Friday night we dressed Dawson up in his Sheriff/horse costume and got the candy ready. We had a ton of trick or treaters. Scott's parents came about 7:30 and we had pizza and finished handing out candy. Laurie and Steve brought the girls by a little later.

Emily was a precious poodle. She was in love with one of Scott's mom's chihuahuas and carried her around the whole time.

Look at this cute little bunny!

Steve enjoyed the
butterfinger cake I had made. I will have to share that recipe later! It is my favorite cake ever.

Saturday morning we got up and went to Mimi's to eat brunch before the game. We were trying to avoid the high dollar ball game food.

Look who was at the game? I guess someone (who must have been a good boy or girl) asked for a win.
I think I might have pushed it a little far going to the game. Even though it was only in the 70's - sitting in the direct sun for 5 hours surrounded by tons of people - it was BLAZING HOT. I was so miserable. And when we left - I had to walk up a big hill to get to the car and I thought I was going into early labor. It wore me out. But we won - so it was pretty much worth the
discomfort! I'm pretty proud I made it to all the home games even at almost 8 months pregnant!

Guess who I met at the game?
Meredith! She and I read each other's blogs and have e-mailed back and forth quite a bit. She is a fellow
OBU'er who now lives in CO. She was in town because her aunt
received a big award at halftime of the game and all her family was there. I was so excited to meet her. And Big Red wanted to pose with us! :-) She was so nice - it's so fun because you meet these
bloggers in person and you feel like you've known them forever!!!

After going home and getting cleaned up - we went and ate at Outback last night. It was so good! I was so wiped out from the day - I had to come home and go right to bed. Scott's parents left this morning right before we went to church. We had a nice visit with them and they will be back in two weeks because I have a baby shower!
Hope your weekend was wonderful!
P.S. I posted the butterfinger cake recipe
here! Scott is always requesting this!
Yes, please do share your cake recipe -- sounds delightfully delicious!
That cake sounds delicious! Yeah for the Hogs and a major yeah for you for making it to all the games! That is ALOT of walking! Oh, I love Outback and am craving some right now~! So fun that you got to meet Meredith!
You are looking ya!
Glad you had a great weekend! We had fun too handing out Halloween candy.. Sure Harper's costume next year will be adorable! Ya, share the cake recipe, sounds yummy.. Have a great week!
Butterfinger cake sounds delicious!!! You must be really excited about your first shower coming up! - can't wait to see the pictures. (:
What a fun weekend. You are my hero making it to all the home games!!! And go Hogs! I am so glad they showed their appreciation for you dedication by pulling out a win for you!
I am glad ya'll had a good time with Scott's parents. And yay for a baby shower in a couple of weeks! How exciting!!
And as far as the had me at butterfinger. :)
Dawsons costume is HILARIOUS. I saw it at Wal-Mart, and if my dog would wear clothes I would have bought it for her in a second!
Glad you had a good weekend with the in laws. SO looking forward to the Butterfinger cake recipe :) I can taste it now!!!!
Dawson's costume is hysterical, and the girls' costumes are beyond adorable. Those are probably the cutest costumes I've ever seen! I love how she has a hold of that chihuahua! hehehehe! Butterfinger cake? Um...yum! Can't wait to see the recipe!
Happy Anniversary!
I'm tired just thinking of the heat and your walk at the game. You deserved some good Outback!
You are looking so cute!
Dawson looks so cute in his lil costume! Glad ya'll had fun at the game and we won! YAY! Emily and Sarah Kate look soo cute! We had a lot of trick or treaters also!
Dawson was such a good sport for Halloween! I bet you had the cutest preggers outfit at the Razorback game!
Looks like a great weekend! Please do share the cake recipe (as if I need something else sweet to eat in this house--we have Halloween candy everywhere!) You look so pretty all dressed up for the game (as always!)--you're such a good fan to go and sit through all those games being that far along pregnant! I couldn't stand to sit there that long even when not pregnant! You had some cute trick-or-treaters! Can't wait to see what Harper will dress up as next year (do you already have her a costume!?!)
Yup...gonna need that recipe!! =-)
Yum. Butterfinger cake sounds awesome.
I so wanted to get our dog that little costume, but my hubby shot down my little idea. :) Cute pics.
my husband was so glad he went to THAT game. you are my hero walking up that hill at 8 months pregnant. i think it would kill me right now. oh how my groin muscles hurt. (tmi?)
When I was about 8 months pregnant, I walked the hills around Fayetteville for my sister's graduation. I literally thought I was going to die!!! I feel your pain, but so glad you made it.
How fun! I love the green beans at Outback. And the cheesefries and the Queensland salad. Ok, now I'm wanting some takeout! ROFL
How cool that you met Mer!
Have a great week!
Aaaaahhhhh Meredith....She and I went to HS together and have caught back up in blogland! Wasn't she precious??
loved the pix. And, how 'bou them Hogs??!!! Woo pig Soooiiee!!!!!!
AHH! Mer told me she might get to meet you - how fun!! She lives right by my parents and we went out for lunch last summer (and will make it a tradition now, I'm sure). She's cute as a button.
Love that red dress!
thank you for the recipe! butterfinger is my husby's favorite candy bar, so i'm going to surprise him with it this week!
good for you for sticking it out all season! i was the same way with my girls--they were both born toward the end of the season, and i only missed one game between the two of their pregnancies!
our littlest is only 11 months old, but we found out recently we're expecting #3 in may. crazy surprise! but at least this one won't interfere with football season. :0)
Dawson looks so adorable! I make a very similar Butterfinger cake - sooo good! I can't imagine walking up the hill - just walking down it I thought I was going to keel over!
We ate at Outback also and sat on the same benches. Although we were in South Carolina!!
Glad you had a good weekend! I'll be making this cake soon!
Dawson is such a cutie! The cake sounds awesome! I can't wait to try it!
Congratulations on the win! The minute Web told me AR won, I thought of you ;)!
Also, I am proud of you! Web and I went to the Biltmore when I was 8 months pregnant and it sure isn't easy climbing stairs or hills when you are that far along.
It sounds like your Halloween weekend was FUN!
Kelly!!! I enjoyed visiting with you SO much! And so did my (camera-shy) sister! You are just as sweet as I knew you would be!
Dawson looks adorable in his costume.
I'm glad you had a fun weekend. I had THE BEST time in Arkansas...and I want to find you next year when I go to the game. Let's make it an annual event! ;)
The cake sounds good. I make butterfinger cookies, but the cake sounds much easier!
It was an awesome game, wasn't it? We had a guy dressed up in our section too! He had on a ref costume with a hat that said "SEC" and he was walking around with a blind man's cane and he had fake money hanging out of his was pretty funny! I can't believe I didn't run into you at Outback. We went there right after the game but we went to the one in Rogers to try and avoid the crowd. We probably just missed each other!!
I'm so jealous you got to see Meredith B. How fun!! We have a special OBU family in common too. :)
I'm glad you survived the entire season! You're such a trooper! I only went to one game all season which makes me sad, but after that first one at 35 weeks, I checked out! I love the Hogs but goodness!
I have never seen two girls look cuter on Halloween! I can't wait until next year when we can see pictures of all 3 of them!:)
I am so glad we finally won a game!!!
I don't sit too far from you. I am in section 107! We might need to say hi sometime.
We got to all the games!
Congrats on 5 years....
kelly- Made the butterfinger cake for our book club on Tuesday night and it was delicious! It was a hit.
Love the recipe blog. That is a great idea- to keep it all in one area.
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