Yesterday was a great day for me. My parents came over after lunch to see us. My mom and I looked at everything in Harper's closet. We had so much fun. We just can't wait to meet her.
Then my brother and his wife, Carrie, came in from Dallas later in the afternoon.

Julie posted a great video yesterday that gave her encouragment on adopting a baby. If you are planning to adopt - you need to go watch it. Or if you are waiting on a child and Christmas is hard this year - watch it - and know that next Christmas you may be hanging that extra stocking up!!!
For me - I'm mad at Faith Hill - why did she have to come out with this song a few weeks before I'm about to deliver. Every time I hear it I start crying. Obviously the real meaning behind the song is wonderful but it just makes me think about how different our lives are about to be in less than 20 days. I'm crying because I'm so thankful/scared/excited/terrified/blessed.
Have a Merry Christmas Eve! Scott's family will be here tonight and Scott and I are going to the Christmas Eve service at our church and then they should get here shortly after and I plan to make a big pot of chili! But first I have to brave Wal-Mart this afternoon for a few last minute things. Pray for me.
Have a Merry Christmas Eve! Scott's family will be here tonight and Scott and I are going to the Christmas Eve service at our church and then they should get here shortly after and I plan to make a big pot of chili! But first I have to brave Wal-Mart this afternoon for a few last minute things. Pray for me.
Kelly, Mom and I had the best time being able to be with all of our "kids" last night. Great song. Mom and I discovered 35 years ago, and you will discover in a few days that truly "a baby changes everything" - and all for the good!
Thanks for the link to Julie's blog, I hadn't heard that song before and it was just beautiful. I started crying in my cubicle. I am so excited for Harper's upcoming arrival!! She is going "to change everything"! Good luck at Walmart. The stores here were a nightmare! Merry Christmas Kelly!
Wow...I just listened to that song..amazing (but not a good idea to listen at You are right..a baby changes everything but for the good the bad and all of it, so worth it. I often remind myself that my children are not my own...they are God's and he must have some kind of faith and trust in me to think I can raise his children properly...and just by reading your blog you seem to already be a wonderful Godly Mother. Have a Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Kelly. Thanks for sharing the song by Faith Hill. I cried through the whole song but they were good tears. A baby does and did change everything.
I just said to my Mother "I have to go to WalMart...pray for me"! And then off to Texas!
Thinking of you and your miracle this CHristmas as we celebrate the greatest gift ever...Christ!
I just sent you a little (tiny) something - I couldn't pass it up!
hugs - k8
Merry Christmas, Kelly. I sure enjoy your blog. Have a wonderful time with your family! :)
OK, now why did you have to go get me crying this morning? Jordan and I watched both videos and we are truly moved. Can I steal one of them for my blog? My nerves are a little frayed after being up seemingly all night nursing a baby who wouldn't sleep, so I'm a little more emotional than usual, but these videos just make me forget the no sleep situation and be so happy and glad that JM is here this Christmas to celebrate Jesus' birth. Rest up, because a baby really DOES change everything!
Merry Christmas Kelly, Scott, and Harper!!
Oh dear! I feel EXACTLY the same about that song...tears just reading this. It's our first year with Caroline, and WOW! how different it feels! We are still trying to hold on to our Midnight Mass tradition, though. We'll have to see how that goes...
Such cute pictures of your sweet family! I am so glad ya'll had a great time visiting!!
I love the video on Julie's blog and the one here was just amazing - thanks so much for sharing about both. Loved it.
And I am SO happy that a baby is about to change everything for you and Scott! Change never looked so good. :-)
Sounds like a great time! I am so glad you had a good time with family. You are right, that is an awesome song, and every single word to that song is true. The Lord changed everything, and your little girl will change absolutely everything about your life! I cant wait to "meet" her.
Have a VERY Merry Christmas!
I absolutely love that Faith Hill song! It is just so sweet. Merry Christmas!! :)
Good luck at WalMart!! are brave!!
Merry Christmas to you and your family, and don't worry too much, she won't be here but hours before you won't be able to imagine life without her!!!
i'm singing that song tonigth at candle light service.
You are brave to go to Wally World today! I sent my husband there yesterday :)
I am baking Christmas cookies from my grandmothers receipes at my brother's request. Hopefully they meet her standards.
Have a wonderful holiday.
Funny you posted this video...we had our Christmas program at church on Sunday and we did a drama to this song. It was very emotional and got a great response from the crowd. Love it!
Merry Christmas, Kelly! I hope you and your family have WONDERFUL holiday :)
Merry Christmas! Hope you have a great one!!
I just heard this song for the first time last night on TV. It really is amazing!
I made chilli tonight, too!
I thought of you (was it last night?) when Faith Hill was on TV singing this song!! After seeing all these Christmas videos, I bought The Nativity Story DVD and plan to watch it with the kids tonight or tomorrow.
Have a Merry Christmas!!
Ooooh! That song is beautiful! It made me cry... so precious. Babies do change everything... in a wonderful way!!
Merry Christmas Eve! Looks like a fun day with your family!
The monkey stuff is really fun! I saw that red/blue/green monkey collection and Hallmark yesterday and thought it was so cute!
We're about to put the kids in their Christmas PJs, eat dinner, then go look at Christmas lights. R's actually ready to go to bed tonight because he's so excited about it being Christmas morning! "Santa" is really really hoping that the UPS truck shows up with the remaining items we ordered last minute!!! :)
Merry Christmas!! That video made me cry! I was nursing Cy when I watch it..... Totally amazing at our Lord gives he what we need, isn't it?!
Enjoy your family! Can't wait to see Harper....
I love that song. But I didn't know if it was old or new or even who sang it due to my lack of musical knowledge, so I haven't said anything about it!
Tell me why i just watched that video and I'm crying like a huge baby! :( I hope your survived walmart, if it was anything like ours today, May God still be with you. :) Merry Christmas to you and baby Harper
I am so glad you had such a blessed time!
walmart on the 24th!!! you needed as many prayers as you could get i am sure!!! merry christmas!
You are so normal- this is our 3rd child, due in 7 weeks or less and I'm scared/terrifed/blessed, etc. :)
You will be great!
I have been thinking and praying for you as your due date comes closer and closer. I can't wait to see little pictures of little Harper! You look GREAT by the way!
I've been following your blog because when I happened across it I know someone in Fayetteville. I've enjoyed watching you in the final weeks of your pregnancy, you are absolutely beautiful! I had to comment on this post, though because I blogged about the same song. Please (in all your spare time) take a moment to read my story about this beautiful song. It has multiple meanings NOW! Best wishes and can't wait to see your new baby girl when she arrives!
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