Please be in prayer for Emily ...... a young mother who lives in Texas. She has a little boy, Grant, and is pregnant with a daugther, Aubrey. On 2/18, her husband noticed a few symptons and went to the hospital and just 10 days later he passed away from Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. She really needs our prayers.

Here is Harper's pic of the day - I have to include at least one or the grandparents will kill me.

My cousin, Janice, sent Harper the cutest gift today - it's a razorback nap mat.

It unfolds to this - this will be SO great once she starts preschool, mothers day out or kindergarten. Or even for her to lay on to watch TV one day or to take to the grandparents. SUCH a neat gift!!!!

Our friend, Isabel, made us a delicious dinner tonight. She also brought Harper this precious umbrella that she monogrammed for her! Isn't it cute???? (You know I'm a tiny bit partial to zebra print!) I love it because now mother and daughter both have
matching monogrammed umbrellas! Which we'll need because it rains a lot in the spring here in Arkansas.

I've had a lot of people write me lately to ask me about advice on getting their husbands interested in going to church. I know it is so hard when you want to go to church and you want your children to be raised in church and your husband isn't interested. You wonder what people will think of you if you go alone with your kids and you long to be one of those families who go and sit in the pews together. You would love to go to Sunday School - but would be intimidated to go to a couples class alone.
I just want to encourage you to try to go and take your kids. Don't nag your husband to go to church. Just try to live for Jesus - and that joy and peace will overflow from you and your husband will notice. The best thing you can do is pray daily for your husband. Pray that God will make him a man after His own heart. And keep praying. The book above is one I would read.

Or get this book - I'm not much of reader but I did this Bible study a few years ago and started really praying for Scott. He went to church with me at the time but was just NOT my spiritual leader and I wondered sometime if he was really saved. I just started praying and trying to show him respect and love and waited on God. And a few months later - he began changing and then one night broke down and told me he wasn't saved and he wanted to be. Overnight he began spending a lot of time reading his Bible, praying, asking me if we were tithing, listening to only Christian music and wanting to go to church every time the doors were open and most importantly became the Spiritual leader in our family.
Scott and I are not perfect Christians - FAR, FAR from it. We aren't even "good" Christians. We are broken, sinful humans. I'll be totally honest with you - I haven't had a consistent quiet time since Harper was born and I'm working on it. But I do love God more than anything and it's a daily struggle to make Him my top priority. I just want to encourage all of you out there who think your husband will never be the spiritual leader in your family - don't doubt God. He can do anything with anyone!

I've read through The Power of a Praying Wife and loved it. I've also read The Power of a Praying Parent, also by Stormie Omartian. Both are excellent books and I could really tell a difference in all of our lives as I was reading through them. Great books to read and go through.
Love the picture of Harper! I love how her little tongue is sticking out. Too cute!
That picture is adorable!!!
Love the nap mat and umbrella =]
Those are two WONDERFUL books to recommend!
thank you for the advice on the last book - I LOVE that book... I've read it and my fiance has read the version for the guys. But, I feel like you do. I want my fiance to be more of a spiritual leader. He goes to church with me and is saved. But, I want him to lead me. I pray about it (maybe not as much as I should) thank you for your insight and letting me know that I'm not alone in this. Thanks!
That picture is too cute! Love that she is sticking her tongue out! Too cute!
I need to get those books. The way you described how Scott used to be is exactly like my husband. Thank you so much for the book recommendations!
Wow! This is my first time to comment and I'm first. Neat! Thanks for this post Kelly! It's truly encouraging!
Harper is beautiful! Congratulations!!! Well...almost first. :)
WOW!! I really needed this post MORE than you know! Thanks!
thank you so much for that post... i had started taking my son to church without my husband in january, went 4 or 5 times, then gave up because it was just too hard. the last time i went i was crying into my son's head as he stuffed goldfish in his mouth and felt like a big fat loser. it just makes me so sad to see all the families there, and i'm there wrangling my toddler by myself (he is not a fan of the toddler sunday school room--they put my number up on the screen to come get him the last 2 times i took him in!) so anyway, it makes me feel better to know that i'm not the only one in that situation, and i will get that book. and i'll try to be patient. i'm not good at that.
a friend let me borrow that second book when i first got married. i read parts of it out loud to my husband, and he confirmed all of it. he said that the things the book says are very true. it was eye opening for me to say the least!
lovin the harper picture!
For anyone interested, my husband wasn't raised in church and I'm catholic so when we got married he agreed that since he didn't have a church that I could raise them in my church. I have never pressed him. We have 4 children that have all been baptized, made first communion and the older 2 have been through confirmation and my husband only went to church for those "special" occasions and Christmas and Easter. I continued to go every Sunday and take my kids (all 4 by myself since their births)I feel church was important. My husband now is taking an interest and starting to follow us there more and more. Not every week but occasionally. I never press and I never ask (when I see him get up and get ready I do go in the bathrom and shut the door and do a happy dance but he doesn't know that) I love your blog and I have been following for awhile now. Harper is a true testament to gods love. God Bless you all.
Hearts and Hugs
p.s. i think you should put up like 10 pictures of harper everytime... that's what we are looking for, duh!
Oh my goodness! Lil' Miss Harper just gets cuter and cuter! I now have my "Harper fix" for the day! I also am reading a Stormie Omartian book and anything that she writes is so inspiring!
Good advice. This is the meaning of the Scripture:
1Cor 8:16 How do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or, how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?
It doesn't mean we can impart salvation to them, but it means that through our Godly life, our spouse my see the truth and be drawn to God.
Brent (Abby's Dad)
I have never commented before but I have to after your post--
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! I needed this more than you will ever know! God never ceases to amaze me!
ps--Harper is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!
Hi Kelly,
I found your blog via The Barefoot Mama. I have been praying for Harper since shortly after she was born, although I've never commented. She is a beautiful baby, and I am so happy that she is doing so well now. I just recently started my own blog. I'd love for you to stop by if you get a minute (I know those free minutes are few and far between when you have a small baby;-)
Mary Anne @ Marigold Manor
I think D needs a Gator napmat!!! (:
I see God all over these words of wisdom!
I love how honest you are! Sometimes it is just hard to want to sit and read anything, much less something as important as the Bible. I do read my Bible every day, even when the feelings are not there. I have talked about it a lot with my mentor and we both agree that it is out of gratitude and obedience. I also like to read it online sometimes at or One tip I received is "snatching Scripture." Keep an open Bible in all different locations- at the kitchen sink, next to where you nurse the baby, etc. Snatch Scripture throughout the day and you'll still be filled with His Word!
where did she get the umbrella from?
I'd love one like that!
I love how Harper's little bitty tongue is poking out! She's such a little doll!
the power of the praying wife is awesome!! you have to get the power of the praying parent too! all of stormie's books are great. I am reading through te power of praying throught the bible. It is a great way to get in God's word with some devotional time but on a busy mom schedule!
Harper is as beautiful as ever. Thanks for the updates.
Thank you for that post, Kel. I don't have a husband, but am so thankful to hear you being so honest and open when sharing with us. I haven't felt like I've really had much (any) consistent quiet time with God lately and I'm just feeling so guilty. Only, I don't even have a baby...just crazy life. I'm also working on it very hard!
Anyways, bless your sweet heart for being YOU! Thank you so much for that.
Love you,
Jess :)
P.S. Harper's just as precious today as she always is!!
Great encouraging post! Harper is a cutie! must be love and respect your hubby day because I wrote some mushy stuff on my blog too! :)
Very good advice Kelly. I totally agree!
I have been wanting to read The Power of a Praying Wife for quite some time! I browsed through it once and it looked great! Harper is just getting cuter and cuter!!
i am loving harper's fun!
i too loved rdg through power of a praying wife & power of a praying parent! these books helped change the way i prayed for the 'men' in my life....hubby & 2 boys!!!
i look forward each day for you to post a pic of that precious harper!!!
blessings on you three :)
Thanks for your post, Kelly! Those are both great books and, of course, Harper is as precious as always!
I love Harper's umbrella! You know I'm a fan of those. :) And you know, since Harper and I are both "H" then maybe she'll share. My little H is so cute with her tongue sticking out. Her Aunt H cant wait to squeeze those cute cheeks!
As always, you are such an inspiration to me. I will continue to pray for my husband in hopes he will one day join me and my daughter at church (and read the book)! Of course, Harper is adorable too!!
I started to take my children (all 5 of them) to church by my self about three years ago. I wish I would have started earlier.
Love the cute pic of Miss Harper! Also wanted to thank you for being honest about your spiritual lives. As a mother of 3 boys, 4 1/2, 2, and 6 months...I struggle daily to have any quiet moments, much less time! My husband and I are very involved with serving our LORD at church and I have a relationship with God, but there are times I feel distant from Him. I have come to realize that you can talk to God anywhere...especially in the shower! God knows my heart and knows my time right now! Look at for good books, tips, etc. to help you as a mom stay close with God! I will pray for you and that is not to much of a struggle!
I want a Razorback napmat for ME! Actually, I'd settle for a nap ha. I totally agree about going to church without your husband - I go alone with the kids almost every Sunday. My husband joins us maybe once every two or three months. I go for me and for my kids, and I just don't worry about what others think. I pray for him constantly, but I just feel like you should go to church because you want to, not because you got nagged into it. Your story gives me hope, though... I can really tell my husband is searching and yearning for a deeper relationship with God - I've been there, and at least for me it was kind of a journey I had to figure out on my own (with help, but on my own time).
God meets us where we are and He is the ultimate promise keeper. How awesome! Harper is pretty awesome too!
i absolutely loved the power of a praying wife, and really want to start the power of a praying parent. tell your friend isabel that she has great taste! :) that little umbrella is about the cutest thing i've ever seen! just darling! -tara
Well said, sister- way to be a Titus 2 lady! Love and Respect is another wonderful book for a marriage. You know that saying, "a baby changes everything?" Now you know it by experience; the consistent formal quiet time will come again and for now, grab whatever moments you can throughout the day.
I highly recommend "How to Be the Happy Wife of an Unsaved Husband" by Linda Davis.
I made a commitment to the Lord about 2 1/2 years ago to get my 3 children (8,6 & 3 at the time)to church. My husband was supportive, as in us going, him staying home. I read this book and it gave me so much peace. Within a year of going to church, my husband of 10 years accepted the Lord and only misses church when he is on duty at the fire station. Praise God! It was so not anything I did. I had to stay out of the way and let God work.
Thank you so much Kelly! Your post helped me more than you'll ever know. Your blog really did start that same change in me, the yearning to be a better Christian, and I will continue to pray that one day my husband makes that choice too.
Your precious Harper looks as sweet as ever today!
I love the nap mat. We have one and it is perfect for when Aaron wants to be near us at night, we set him up on the floor in our room in his nap mat. Worked great!
Thank you for the inspiring words about God. I'm sure He understands about your shortage of quiet time right now. I usually have my quiet time, if you can call it that, when I'm brushing my teeth or showering or praying in my car on the way to work. I'm not a perfect Christian either, but I try to live an honest life. I'd like to think that's all God is asking from us.
We're only human and no one is perfect...except for that gorgeous baby.
Thanks again for sharing your words of wisdom. :-)
Thanks for the great post! I will definitely look into getting those books! Harper just looks precious as ever today! The nap mat is so cute! I'm sure she will love it!
what a great post!! THANKS! you are such a sweetheart!!!
The For Women Only is definitely an interesting read - you get some valuable insight into a man's head!!
I have a favour to ask of you (I am a Brit so excuse the extra u!!). I have a friend who is trying to raise $3000 for the March of Dimes. Her blog is Like you she is a very inspirational lady who really went through it last year. You have so many people read your blog I wonder if you could spread the word to see if anyone would make a little donation for a cause that any of us Mums find so worthy. I hope this isnt too cheeky of me? I have been following your blog since Harper was born - your little miracle is so cute :o)
Thank you!!
Katie (who was actually a nanny in Arkansas many moons ago!!)
Thank you so much for this post. My husband was very religious in high school but in college decided that he didn't like the way his former friends treated others. Now he refuses to go to church at all and I really want to start going as a family. I am definitely going to check out those books. This post was such an inspiration to me. Thank you!
You couldn't have had a better post today. I have two kids and have just recently been going to a women's bible study on Wednesdays. I told my husband that I wanted to start going to church on Sundays with the kids because I wanted them to have well balanced up bringing. My hubby (who I adore) said no. Anyways, reading your post and other people's comments made me feel better that I am not alone in this situation and that maybe one day he will come around.
Also, it's so funny, my best friend is due in 7 weeks and is naming her girl Harper and the baby's room is pink, green and zebra stripes! She doesn't read your blog but I told her it just like Kelly and Harper and she said, "Who?" I was so disappointed that she didn't know who you were since you are a "famous" blogger!
I love how you are encouraging people! As for the QT thing, I had one anywhere from first thing in the morning to at the breakfast table to during nursing to nap time to bed time, even sometimes while I was drying my hair! For me, it's just now gotten consistent again. Take heart, there is hope that life will return to some sense of normalcy! Catherine Asher
Great post! Good advice on "just go to Church and live for Jesus" and he will notice. That's what my boyfriend (now husband) did. He went to church, joined a Small Group and waited for me to see the change in his life. I definitely did and became a Christian a few months later.
Harper is adorable, as usual! ;)
Thank you so much for the encouragment! I've been praying for help to be a Godly wife, and for His love & grace to shine through me to my husband so that he will be saved also.
Thanks for the "Harper fix".
I love your honesty. I will say that a year or so ago, I went back and read your WHOLE blog. One of your posts was (I think) a recap of the previous year and you mentioned for the first time having a quiet time every day that year (or something close to that) and you had never done that before. It really impacted me.
I have struggled a lot in this area and last December I began consciously have a MORNING quiet time... and I have continued this so far. That's the longest I've ever gone. Yay me! But, I wanted you to know that your words were an encouragement to little old me!
You are a blessing to me and my family, and I have never even met you...probably never will. But thank you. Thank you for your faith, and your openness, your honesty, and your sincerity. You make God smile everyday, I just know it! Blessings on you and your precious family!
Abilene, TX
Thanks to little Ms. Harper... I've been looking at monogrammed items that I never would have considered before. It just doesn't look as cute with "O" on it.
Such a great picture of Harper. Is that bow sewn onto the hat? Cute idea!
Hi Kelly
Thanks for your post, informative and encouraging. Here's a verse I always remember when I beat myself up about not being a good Christian. Micah 6:8 "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." He does not require perfection (then none would meet expectation) So love Him and love those whom He sends across your path, is my moto.
Harper is beautiful.
Kelly, what a beautiful testimony to the power of our Living God! You speak of your husband with such high regard, just as the Lord would have you do. Isn't it a beautiful thing when we pray, trust and WAIT on God, what wonderful things HE can do?
So happy to see things going so well with you all. My 2 precious grannybabies are due in the next 4 months. One in May and the other in July. We recently found out we are being blessed with one of each! God is so good!
Thank you so much for your post about Husbands/Fathers and church. I needed a good lift me up.
Harper is just way too adorable. I am so happy that she is doing wonderful.
What a thoughtful & wonderful post! I realized several years ago that when I stopped trying to be the Spiritual leader in our home & started praying more for my husband that he was more than ready & willing to step into that role...I had just been in the way for a long time trying to do things "my way"! Stormie Omartian has such great books, I love them! They are wonderful tools for learning how to use Scripture to pray which can totally revolutionize your prayer life! I am so thankful to God for my husband & his leadership in our family! Lately, I have been challenged in MY role as a wife by 2 things...a Bible study on the book The Excellent Wife (by Martha Peace) and the recent Love & Respect (Emerson Eggerichs) conference we attended. Wow, I'm realizing every day how much more God wants to work on ME! And it is great!
Blessings to you & thanks for being such an encouragement to others!
Thank you for the post today... Since the first time I found your blog.. right after Harper's birth.. I have found strength, peace and my faith has been lifted. I was baptized in Jesus name last June. My four kids and I attend church now but my husband does not. I can say that I needed to hear the thoughts you were saying. It seems as if my husband and I are on two different sides of the planet. I want to get the first book as I had seen in a bookstore. I thank god for finding your blog...You are such an inspiration and your testomonies are simple God's great miracles.
Stephanie in Mo.
I wanted to Thank you for your post today. This Aug. will be our 2year ann. for my hubby and I being saved. I still have much to learn and to teach my kids but finding people like you makes that so much easier. :) I look forward to your posts everyday.
I can totally identify with everything you were saying about your husband not coming to church with you. I am in the same situation...I'm not sure of my husbands salvation... Frankly I don't think he is either. He will sometimes go to sunday school with me but NEVER stays for church. Then a few weeks ago he did, much to my surprise. And as if God wasn't good enough already the sermon that my pastor spoke that day was... Get this... "What wives wish their husbands knew about women!" This couldn't have been better timing. I was SOOO excited that he could be there for that sermon... because, let's face it... Most men know very little about women. Anyway... That sermon was part of a seris my pastor was doing, and the next week was all about what Husbands wish their wives knew about men, so needless to say he was happy to come back the next week to make sure I took very detailed notes. He even gave an "Amen" here for there out loud!! This shocked me GREATLY!! That was a few weeks ago and he hasn't been back to church with me, only sunday school. But I am still believing that there will come a day when he becomes the spiritual leader that I so desperatly want him to be. We have two boys that need to see an Godly man in their daddy.
I know God has perfect timing for the salvation of my husband. Until then I will continue to take myself and my boys to church EVERY WEEK!! And in the mean time I'll give praise to my Faithful Father for the miracle HE will perform in my husband's life someday soon.
This post has really touched me. I had not gone to church in I don't know how many years. I had gone to a few Christmas programs, but not regularly to church. However, this past year, my family went through so much I felt this pull to go back to church.
My husband had never really gone to church. He had never been baptized, he had a Bible, but that was as religious as he got. About 2 months ago, we started "shopping" for a church home. My husband agreed to go with me because I felt strongly about it, but he was not enthusiastic about it.
We finally found a church we both liked. I never thought I would get him to go to church regularly, let alone to Sunday School too! I was so excited. I was raised in a good Christian home, and I wanted our children to be raised in one as well. I never thought that my husband would become so excited for Church!!
This past week we went out and bought all 2 of us (my husband, my son, and I) all new Bibles.
It was such a turn around for my husband. His family is very non-religious. They in fact make fun of people who go to church, they call them "churchies." It makes me sad for them that they have not heard the call to God. I hope one day they will.
My husband and son are both being baptized on March 22. What a glorious day for our family. We are so excited for that day, it can't come soon enough!
Your blog is such an amazing story. I look forward to reading it every day. Your daughter is so precious and such a wonderful gift!
Kendra in TX
Oh that cracked me up!!!!!!!!!! LOVE the photo!
Always here praying!
Philippians 4:6-7 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Prayer Bears
My email address
Kelly, that is exactly what my pastor said in one of his sermons. If our spouses don't want to go to church with us, and/or are not saved, to pray for them daily. I've been doing that for my husband. He will go to church when I ask him, but I'd love to see him want to go for himself.
Love the mat and the umbrella!! Of course, Harper is cute too! :0) I have read both of those books, even though I am not married. I learned alot. (at the time I was in a serious relationship contemplating marriage). Both are great and I learned a lot about myself as well as men!!
Oh my, that picture is tooooo sweet and love the RB nap map and umbrella, how precious!!!!!! Even though I'm not married, loved the advice Kelly, and love you, my friend!!!! :o)
Great post. Adorable umbrella.
Those are such great words of advice Kelly! Your life is such a sweet testimony to your readers! :)
I love your post! Girl, we all struggle, no matter how strong we appear to be in our faith. We are human and we would not be truthful if we said we did not struggle! I loved loved LOVED The Power of A Praying Wife. It helped me learn a lot about how God intended marriage to be, not what the world says it is supposed to be. I learned that in many instances, I needed to be the one to have the changed heart instead of praying for his to change...even though deep down I really wanted it to be Flint doing the changing! It sounds so ridiculous, especially to non-believers, but it has made such a difference in our lives. He is a great spiritual leader, a wonderful husband, and I know he is gonna be an amazing dad in only four days...Can you believe it?!?!? But, we can always grow closer in our relationship with Jesus Christ. It is so important to be praying for our hubbies! Okay, I think I just wrote a blog post...not a comment! Hope you guys are well!
Kelly, I am so happy to hear I am not the only one that this is happened to! I am struggling with this issue as I type this. I LOVE church and God and I want my girls to feel the same way. BUT, my husband feels he doesnt need to go to church. My husband and I do EVERYTHING together so when it comes to me going to church with just my girls, I feel like something is missing. HIM!!
I am going to get the book you wrote about and see what happens. Thanks so much!!!
p.s. Harper is just as cute as ever :o)
Kelly, those were wonderful thoughts! I've been blessed with a husband who loves the Lord with his whole heart and will soon shepherd one of God's churches here on earth.......and yet living a Christian life is still is a struggle. We are not perfect or even good....just sinners saved by the Savior, chosen to do His work by sharing the Good News!
Praying Wife is a book I read over and over.
I love the pictures of Harper with her tongue out! Too cute!
I want that umbrella for me! So fun!
Amen to the Power of a Praying Wife book! God used it to transform my marriage - mostly by transforming me and making me realize that GOD was the one who was going to grow my husband, not me :)
You have no idea how much I needed your post today!! As you know I am not married yet, but I continue to pray for Mike every day. God showed me the exact same thing. To be humble, sweet and a Godly woman (I do my best!!) and that Mike would be drawn to that. God keeps showing me what and how to pray and I know that Mike is noticing!! Harper is so cute and please keep posting her pictures. I love them!!!
Love ,
I love how open and honest you are! I look forward to your posts :) I love to see pictures of Harper! She is getting so big! I know it goes by so fast, my little one is almost 11 weeks old, and I can't believe it!! Harper is a DOLL! This is a great post to those who are struggling with a husband who isn't sure of his faith or leading the household. Thank you!!!
Great blog today. I am totally checking out those books! I am in need of a good book and I am really trying hard to focus on my prayer life right now.
Love all the goodies that people are sending. That Razorback mat is adorable. Did she make that? WOW, I want one for myself....
Oh, and Harper is just adorable!
Thanks for sharing! I have one of Omartians books but not that one. I have looked at it several times and I should get it!
Love Harper's cute little face!
I might get upset right along with the grandparents if there was not a picture of Harper!:)
Both of those books are great! I'm with you on the daily struggle. It seemed to get a little easier once Brody was in a routine. Now I am able to wake up about 30 or 45 mins before Brody and do my bible study! I still have those days though. I'm glad I'm not alone!
On another note that has nothing to do with this...I'm going to WM today and I am really hoping they have restocked the Pledge!!:)
This is just what I needed to read this morning. I have recently started going to church and taking the kids while my hubby stays at home. He says he is never going with us, which breaks my heart. I'll stop nagging so much and start praying more.
Thanks for your real update! Yes, if you are a spiritually single wife go to church and live a life for him. Things will change.. I have watched it many times!!!'s not just he grandparents...we love Harper pics, too! I, too, would HIGHLY recommend "The Power of a Praying Wife." What an awesome book! It honestly has helped the way I pray in general, not just for my husband. It has helped me to pray for my enemies. I'll have to look for that other book you mentioned. I'll be praying for Emily...heartbreaking.
Love the pic of Harper and what adorable gifts.
We actually were just talking about this in Sunday School last week that as long as you live a life for the Lord others will see and want what you have. Thanks for the post.
Praying for Emily and her family.
Kelly, I just wanted to thank you for posting all the prayer requests that you post. It's wonderful that you are able to help others in this way.
thank you for posting that about power of a praying wife! i started reading it a couple of months ago and only got through chapter 1. i NEED to get that read. i've heard it's awesome! also, thank you for being so open and real to us readers about you not being consistant with quiet time. i am the same way and sometimes feel so bad, so it's good to know that we are all in this together! :)
Okay...I read a few comments and I agree with them all! hehe!
We too need Harper pics everyday!
and I will be praying for Emily and her family. How tragic.
I would also like to thank you for sharing about your walk with God and about Scott coming to church with you.
Everyone keeps pushing me to bring my bf (I'm in the praise team at church) but I can't push him. His dad used to force him to go to a mormon church and he has a very sour taste in his mouth. I am just trying to be the best example I can be for him and praying for him and praying that one day he will ask to come with me!
Thanks for the encouragement! I am looking up those books now! Maybe I can find them on ebay? hehe!
Happy Thursday!
Thank you so much for have no idea how i needed this right now. I will be looking into this Bible study! Thank you for allowing God to work through you!
I'm not one of the people who e-mailed you about this issue with their husbands...but boy do I have it. My husband goes to church with me and goes in Sunday school but I know it's only because I ask him to. I don't think he would ever go if I didn't want to. This scares me.
We did go through pre-martial counseling and I remember them talking about how the husband is supposed to be the spiritual leader...and I actually called him on it in the meeting and said I was concerned that this wouldn't happen. Well...I think I was right.
Thank you so much for the book ideas. I will definitely be getting them and really start praying for God to work on his heart.
Thanks again,
Thank you! This is just what I needed to hear!
Hey Kelly, a lady in my office read the power of a praying wife and she recommended it to me but I haven't had time to read it yet but I will have to pick it up soon. Harper is so sweet. I Love that nap mat I would like to have one for my son do you know where she got it?
Thanks for this post. I am going through this right now with my husband. Trying to get him into church, another friend told me also not to pressure him... I am going to get those books!
I also want to raise my son in church also, and I myself am making a commitment to going most Sunday's this year!
Love Harper's goodies :) She is just precious! Love all her pictures!!!! Thanks again for a wonderful post!
We LOVE new pictures of Harper! She is just so adorable. I also wanted to add as a resource "Created to be his Helpmeet" by Debi Pearl. You can get it at . The Pearls are often way more conservative than we are, but this book is beautiful and God has used it to restore many marriages. Have a great day, and hope Harper naps!
Kelly! I aboslutly love how open & honest you are in your blog! Thank you for being such an encouragement, even when sometimes it doesn't seem like there is Light out there!
I'm getting married in June & can not wait, but I know marriage isn't an easy road. It's great to hear about other people's struggles to remind me that I'm not along, and that we have Jesus on our side! I am grateful that my fiance & I attend church together. It's something I really shouldn't take for granted!
Anyways! Thanks so much for your ever present smile (trust me, I can see the Light in you just as I read your blog each day!) and thanks for your prayers for other families who are hurting! I will keep Emily in my prayers!
Much love & prayers from WA state,
LOVING the nap mat!!! I NEED ONE!! Now that I live in Texas I hardly ever find any Razorback stuff. My girls need one!
I'm been following your blog since your beautiful blessing Harper arrived and have prayed for you and your family.
You are absolutely right about praying for your husband. I've been the one taking my 10 and 9 yr old children to church, and one day out of the blue he said he wanted to go with us. Its baby steps still but its progress and I told him how happy I was that he joined us. He doesn't go every Sunday, but HE is working on my husband. Never give up, and always try to be the example. You gave great advice Kelly! :) You rock!
Hi Kelly, I have been reading your blog for a month or so and I just love it!! Little Harper is just amazing. I also loved ready back further in your blog and finding receipes and post about fashion and reality tv!!! Gotta love it. Anyway, when you asked for us to pray for someone I go to the page you have linked and I love seeing everyone and their lives but I am sort of getting a little overwhelmed emotionally sometimes and I feel so bad for these couples who have lost babies or have sick babies. I just wanted to ask you how you deal with all of it and keep so positive. I have a 16 month old son and I am so blessed but sometimes i just get scared. My mom says it is normal and just something that mom's go through and the fear doesn't end. She said it gets worse when the child goes off to collage :) sorry for the long comment, I guess I should have sent an email. oops. anyway thanks so much.
What a sweet face Harper has. As a single gal I have not read power of a praying wife, but I have read Power of a praying Parent and would highly recommend this book to moms. GREAT BOOK!!
I cannot thank you enough for posting this today. I am Lutheran and my future husband is Uniterian. As a child he was teased and told he was "wrong" and was going to hell because he wasn't Catholic or Lutheran like the other kids in his class. Therefore, he really started to dislike religion and all that goes with it.
While we have discussed and agreed that our children will be raised, baptized and confirmed Lutheran, I don't want to do this alone. I want him by my side.
I look forward to reading these books and thank you for the encouragement.
Thank you for your encouragement. One of the main reasons I don't go to church is because my Husband is not interested in going at all. I want more than anything to have our son christened in a church and raise him to be a Christian but without his support I just didn't feel it would work. But I will go without him. I will talk about my faith with him. And maybe, just maybe he'll open up to it again.
Sometimes he gives me a glimmer of hope. I asked him the other night if he realizes how blessed we have been in our life together. And he instantly said, "Of course I do." I wonder if he knew that I meant, "Blessed by the Lord above." I hope he did. Because we have and I want to continue to praise him. I lost my faith in God a long time ago. But I'm working my way back to Him. Your blog is helping me.
Thanks for this post and being open! I realize that I can't just wish my hubby to be my spiritual leader and I need to be doing my part as well! Thanks for the inspiration! I also need to work about my quiet times not being so hit or miss! And make it a priority (rather than blogging, lol, I should be doing that right now. I go! Thanks Again!
Thank you for posting that--the power of prayer is AMAZING! And it's so wonderful that Scott was saved and now you have such a beautiful family.
Thank you for being so real!
Good book recommendations! I love the Power of a Praying Wife...I'll have to check out that other one.
The daily pic did not disappoint! SO cute!
I agree with the grandparents that Harper pictures are a must-have daily occurence. :-)
Such great words about praying for husbands. I'm packing in all the folder in my brain for future use. :-)
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Love, love, love the Harper pictures! I enjoy reading your blog every day and seeing new pics of your sweet girl!
"Power of Praying Wife" is a classic book now, I have read it a few times and should re-read it. My husband and I have both been saved for about 30 years each now (we are in our early 50's) and I am thankful that I was able to find a wonderful husband who isn't perfect of course like I am not, but who loves Jesus like I do. We both go to church (a Foursquare one) and have for 20 years, the entire time we have been married, and I know just the fact that we both have faith and trust in the Lord has really helped our marriage a lot.
I have been reading your blog for awhile but have never left a comment. I just wanted to let you know that your faith is truly inspiring. Harper is definitly a precious gift from above and gets cuter and cuter everyday. Thank you so much for your post. It was just what I needed today. Hope you, Scott and Harper are having a great day!
Power of the Praying Wife..wonderful book. I should read it again! My husband and I struggle with the whole church thing as well. He was raised Catholic and me Church of Christ. We have attended the Church of Christ since before we got married, but he is just not that into it. Prayer is a powerful thing and I am still begging God for Sean's interest in learning more about the Bible and Christ. Thanks for this post! It is always so comforting to hear that other wives struggle with the same thing.
Hi Kelly,
yes, I know what you mean...It is hard to grab some "quiet time"
If you get a chance, visit my blog.
I just posted a prayer that I found online that was lots of encouragement for me.
Great, thoughtful post!
Thank you for this post Kelly! I grew up in a Christian family - we went to church every Sunday, I attended church camps and participated in youth group. Since college I have grown away from God. Periodically in the last 4 years I have attended various churches, alone. My husband NEVER went to church and has NO DESIRE to go to church. I want to become a better Christian, but am embarrassed to go to church alone, with my 2 toddlers. I do believe that this weekend I'll go, alone and we will see what happens. Now I just need to find the right church for me and my family. Any suggestions on how to find the right church?
oh my goodness...def praying for the momma and her babies.
i love all the little ditties you posted up today...i have total monogram love!!!!
I'm so excited! Starting next week I'm going to be leading "For women only bible study" at my church! I haven't read it all yet but so for it has been a real eye opener! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for your's been such an encouragement to me in many ways, and I just love popping in to read it! My husband isn't currently living for the Lord, but I trust and have faith that God will change that someday! And we have stuggled, and have been through fertility treatments (unsuccessfully), but I trust God with this as well. It gives me great hope and faith to read how the Lord has blessed you in these areas! And I know He is no respector of persons, so I have all the faith He will one day bless me too!
I pray the Lord blesses you for you honesty and transparency on your blog!
My husband is a Christian, and has been for a long time. But you have truly inspired me to pray daily for Him, that he will become closer to God and lead our family spiritually. I don't know why I haven't been doing it all along. Thanks for posting about really brought it to my attentions
It is so amazing to see how God has worked throgh Harper's story. Please know that we are all still praying for her and yo each day!
Here in Winston-Salem, NC, there is another baby that needs prayer... his family lost their first son and now he is very sick. Please keep him and his family in prayer.
Love the pics of that prec baby girl!!!
LOVE your honesty! : )
ADORABLE nap mat
Kelly - like many, I am mostly a "lurker" to your blog. Thank you for this post. My husband will go to church with me because he knows it's important to me, but now that we have a new baby, I find it VERY hard. I know I need to get back into the Word. I plan on buying one or both of these books.
On a side note - I really enjoy your blog and I prayed for Harper a lot. I am so happy that she is at home with you where she belongs. My baby is almost 5 months and I cannot imagine having to go through what you went through. You are so strong and such an encouragement to us all!
These dinners people are bringing you sound so delicious! Would you please please post more of the recipes??? I already made the shrimp/wild rice one that you posted and it was amazing! Please post more of those special dinner recipes! Thanks!!
I can't tell you how much I needed to hear this today. Thank you!
So I TOTALLY need that nap mat! Where can I get one??????
Kelly, I have read before but never commented. I was reading this post today and figured I'd browse the comments.
I hope this is ok to do... I am part of a yahoo group for unequally yoked spouses - members have spouses who are not believers and some who are backslidden. There is a great cross-section of people there and if there is a anyone here who would be interested in being part of that, we're always interested in encouraging others and standing together for our families. Anyone who wants can comment on my blog or can email me (that addy is found on my blog, as well) and I'll give you the info to get to the group.
And by the way, Harper is just beautiful!
OH.MY.GOODNESS. I found your blog (like I find most) through a series of clicks. I clicked on the blog link for the young woman who lost her husband and I KNOW HER!!!! Her mother cut my mom's, sister's, and my hair forever. Our parents go way back. I don't live there anymore and neither do my parents, but I'm totally and completely FLOORED right now. THANK YOU for posting that!
okay, i just have to know where that umbrella came from, i have to have one!!!!
Sweet Kelly-This post meant more to me than you know.
Blessings to you and your family always,
Matthew 21:22
I can second the recommendation to "Created to be his Helpmeet." This is truly a powerful book. Mrs. Pearl pulls no punches. Her advice comes directly from the scripture and her advice is from a mature wife sharing her wisdom with the younger ones. Even if the Pearl's views and doctrines are not up your alley, EVERY WIFE SHOULD READ THIS BOOK ONCE A YEAR. I promise you and your husband will be blessed.
Oh, Kelly, THANK YOU so much for this post!! I really need this! I found a wonderful church last spring and have been taking my three kids. We all love it very much and so wish that my husband would go with us. I will definitely check out these books. Thanks again!!
Kelly -
I LOVE your comment (and truthfulness) about not being perfect christians. What a powerful and honest statement. But then again, is there such a thing? Great thoughts and comments! Thank you!!
I've been taking my kids to church by myself for the past almost 16 years. My husband goes 2-3 times a year with me. I however choose to raise my children in a Christian Faith so it's been up to me to take them. Now that they are older it is a whole lot easier going but its nice knowing that others pray for their husbands to to join them in faith. I believe mine believes just doesn't go to church. Maybe someday. So with that Thanks for sharing...
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