucky enough to go on, its gonna be there again but Maui this time and with the kids..( : The pics. of you are beautiful i'll be day dreaming with you today! God bless ( :
We love Gulf Shores and are going in September too. If you don't already know you must go to the Original Oyster House and try the Peanut butter chocolate chip pie...yummo!!
I loved our cruise to Cozumel. But I also Love Gulf Shores. Its so beautiful. I want to one day go to Hawaii.
I don't think I've ever left a comment before, but I enjoy your blog so much! My favorite beach spot is Gulf Shores, too - I feel like I'm coming home when I cross the bridge! We just got back from Disney World on Saturday and I might have to confess it was one of my favorite trips so far. My daughter is 2 and LOVED it. There is so much for little girls to do :).
How sweet! Loved taking a trip down memory lane with you, and how beautiful is Hawaii and that smile on your face couldn't get any bigger!!!
My favorite vacation had to have been El, Salvador to visit a friend!
My husband and I spent our honeymoon at Disney World and LOVED it. We're heading back there for our 10 year anniversary in 2010.
This summer we're going to Hawaii for the first time. We can't wait. We're going to Maui.
by far new york. 4 this ark gurl it was a whole diff world
I've never been to Hawaii but I'm thinking I need to! My parents have been several times and it's just not fair they didn't invite me :) You looked so happy and gorgeous with all that natrual sunlight! Great pics!
When I turned 20 my parents took my whole family on a road trip to Gulf Shores. I'm the baby of 5 and the only one not married so this was a large group. We had 4 different cars and walkie talkies. My Mom almost killed everyone getting there with her driving :0)
But once we arrived we had the best time. My parents took each kid out on a special date with their spouse and then me on my birthday. It was so fun and the condo we stayed in was gorgeous! I loved the pretty white beaches. I'm 27 now but will never forget that trip to Gulf Shores.
Tough question! Traveling is my favorite hobby, but I think my favorite trip to date has to be a Scuba trip I went on with my hubby's family on a Catamaran in the Bahamas. Completely deserted beaches... bliss.
Out of cruises, Hawaii, DisneyLand and DisneyWorld, my favorite is for sure DisneyWorld. It truly is the happiest place on earth! Been there 5 times and cannot wait to go again!
I love the Texas Hill Country. It is so relaxing and peaceful!
Hawaii looks beautiful! We went to Disney World for our Honeymoon and to Disneyland a few years later. Hopefully we'll get to take Aaron there in a year or so, when he's old enough to not be terified of the characters and maybe out grows motion sickness. For now, he is delighted with going to Eureka Springs and riding the train!
Our honeymoon. We went to Tahiti, Moorea and Bora Bora and stayed in the overwater bungalows. We could just walk right out our balcony and jump into the ocean. It was literally our swimming pool. I can't wait to go back.
By far, we have LOVED Costa Rica. It is beautiful, peaceful, and so much fun - lots of adventures to go on, or you can spend a day at the pool/beach!! I have never been to Hawaii but want to go! Not anytime soon with a little one, but one day....
Funny b/c today is Hawaiian day at my little one's school. He is dressed in his best Hawaiian shirt, cargos, and little sandals. Too sweet!
The beach. Any beach really.. Vero Beach, Fl; Daytona, FL; or Hilton Head even. Just give me some sun and sand!
Best beach I have ever been to was in Puerto Rico though almost 11 years ago.
I loved today's post...loved it! My favorite vacation would have to be a destination wedding (Cancun - exclusive resort) I went on and I didn't know everyone - so I had tons of down time AND cell phones/blackberries did not work. Beautiful.
loves, kate
ps: you have such great arms!
I so want to go to Hawaii - my husband are suppose to go for our 10 year anniversary (we will be married 7 years this month) so any good suggestions on what to do let us know! My favorite vacation is a thing called Coaches Outreach each summer it is marriage weekend for Caoches and their wives this will be our second summer - we are going to DeGray Lake this year - can't wait! It is wonderful Christian time with my husband.
Hi Kelly! I read your blog often, but I'm a first time commenter! Hawaii is hands down my favorite vacation spot. I was there in 2001 for the 60th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor and of course, to relax! Best vacation ever and I can't wait to go again! :) Love your blog!
Great pictures and memories for you and Scott. Your smile in these pictures say it ALL:) Pure JOY!!!
Favorite vacation spot of all time is Nevis!
Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22
We always go to Destin, Florida. It is so pretty there...I love it! I am sure it looks a lot like Gulf Shores, Alabama...white sand and clear water. Have a great Thursday!
We LOVE LOVE LOVE the beach!!! We are going in six weeks. Also, a cruise. We went on a family cruise in October and it was bliss!!!
Love all of your pictures. They are beautiful!
Spain with my best girls when we were only 19...I can't believe our parents let us go!! I got engaged to a Spaniard while I was over there! HA!!!! What fools....never saw him again!!
My husband and I have been to Hawaii twice together. It is the most beautiful place. We love it. We hope to go back someday and take out little girl. Beach vacations are my favorite. My husband prefers the mountains. We are also going to Gulf Shores this summer. We leave next Thursday for a short vacation. It will be our little girl's first trip to the beach. I can't wait.
I luv the pics! Been following since Harper was born, so excited for your sweet little family! My favorite vacay was GULF SHORES--our honeymoon, where we were gifted a FREE stay on a private beach in a 4 bdrm condo. So big for just the two of we've been married 5 1/2 yrs, had two kids in the last 2 yrs, so traveling is a little different these days, but I'd luv to go back to GS and fill up that condo w/ kids and fun! I luv how happy you look in your mom's day pic last year...isn't it amazing?!
We lived on Oahu for 3 years and got to visit the Big Island, Maui and Kauai, and I agree that the Hawaiian islands are GOREGOUS! We miss them bad now living in cold Michigan. Anyhow, my favorite vacation was when we moved here from Hawaii and we drove across the country. We went to National Parks and it was so much FUN getting to see this great Country of ours! :)
Next time y'all go to Hawaii let me know, my cousins have an awesome house there and they rent it out through out the year!!
We LOVED Hawaii, as well! It has been several years, but we will go back again soon. We go to Florida every year in September...the beaches in Destin are the prettiest. We also love Cancun. Anywhere with a beach is our fave!! :)
Love the pics. Thanks for sharing!
I'm DREAMING of the day my husband and I go to Hawaii! =)
Looks gorgeous!
My fav. vacation so far was DIsney with my now fiance! We stayed at The Polynesian, which is HAwaiian themed! It was awesome! I'm sure our Disney honeymoon this July will top tat trip though! :)
I've been to a lot of beautiful places all over the world but my all-time favorite vacation was 2 summers ago when my whole family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins) went "Camping on the Gulf" in Destin! It was very low key and beautiful, and we got to spend a week together without worries. Also, I got engaged that week. PERFECT!
I would just love to go to Hawaii, or anywhere exotic.
Being from Alabama, I will settle for our beautiful beaches.
Have fun in Gulf Shores! We are going for a few days at the end of May to spend time at the beach and visit our family down there.
Wow! You really do prefer dresses! :)
I love Ireland. Not exactly tropical like Hawaii, but beautiful coastlines and lush green valleys and hills. Sometimes I wish I could live there...
Been reading your blog for quite a while and have never left a comment. But since you're talking about travel...I couldn't resist! Kauai is our fav, fav, FAV!!! We've been many, many times and can't wait to talk our kiddos. Just not now, I can't imagine the plane ride from Tulsa to Hawaii with 3 kids under the age of 5. Oh, and Tahiti is a very close second. If you love Hawaii, go there!
Happy Day!
Alyssa in Okla.
Our honeymoon to Zihuantenejo, Mexico! It was so wonderful! Now that our baby is here, we may not be traveling anywhere anytime soon! We, too, will be saving for Disney! Ha!
I love the White Mountains in New Hampshire, hence why I'm getting married there in a month. My soon to be husband and I are planning a vacation for next year and are thinking about Hawaii. After seeing your gorgeous photos, I think it's a must place to visit before we have children!!
Oooh! Hawaii looks like so much fun! My husband and I went to a little island in the Caribbean called Mustique for our was amazing!! We stayed at the Cottonhouse...breathtaking!
Love the post! The pictures are beautiful! My favorite place to vacation is in the TN mountains! I have never been out west, but I'd love to see the mountains in Colorado, I have also heard the mountains in Canada are gorgeous!
We went to St. Maarteen for a week back in 2006 and I really wasn't impressed. We are trying to plan on 10 yr anniversary trip for 4/2010 and are thinking Alaska, somewhere else in the caribbean or a cruise...decisions, decisions!
Well I have never been to Hawaii, but I am DYING to go one day!
But I would honestly have to say that my favorite vacation was Cancun...Brant and I went there on our honeymoon and it was surpassed our every expectation. We even went back for our first anniversary last year (although we went with 2 other couples which made things 10x more fun!).
And by the way - you do look quite happy in these pictures!!!!
We leave for Disney on Wednesday! How did you know?! HAHA!!
We took our older 2 kids there when they were 5 and 3 (5 is a perfect age to take a little into the Princess's...but start saving now!)
Our plan was to go each time one of our children was 5. We didn't know then we'd have FOUR kids. Now the youngest is 5 and we are returning. I can hardly wait.
St. Johns in the Virgin Islands was where we celebrated our 10 year and we went to Maui and Kauai for our 5 year anniversary. All beautiful!
This summer we are going to Tuscany, Italy for a week and I can't wait to see that part of the world. (A friend turned 40 and her husband rented a villa in the Tuscany countryside for a week - it has it's own golf course, pool, etc. - can't believe it!). We bought our plane tickets and they are getting the rest. It's like I won the lottery or something!
So, not sure of my favorite, but I do love to travel.
I remember that trip! Hayden and I read every day and daydreamed we were in Hawaii too. I was sooooo excited that I cried when you came back and said you were pregnant on Mother's Day!!!
Hey..I am going to Gulf Shores a week from today! Taking a 3 year old (her 3rd time) and a 4 month old (her first time). Luckily Mimi and Papa will be there to help. If you want any tips on going there with little me.
PS You look gorgeous in the green dress pic!!
Oh Kelly,
We love Gulf Shores, Alabama! We are only two and a half hours away and we spent last weekend down there. The weather was great.
The beach is so much more fun with a little one. We enjoy it even more than before.
A lady that I work with, she and her husband own a condo there and we love it so much staying there.
When I read that you love Gulf Shores, I was like wow! Kelly has been to Gulf Shores! You are like a celebrity to me so it makes even more special.
(By the way, I so enjoy Harper's pics. I am way in love with my little girl so I love to read your blog everyday!)
Check out my blog for pics from our Gulf Shores vacation..
Beautiful pictures! I am ready for a vacation in paradise. We just celebrated our 10th anniversary--no tropical paradise, just home, LOL. Our honeymoon was at Caneel Bay in St. John. I highly recommend going at least once in a lifetime. 170 acres with private beaches. We always had a beach to ourselves. It was amazing.
HUGS today!
My favorite vacation I have been on was to New York City for Thanksgiving this past year. It was wonderful. I loved listening to the sounds of the city and from our hotel room on Times Square 20 floors up we slept with the windows open and it was GLORIOUS! The husband and I hope to go to Hawaii for our 10 year anniversary, but we have another 6 years before then. But . . . we are going to Gulf Shores for Memorial Day and I cannot wait to just sit on the beach for a couple days!
oH I'VE ALWAYS wanted to go to Hawaii! Gulf Shores is one of my fav vaca destinations! I went last year for the 1st time w/ Josh and our besties from Crossett, AR and it was beautiful!! Our fav. vacation though is to take a cruise. We usually do one a year but last year we didn't and I CAN SOOOO TELL we didn't. Looks like we won't be doing one this year either so our new fav. vaca is camping. We have a travel trailer that we got last year and it's super nice (2007 model) and all our friends and family have their own too so that's what we do now. i KNOW we'll be goin this summer b/c ms. Shelby can do that! :) Arkansas is a beautiful place to camp so we are soo fortunate to be so close to so many beautiful places, as u know!
I've never been to Hawaii. My most favorite vacation was to Hilton Head Island with our really good friends. He is a pastor so someone from their church let us stay in their huge house on the ocean..for free! It was so fun.
I really, really, really love Walt Disney World! We stayed at the Animal Kingdome Lodge the last time we went. The atmosphere is amazing. Plus, I can act like a kid with my kids! It's my all time favorite.
I'm day dreaming right there with you. We love going to Perdido Key FL, which is a short distance to where you will be in September. We are going in July and I can hardly wait. I am working on my beach body.....haha.....I don't think that I will ever have a beach body after my 2 c-sections, but a girl can dream can't she?!!
Last year I went to NYC with my parents and it was SOOO much fun! I've been wanting to go for year, so right now, that's my favorite. We went to see Wicked and Mary Poppins, a Yankees game, TODAY show, and just walked. That's what I love about cities is that you CAN walk everywhere.
i LOVE Kauai! I went with my family years ago, but sadly was terribly sick with a respiratory infection! ANYWAYS!
I'd say my favorite get away/vacation location is Leavenworth, WA! You should look it up! It's a quaint little Bavarian style town with lots of little shops and it's a gorgeous drive over the Cascade Mts to get there - well from Seattle at least =) Lucky for me, my parent's own a condo near by and I can go whenever!
However... my fiance & I are going to Victoria, BC for our honeymoon, and I've heard that that is a great place too! So we'll see! =) i'm pretty excited to get married though, so I'm sure it will be great!
Have a great day, Kelly!
~Krista from Seattle, WA!
p.s. - my sister is pregnant & that little outfit you bought for harper is ADORABLE! I might have to snag one for my niece!
I also love Hawaii! I ran the Honolulu Marathon a few years ago just so I'd have an excuse to go there! : )
Another one of my favorite vacations was when my husband and I took two weeks and drove up the entire East coast. We started at the botom of SC and went all the way up to Maine. What a wonderful trip! (That was of course before having my four boys... can't imagine taking that same trip in the car now! )
My most favorite vacation thus far was one I took last October to NYC with my grandmother, my MIL, my SIL, and my best friend. It was a trip we planned about 3 days before we actually went and we just all went on a wimb. It was amazing. I had never been before and we had a blast the entire time.
Another favorite would be my 2-week trip to Europe last April/May to visit my relatives over there and for a family reunion. Amsterdam was awesome and was by far my most favorite city in Holland. I had a blast the entire time.
This October, I am getting married in Jamaica and I think it may take the cake! ;-)
Hawaii FOR SURE!!! I love all the pics, it is making me dream I was back there today also. Since this Arkansas weather is really messing with my head, I would love that cool fresh air. NO humidity!
We went on our honeymoon, and I'm counting the days till we go back.
This summer we are going to Disney World with our kiddos. Kensley and Klay have both been, but Little K will get her first ears!
We cruised to Hawaii in February of this year to avoid a long flight. We'll take the long flight next time so we can spend more time in beautiful Kauai and Mauii! Definitely our two favorite islands! We love the Colorado mountains, too, especially around the Estes Park area in the summer with lots of elk, wildflowers, and other wildlife. Alaska was a beautiful combination of mountains and shoreline beauty! Definitely hard to choose which was our favorite trip. Love them all! God's beauty surrounds us in so many versions--mountains, hillsides covered in bluebonnets (yes, we love the Texas Hill Country in spring), and seasides. We love visiting quiet country vs. the busy city sirens for sure. As long as my husband is with me, its perfectly beautiful wherever we to!
I was in Maui 1 year ago this very week! Hawaii is the most breathtaking place I have ever been! I was overwhelmed by the beauty of Gods Creation. It was amaizing! I hope to back and visit some of the other islands!
Great photos, Don't know if I will ever get to go or not. There are so many places here in the states I want to see also.
Start your Disney World fund now and when Harper gets older, she will enjoy it greatly.
My co-worker is taking her three sons at the end of this month. The youngest one will not remember but the older two I am sure will always remember the fun time there.
My hubby & I honeymooned in Turks & Caicos at this super all inclusive resort. It was amazing. SO relaxing! You didn't need money for anything. You just walked into the restaurant sat down and a waiter served you and you ate and left. No tipping at all...nothing! even all the water sports were included. We snorkeled. It was just so carefree. I want to go back on our anniversary one year.
We're going to Oahu Saturday, and it will be our first time in Hawaii! Any tips?
Also, we are trying for our first baby (we have been for a couple months) so hopefully Hawaii will do for me what it did for you!
I would love to go to Hawaii one day. I'm sure it is even more beautiful than the pictures! When I think of "vacation," I think of the beach. And when I think of "the beach," I always think of Carolina beaches or Georgia coastal. That's where we have gone just about every year since I was little. It just does not seem like summer unless I'm going there. And we always go in August so that we have the whole summer to look forward to it! (Plus that gives us the whole summer to work on our tans before hitting the beach for some REAL tanning...with baby oil and iodine, of course....haha!) And we always get dressed up for dinner, which is one of my favorite parts. And you can't leave out great seafood! ;o)
I'm going to be so excited for you this year on Mother's Day, Kelly! It's going to be such a special and memorable one for you! :o)
Hey we may be in Gulf Shores around the same time! Maybe I will get to meet the ever so famous Harper Stamps one of these days!!! haha!!
gulf shores is my favorite place on earth, too! we honeymooned on maui and just loved it. i can't wait until we can afford to go back! :)
I've never been to Hawaii but would love to go. Gulf Shores is one of our favorite vacation spots. We're going in June. First vacation with the kids.....can't wait!!
By far.....Negril Jamaica. My husband and I went for our belated honeymoon in Jan 2004 - we came home with the most amazing souvenir....our son Jack....who was born in October 2004! It was a beautiful vacation spot and we had so much fun! Now you've got me reminiscing.......Hawaii is where I told my husband I want to go for our 10th Anniversary! We will have been together for 20 years at that point - I think that in itself is worthy of a vacation to Hawaii - don't you?!?!?
I'm going on my honeymoon in 5 weeks to Oahu! It can't come soon enough!
I also love Kauai! It's gorgeous! I've been there twice and twice to the Big Island.
We'd love to go back and take our daughter. I am hoping we can go for my husband's 50th birthday in 4 years. The last time we went was on his 40th birthday.
Beautiful pics!!!!
I loved Jamacia but we just love to cruise....anywhere!
Got be be Tamarindo, Costa Rica!!!! Absolutely gorgeous! This is our equivalent to Hawaii for you and Scott. We go as much as possible!
Now, I LOVE Gulf Shores, and Orange Beach, AL, but I live so close it's not like a big vacation to us. More like a long weekend!
We have vacationed in the Outer Banks, NC, for years and LOVE it. We also really looooove NYC and have been three times since we've been married.
Went to Hawaii in 2005 and to be quite honest, didn't really care for it (don't hate me!!) at all.
But probably my favorite trip was our two-week trip to Okinawa and Tokyo, Japan with family. It was quite literally *right* before we conceived our first child. Ah, yes. Vacationing prekids was amazing and SO different! My hubby and I went to Barbados when our oldest was 15-months old, and though we knew he was having a wonderful time with my parents, it just wasn't the same as pre-kids!
My husband and I are actually going on a week-long beach trip (to the OBX) in June with NO kids, and we are looking forward to it immensely!
SUCH a beautiful place. I hope to get to go someday!
Go with your husband to Coastal Maine. Rent a car and drive up the coast, stopping at bed and breakfasts all along the way. And then go whale-watching and sail at sunset. This was my honeymoon.
Your pictures were gorgeous! Our favorite place is St. John in the US Virgin Islands. We are headed back in 5 weeks to celebrate my college graduation! I can hardly wait.
I can't believe that you announced the coasts best kept secret on your blog. A lost of people have never heard of Gulf Shores! I was actually married there and it's so beautiful! We go back every year for our anniversary (August) and Shrimp Festival (October). I have never commented before but have been following your story for a while, and have even cooked several of your recipes! Enjoy your baby girl, time does fly and I can't wait to see pictures come October!
We spent some time on Kauai, too, for our first anniversary. Best vacation? That's a hard one because we were blessed to do a lot of traveling a few years ago. Monemvasia, Greece was simply charming. Loved staying in the old walled city in Tallin, Estonia. Naringa Spit in Lithuania was refreshing. And I just love Italy- the food, the countryside, the food, the gelato, the food...
I live in the Caribbean, so I'm partial to beaches :)
The prettiests beaches in the world have to be in Vieques, Culebra and the Virgin Islands. Its just spectacular.
For grown-up vacations, I think Italy. We took a Mediterranean cruise and spent 10 days just sailing around - PRICELESS.
We got married in Gulf Shores almost 2 years ago! That was great, but then we went to Cabo San Lucas on our honeymoon. That was complete bliss! The views, the Cabo arches, the all-inclusive food and drinks. I wish we were there now... We are going to Gulf Shores in 2 weeks and I am thrilled about that!
I have NEVER been to Hawaii! I would love to go someday... Hubby and I are going to Naples, FL this summer and can't wait for the beach!!
Hi Kelly, those were awesome pics! I've been to Maui twice and LOVE it! Supposedly our whole family is going to Hawaii in 2011 when my parents have their 50th anniversary. I'm excited because this will be my first trip there with my husband and my daughter will be 4 then.
funny that you say everyone you know is going somewhere right now. We just got back from Disneyland in CA and had a wonderful time. Check out my blog(s) when you get a chance.
How do I email you??? My email is I don't see your email address anywhere?!
Want to go to Hawaii, but this June (less than a month) we're going go Belize!!
NYC is my favorite, but it is hard to top DISNEY with the kids:) All their dreams come true. We took our girls on a SURPRISE trip last summer. They had no idea we were going. We picked them up early from school one day and headed to the airport! They were in shock and it was the BEST week :) Thanks for sharing Hawaii with us!
PS... I LOVE your hair short! But I am a short hair girl :)
My Favorite vacation was when Josh and I went to Oahu two summers ago, it was so beautiful, and SO MUCH FUN!!
p.s. I love all of your cute sundresses in these pictures :)
Kauai! Kauai! is our most favorite spot!
My husband and I have been the last 8 0f 10 years!
My husband is a pastor, and we SO love our church, but we SO look forward to our time away, and the quiet, slower, NO agenda times we have there...
Nothing better than sleeping in, lying on a beautiful beach with a good book and having our couple time!
Oh Kelly, I would LOVE to hear about Hawaii. My husband and I are going for the 1st time in July. I know you are way way way busy with a bazillion comments but if you have time :) My favorite vacation was an Alaskan Cruise on Princess Cruise Lines. We went in 2007 and I LOVED it and would recommend it to anyone, even those with kids. We are going to take our 6 month old in a couple of years because they have great children's programs. I also loved a European cruise we did last year. Girl, I could vacation like it's my job HAHA
we LOVE gulf shores!! we go every summer (well, not last year b/c we had our 3rd baby who was in the NICU for 10 days). but we can't wait to take her for the first time in a few weeks. we live around huntsville, al. i grew up in dothan, which is only 90 miles from PC beach in florida. but gulf shores is our favorite!!
Thanks for sharing such beautiful pics! We are going to Hawaii for the first time this August! I am so excited but a little nervous because we are bringing Zach with us and I know that will be a long plane ride for a 4 year old! BTW.. LOVE your haircut in these pics!
I LOVE Gulf Shores!! We got every year for Thanksgiving. We always stay on the beach (in the biggest house we can find for our HUGE family) and eat at DeSoto's & The Original Oyster House :) Our family lives down there too which makes it so much sweeter!
I'm glad you are introducing Harper to a beautiful place!
My favorite vacation tho was probably when I went to Hawaii back in 2005 :) It was BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait to go back!
On a cruise to the Bahamas! Cruising is the BEST way to travel in my opinion. Food all the time, housekeeping all the time & sun. What else is there??
Everyone I know is going to Disneyland. And I soooo want to take our little girls. Not sure it's going to happen this year. Maybe next year.
Great pics! I love hawaii so much. We honeymooned in Maui. Favorite vacation spot might be Hawaii. But I also love the Carribean.
BTW - the picture of you on Mother's day is precious!! You need to frame it or something & put it in Harper's room or your bedside table.
That's easy! Vegas! It's where we went for our honeymoon and it was FABULOUS! We're not even gamblers, but it is soo fun to people watch! :)
Thank you so much for your blog! I really enjoy reading about your family and experiencing how much you love Jesus!
those are beautiful pictures! my husband and I went to Kauai last fall when I was 6 months pregnant.
Now you have me reminiscing and wishing I was on an island somewhere! Don't you just LOVE the beauty of Hawaii? By the way.. LOVE all your dresses!
My all time favorite is Hawaii... Kona to be exact. We went every summer growing up as kids for a month... SUCH great times!! I can't wait to take my kids there. After Owen gets his heart and he's good and strong (not immunosuppressed)... we'll take a family trip out there.
Also, I'm hoping Owen will qualify for Make-A-Wish and maybe I can convince him to make a wish to an island somewhere.... HA. He'll probably wish for trucks or Disneyworld.
Love the pics..thanks for Sharing!
Northern Michigan with my family when i was about... anyways it is JUST BEAUTIFUL up there!-and Lake Michigan is just gorgeous--its definately the prettiest of the great lakes and just as beautiful as any ocean or sea ive been to! Since I loved it so much my husband and I honeymooned on lake michigan because I wanted him to see how beautiful it was--but it rained the whole time (which had its perks for honeymooners ;) --but kind of disappointing for my beach dwelling hopes!)
..when i was about 15! oops! :)
The Aegean Sea in Greece ... I have an uncle who is Greek - and he arranged EVERYTHING for hubby & me to go in October of 1996 .. and I got to go back in 2005 as well.
Those pictures are beautiful! Oh to be there right now....ahhhh!!!! I'm going to be an Auntie I'm sure you heard...I'm so excited :)
There's nothing like the beach is there? My family (husband, kids, sisters, parents, brothers-in-law and niece) go to St. George Island near Apalachacola, FL each summer. Each of us look forward to it every year. We aren't going until late July this year, but I've already begun receiving texts from my brother-in-law about how many weeks until we leave!!
We just took our kids to Disney a few weeks ago. My advise - wait until Harper is at least 4 or 5. My daughter is 5 1/2 and it was the perfect age!! It was truly magical for her and a trip I know she will remember.
oh.. i miss hawaii too! we unintentioanly have been going every ther year since we got married.. we are married 4 years today actually! and this would be our year to go again.. im hoping we do! we usually go in september. what are you fave things to do on the islands? and specifics places that maybe tourists dont know about it? xo.
longing for the beach today too! we're also planning a trip to gulf shores either in late august or september!
It has been mentioned a few times already but St. John, USVI is definitely our favorite hands down. We have visited a lot of the Caribbean islands and have loved them all. We were less impressed with St. Maarten though.
You're so lucky to have been so many times! The pictures are gorgeous.
Hawaii is my favorite for sure, but last Mother's Day I got pregnant on a mediterranean cruise in Cairo, Egypt!
I have never been to Hawaii... my parents tell me it's great. I have to say my favorite place for vacation was our honeymoon... not just because it was our honeymoon... but because it was gorgeous... St. Maartin. If you like to travel, and you like beaches, and you love the crystal blue ocean... take a trip there. Now my parents have been all over, and they told me that their most favorite out of Bahamas, Hawaii, and Bermuda... was Bermuda. They said there is nothing like it!
My favorite place to vacation (as in relax) is Martha's Vineyard, MA, but my favorite city to visit is London.
We went to St. Lucia on our honeymoon and it was the best vacation ever! Hard to believe it was almost 10 years ago. You look gorgeous in those pictures!
Love the pictures. Thanks for sharing. My husband and I got married in Maui and are hoping to go back for our 10 yr anniversary with our girls. LOVE IT!!
BEAUTIFUL pictures!
We take our children to the beach every year and wouldn't have it any other way. We all love every single bit about it! We are not sure what to do this year with the timing of Bentley's surgery, but the beach is not going to work this year.
Hi! My husband runs a marathon a year, and a few years ago we went to Hawaii (Honolulu Marathon)! Going with friends made it even more special! My favorite vacation was last fall...NYC (NYC Marathon)! I dreaded going (7 months pregnant) and cried a lot b/c I had to leave my girls (6 & 3) and tried to bail, but it was an AMAZING trip! I'm a shopper, and had so much fun! I definitely look forward to our first Disney trip. I know I will just sob! My dear husband will be kind, but will probably be secretly embarrassed b/c of my tears! :-) Love your Hawaii pix...long shot...Is that the Princeville Resort? I have the same pix in the hamock!
Beautiful photos of what looks to be a beautiful vacation!!! I think my favorite vacation thus far has to be my honeymoon in St. Lucia. The island and resort were fabulous -but I think what made it so great was how special it is to be on your honeymoon with not a care in the world. Can't wait to go to Hawaii one day though!!!
PLEASE drive just a little further to Destin, FL and you will be thrilled!!!! I grew up going to Gulf Shores and then my husband took me to Destin a few years ago. I have no desire to go back to Gulf Shores even though it is great. The water in Destin is as crystal blue as you can get in the South and the sand is beautiful! I promise you won't be disappointed!!
I'm glad you guys have some valuable and beautiful time together!!! :)
Hands down it's the honeymoon I went on with the lord to travel through Europe. I am single, 26 and a m*ssion*Pry living in very poverty stricken 3rd world Nepal. I live on a very small m*Ssion*ary salary but God loves me soo much He opened crazy doors for me to spend 3 weeks in november traveling Europe.. What a getaway with Him. And I had been living in a country with 16-20 hours of no power a day and most weeks at least only getting to shower every 6 days.. so europe was like paradise. Went to Ireland, Malta, Scotland, Sweden and London.. all amazing provision of God!
Hi Kelly,
Thanks for yet another sweet post. It's AWESOME to see the glow on your face. (AND I LOVE your hair!!). We are currently living in Germany so I've been to a ton of great places (2 weeks in Italy, London, Paris, various cities in Germany also on great caribbean cruises) BUT NO vacation measures up to a camping trip in Florida in Dec 04 when I found out (in a campground bathroom!!) that we were pregnant after 16 months of trying!! OH how I wish I had pictures of my face then!! ;) I now have a 3 1/2 year old daughter, Avery (and a 16 month old son, Drew!). YAY for VACATIONS! Oh how I hope to get to Hawaii someday!!
I would love to go to Hawaii and hope to one day. My favorite vacation has been my honeymoon to Seattle. It's such a cool place and you can't recreate the excitement of a honeymoon vacation!
It looks like you and Scott had a fantastic time in Hawaii. Those days are coming again soon. I'm sure of it! My Husband and I love Mexico! Everything about it.
By the way, I love the house tours. I have been so busy that I haven't had a chance to post my kitchen. I hope to do an early post tonight. I'm having surgery tomorrow and don't want to miss out two weeks in a row.
God bless <3 HEE
Beautiful pictures :) I have been to Hawaii twice and it was amazing! Cant wait to get back there!
Definitely Maui first, and Gulf Shores second!!! It will be a while for me too with a 2 yr. old and a 4 month old! At least you will be going in September! Have so much fun!!! P.S. I cried when I saw your rainbow from God!
Oh, to be on the beach and feeling warmth and hearing the sounds of the waves crashing......OK, I'm back:) My favorite vacation spot was my honeymoon at Turks and Caicos. It was breathtaking. We did a private island excursion where they dropped us off on a deserted little island in the middle of nowhere with a cooler of drinks and food, snorkeling gear, chairs and an umbrella. It was so fun. Until 6 pm came and the boat was late picking us up. We were scoping the island for where we would sleep. Funny how I forgot all about that:)
I saw your pics and immediately said, "I was there!" Last Feb. I got to go to Kauai and it was definitely my fav. vacation ever. The last pic you posted, I KNOW that is the same beach I went to my first afternoon/evening. I took pics of those trees! I would love to move there someday (but that's not too likely, is it?). Thanks for sharing the pics.
Well, we live at the beach and it's fabulous except for hurricane season. I'm a Bama girl and Gulf Shores is wonderful, but we live in the FL panhandle now and there's a little place called Navarre Beach that is super - quiet, laid back, beautiful, and not as crowded as other places during peak season.
I would love to go to Hawaii someday!! Your pictures are gorgeous!! Disney World is so much fun. I've been there 3 times and it doesn't get boring!! My favorite vacation was going to Washington DC. I love going to all the musuems and stuff. There is so much to do there!!
I LOVE Hawaii! I was fortunate enough to be able to live in Honolulu for 3 1/2 years when I was age 10-13. My dad was in the navy and got stationed there for shore duty. It was beautiful and I have many many happy memories. My youngest sister was born there the year we left so when she turned 7 we went back for a family vacation to show her where she was born. My other sister and I had forgotten how crystal clear the water was in the ocean! We had come back to the east coast and it's pretty much brown around here. While living there we were able to visit the Big Island and Maui as well. My husband has never been to Hawaii and I can't wait to take him some day!
Hi Kelly,
I would love to email you, but couldn't find your email address on your blog.
I live near Gulf Shores, AL--Spanish Fort actually. I am from Mobile, AL. It would be nice to meet you in September.
My email addy is
You will love GS!
Paris, fun and different and cool! I loved walking most everywhere we went, trying to communicate with the ppl, and trying the random foods. Crepes are quite excellent!
Aww the rainbow picture brought tears to my eyes for some reason .. That's so awesome.
And I looovve Gulf Shores..My hubby and I went there for our honeymoon..It was beautiful and the first time I had ever been to the beach! :)
My husband and I went to Kauai and Oahu for 2 weeks back in Sept of 2001. It was the first time we left our 4 kids. We left them with grandma and grandpa. We ended up stranded there over Sept.11 because we were due to fly home on the 12th. We stayed 5 extra days in Kauai. It was gorgeaous but I wanted to come home soooo bad. Our oldest is now 18 and we have taken many little vacations but we have saved for 3 years to take a 7 day family cruise over New year's this year as a family of 6.
Take many family vacations even if they are just short little trips to a nearby amusement park and stay 1 or 2 nights at a hotel. Our kids cherish those little trips as much as the big ones. Occasionally we even go 20 miles from here and stay at a holidome for the weekend with the kids just for fun. Nothing big just for a little get away from the norm!!!! Our kids cherish those breaks and surprise little getaways and I love the break too.....
Hearts and Hugs
Love all the photos. My hands down best vacation ever was our honeymoon to Tahiti. We visited the islands of Tahiti and Moorea and really this is the most BEAUTIFUL place on earth. We are going back for our 10 year anniversary in 2 years. I can't wait!
We went to Yellowstone National Park 10 years ago, and it was the best vacation I've EVER been on!!!
I love your pics!!
Have a Blessed day,
Disney Cruise, definitely!!
By the way, beware next time you go into Gymboree. It's my fav, but I have to be careful!!! Very addicting! But it is very cute and it wears well, which is great for my 3 girls. (my justification!!)
But I have to say you have given me new appreciation for Walmart! Harper always looks so cute! And that's good, considering Walmart is all we really have in our little town!
Thanks for posting your pics from Hawaii! I think we may need to try it!
I think my favorite vacation was Amelia Island last November. I went with my honey and we stayed at the Ritz and like you slept with the patio doors open all night. It was amazing. Oh I miss it, oh I want to go day. The beach is my favorite place in the world.
My all time FAVORITE vacation spot would, hands down, be MAUI!!! Oh my goodness...I'm pretty sure it's close to Heaven (or so I think)! ;)
I have been blessed with being able to go two times...thanks to my wonderful mother! She is the BEST!!! :)
I loved laying by the pool...sitting in front of the ocean...walking downtown Lahaina & shopping...and most of all, the UNLIMITED amount of FRESH MAUI PINEAPPLE!!! There is NOTHING that even comes close to Maui Pineapple. Trust me, if you've had it ~ you'll know what I mean. If you haven't ~ it's a MUST...that is if you like pineapple!! :)
Anyways, favorite trip EVER, EVER, EVER!!! I could easily go over and over and never get sick of it!!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it through your pics, Kelly!
Love and Hugs
P.S. If you and Scott would like to go...but still want Harper to come with...just let me know, I'm ALL ABOUT the NANNY gig and I'll pay for EVERYTHING!!! :)
Thank you for the wonderful timing on this post. I am leaving for Kauai tomorrow, with a quick stop in Oahu. In addition to our five year old son, we are taking a young single mama and her month old infant who we recently "adopted" into our household. That, coupled with the fact that ALL the planning falls on my shoulders, had left me completely stressed out and somewhat dreading the trip.
Your pictures fixed that for me. Great timing! Thanks!
How beautiful. I want to go there so bad! Was it very expensive?
I grew up in Puerto Rico so love the ocean and the mountains. We have had a lot of different vacations - none real 'exotic'. One quality I have is the ability to find something I enjoy no matter where I am. We have especially enjoyed Philadelphia,
Northern Michigan, Badlands, Disney. All different! Ah! We also visited Arkansas and loved the Hot Springs and State Park we were at.
Beautiful! I would love to go there one day. My favorite beach that I have been to is Siesta is an island off of Sarasota, FL and the sand is like baby powder!
I've been having Hawaii withdrawals, too! I guess that's why I've been eating so much pineapple! We're dreaming of going back for L's med school graduation/our 10 year anniversary (2011)...I hope that happens. IF we can convince the Grandparents to keep all these kids of ours! :)
I'm an ocean lover too. We took our kids on a cruise last fall and it was awesome BUT my favorite place was Mexico for our honeymoon. It was beautiful, we ate like pigs and vegged all day long. Maybe one day again 1n 16 years when all my kids are gone. I can't bear to leave them now anyway!
Oh yes, you are right...we just got back from disney. It was a very memorable vacation that I had dreamed of for years. I had so much fun dressing the girls alike and getting tons of compliments on the minnie outfits, etc. Yes, start saving now, we spent too much but loved it!
I would have to say the honeymoon. We went on a cruise to Grand Caymen and Cozumel. Oh... It was wonderful. We are going on our second cruise this August. I'm so excited!
I went to Cabo for my 30th birthday & to ring in the new year on the beach this past was AMAZING!!
Let me tell you, you look great in all the picture, but I love the one with you in the green dress. The background is so beautiful. I wish I could look that great in pictures.
My husband and I are going to Antigua in a month (WITHOUT the kids) I am nervous and sad, but it is a free trip so who can let that go to waste.
In December we won the trip from Regis and Kelly. I'll have to post the part of the show where we won. It was really funny!
Kelly, you should enter the trivia contest that they are doing right now. Its a good job for stay at home moms, you stay home and win free stuff, YEA!
Kauai!! I went there on my honeymoon as well. 7 years this month!
You look gorgeous in all the photos :)
Hands down favorite vacation was to Jamaica on my honeymoon. We are returning in a month and a half! So excited! I love our pictures and you look like a model in the one in the orange dress. I love it!
beautiful pics! We have never been on vacation but pray God will bless us with one, one day!
Next time you come to Hawaii, you have to come visit me! I live on Oahu.
oh you are making me jealous. my husband and i have been married for three years this summer and while we live in cali and visit the random beaches occationally and we've had season passes to disneyland, our largest vacation thus far has been to visit family in idaho. i am DYING to visit hawaii. neither my husband nor i have ever been and my husband has never been in an airplane. it's on our list ofthings to do before kids. :)
My favorite vactions were Hawaii and Israel. Hawaii was a cruise, so we saw several islands. Israel was beautiful and so neat to see all the Biblical sites. Start saving now for Disney! My husband and I startedsaving for Disney when our boys were born. We save all our loose change and occasionally throw in a dollar or a five. We have close to $500. But it can be very expensive! We hope to go to Disney in 2010, but I'm dreaming of another cruise! Love cruising!
The beautiful beaches and mountains of our great state - SC!!
But, yeah, I'd love to at least visit Hawaii to see how it compares. Ha!
Beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing. My favorite vacation that I have been on was when I toured Europe for a month the summer after my freshman year of college!!!
These pics make me totally ready for my Jamaica vacation in June! I've been day dreaming of the beach today too!
I love your blog! Your family is precious! I went to Oahu in 2006 and plan on going back in a few years. It was so beautiful, but of course you already know that, lol. My favorite vacation spot would have to be Destin Florida. My mom has never been and has decided to go with us the last week of July. We are going to go to Disney World in 4 weeks and I can't wait. I have never been before, but my husband has several times. He tells me I am in for the most magical vacation ever. I don't know who is more excited, me or my girls.
Im sure Hawaii is nice, but being from Alabama, we think our beaches are the best. Hope you have fun when you come to Bama!!
I love, love, love all of your fun dresses! You are adorable! I've never been to HA....maybe someday! It looks beautiful! The beach does sound nice today!
I would LOVE to vacation in Hawaii sometime but like you don't see it happening in the near future. (:
My favorite vacations have been when we've gone to the mountains to see fall foliage...SO BEAUTIFUL!!! We've been to North Carolina many times and traveled to Vermont and stayed at quaint little B&B one year.
Love all the pictures! Cute cover-ups!! My favorite vacation was a 4 day cruise. We only went to Canada, but I just LOVED the cruising experience- didn't even need to leave the boat!
Love, love, love these pics. you look adorable and relaxed. I've been day dreaming of vacations lately too.
Gulf Shores is really nice. We recently went to Orange Beach and really really liked it. You can rent condos down there for a bargain.
I've been on so many great vacations, it's hard to say. I think I need to blog about that since I've got vacation fever :)
Beautiful pictures!! My favorite vacation was my honeymoon, May 10, 2008, in Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands! I am from Alabama, originally close to Tuscaloosa. My husband and I moved to Mobile three years ago for his job. We are about 1 hour away from Gulf Shores, although we don't go very often. My family is coming down in June for a vacation there. I grew up coming to the beach every summer. We are planning to move to Birmingham soon and I know I am going to miss the closeness of Gulf Shores that we have now! Hope Harper enjoys her first trip to Gulf Shores!!!
Beautiful photos! I have never been to Hawaii, but it looks gorgeous.
Thanks for sharing!
Really enjoyed your Hawaii photos - especially your "rainbow shot"! What a special memory! I'm looking forward to seeing Harper's dedication pictures :)
A favorite vacation spot for our family is Bailey Island, Maine. It is a quaint coastal town. We went there for our honeymoon and went again last summer with our 2 daughters and #3 daughter was on the way ;)
I enjoy your blog and check it daily!
Love the pictures. We were suppose to go to Hawaii this year but my daughter got pregnant and we decided to wait.
I have two favorite places. Yes Disney World is one of them we have been often and always stay for two weeks. We love it!!!
The other is California because that is where the rest of my family is fun and we enjoy visiting the old places where we use to live. Also all the old places we use to hang out.
So hopefully in 2010 or 2011 I can had Hawaii to my favorite places!
Okay, Kelly - you of all people will appreciate this one...
When I was in grade school, my Sister, Mom, & I would always go on Spring Break with our friends - a Mom, Son, & Daughter. It was a BIG DEAL at the time & we always had so much fun - but we always stayed 'local' here in AR. As we were all having dinner last weekend, the old 'Spring Break' stories were in full swing - my favorite being the time we vacayed in FLIPPIN!!! We were staying in cabins @ Bull Shoals - the pool was drained, it was freezing cold, the T.V. only got 3 channels, so we were forced to entertain ourselves :) We had brought TONS & I do mean TONS of food to eat @ the cabin - but chose to dine @ Flippin's finest... SONIC... every night!!! We had the best time & none of us has obviously forgotten about it, ahahahhaha!!!
Gorgeous pics!!
We'll be in Gulf Shores in September too! What dates are you going to be there? I would LOVE to meet Harper in person! Any chance that could happen???
(I promise I'm not a stalker, just a bloggy prayer parter for Harper!)
I want to go to Hawaii so bad! My favorite vacation spot was our honeymoon on the Riviera Maya in Mexico...we talk about going back all the time! We live pretty close to gulf shores so we go there often. We just got back from a weekend there 2 weeks ago, but we go down just for the day pretty often! Hope y'all have a blast and if you need any suggestions, I'd be glad to help!
Maui is on the top of our list since we honeymooned there. We are hoping to go back for our ten yr in 2011. Perdido Key and Gulf Shores is our second and we always talk abt one day in our wildest dreams having a place there. We vacation there every year but this year it looks like we may be taking a break so I am beach dreaming too!
Wow. Looks amazing. How fun. I love the beach and would live there in a second but I have to say Washington DC was a great trip. I love history.
Hi Kelly, your pics are beautiful!!! Hope to go one day with my husband and son. You wrote about him on a prayer post a while back, he and your adorable daughter have the same b-day!!! Thanks so much for doing that for my family. I like being able to see Harper grow, so I can use it as a comparison.
I think my fav. vacation is Nantalaha Springs in North Carolina. So rustic but fun!
Kelly, I have been following your blog since Harper was born. Your vacation looks wonderful.My husband and I spent 3 weeks traveling around Europe. We took one suitcase, a tour book, a Eurail pass, and a sense of adventure. We didn't have any real plan just knew we had to make it back to London to catch our plane home. It was wonderful!
For our 15th wedding anniversary a couple years ago, we did a Disney cruise with our three kids. Some people might thing that it is crazy to do something like that for an anniversary, but we absolutely love doing all our vacations with our kids. We will have lots of time after they are gone to do fun things with the two of us. Anyway, it was to the Bahamas and we sandwiched the cruise inbetween 6 days of Disney parks. We made incredible memories as a family and my husband spent a long time working with a travel agent and planning and saving financially in advance for it to be very special and enjoyable.
Disney World. We've been 9 times . . . crazy . . . I know!!
My fav vacation spot is Charleston, SC. Last year we went while I was pregnant. It was extra special because I knew it was our last vacation just the two of us. We're thinking about going to Hawaii next September for our
10th wedding anniversary. I'm scared to fly that far with a two year old though....we'll see. I love your pics from your vacation! They're all beautiful!
I've followed your blog since Harper's birth. I also honeymooned in Kauai-the best trip EVER! We are hoping to go back one day as well. Great blog!
Those pictures are all so beautiful!! But that one of you and the rainbow last year on mother's day will always be my very fave. God is so good!!
Oh Wow...were you staying the Princeville Resort? Some of the pics looked like they were taken on their beach! We stayed there once...breathtaking! Loved the pics! Brought back many wonderful memories...thanks!
We were living out west in Idaho and we were in Seaside, OR for an administrator's conference. While Jn was in meetings, JEB and I walked downtown and went in all the little shops and went to the beach. It was so pretty....even though it was only April and it was sort of cloudy,windy and a little rainy.
Then we drove down the coast and went to Tillamook, where they have an air museum and went to see them make cheese. On the way back, we stopped at Mt. Hood and Multnomah Falls. It was a really fun trip!!
My husband and I are planning to go to Hawaii for our 10 year anniversary (this Sept!!) Looks SO beautiful. :)
I have to say once again, I love your house tour idea! I am still having so much fun looking at kitchens!!
Hawaii! We went on our honeymoon five years ago! We went to Oahu and Maui. I'd LLLOOVVEEE to go back.
Hawaii and New York are mine! We went to O'ahu for our honeymoon 4 years ago and we went to NYC last spring! They were both so much fun and we plan to go back to both!!! We're about to head to North Carolina this month for a week of traveling up and down the coast! I CANNOT wait!!!
Beautiful favorite is Maui, Maui, Maui, would go every year if someone would go with me......
Want to go to Kauai so bad!
we were in kauai at this very same time last year too:) So neat...
I remember seeing these pics last May, but of course, we didn't know sweet Harper was on the trip with y'all then! So fun!
I think our honeymoon was my favorite vacation. We went to Cabo San Lucas and it was so fun! I'm pretty sure we could have gone anywhere and it would have been just as fun and special!
I think we may go to Destin this year. We go every summer so we need to get Brody in on the tradition!
Hi Kelly, I have so much to say but will keep in brief, this is my first time leaving a comment!! Not only do I feel like I know you through your blog, I don't live to far from you as well!! Anyway, my favorite vacation is snow skiing in Colorado, Aspen to be exact!! I also LOVE going to Destin (that is where we are going in June). I have a 6 year old boy and a 2 year old girl, so the beach is probably more appropriate for them at this age!! Thanks for all your great post!!
oh girl--I LOVE me some Hawaii! I've been twice too! Once for one month and once for 2 weeks! I went to Kauai and then to Kauai and the big island! Love love love Hawaii! I'm ready to go back, just like you! I have to say though...Montana has some beautiful land too!
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