Today I am
35 years old
and 37 weeks pregnant!
Do not adjust your screen - I really AM that big! I feel like everywhere I go - everyone is staring at me because I'm so large!
I went to the doctor today and everything was really good. I'm 1 cm dilated and 60% effaced. If any of you know what this means - I'm at a negative 1 station. In other words - her head is really low and she is in prime position. I probably won't need a c-section and I may not even need to be induced. I know why it is so painful for me to walk around. She also said that Harper probably wouldn't be more than 8 lbs. It's just so crazy when I think about the fact that just any time - I could go into labor. YIKES!

Today has been a really nice birthday. I got to have lunch with 3 of my favorite girls - Laurie, Emily and Sarah Kate. One of my friends was saying the other day that she didn't know how she would have made it through pregnancy, childbirth and the newborn days without her sisters. My parents didn't give me a sister - but God did through my best friend Laurie. She has been so great about telling me everything she knows about those subjects and more. I can call her and ask her anything. It has meant so much to me. Plus no one makes me laugh like she does.

Is this not the cutest baby in the world??? Laurie gave me some sweet and wonderful birthday and Christmas gifts and Emily was beside herself she was so excited. She just shook all over and said "I'm sooooooooooooooooo excited" when I would open one. It was just hilarious. They are having fun with her this year.

Tonight Scott took me to eat at P.F. chang's and we stuffed ourselves silly. If you look really close - you will notice stains on my dress where I was constantly dropping food. I don't know what the deal is but probably since I have to sit so far from the table and because my stomach sticks out so far - I am constantly dropping food on myself. So embarrassing! But having a big belly has it's privileges - our waiter gave us free garlic green beans because he thought the baby might need some veggies and he brought me a big glass of milk for free to go with my little red velvet cake because he thought baby might need milk. ha!

And to top off my birthday night - I got the sweetest package from
someone I know I would be BFF's with if we just lived in the same town. And one day - we WILL meet! I love this onesie and I'm so excited about this worship lullaby CD. It has some of my favorite artists on it like Christy Nockels. I feel so blessed to have "met" someone so amazing like Angie. I know you probably all feel that way about her!
My boss and his wife also gave me the cutest outfit and books for Harper and she made me this precious tutu!!! My plan over New years week is to devote a lot of time to making tutus and flower headbands and bows for Harper. I can't wait!
Thirty-five is not that bad after all! :-)
P.S. I know a LOT of you have e-mailed me in the last week to be added to the prayer blog and I will get you added later this week. I've just been swamped between birthday, work, Christmas, family, shopping, etc. But I WILL get you on there!

Big or not, you're just adorable! And every picture you post of ever growing Harper is just a reminder of God's goodness and blessings :)
She's gonna be here any minute!!!
Happy Birthday...I can't wait to see pictures of Harper. Courtney
Happy Birthday Kelly,
Mom and I are so looking forward to seeing you and Scott and Harper tomorrow.
Love - Dad
Happy birthday, Kelly! If you're taking votes, I am all for this 30s-is-the-new-20s business! =)
You look great, don't worry a bit! I was just thinking you look smaller than I did one certain Christmas week a few years ago - every five steps I took, a stranger would ask if I would have my baby by Christmas... and I couldn't admit I had TWO MORE MONTHS to go! =) So you are doing FINE. Hang in there!
And P.S. Yes, your friend's girls are ADORABLE!
Happy Birthday Kelly...you look absolutely radiant!!!!
Happy Birthday Kelly!
You look great, birthday girl! I can't believe you're already 37 weeks. How exciting!
I found your blog through Angie's awhile back and have been one of your faithful lurkers ever since! :) Love reading your blog! Two things: Happy Birthday-it sounds like you have had a great birthday! Harper sounds like she is ready to make her appearance any day now. My oldest DD's bday is 3 days after mine- it is special to have our bdays to close together. 2. You will LOVE the lullaby CD. We received it as a gift for our second DD two years ago and she has listened to it every night since as she goes to sleep. It is wonderful.
Hope you have a Merry Christmas!
Anne in TN
Ok, I am not just saying this. That is my favorite belly picture yet! Seriously, you look GORGEOUS in ALL these pictures - 35 years old and 37 weeks pregnant is working for ya, girl!
SO glad you had a great birthday. What a sweet way to spend it - your 3 favorite girls by day, and dinner with your baby daddy by night! :-)
And the package from Angie could not be any better if it tried! How sweet is she?! Love it!
Happy Birthday, my friend!
Happy Birthday, Kelly! It's great that you had a wonderful day & I know that you will have a wonderful year.
You're looking good birthday girl! I'm glad you had a wonderful day!
I had to see Dr. Hix when I was 36 weeks because Dr. Seale was out that day and he told me Brody didn't weigh more than 7lbs. The next week Dr. Seale said no more than 7 1/2lbs. Brody weighed 8lbs 5oz! Does that encourage you?Haha!!! Harper might surprise all of us!
Kelly, Happy Birthday!!! I hope it was a wonderful one for you. Wow, it sounds like little Harper might not wait until 2009 to come out to play. I hope I am on the call list. Tell Scott or your parents to please let us know. I still need to get your gift to you. I'll call you.
Happy Birthday Kelly! You look beautiful!
Happy birthday, sweet friend! From my experience, you will definitely not have to be induced since you are already having that much progress!!! And even though it hurts, that walking around is working!!
I am SOOOO happy for you and I just realized something cool....I will be 37 weeks pregnant on my 35th birthday, too!!! God is just too good, isn't he?!?!?
Happy, Happy birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday!!!
You look absolutely beautiful.
Have a very Merry Christmas!
Kristin from TX
Happy 35th Birthday, Kelly!!
Wow! I wasn't that "ready" when I was half-way through labor with my kids!! I may have to change my D-day vote.
I'm really going to miss Update Monday! Will you have weekly Harper updates? Harper's grown ____ centimeters this week. Harper ate _____. Harper slept ____ minutes last night. Ha!
Sounds like you had a great birthday. I hope you and your family have a very special Christmas together. Y'all mean the world to me! (and I love to see your Dad smile these days!!)
Glad you had a great birthday!! Have a great rest of your week!
happy birthday!
you are by far one of the cutest pregnant women i've ever seen. the only place you even look pregnant is in your belly! i hope to be so lucky one day.
and, i wanna know where you shop. i want your dresses and your boots... sooo cute!
Happy Birthday, Kelly! You really do look just wonderful!
No way your 35! I mean that's not old, but I was guessing you were like 25! You look great! OK, can't believe I just commented, I don't even know you! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Kelly!!!!
I think Harper is going to have a bday very close to her mommy's!!
You look GREAT!
Happy Birthday! You look fantastic, and so very happy. Just imagine how fun it will be to celebrate another birth day very soon! Birthday blessings to you.
By the way, your hair looks precious...so bouncy and shiny. Don't you love what pregnancy does for hair and nails? Mine always seemed to grow fast and look healthy when I was pregnant.
Lookin' good. AND SO YOUNG. :)
Happy Birthday to a real sweetheart! You look fabulous!
I'm here, via my sister Rathi's (RMR) site, and when I saw it said 35, I thought you had a typo on there! Girl, seriously you look like you're MAYBE 20. You look AWESOME!!!! And also that pregnancy glow!
I love your site, and your name for your little girl is wonderful! Best wishes for a quick and speedy labor and delivery and a healthy baby girl!
Happy Birthday Kelly! You inspire so many through your blog & I can't wait to see how exciting 2009 will be for you & your family!
Happy Birthday, Kelly! You look fab at 35!
I was looking at your countdown to Harper's arrival...only 20 days left!?? WOW! Can't wait to see you holding your baby girl.
Merry Christmas!
Happy Birthday! So glad you had such a great one.
How sweet of the waiter! and the onesey is adorable...cant wait to see Harper in it.
The Bump looks great!
I just LOVE big pregnant bellies. I hope Harper is still in there next time I see you. I bought a bow maker when I was pregnant(never used it). I'll have to let you borrow it. I have your gift--I'll probably just run it by your house sometime. Hope you have a great Christmas and New Year.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Kelly! I know Harper is the best birthday present you could ever ask for...what a special day. Hugs!
happy birthday kelly! i always enjoy seeing women in their mid to late thirties having children as i feel they are at a different stage in life. a time in their life when motherhood takes it's course in a different way than those who have had children at a very young age. blessings on you!
Kelly-I found your blog through a friend and love to read each day. Today I had to comment to tell you that we share the same birthday and I have a daughter named Harper. She will turn 2 in March. (And I love monogrammed things for her.) You can see her on my blog: www.harperleeboland.blogspot.com
Happy Birthday! I can't wait to see your Harper.
Special Birthday Greetings from Sunny South Africa Kelly! Hope your year will be especially happy for you, Scott and little Harper when she makes her appearance. Cannot wait to "meet" her!
you are adorable and dont look a day over 25! happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Kelly. I think about you everyday. Can't wait for Harper's birthday! I'm thinking she will be sooner than your due day.
I am so glad you a great day...you deserve it :)
It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday! You look so chic and fabulous in that dress!!! It's must be so exciting to know that Harper could come at any time! Happy waiting and Merry Christmas!
Happy birthday! And I think you look adorable. Congratulations on making it to full term! :)
How absolutely adorable are you my dear? And a very Happy Birthday to you!!!!!
Have a Blessed weekend,
Happy Birthday Kelly! My birthday was just the other day and it's always so fun even if it does mean turning another year older.
We are so excited for you guys .. any day now! Wow!
Happy happy Birthday! And Merry Christmas, too!
So glad you had a wonderful birthday Kelly. I love the gifts Angie gave you. I love her, ha!! And we LOVE you too!!!! Be blessed today!!!
Happy Birthday, Kelly!
I cannot believe your baby is almost here. So exciting!
I love that CD by the way :)
Merry Christmas!
Happy birthday!! Harper will be the best birthday present of all. You look gorgeous!
So glad you had such a great day Kelly! You are loved by many.
Keeping you in my prayers. You look beautiful!!!
Merry Christmas!
Oh, my word verification is "eating!" Ha!
Happy Birthday! And you look great! I can only hope that I look that good in a few months!! Merry Christmas!
Happy Belated Birthday! You and my sister share the same birthday.=)
Merry Christmas
happy birthday!!
i was always dropping food on myself too. a big belly hazard i guess.
it sounds like you are ready! i hope you go into labor on your own and get to experience that wonderful surprise.
rest while you can.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!!!! You look great!
Merry Christmas!
Happy Birthday Kelly!
I'm glad that you had a great one =]
Yaay for birthdays, friends, food and hubbys!
Happy Birthday Kelly!
Wish you many blessings!
Happy Birthday Kelly!
You look amazing!!! If you want to feel better go check me out at 37 weeks - I was wayyyyy big!
Oh well...its worth every pound after they are here!
Happy Birthday Kelly ;)!
You look absolutely amazing and still glowing from pure happiness! I hope that you have a GREAT week with your family.
Happy Birthday! You look great!!
I constantly dropped things when I was pregnant. It comes with the territory. :)
Happy Birthday Kelly! You look FABULOUS!! And yes I say the 30's are the new 20's!!! :D
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I know this next year is going to bring so much happiness and joy to your family!
Thanks for letting us all read your blog and join your life with you!
Oh Kelly, I've known you forever, or at least since you were like, what five?, and I have never seen you look more beautiful than you look right now! I teared up when I saw the picture and I'm still kind of crying. I'm just so happy and excited for you. And with that progress, it is going to be soon!
I was just sitting here this morning thinking about being 35 and thinking I wouldn't trade with anyone in the world. It is only 9 AM and already I have had a Christmas party with grapes, raisins and fruit rollups, complete with stuffed animals as guests and party favors such as small Dora dolls and Polly Pockets, with each stuffed animal getting something. I have also made puppets out of paper sacks and figured out how to make the bunny ears look just right for Miss Allison the Bunny. I have performed the puppet show and then watched two more. I have then painted two sets of fingers and two sets of toes. One pink and one purple. The pink looks better, btw. I don't know what else I can do to entertain today, but I'm happy. And I can't wait for Miss Harper to join the fun!
Love you so much...can't wait to see those tutus!
Happy Birthday! You are getting so close to Harper's Birth-day! It sounds like you are making great progress!
Happy Belated Birthday. You are the cutest pregnant girl EVER:) It is amazing the JOY shown in each and every picture of you. I am thrilled for so many answered prayers for you and look forward to sweet Harper entering the world.
Pray you and your precious family have a wonderfully blessed Christmas.
With His Amazing Love,
Matthew 21:22
You look amazing at 35 Kelly! I'm glad you had a wonderful birthday celebration! Happy Birthday!!
I just emailed you!
you look beautiful Kelly! Happy Birthday!!!
What is with pregnant women spilling so much food!? LOL. ALL of my maternity clothes are stained!
I don't know about the rest of us. But I'd say the 30s are the new teens on you. You are SO gorgeous and young!!
Happy Birthday!! And many more!
OK - first, I am shocked!!! I honestly thought you were in your twenty's.... I would have never thought you were 35!!!!! But Happy Birthday!!!!
And I turn 37 next week so I'm COUNTING on the 30's being the new 20's!!!!
I hope you had a great birthday! It sounded wonderful! Merry Christmas!
I am so glad you had a great birthday! Any day now...
Happy Birthday, girl, and much love.
So glad you had a wonderful birthday! I LOVE P.F. Changs and I love all your new goodies.
Merry Christmas Kelly and Scott!
Happy Birthday! Mine is today, so we have very close b-days!
Happy Birthday Kelly. I enjoy reading your sweet blog daily. You seem like such a warm and kind person. I hope your Christmas is wonderful and that your first birthing experience is amazing and joyful. Happy Holidays.
What a wonderful Christmas present you are about to receive. I don't think anyone can top that gift.
Steph in CA.
Happy Birthday, Kelly! And you absolutely do not look big...you look absolutely beautiful! It will be so wild when you look back at these pictures after you deliver, and it's like you can't really remember what it was like having that belly...it's such a weird thing! Enjoy it (I'm sure you are)! Those little "Candy Cane Cutie" tees are so cute on the girls...they are just cute altogether, though!
Kelly you look great! I can't wait until Miss Harper comes. I tagged you for a blog award. Go check it out. I just love reading your blog : ) You are such an amazing woman and inspriation. I can't believe how many women on the prayer blog have become pregnant. I pray nightly for them. What an amazing thing you have done.
WOW...35? No way...You look 25! You are such a cute little gal. I think you look great.
Happy Birthday Kelly! You share the same birthday as my wonderful husband.
First of all, when I met you and Laurie, I thought y'all were like 28-29ish. I hope that makes you feel better. Second, we also ate at P.F. Chang's for our LAST meal together! I think JM was born that week or the next (uh oh!) I think she's going to come a lil early. I'm so excited for y'all! Hope your birthday was fun!
Happy Birthday! You don't look a day over 25! : )
I see your friend Laurie shares my love of The Children's Place! Those ARE some candy cane cuties!
Merry Christmas!
Happy Birthday!!! Looking great!!!
you should get the award for cutest baby bump ever! you look great :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
Happy Birthday, Kelly! You look beautiful and I am sure Harper will be just perfect :) Best wishes to you as you enter these last few weeks of your pregnancy. I hope you have an easy and swift delivery! -Whitney
Looks like a great birthday!!! I'm so glad!!!
I'm glad your doctor's appointment went well and you got news of progress! Anxiously awaiting the NEWS!
Merry Christmas!
I am so glad you had a great birthday. I CANNOT wait to meet Harper!
I love your post! You look adorable pg. AND, what a blessing friends can be. I have a sister who loves me a lot, but I am even more blessed to have several best friends to care for me! :)
I turned 35 earlier in the month and I have redefined what it means to be in your mid 30's! You look adorable!
happy birthday beautiful girl!
that "sing over me" cd is absolutely incredible! i have loved it for awhile now, but it also brings back a sweet memory of the day i found out i was pregnant. right after i found out, i got in the car to go to school and it was already playing on my cd player. i was immediately filled with God's peace for the baby growing in me and anxious for the day i could sing those sweet lullabies to him or her! (i especially LOVE "you are good!"
Happy Birthday Beautiful!
Kelly, I had my Harper at 37 weeks and 5 days!!!! I'll be checking the blog daily to see if she's arrived! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
And sounds like you'll be having little Harper soon!
I always wanted to name my child (or even a pet!) Harper because that is the town in Kansas where I was born. I thought it would be neat. Anyway...
Best Wishes & Happy B-day again!!!
You look great! I hope you had a wonderful birthday!!!!
Congrats on your progress! My 36 week checkup showed no progress! :(
I haven't been able to comment since we ran into each other in our breastfeeding class, but it was really nice to meet you!
Have a wonderful Christmas day!
You are gorgeous Kelly! You will miss the pregnancy part. I did after my first..but then we get so busy and enthralled with that bundle of joy we forget about ourselves and what it felt like. Glad to read you like red velvet cake..stop on by my blog and see my recipe, I posted a 7 layer red velvet there today. Your enchiladas look yummy!
take care..
i'm a little late but Happy Belated Birthday!! 37 weeks looks fabulous on you!!!!!
Happy belated Birthday! You don't look 35 at all!! You look fantastic!
I'm a bit late - but happy belated Birthday, Kelly! Hope you enjoy these last few days/weeks of your pregnancy...then the real fun begins :)
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