I have 3 prayer requests this morning for you and 1 give away
- Please pray for Chad and Nikki who went for their 12 week appointment this week and found out their baby might have a chromosomal defect. They are meeting with a perinatologist on Monday. Pray that the baby will be born healthy and whole. You can visit their site here - http://chadandnikki.blogspot.com/
- I will never forget walking in to the NICU at St Francis for the first time when my parents and I arrived in Tulsa and the sweetest couple were there to greet me. It helped what was SUCH a hard time for me. Their little boy, Gavin, is having heart surgery in CA today - please lift him up. http://gavinparker.blogspot.com/
And then if you want to read about a fun TOY website and a cool toy giveaway - to check out here and sign up to win!

I'll have pictures of Harper up later today (don't worry GRANDPARENTS) - we are off to get ready and run some errands on this beautiful warm spring day!!!!
Thank you for listing these prayer requests. Praying in Charleston, SC! Can't wait to see more pictures of Harper!
All of these cute baby toys and clothes you show on here (not to mention the bows and tutu's) ALMOST makes me want another baby!!
Prayers for these hurting families.
Enjoy that beautiful day that you're having, because its chilly and rainy here! But we have nice weather coming!!
Can't wait for the pics! Have a wonderful spring day!
Praying in New Hampshire.
Enjoy your beautiful day!
Praying in South Africa.
Have a great day in the sun.
I think Harper now has some more admirers than just her grandparents! Oh, and my husband requests your poppy seed chicken at LEAST once a week now, so thanks for helping me feed my man! Love, Rachel
I'll also be looking forward to Harper's picture today! :)
Enjoy the nice weather!
thank you for sharing the freeman's prayer request. i live in the same town as them. we have mutual friends and actually attend the same church, i have yet to meet them face to face. but nonetheless, i have been following their story and praying for sweet kayleigh. thank you for posting it on your blog and spreading the word. i posted it on mine today too.
be blessed!!!
Have been praying and will keep praying! Thank you for that update!!
CAN'T wait for pictures!! You know how much I love them!
Have fun running errands. Hopefully Harper cooperates!
Love you both
Praying for Kayleign in Louisiana! I was so shocked because they were doing the surgery in hopes of her going home right? Such a sad story, but miracles do happen!!
Praying for the precious little ones. My heart breaks for their familes.
I love all of it it's so hard to pick. My kids just picked out 50 things each they want :) but in the end the Haba Dolls Carry Cot-Bag is topping my favorite :)
ps,I noticed on my Rss feeder that when I went to comment there were 103 comments for this giveaway,but then clicked on your website there are only 11. I'm not sure where to post?! :)
Lifting these families up in prayer today.
Sorry I have been MIA in the comments department. So glad you went with picture #3 for the baby dedication photo. That's the one I voted for!
Hope you and Harper have a great day!
Prayers are going up here in Alma. That truly breaks my heart.
Thank you for passing on the prayer requests!
the gurdain angle doll is my favorite. thanks for sharing the web site.
I will be praying for those. Its such a tug at your heart when it deals with Gods lil' ones. Cant wait to see Miss Harper later today. I hope she enjoys her day without too much of a fuss...hehe. They do grow out of that. Hang in there mommma!
Praying for those babies here in Texas. I just discovered your blog and I really like it! You have a beautiful family and I love your love for God. It's inspiring to read about people like you!
I always check your site to see who needs prayers. I'm so thankful you're able to spread the news of who we can be praying for!
Praying for these that are hurting. Lifting them to our Creator, our Healer, our Comforter.
We are praying for these families.
Cute toy!!
You are so Great at keeping up with the prayer request!! I have never had the chance to say Congrats on little Harper she is just Beautiful!! What an Awesome God we Serve.. I love your blog all your cute little post. We emailed each other way back when you first got pregnant w/ Harper. But just wanted to tell you she is a baby doll!!
Thank you for spreading the word about these precious families. It feels like there are so many in need of prayers right now, but thankfully prayer is something we never run out of - I will be on my knees for all of them tonight!
Thank you so much for including the Freemans. Actually, Kayleigh has NEVER left the NICU. She's had 5 or 6 surgeries now (one including open heart--one of the smallest babies ever), and this last one consisted of four separate surgeries (G-tube, central line, Nissen, and Bilateral hernia repair...plus a biopsy). This was the last stop on the NICU rollercoaster before they could get off at home! God's will will be done...we just don't know if he wants her to go to her earthly home or her heavenly one.
Lifting up all of these families in earnest prayer!
Kelly... you are amazing!! Always thinking of others. Seriously one of the most selfless people I know.
Can't wait to get our daily Harper fix later.
Andrea ;)
My child was born premie almost 21 years ago at a little over 3 lbs. I understand the scarey feelings and the stressors and the heartache some of these parents are going through. Today my child is still struggling with some disabilities. I wouldn't trade him for any other child in the world! Neither, I'm sure, would any of these parents. I'm adding my prayers for the families you mentioned. May G-d comfort them all with peace, provide supportive people for all three, and move on behalf of their children.
Isn't the Bumbo great? We also really like the Bumbo Tray that hooks on. I think it runs around $10 and just about everyone carries them that carries Bumbos!
You are such a sweet person! I love that you post about other people's prayer needs!
And thanks for the heads up about that giveaway. That is a cute toy!!
With both of our girls our "firstborn" daughter Molly didn't take notice until they were sitting...
Thank you for putting these prayer requests up, I'll be praying for all of them.
I've been following Kayleigh, and I'm in complete shock! But I too am a believer in miracles and believer that He has great plans for this tiny bundle of hope.
So much to pray for. My heart stays heavy these days. Thanks for sharing.
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