So I'm excited about this week because I think Children's rooms are so much fun!!! It's the one room in the house where if you are a conservative decorator - you can let loose and have fun and use color. (or at least - that's how I feel).
If you don't have children - but would love to have some one day - it would be great if you wanted to just post your ideas for a dream nursery. If you are like me - I had nurseries planned in my head for years. I'd love to see your ideas!!! Or you can skip and just enjoy the tour and join back up next week.

This is Harper. Welcome to her Crib. (literally). ha!

This is her room looking in from the hallway. It is an explosion of pink and brown with a little green mixed in and I love it.

I had this sign made by
Kim and I hope it will stay in her room until she leaves for college. I just adore it! It matches her bedding exactly.

A little table I have set up. I really need to work on printing out pictures of Harper to put in frames. That is on my short term to do list.

Laurie got me this sign for my birthday before I ever became pregnant with Harper. I gave a special request for this verse as we struggled with infertility because I knew in my heart that it would be hanging in our baby's room soon!

This is a day bed we have in the nursery. I don't know when we will move Harper into her room (she sleeps in a pack and play in our room right now) but when we do - I envision I might spend a night or two on that bed.

The painting above the bed was made by my lifelong friend
Jamie. I told her before we ever got pregnant - that when I did - I wanted her to paint something. I love it so much. We call Harper our "baby Monkey" and this verse is my life verse for her. (and for me). It gave me hope during infertility and it especially gave me hope as the doctors told me she might not live in her first few days. I love the fact that Jamie added a real life bow on the monkey's head.

I had Harper's bedding made at
Polka Tot designs. I was worried before it came that I might have been nuts and I might not like it but when I finally got it - I just skipped around because it was exactly what I wanted. I want her to stay little forever and keep this bedding forever. Too bad I'll probably take the bumpers out before she ever sleeps in here. But I just love it so much.

Another view of her crib. We got the crib at
Wal-Mart.com and we really like it. And we have the her little doll from
Baby Be Blessed waiting for her to come join it!

A sweet blogger friend,
Keri, made me this bag before Harper was born and I have it hanging on her closet door. I think it's too cute to use. The other side has her monogram. PRECIOUS!

My dad made me this chest of drawers to use as a changing table/dresser. I'm so proud of it. I'm amazed at how he can build something like this. Harper will use this in her room forever and then pass it on down to her daughter I hope.

This is a bad picture but I had this frame and I painted a mat to go with it and framed Harper's 6 week, 12 week, 20 week and 3D ultrasound pictures and then a picture of her when she first came home in the center. I wanted something special to do with her ultrasound pictures.

This is hanging on one of her walls - I love it!

Some of her bows hanging on her bow holders

This is her closet and yes it is ridiculous

Her 3-6 month clothes that she is just starting to fit into

These are all her clothes 12 months and older.

And these are her 0-3 months clothes. I'm going to have to start putting away things soon because she has grown out of a lot of these or it's too hot for some of them. I can't believe I'm already putting away clothes.
I realize she has more clothes than I've ever had in my lifetime. It's a result of two over anxious grandmothers, a mother who has been waiting and dreaming of having a little girl for years, and very sweet friends. She is a very blessed little girl. And I am a VERY blessed mother. But we are both blessed because we have a Heavenly Father who heard my prayers for her and answered them and continues to love both of us with a love I'll never understand.

That's the tour folks. Y'all come back now - ya hear???
Okay - it's your turn
(I've tried something new because I know the links to the past tours keep coming and going (I have nothing to do with that) - so hopefully we won't lose these - but if we do - just keep coming back)
Remember to link to the actual post - NOT your blog and if you link and don't have a post about the tour - I will have to delete you.
thanks for hosting this!
I love Harper's nursery....it is adorable and actually what inspired me to have our baby bedding custom made. Baby girl should be here in one more month......and her nursery is ready & waiting for her ;) Blessings to your family!
Thanks so much for sharing your nursery with us Harper! I can't wait to check out all the fun baby/kid rooms!
Love your blog Kelly!
Such a cute room. I LOVE it!
Love, love, love Harpers room! These parties are sooo fun! Thanks so much for being such an amazing host!:)
I LOVE Harper's sweet nursery! I especially love the frame over the changing table -- very classy! I am looking forward to the tours to get some great ideas for our future baby blessings!! Thanks for all you do!
Her nursery is so girly and pretty! I love it!
Hi Kelly! Love Harper's room! Beautiful! I somehow managed to put myself on Mr. Linky twice.. sorry.. (9 and 11).. feel free to delete one.. sorry!
Harper's nursery is the perfect little princess retreat! I just love it!! We took our good old time putting Dominic in his crib as well, but it is wonderful once it happens!! :)
Love Harper's crib! So cute! I will be posting my kiddo's nurseries in the morning. ;)
I love Harper's room!! I remember when you posted pictures before she was born and thinking Wow I love this room!! Do your friends that made your things do that for others??? Her room is just perfect, I love everything!!!!
My two favorite colors ~ pink and brown ~ all in one adorable nursery!!! Do you think I could move in with sweet Harper?! I wouldn't mind getting up with her if you wanted to move her over to "her" room!!! :)
Thanks for sharing! Loved it, LOVED it!!
Love and Hugs
What a great nursery! I love the colors and dark wall color. My favorite is the animal print!
Little Miss Harpers Nursery is beautiful and she is one lucky little girl!
You impress me every week with your fabulous taste and design!!!!!!!! I love the nursery, it's so baby chic. I see a little fashonista in your future =)
Love Harper's room!! Your dad is so talented!! He did a great job!! I love it!!
Her nursery is so fun and different! I love it! I didn't think about writing a post about a future nursery; maybe I will have to do that this weekend as I have been planning nurseries in my head since I was barely out of one! Lord willing, I will one day have one, too.
Harper's room is just precious. I love how big it is... that is one thing that I wish about Sophia's, that it is bigger.
Don't worry, soon she will be sleeping in her own room!
JUST BEAUTIFUL~ the room and your daughter! I LOVE the brown with the pink!!!
Mrs. Nurse Boy
I love Harper's room. I adore pink, brown, and green together.
Thanks for hosting this tour. It's so much fun!
Beautiful room but why take the bumpers off. Both my kids slept with bumper pads. By the time that she is sleeping in the crib she will be moving around so will not get stuck in them.
Kelly the nursery is too cute! I love it so much. There is nothing more fun than decorating a little girls room.
i'm so glad you are hosting the fun tours! harper's nursery is just too stinkin' cute (like the girl it belongs too!)
Gasp! Harper's room is almost as gorgeous as she is!!! I pray I am blessed with a little girl one day because you have given me some great ideas.
Hope I get to decorate a girl nursery one day. Yours is precious:). - Rachel @ babywebbsite.com
Hi Kelly! Oh, Harper's nursery is lovely! So much love has gone into that room! After blog lurking for awhile, I now have my own, so I am just trying to figure out the kinks! I know I listed twice! Oops!
I laughed to see the daybed! When my second son was born I missed the "nesting" entirely and moved him in to the barely-changed guestroom. I felt so bad; we really just emptied (and refilled) the closet, and tucked a crib and changing table in there, but left the bed, the chest, the tv...then a friend came and saw the bed and while I'm feeling dumb for not decorating more, she's saying, "You're so smart to have a bed in here for yourself!" And dang if she wasn't right. It really helped me transition him to his crib, and then just took his big boy comforter and is ready to go for him to sleep on when he's dry. I'm so glad you left that in there--you won't regret it!
The nurserys are beautiful but I find it hard to believe that everyone has these rooms and the babies do not even sleep in them. I guess things have changed. When i brought my son home 19 years ago he went right into a cradle in his own room and so did his sister 3 years later.
Harper's room is precious! I'm a lover of brown, myself, so it's just adorable to me!
I love the brown, pink and green! So adorable. My son still loves his bumpers...I just take the front one out so he doesn't climb on it to get out. He never moved in his crib so I didn't worry about the bumpers being an issue. Hopefully you can use yours! Thanks for hosting!
Have I mentioned how much I love the home tour?? I have so many decorating ideas now!!!
Harper's room is cute. I love brown and pink together!
What a beautiful nursery for one pretty lucky and very precious baby. You are right, you are both blessed!....Christine
I love her room! I did pink and brown in the nursery as well, but I really love the zebra print with those colors. It looks so rich, yet so girly! Now I want to go back and change mine up! :)
Her nursery is adorable!! I am blown away by the piece of furniture that your dad made! It's beautiful! And such a special gift!
Thanks for sharing! And thanks for hosting the party!
~Karla @ It's The Little Things...
Love your blog and getting glimpses of that miracle baby Harper! Her nursery is gorgeous! I just posted my first home tour link...woohoo! : )
I absolutely love Harper's nursery. The colors are too cute! And I love the little table with the lamp on it!
i haven't posted anything for this yet--i've been too busy looking at everyone else's nurseries! just a thought--maybe you could tell people to include a short description of what "theme" or color scheme their nursery is in parenthesis in mr. linky. for example, i would say "val@team hill(boy's sports)". that way if someone had a particular idea in mind they were looking for, they could see others who have done that w/out having to click on each and every link....
I LOVE Harper's room. The dark brown walls look great and it's so cozy. I think it's really special your dad made that dresser, it's beautiful.
I'll be back on the tour with my office next week. Hopefully a nursery will be in my future though. :)
Good idea to leave a description in your link!
This will be my absolute FAV one! I love kids' rooms and esp love how my son's pirate nursery and daughter's preppy big girl room turned out. I'll get mine in this weekend!
Also, have you considered doing outdoor spaces (patios, pools, etc), game rooms, media rooms, playrooms? :) Houses are my hobby if you can't tell!
Of course Harper's room is just fabulous!! I LOVE it! When you posted about another "H" name I thought of my daughters name bc its different and I only know 3 including her's. Hadlee...or you could spell it Hadley. That would work perfect for all of those mongrammed things you have :) Thanks for hosting.
Thanks so much for hosting this. After our struggle with infertility I am so happy to show off our gift from God's nursery. I LOVE Harper's room...it's too fabulous just like she and her mommy! :) Thanks Again!
I love the brown and pink. The signs are precious. I am going to have to go look at the sights posted for those. Too Cute!!!
Thanks for hosting these - it is really fun! Harper's room is beautiful!
Harper's nursery is as cute as I imagined. I wanted to tell you something I have learned about printing pictures...I always forget too. I got to www.mpix.com and just load the ones I want and they print and mail them to you. I find that easier than sending them somewhere and then having to go pick them up and pay for them. And mpix quality is professional...better than Bedford's! Just a hint...and they are in Pittsburg,KS so you get your pics in 2 days.
I LOVE Harper's nursery! I did my oldest daughters nursery in pink and brown too! LOVE all her bows and the fabulous closet. Isn't it sad how quickly they grow out of all those adorable clothes?!
Love it all! I would have never thought to add the pops of bright green but that really works! That monkey painting is precious, too! Thanks for sharing and hosting the tour!
Thanks for hosting. I am new to blogging and i kind of made a mistake I posted my information twice the first time #114 (Mother of Twins) I linked to my page, not my Show Us you Home post. the second one #118 is correct. Sorry about that. By the way your daughters room is adorable. :)
Harper's nursery is adorable! I love all her hairbows!
You know, if you have to take the bumpers out of Harpers bed, you can always use that long one, with her name on it, as a bolster pillow on the other bed.
That's what I would do anyway. Love the room. Thanks for sharing it with us.
I love it! I just sent the link to my sis who is having a girl in September!
I LOVE Harper's room! It is soo perfect!!
For serious her room is the cutest EVER! :-) I LOVE it!
and thanks for doing this - what a fun idea!
Kelly, Harper's room is such a reflection of your personal style and everything you prayed it would be. I'm so happy that it turned out exactly as you wanted it to, even if she never DOES get to enjoy those bumper pads! Nursery bedding is really all about the moms, anyway, right? :)
What a beautiful nursery! It really is awesome!
Adorable... I love the chocolate walls with the pink. She will be able to grow with that room very easily and use it for years to come. The white furniture pops nicely off of the dark walls. Thank you for sharing.
LOVE Harper's nursery. Makes me want to have a girl!!! :)
What beautiful nurseries I've seen! Furniture choices have certainly improved since I purchased our first crib 24 years ago. Loved seeing everyone's creativity. My blog post comes with a warning:
Those sweet little babies sometimes grow up to be messy teenagers--so viewer beware!
Oh my goodness...every single person on here must be an interior decorator! The rooms are so beautiful and together (not to mention clean!)-I think the highlights of my kids' rooms are the blinds in Baby Bug's room which she has decimated on one side and the windowsill in Monkey's room which he colored on in permanent marker.
Thanks for posting this though-someday when I do actually get around to decorating something I will now be full of ideas!
As a single gal who doesn't desire children, it makes me chuckle when I see all the time, effort, and energy (and money, sheesh the money!!!) that goes into these nurseries... that the kids DON'T sleep in!
Harper's nursery is so sweet!!! Love the colors and the zebra pattern!
Love the tour - everyone's rooms are so fun to see!
Harper has a beautiful room! I will take pictures of girls' room and post today. WIth Harper still waking up a lot during the night time you might want to try her in her room...with a baby monitor it's like you are right there...but not. Both my girls starting sleeping better when I put them in their own rooms... She might start sleeping 4 to 6 hours at a time..or longer:)
I love that nursery. I love brown and pink. All her bows are so cute!
The girl has gotsome clothes!!! Very cute room I so ned a little girl, I seem to only make boys :
I love Harper's nursery.....it is so grown up yet girly!!
Too cute. I love Miss Harper's room
Very cute! I've actually had a question about her bows--are even the big ones on alligator clips, or are they on metal barettes? It seems like the metal ones wouldn't work well on the headbands, but I would think big bows need more than an alligator clip if they're to hold hair later on...
wow that closet is insane!! Lauren's looks nothing like that but I guess it might if I actually put stuff in there. I mostly use her dressers.
I love the changing table. It is beautiful.
Today is my first time posting a "Show Us Where You Live". I found it a great opportunity to share Tessa's nursery with those who have yet to make it by...THANKS!
Brown & pink are my favorite color combination. Such a beautiful room for a darling girl!
I promise to post! I'm waiting to take pictures of my kids beds made!!
Harper's room is so cute! Thanks for sharing your nursery with us.
That nursery is absolutely adorable. One question, what color is the ceiling? My bedroom is in shades of brown, cream and a steel blue and I really wanted to paint the walls a chocolate brown like this. Hubby didn't want to because he thought it wouldn't look right with a white ceiling and refused to paint the ceiling too.
Love Harper's precious nursery!! I ordered our curtains form Polkatot Designs. Love them. Nothing better than custom!!! We share a love for animal print. Takes a special woman ;)
You are famous in our household. This is how last nights conversation went.
Me:"Oh my goodness, Kelly Stamps left a comment on my blog for the nursery tour"
My Husband:"Who is Kelly Stamps????"
Me: "HARPER's MOM!!!" He know's all about Harper because we prayed for her since the day she was born and I make him come look at how cute she is getting on a regular basis.
My Husband: "Oh, that's cool"
So, just so you know you are famous somewhere :)
Then, your mom left a comment about my nursery and my night was made!!!
By the way.....I love your tour of homes. This is the first week I have taken part and it is so much fun!
Harper is SERIOUSLY one beautiful baby!!!! I love her room, can I come move into it until she does? ha!
Harper's Room is just precious! Love the pink and brown!
Kelly, the room just overflows with your personality and love for Harper! I think my favorite parts are the Scriptures you have hanging up and what they meant to you- a beautiful inheritance for your child!
Pink & brown & green & Precious Harper...is a beautiful thing:)
Love all of your Scripture paintings in her beautiful room.
Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22
Such fun again! What a fabulous nursery for Harper... my favorite is the "Future Miss Arkansas".
Very cute room!!! Love the zebra prints and colors you've used. I have loved this home tour idea and have finally made the time to participate. #200 =)
Harper is a doll!
Thanks for hosting. Harper's room is adorable. Love the pink & brown.
So cute!
Love love love Harper's room. You may get a glimpse of what her room will look like when she's 13 if you get a chance to check my rooms out. Have a great weekend!
Adorble room for an even more adorable little girl! I love the hints of lime green that you used, and the deep chocolate brown room!
Lovin' the brown walls in Harper's rm. Sooo perfect!
Love Harper's nursery!
Thanks for hosting!
Harper's nursery is so adorable. This is definitely the nursery of a Future Ms. Arkansas.
I love all the quotes around the room, truly inspiring.
Harper's Nursery is A.maz.ing!! I love all the colors-great job!!
Her room is adorable!!!
I knew the 1st time I saw a picture of Harper's bedding that it must have been from Polka Tot Designs. It is to cute.
sweet nursery! question...where do you get your decorator tables? i've been looking for a wider diameter one and the only ones i find at walmart and target are only like 13" wide. thanks!
Love the nursery!!!
Hey, Kelly! Thanks again...and especially for letting us non-moms participate with inspiration pics. I just posted some of mine. Harper is adorable!! and her room rocks:)
Ok-Kelly, I don't even know if you will get to my link, but I finally joined up with your tours. I edited my post and wrote that I have followed your blog since about the time that you found out that you were expecting. I found out I was expecting later that summer. I was 10 weeks behind you. I loved all the profile pics you did of your belly with fruit and veggies. Anyways, I was so excited for you when you were induced, and found myself on pins and needles. Praying all weekend for you and Scott and Harper. Well, Monday morning I had placental abruption and my baby was born 9 1/2 weeks early. So she is 3 days younger than Harper! We were in the NICU for 9 weeks. And the whole time I would read about you and Harper, and I just want to thank you for being an example to me. When I felt overwhelmed, your posts helped me keep perspective on my situation, and I could try to stay focused on the miracle that Lila is in our lives. Anyways, I just love you and I don't even know you! Sorry this is so long. Maybe I should have commented before now!
Becca in Texas
oh I love your recipes too! so does my husband!
What an incredible blessing for you and your adorable daughter that your dad created such a heirloom for her nursery! It looks like such a nice, solid piece of furniture. Kelly-Your home is a reflection of your inner beauty and the immeasurable grace that God provides. Happy Friday!
Harper's closet is amazing. How do you decide what she is going to wear?
Harper's room is just precious and too cute for words! And her closet, WOW....she has more clothes than I do! Thanks for sharing! :-)
Harper's room rocks! I love it. Her closet design is so smart. I love that you can have the clothes separated by sizes so you can plan ahead and shop for bargains!
I caught on to something in this post - you still having Harper in your room. I have a 2 year old and I did the exact same thing (I was nursing and our master is downstairs and his room is upstairs). When I stopped nursing at night, we finally moved him upstairs and he has been sleeping great ever since. Just wanted to give you that hope that she will be a great sleeper!
Her room is beautiful! i cant wait to decorate if I have a girl one day!
Harper's room is so stylish and adorable... just like mama & baby! I can't believe her fabulous closet. I might name a daughter Harper just in hopes of inheriting some of her fabulous things! ha... We will probably never meet, but I love your blog. You inspire me to be a better mommy... your faith and enthusiasm for life permeates through your words on here. I prayed for your sweet girl for many months and am so thankful she's alive and well today! Many blessings to your sweet family, from ours here in the Lone Star State!
Love this! Maybe you could do last weeks theme again since everyone's blogs seem to not be working quite right- I think it was dining rooms?!
What a fun party! I am so excited to have found you!
I'm new to your blog and really enjoying your posts! I love the Where You Live feature! I don't have a nursery but yours is darling and Harper is a doll! I plan on checking out all 200+ links! It's so much fun! (And being off work today helps! haha)
Have a great weekend!
OK so i HAVE to know where you got the sign that is hanging about her window. I too am going through infertility, and I say this verse in my head every day. I have to get one.
please email me at
Oh and Harper is an absolute doll face..
Seeing Harper's nursery makes me want to have another baby! Since I can't I think I will just finish painting my son's room...haha! Have a great weekend.
Many Blessings,
I love Harper's room, it's too cute!
harpers room is so cute! it makes me wish i had been a little more bold with colors....and we are jealous of all those bows! :)
have a great weekend! :)
I LOVE Harper's room ... I love the color scheme and all the white trim! It truly is a girly room without too much frill ... she is going to LOVE this room when she gets older! And as always - she is so darn adorable!
Rebekah and the girls!
Thanks for hosting!!! Harper is so precious!
I love love love love Harper's Room!!!! Just how I would want a room if I ever have a baby girl!!! So adorable!!! Looks great!! I loev all of her bows!!!!!!! You all did a wonderful job!!!
I love her room! It's so cute. :) No post for me this week since no babies. :) Have a wonderful weekend.
Oh, I can identify with the closet - I'm so embarrassed that I won't show people until I've prepared them with my story (some are hand-me-downs, some I made and well the rest...) I have no excuse...I much prefer dressing my children than myself.
I love Harpers room!!! I can't wait to have a little girl so I can decorate with girly things. Don't get me wrong boy stuff is just as fun. :)
I just adore her room! That dresser is great.
We have a bookcase heirloom like that dresser... my great- grandfather made it for my grandmother's nursery. It was then repainted for my Dad nursery and then my Dad repainted it for my nursery. It's currently sitting in my parents' garage waiting for our future little one. :-)
Harper's room is precious. It is perfect. I just finished remodeling my little girl's room so this week's tour worked out perfect for me to showcase her new room.
I enjoy your blog so much! Have a great weekend!
Harper's nursery is adorable! You definitely have great decorating skills!!
Harper's room is adorable!
Harper's room is gorgeous!! I love it! You know Ethan didn't sleep in his crib until he was 6mths and he was in a pack n play in our room too =) When we came home from the NICU the nurses had me scared to death to ever lay him on his belly to sleep, but at 4 mths I laid him on his belly and it was the first time he slept ALL NIGHT, ever since then, he sleeps all through the night. But like you I was scared to death at first. I think I stayed up all night that first time =)
great idea! thanks for your honesty through your blog!
Harpers nursery is adorable! I hope one day I have a precious baby girl to decorate a nursery for like you did!
I love reading your blog and have gotten so many great ideas from you! You are a great mom! Oh and I wanted to tell you that I was having trouble getting my Riley to sleep through the night so one night I decided to put her in her room and we both have been sleeping better ever since!
I started reading your blog when a friend of a friend made a comment on facebook about how your story made her want to go back to school to finish her nursing degree. I am hooked now, and your blog and all of your pictures have given me great ideas for things. Most recently, I started a little photo greeting business, and decided to make baby announcements with your zebra print on them, now they are selling like hot cakes! Kelly- you rock! And I LOVE all of the chocolate and pink and animal prints.
OOPS!! I did it right the second time...you can delete 315. :) Sorry!
I really enjoy reading you blog...but I especially enjoy Fridays! :)
I love the little things you have added since you showed us the nursery before Harper was born. It looks great! I'm sure she will be asking to sleep in her cute room soon!:)
I just love Harper's room! The good thing is that you can let it grow with her! I don't have children yet, but I wanted to participate anyways...so I did a little shopping online and found some of the cutest nurseries. One day I hope to make them mine (In a couple of years)! I love Show Us Where You Live Fridays! It's so much fun!
This is my first one to participate in- I love my childrens' rooms!
i participated for the first time this week! i loved decorating my son, Jack's room! i just had to show off all my hard work! thanks for hosting this! it's so much fun!!! harper's room is adorable!! have a great weekend!
This was the first time participating and I posted my blog link on 288 so now I think i did it correct, sorry. :)
I love Harper's room. It is really a shame the girl has not clothes!!!! Can't wait to start touring all the other rooms.
I just love Harper's nursery! We just moved, so my poor baby's room is still BARE BONES!! I loved looking at all of the posts, though! Thanks Kelly!
I love Harper's nursery! I love chocolate and pink together. Everything is so neat and organized.
Harper's nursery is BEAUTIFUL! Don't you love having a little GIRL?! I have TWO and it's SOOOO fun!
I think H would sleep better if she was in her room alone as she wouldn't smell you and your milk... it's so pretty she may just like it in there.
I love this room! It's so well coordinated. That daybed looks so comfortable. It made me wish I'd had one in my kids' rooms when they were waking in the middle of the night. What a great idea - a great place to snuggle and read books too.
Kelly! I love Harper's room! My little Claire's room is in pink and brown also! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the zebra print! Thanks for inviting us into your home!!!
Love Harper's room. I was unable to participate in the party because my girls room was too messy to take pictures. So I will have to check out some of the links.
Harper's room is wonderful! Just like the rest of your house! Thanks again so much for organizing this. I love seeing what others do to decorate. (and thanks for commenting on my blog - made my day) haha
Okay, this was my first time linking with "mr. linky's widgets" and it said leave a comment after linking. So I am guessing that means here? Hope I did it right...
Harper's room is adorable!
love that you do this..harper's room is adorable..love the design
I just had to join in the fun. I created a fun, modern, yellow, unisex themed nursery! :D
What a cute cute cute room! Love it!
Okay...H names! Hadley, Halle, Haven, Hope, Haelyn...that's all of the top of my head!
Blessings on you! I can tell you are such a great momma, and I've never even met you! Keep it up!
Kim - Abilene, TX
Love your nursery! It is gorgeous! I love the verses on the wall. God is good! You are blessed!
Harper's room looks so cute!!!
Thank you for the sweet comment. Harper & Ella both have great taste, seeing as how they both just love pink & brown. Love your Home Tour idea, very creative.
This is fun....thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting such a fun party and for visiting and commenting on our blogs! I enjoy reading daily, although I can't comment from work and hardly have time at night. Harper's nursery is precious... I love the dark walls and all of the details. Thanks for sharing :).
I'm a day late in posting this, but better late than never! I actually posted by son's nursery last week - he will probably make his debut sometime this week. He is # 3 for us and we are very excited to bring him into our "Neverland"!
Thanks for hosting this!
Mom of six here..just wanted to let you know that you really can leave the bumpers in the bed for a long time. In fact, I can't imagine taking them out until they are over one year old because the bed rails would be so uncomfortable to sleep against. If you have them tied on tightly they should not be a problem at all. My two year old is in his bed with bumpers still. It makes the bed warmer and cozier and softer. Anyway, that is just my thought. You might try napping her in her bed to get her used to it and you just may find (as I have) that she sleeps WAY better in her own bed, in her own room! No kidding. Then you won't hear every little noise she makes and jump up to nurse her. Sometimes babies fuss and coo and find their fingers and go back to sleep before they really need to eat! Again, just my opinions...wanted to give you a new perspective...sometimes we moms need that! Melissa.
You have such great style, her nursery is so great. I love the brown walls, they really look great. Thanks for hosting, we get so many ideas by being able to see what other people do.
Love Harper's nursery...have been wanting to join in and just couldn't resist when you picked kid's rooms!!! I enjoy reading your blog and getting lots of ideas!
WOW! Girl that is one beautiful nursery! Everything is perfect. Harper is one lucky lady :) Good thing she has a mama with such good taste ;)
harper's room is beautiful!!! thank you for doing this!!
loving the tour; it's helping me pass the time while I wait for my little one to arrive! due june 4!
Love Harper's room!!! Don't worry about her sleeping in it, yet. Cash is 6 months, and still sleeps in a pack n play in our room. :) I especially love her bedding! So cute!!! Oh, you mentioned that you might take it out before she sleeps in there. I was just curious as to why you would have to take it out? Just wondering.
Have a great weekend!! :)
I just posted for the chidlren's room, but can't figure out how to post just the post and not the whole blog! I'M SORRY!!! I know this is a rule and I don't want to break it- ha! How do you do that??? I'm sure I should know...sorry!!
Kelli in ATL
absolutely gorgeous. i love style and the room shouts it!
Love the nursery! Beautiful colors!
A lot of blogs I read have been doing this. It seems like a lot of fun! Your daughter's room is so pretty. Makes me wish I still had the energy to decorate! I'm planning on posting my children's rooms from the past, since seeing them clean will never happen again. *grin*
Mary in Texas
Love her room! I need you to come decorate my house.
Our daughter's nursery was not your typical nursery. The tattered cradle that we will be forever grateful she had...
Harper's room is great! And don't get me started on that closet! :)
Kelly, I think that Harper looks so much like you in that first picture! Beautiful!
Harper is such a lucky little girl! That nursery is amazing. Its so cute. I love the colors. Pink and Brown are so good together. Love it =)
Thank you sweet Kelly for your kind words on "the tear stained cradle" @ atouchofeast.blogspot.com.
I have appreciated your amazing attitude during the crisis with Harper and have so enjoyed watching the hand of God at work healing her little body. You are quite an inspiration to many.
Warmest regards,
I don't have a room to post personally... but I just wanted to say that I have a "Harper" too! She's almost 5-years-old! We still love the name so much... and I love seeing other people using it! Thanks for hosting this- I will definitely take a look at all the rooms!
I am just in love with Harper's room! She has a nicer room than most adults! Haha :) The brown and pink is beautiful. If we were having a baby girl, that is what I would have chosen. Toooooo cute! :)
oh my darling girl - LOOK at all those clothes! I wish you were my momma!! Gorgeous little room for your gorgeous baby girl!
Hey Kelly! I FINALLY got my nursery post up after late work days and computer issues. Hope you can come by and check out Will's room!
Thank you for posting! I just found out I'm expecting and have already started planning the nursery although we don't know the sex yet. This is great inspiration!
you have such a pretty house!!
I am so not a girly-girl, but her room is amazing even to me!:)
I don't have a bumper in our baby's crib for safety reasons (like what you were referring to, I'm sure), but they sure are cute! I wish they were safe too:) Cribs are just so much cuter with an amazing bumper in there...oh well, it's good for the pictures for now, right?:)
Ok- so I've never linked up to a blog party before... hopefully I did this right! Anyway, I had to link up after I stumbled on your blog last week... We have a lot in common, even a special Bible verse! Anyway, Harper is precious! So glad she is well. Having a NICU baby is not an easy row. I'm sort of new to this blogging thing and havn't had a lot of time to get into details of my children's historys on the blog yet. I'm dong really good to keep up with the present for now! I have 5 little ones ages 3 1/2, 22 months and 12 weeks. Never a dull moment here! I only linked up with 1 room, I will have to share the other 2 nurseries later. Thanks for sharing with this amazingly BIG blog world!
ok- so I linked up wrong- told you, new at this. I'm trying again... #452!
I know I am a little late in posting our room but things are hectic with are sweet little one and a daddy on crutches and a torn achilles! Life is always exciting!!!
I have loved looking at everyone's rooms!
My name is Jamie--aka MIMI. just found your blog recently and love the room thing!!! My daughter decided to do that on show me a room MONDAY!!!!
Loved all the nurseries, I have a nursery for my 12 month old granddaughter, it's a polka dot motif with Disney Flair!!! MY daughter is a Manager at Epcot in Florida, loves working for Walt Disney World, so we are hug Disney Fans!!!!
check out my blog some time...www.queenmimicorner.blogspot.com
have a blessed day,
I love that monkey painting above the daybed. How big is it?
Love the nursery pics! We have a Harper too. Such a unique but adorable name for a baby girl. Thanks for sharing!!
love the bedding where did you it email me @ maddyforeman@yahoo.com
Is there a link to a place where we can see all of the postings from this day? I only see that about 10 are left. I remembered one girl have this great wall art in her little girl's room and I was hoping to try and do something similar and show my husband...:-(
Harper's room is beautiful!
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