Scott and Steve went to L.A. to deer hunt Thursday so I have been a single girl for the last 4 days. They are coming home tonight. I had a rough week at work last week and got a little over stressed and over tired so I needed rest this weekend and thankfully I got it.Friday night - Laurie and I and the girls went to eat at the one place in town our husbands refuse to eat - Taste of Thai. We love it and they hate it so we took advantage of them being gone. They were enjoying fried chicken and fried deer steak and we enjoyed our garlic shrimp! :-)
After we ate - we took Emily to Pets Mart because she wanted to see the cats. She also wanted to see the mice and the snakes. Now I apologize to ya'll but there are 3 animals I can't stand : cats, mice and snakes. So I mostly just smiled at this little girl who kept smiling back.
I took a few pictures through the window when Emily was petting the cats. NO way was I getting in there with those cats. Not only do I not like cats - I'm scared to death of them.
Saturday morning we had Christmas choir practice and then I went to a shower for Jenna. She got all kinds of cute things for Brayden and they had the BEST cake from Rick's Bakery. It was soooo yummy and so cute with Brayden's monogram on it!

We were supposed to have a Sunday School bonfire last night but it got canceled because it was SOOOO cold and windy yesterday. I was sad not to go but a little bit happy because it meant I got to spend the rest of the day at home in my PJ's watching TV and reading magazines and working on a few little projects. I realized that this was probably the last time I will spend a weekend all alone for another 18 years. So I tried to really enjoy it! :-)

P.S. I asked Kim at "Endless Possibilities" to make me a Name canvas for Harper's room. If you have not been on her blog and looked at her amazing paintings - you are REALLY missing out!!! Well - I just happened to look over there and she is giving me a sneak peek at it! I am sooooo ecstatic because it is going to be so cute in the nursery! Can't wait to see the whole thing!!! If you look in the 2nd picture - you can even see where she is putting my giraffe print on the sides!

I LOVE your shirt in the top picture!
I'm laughing about the cats, mice and snakes! I nearly passed out when we saw two snakes on our river trip last week--one of them was tiny (it looked like an earthworm), but it was about THREE FEET from the door of the house--I think it was planning to go inside and warm up---YIIIIIIKES. Thankfully my brave Mom was there to stomp on it (she wanted to catch it in a jar and relocate it, but I protested). I hope Laurie likes cats okay--looks like little Emily might need one someday soon! :)
P.S. That baby shower cake is precious. I just love looking at cakes (and eating them). I would like to work at a bakery, but I would weigh 500lbs.
Oh my goodness I have never met another adult who is as scared of cats as I am, most people can't believe I am actually scared of them but I am down right terrified. (alright so I haven't met you but you know what I mean :) )
Your canvas is going to be so cute. Kim is amazing!
i have stumbled onto your blog recently and let me tell you how much i enjoy reading it! your excitement for your new arrival is contagious! my sister is due with her first in december and our family can't wait. thanks so much for sharing your stories and inspirations with others out there. btw - LOVE the pj bunco! i have already contacted my group and spread the house, feb., pj's mandatory!!! :-)
many blessings,
Her names canvas' look beautiful!
I miss Rick's bakery. Do they still do the awesome chocolate cake with chocolate covered strawberries? Yummy!
Glad you had a good weekend.. Her name canvas looks great, can't wait to see the whole thing!!
A single girl's weekend is good every now and then. I am SOO with you on the cats and those other unspeakable animals!
Jenna's cake is awesome!
Looks like you had a fun, full weekend... although, I can't quite grasp the cat fear myself. You just haven't had the pleasure of meeting a sweet kitty.
And am I just stupid? What's L.A.? I know he didn't head to California for a deer hunt.
So glad you had a lovely weekend! Ha, I love the "last one for eighteen years" comment-- I wouldn't have thought of it that way :) Great pictures!
i'm scared to death of cats too!! hate them!! your comments on that made me laugh. sounds like you had a perfect weekend :-)
Sounds like a fun weekend! Those little girls are just so cute!
Um, no... Not a big fan of cats either! Actually, I'm not a fan at all! Yuck! But I DO love Taste of Thai... one of my FAVS! Seth will not eat there either... What's wrong with them?!
Can't wait to see the finished canvas!!
I'm SO with you on the cats! I HATE them!!
But glad you enjoyed your weekend :)
Sounds like you had a great weekend! Definitely take advantage of those relaxing times!
I can't wait to see the finished canvas!
it's so refreshing to read comments from so many other ladies who aren't fond of cats either! not only am i just plain not fond of them, i'm deathly allergic to the little buggers!
This post is full of great stuff! I love your shirt in the top pic, so feminine! And I can't stand cats either. They make me sneeze my head off! Sometimes, anyway. Um, what else? Oh yeah, you Arkansas girls sure do know how to throw some pretty showers! I love that cake and the other decorations on the table. Too cute!
Where was Scott hunting? We live in La and my hubby has been going every weekend that he can. He was so excited to get a deer on his first day out. He says that now he can "relax," whatever that means. Ha! Our freezer is overflowing now! We like deer meat, though, so it's alright! I hope this week is restful for you. Little Harper's arrival is getting close!
I just adore reading your blog and feel as if we are friends because we share so much in common. Nearly everything you write about is right up my alley, and I find it so fascinating that I could share so very much in common with someone I've never even met! I always read and think to myself, "Me too! Me too!" I even got my Mom hooked on reading your blog and she comments to me now and again about how similar our interests and tastes are.
So, I had to laugh at your post today, and have to take time to leave a comment. I LOVE CATS. Adore them, even. Hee hee. So, there you go. Finally a difference between me and this precious girl who I have never met but who has such a great blog. :)
I think you've just never met the right cat. :) Wink.
I have a little girl who is eleven months old. When she was a newborn and I woke in the middle of the night to hold and feed her I prayed for you by and other blog friends who wanted babies of their own so badly. I give glory to God for answering the prayers of many and sending you Harper. What a lucky little girl she is, and what a joy and blessing she will be to your dear family.
And when she gets older I hope she asks you for a kitten for her birthday! :)
Thanks Dove!
I couldn't agree with you more about cats! They scare me and freak me out a little with the way they just sneak around. I am glad you had a great single girl weekend! My mom and I used to have those all the time when I was young and my dad would go hunting, so look forward to those days, they were always a lot of fun for me as a child!
You are going to LOVE your painting ;)! Kim is so talented and works very hard to create just what you want!
The cake from the shower looks to beautiful to be eaten! I can't wait to see the finished Name canvas...waht a great idea of giving a sneak peak!
Glad you enjoyed your girl weekend!
You have been on full time Baby shower duty - haven't you! That's so funny that you have so many friends that are ready to deliver soon too!! Babies everywhere!
What a fun weekend!!! So glad you had some time to catch up on much needed rest!
What a beautiful cake at Jenna's shower. I love the monogram!
Glad you had a great weekend!
Oh gosh Kelly - I had no idea you didn't like cats! I'm so sorry - I would have locked mine up if I'd known!
I may have to swipe your shower gma was in charge of my camera and I only got like 5 pictures!
Where did you get your shirt in the first pic? LOVE it!
What a great idea to have a canvas painted for the nursery. Can't wait to see it.
Praying for you!
my hubby is going deer hunting all THIS weekend at my uncle's cabin. it's his guy thing he loves, but i will sure miss him! :)
ya'll have the cutest baby showers!
I ready your often but rarely leave a comment. I just had to post after reading what you said about cats. My friends think I'm crazy for not liking cats but even more so that I'm afraid of them. It's nice to know there is someone else out there like me. Oh and I don't like mice or snakes either! Praying for you during your last few weeks of pregnancy! I have 3 little girls, so I know how fun they can be!
So did you make Laurie go to the bird section? LOL. The two of you make a great pair with your fear of cats and her fear of birds :)
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