Harper weighs 3 pounds now - about the weight of a head of cabbage.
She had a little dance party in my stomach this morning around 4 a.m. This wasn't a new thing. I'm a little afraid of how little she is going to sleep.
She has been hicupping a lot lately also - which is really funny.
I can't believe in 70 days (or less) I'm going to be holding her in my arms!!!

I'm curious.....and obviously - you only have to answer this if you want to - but how much weight did you gain with your pregnancies? I'm just wondering if I'm average. And did it come off easily? Did breast feeding help? Just pondering some thoughts tonight................................
(P.S. I'm going to have a lot of questions for ya'll coming up in the next 10 days like what to pack for the hospital and how to survive those first few days, etc. So get ready with answers!)
I gained 35lbs and have had troulbe losing it!!! I had a difficult time breast feeding so am not good to ask about that. I do think though, that it does help. I hope you are succesful!!!
As for the hospital you want to come home in your maternity clothes...I would wear a dress. I got really swollen so could hardly squeeze into my pants on the way home from the hospital. As far as the time you will be there. Take something comfortable and whatever you like!!! :) Oh..the breast feeding spaghetti strap tops (target has them) are THE BEST for breast feeding. It keeps your stomach covered and you don't feel so naked. :)
The first time I gained 50- yikes! And I did not have trouble loosing it.
The second time I gained 30 and breastfed and I lost most, but not all of it. I think it might be harder the second time around.
I gained 34 and then 30 pounds....ended up at the same exact weight for both!
Breastfeeding helps! I lost weight pretty quickly, I know that the breastfeeding helped. Loved breastfeeding-- it is not always easy but very much worth it!
I didn't gain but 23lbs with my pregnancy, but I had a small baby. She was just a little over 6lbs and she was 4 weeks early, but very healthy. If you plan on breastfeeding you should lose the weight fast. It not only has a lot of benefits for the baby but for you. Best of luck with everything!
Since I am not a mom .. Yet .. I can not give you much advice, but I will say that you look beautiful at 30 weeks. What a blessing you have growing inside of you. Whatever the case I am sure you will be back to "your" comfortable body weight before you know it!
Have a wonderful week!
I didn't gain much with either of my pregnancies---not because of anything I did! I had huge babies...both were close to 9 lbs. With Zachary the weight seriously disappeared so fast with breastfeeding. I loved it and was skinnier than I had been in years. Unfortunately the 2nd time around I wasn't so lucky! I didn't really try too hard so I can't say it was difficult to take off, but it was definitely there for a while!
The good news is...no amount of extra weight will take a moment of joy away from you and your new baby girl!
You look FABULOUS! (as always) The picture frame is sooo cute and so is Mr. Wells! He will make quite the perfect Prince for your little Princess! Since I haven't been pregnant I have no answer on the weight gain question, but i can tell you that PCOS really keeps me plump and it is VERY hard to lose weight and I assume it would be hard for me after pregnancy. JOY! You don't need to worry about that though, you skinny little preggo girl!
I can't be much help answering baby questions, but I have one of my own to ask....Is it just me or do you get cuter and cuter every Monday???
Harper's boyfriend sure is handsome! I love him smiling so big - you must have told him how he only has to wait a little while longer to meet his girlfriend! I can tell he is pumped!
I gained 27lbs and it was pretty easy to lose. I lost 25lbs in the first two weeks. Of course, your stomach is still bigger and flabby so that takes some time. I absolutely think breastfeeding helps. You burn so many calories. I was hungrier when I was breastfeeding than when I was pregnant. Just don't be depressed when you have to put your maternity clothes back on to come home from the hospital. You feel so much thinner after having the baby until you try to get dressed. I also went straight home and weighed and had only lost 7 lbs which was very depressing since my son was 8 lbs 11oz. But it seems like every day I lost 5 or 6 lbs. I had a c-section so I was very puffy that first week or two. Just be glad you are having a January baby. That way you will have plenty of time to get the weight off before summer. You can hide in some sweaters for a while. I had an Oct. baby and it was nice to not have that pressure of skimpier summer clothing.
Happy 30th week! I can only imagine how amazing it has to be to feel your baby inside!
Scott and I have just started trying to get pregnant, so you won't get any advice from me. I will be probably learning from your blog and experience.
I have to say that you own the cutest maternity clothes ever!
Have a wonderful week!
Agata from IL
I gained 45 pounds. A lot. I know. I have lost all but about 5 pounds. I think breastfeeding has helped. Everyone has told me that it is hard to lose the last 5 pounds until after you stop breastfeeding. I hope that's true. :)
Happy 30 weeks!!!
I am 34 weeks pregnant with my 3rd and I have gained 21 lbs. I gained 24 with the first and 18 with the second. I worked out like crazy with the second one. Yes, it all came off pretty easily. I breastfed both for a year, but I don't know if that is what did it. I owe a lot of it from being involved in a exercise program called StrollerFit. It is a mommy and me based work out program where you use your stroller and your baby. WONDERFUL!!!! They have a website where you can find if they are available in your area. It is so great and so fun!!! :)
Around 40 pounds both times for me. I didn't breastfeed the 1st time, but I did the 2nd...much better choice. It is so much more intimate for you and your baby. And, it is healthier for her and will help you reduce back to normal size quicker. I highly recommend it. She had a hard time getting the hang of it at first, but eventually she caught on. I even took a breast pump to work and pumped on break. It was worth it. Don't give up if at first it isn't working. Keep trying.
70 pounds with Amelia!
SEVENTY! (And it may have been more...I quit counting when the scale hit 200 pounds.) I lost all but 10 or so, and if I had exercised and tried to eat better, I probably would have had better luck at losing it all. I did breastfeed. I think BF'ing does help to an extent because, well, have you seen how many calories it burns??? Goodness! But I really think a lot of it is just your genes.
Amelia hiccupped like crazy in the womb, and she still gets the hiccupps a lot now. She would get them and keep them for like half an hour when I was pregnant with her. It seems like most of the girls I have talked to, and myself included, had babies that kicked and carried on during those wee hrs of the morning, and it didn't really translate into wakeful wee hours after they were born, so don't worry! That seems to be just a busy time of day for them in there! :o)
Cute, cute, cute!! Harper is moving right along!
Tyler used to absolutely hate having the hiccups when I was pregnant with him. He would kick hard after each hiccup.
I gained 22 pounds with Kale (and he was 9 1/2 pounds). I think I gained around 25 with Tyler (he was almost 9 pounds). I didn't lose very well with Kale because I stayed home with him... and I KID YOU NOT... I ate a SLEEVE of Chips Ahoys a day after he was born (I did this for like 9 months). I also didn't even bother exercising much until my kids were a little older. NOT smart.
I would recommend walking now as much as you can... it will help your labor, too. Then after you have that little sweetie, you'll want to find ways to get workouts in (pushups over Harper, chest press with Harper, walk with stroller, etc.) Oh, don't get me started on working out... you might be sorry you asked.
I gained 27 pounds! It comes off easy. I think that in 3 weeks, and yes....I breast fed for 5 months, I was back to below pre-pregnancy weight. HOWEVER....my weight has shifted to different places. You look incredible.
I gained 30 pounds and it seemed to come off pretty easily - except for those last 5 - and I breastfed for three months.
I gained 60 with my first and 34 with my second. Much smarter the second time around. Breastfeeding I believe helped a lot with both and it's so good for the baby. It's difficult in the beginning but gets so much easier and it's the best bonding time between mommy and baby. As for the hospital bring comfortable clothes that aren't restricting in any way esp. if breastfeeding. I agree with bring a dress to wear home because you will still be pretty swollen. You look amazing for 30 weeks. I've been reading a long time and have gone through your pregnancy with you and can't wait to meet BABY HARPER.
I love reading your blog! I'm another SEC fan (Kentucky) and your blog feels as though I'm at "home."
With my little girl, I gained about 35ish pounds and lost all of it very quickly with breastfeeding. However, I gained weight once my little one started table food (nothing like finishing off macaroni and cheese that results in weight gain!).
My advice for the hospital bag - things get a little...how should I put it...messy after childbirth and I was really paranoid about staining pajamas so I would recommend a nightgown or the breastfeeding tank tops (someone else mentioned these) are awesome.
30 weeks is such a fun time of pregnancy! Enjoy it and two bits of advice - take a nap whenever you want and make sure to do a few spontaneous trips/dates with your hubby. It could be a while before you get to do it again!
Happy 30th week! This is an exciting time!
Let's see, I gained 24 with my first, 20 with my second, and 16 with my third. I lost all of the weight pretty easy too. With my daughter (the third) it seemed like I was in my pre-pregnancy clothes about a week after I delivered. I didn't breast feed so I can't share that info with you. But I did walk twice a day, it was great for both the baby and myself. ;)
Oh and how to survive those first few days. In the hospital the number one thing that I always suggest to anyone is to let the hospital staff take your baby into the nursery and SLEEP! Yes, you've waited 9 months to see your precious baby BUT you will need all the rest you can get, so please let the nurses take her so you can rest. That will help you survive in a big way. :) I didn't do that with my first but did the other two and I could tell a huge difference. :)
I've heard hiccups mean your baby is healthy!! Both my boys had hiccups and came out perfect.
I gained 75lbs with my first, and about 45 with my second. The second's weight has been harder to lose. I've also lost weight because of breastfeeding, but I have heard others it hasn't helped. You look great so I'm sure you'll be fine! You won't think about your weight once she's here, you'll be too busy admiring her! Good luck, hoping for a safe easy delivery for you!
hmmm....I have 3 babies, and my first I gained around 30-35 lbs. The second and third I gained around 40-45 lbs.
The weight after my first baby came off very easy. I didn't breastfeed any of my children, so I don't know if that really helps. My sister-in-law breastfed both and she said it hindered her weightloss.
You look great! Honestly, one of the cutest mommy-to-be's I have ever seen. You're glowing!
With #1, I gained 40lbs.
With #2, I gained 35lbs.
With #3, I gained 25lbs.
With the first two, it came off fairly quickly, but once I stopped nursing, I dropped another 10lbs almost overnight.
Didn't come off as quickly with #3, and then I started gaining more weight on top of that. I call it "residual Abbey".
I think you look GREAT, Kelly!
Wells' momma gained 34 pounds - and 10 of it was in the last month due to wonderful swelling. As of this morning, I have 1 pound to go (I'll be sure to post when it's gone). Breastfeeding & walking are all I've done - you know the Murrays love to eat. The really sad thing was when I got home from the hospital, I'd only lost 2 pounds. 2!!!
I gained a WHOLE BUNCH with Drew (my first). A WHOLE BUNCH. I still get comments about it occasionally about how huge I was.
Then both of my girls I probably gained around 20-25? Anyway, I found breastfeeding to help immensely with the weight loss, but only after the baby was 4+ months and was eating more (which makes sense). Around 8 months I started noticing big, big differences.
I gained 25 pounds. However, my son weighed 10 pounds. I lost all the weight before I even left the hospital somehow. The bizarre thing for me was that I gained about 8 pounds back over the first 6 months.
As fas as hospital bag goes....cute pj's because you will have so many visitors. We had 35 in one night--bad idea. Also, take your Boppy.
My Ashley had hiccups while I was pregnant. It was so funny to me.
I didn't gain much during pregancy but under doctor's orders because I was overweight to begin with. After all was said and done I actually ended up losing 15 pounds. But gained it right back when Ashley decided to wean herself at 5 and a half months :-(
#1 30lbs
#2 18lbs
#3 19 or 20lbs
#4 21lbs
You are looking great so don't worry about it...your body will gain what it needs to help that beautiful baby grow!
I only gained 18 pounds with Caroline and lost most of it pretty quickly. However, the last five pounds hung on until I quit breastfeeding. It could be because I was eating around 5000 calories a day.
I gained 30lbs and I loved to eat all the bad stuff. None of my cravings were for salads or vegetables but all the greasy goodness I could get my hands on.
My didn't come off fast until I started working out again. My breastfeeding adventrure was short lived so that didn't help.
You look great!
With Kennedy, I gained almost 40 lbs (!!!!) but it came off fairly easily because I am tall and was young (26). With Cameron, I gained only about 25 lbs and I'm still stuck with 10 of them. You look fantastic and look 'ALL BABY' so I would not worry about getting the weight off after Harper is born. I do know my twin sister laughed at me after Kennedy was born and said "You really thought you were going to leave here back to your normal size?" -- yes, I really did. I took WHITE terry cloth capri pants as my 'going home' outfit!! Yeah, no .... not good.
I gained 50 to the POUND with Drew... and had lost half of it by my 6 week check-up. With Emma Kate I gained 25 pounds and had lost all of it by my 2 week check-up. I totally think breastfeeding works... It's such easy exercise. You get to sit in a comfy chair and hold your precious baby... and burn calories. Does it get any better than that?! And I was always drinking water... so I know that helped!
first of all you look great!!! I gained 30pds and yes breast feeding helped get it off!
I was at the Razorback game too on Sat. & it was warm but what a great win! :)
Sorry, I am no help with pregnancy questions as I've never been pregnant! I just think you are so darn cute as a pregnant lady :) I'd love to read the questions and answers as I do hope to read them for future reference! :)
I gained 25 with the first baby and 20 with the second.
For me, the weight came off easier with the second, I think because I was chasing my oldest around while trying to take care of our newborn!
Praying for you, your husband and that sweet little girl. You are going to do just great!
Hi Kelly -
I've been reading your blog for a couple of weeks, but haven't posted a comment before.
With my 1st baby I gained 40 pounds - 10 in the last week due to pre-eclampsia. With my 2nd I gained 26, I believe.
I breastfed both and fully believe that it helped me to lose my baby weight. With my 2nd baby by the time I stopped breastfeeding at 9 months I was 10 pounds under my pre-baby weight.
Enjoy your pregnancy!
I gained 30 lbs. with my girl and 38 with my boy. All but about 5-10 lbs. came off easily. Breastfeeding didn't seem to make a difference either way (I breastfeed my girl, but not my boy due to post-partum complications). I think breastfeeding makes you hold on to that extra 5-10 lbs. because I could not get enough food in my tummy. I was eating every 2 hours right along with the baby! Regardless of how quickly you lose the weight. It takes your body a little while to get its shape back. It is so totally worth it though!
I gained around 20 lbs. with you and lost all of it due to breastfeeding...it's the best thing...you can eat, eat, eat!
I am still working on losing the babyfat from the last baby...and he's 32!! har har
You look great...eat well...don't worry! Love, Mom
I gained 27 lbs & my son weighed 7 lbs 10 oz. I was very happy with that~but the thing I craved most while pregnant was fresh fruit, so luckily that helped keep me on track. You look amazing by the way-and I'm not just saying that! Can't wait for you to hold Harper in your arms!
Seriously, could you get any cuter!??!?
Love the frame too!
With my middle daughter I gained 65 lbs. (long story) and with my youngest daughter I gained 35 lbs. and they weighed within ONE OUNCE of each other, so that tells you where all the extra went. In my experience, and in discussing it with friends, the older you are and the more pregnancies you go through, the harder the weight is to lose. But it eventually comes off. By the way, you look fantastic in your weekly pics.
SueEllen in Dallas
I gained about 25-28 pounds with both of my pregnancies. But I'm 4'11" and petite. It came off pretty easy, too. Breastfeeing helps...especially making your stomach go down. I could feel my uterus contracting every time I breastfed. Like, it was worse than period cramps. (Can I say that on here?) Especially since I had C-sections with both of mine and my uterus had an incision on it. Holy cow, I never thought it would hurt that bad.
I love answering questions about pregnancy, etc. so ask on, girlfriend!
I gained 50 pounds with my first... went from 120 to 170. I was a beast :-) I carried Caroline 39 weeks. With Emma I only gained 20 pounds but I only carried her 32 weeks. Emma was 5 weeks old Friday and thanks to breastfeeding I am back to my normal weight. I have a little extra skin that will hopefully tighten with a little exercise.
You look great girl! Don't even worry about your weight. You have that glow about you too.
As for stuff for the hospital... go to http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6129408
She makes WAY TOO COOL hospital gowns. There is a black and white one with a pink tie that is too cute. MckMama (mycharmingkids) introduced me to these fabulous gowns and I wish I had bought one now.
Take care and keep us updated. Your blog is one of my favorites.
I gained the following:
18 lbs-baby boy was 2 weeks early he weighed 6'1
25 lbs-baby boy was 1 week early weighed 8'0
39 lbs-baby boy was 2 days late weighed 8'7
Praying for you! Kara -Texas John 3:30
I think it's funny that I gained the exact same with all three of my pregnancies. 32 lbs! I don't know if my body was pre-programmed for that or what. I also nursed all my babies until they were between 12-14 months. I do think it helps Tremendously with weight loss! I mostly did it just because it is so incredibly good for them though.
I think if you were in relatively good shape,normal weight before pregnancy,your body has a good memory for that. Also, for the first pregnancy, my weight did come off the fastest. I think it was about 2 months for #1, 6 months for #2 and #3.
You have gotten so much good advice from everyone. Just enjoy your sweet baby and eat healthfully and it will come off.
I'm just waiting for the picture of you standing there holding a big ol' watermelon. At least it FEELS like the baby is that big those last few days. Love the fruit and veggie pics!
Your baby bump is looking good my friend!
Uh...I gained zero pounds with Baby D...haha...can't really give any insight into pregnancy weight gain! (:
A friend of mine told me pilates really helped her to get her abs back in shape post-baby.
I am being SO honest when I say that you look cuter and cuter every week of your pregnancy...your maternity clothes are just adorable and you really have that glow :)
hi kelly,
i gained 35 lbs and it was awful losing it while still on maternity leave. once i got back to work, things slowly came off. 4 years later i'm finally done with it. now i'm ready to do it again ;)
i didn't breastfeed so no clue on how that relates. i've heard several mothers say it did help.
you'll be fine either way.
(i know one mother who gained less than 10 lbs the whole time, she makes me sick ;) j/k)
Sorry...I got nothing for ya :(
But, I'm just so excited to meet little Harper :)
I'm 26 weeks and 1 day and so far I've gained around 18 lbs. I sure hope the breast-feeding takes it off! I'm off to take my glucose test, say a prayer for me 'cause I sure do eat a lot of ice cream!!!
Hey girl..
I gained 32,25,22 with each of the boys. It wasn't too hard to get the weight off. I didn't breast feed bc it just plain killed me and I couldn't do it. Oh well.
I can't wait to see precious Harper.
OK, so I'm not a role model...I had three pregnancies in 3.5 years. Here is my weight gain: 1st baby: 40 plus lbs. 2nd baby: 55 lbs. 3rd baby: 40 plus lbs. No trouble losing it...down to 110 in a few months!!! Course, I was really young...had my third by the time I was 24...see, no role model. But I was happy!!
I gained 33 lbs and my son was a month early. I tried breastfeeding or I should say pumping for 3 weeks and then had to quit. I couldn't take care of the baby and pump for 5.5 hrs per day (this was every 2-3 hrs). I lost all but the last 6 lbs due to pumping and not having time to eat. I decided sleeping was more important.
I wish you lots of luck with your delivery.
Don't hate me -- 18 lbs. But I was high risk, on bed rest, pre-e, etc., etc., etc. I left the hostpital 4 days post partum with all the baby weight off, but boy, I look way different. =( It all redistributes, so my caution: be comfy with how you look and feel, not what the number on the scale is.
I gained the following:
1st: 45 lbs
2nd: 25 lbs
3rd: 30 lbs
4th: 30 lbs
I breastfed them all and it helped with the weight loss, but I found that I had to watch what I ate and take walks as soon as I could. The last 5 lbs seems to be the hardest to lose. Don't worry if it takes a while to lose the weight. It takes 9 months to put it on and give yourself that much time to take it off (advice a friend gave me). SOME people do lose all their weight in 1-6 weeks, but MOST do not. Just be yourself and enjoy your body. You look beautiful!
Kelly, I gained 24-30 lbs with my pregnancies, but I have alot of buddies who gained up to 40 and more and it came off easily. Breastfeeding will help. You will be very hungry though (at least I was) after giving birth. You really shouldn't try to diet alot as you want good healthy fatty milk. The weight will come off. You just start caring for that sweet baby girl and you'll be surprised when you get on the scale that it starts to go down. Breastfeeding is like doing aerobics and much easier!! :)
Since I've never been pregnant I can't answer your questions. But I will tell you that you look great! You have the cutest maternity clothes and I can't wait to see Harper. I know that she'll be ADORABLE! :)
You look beautiful pregnant! (And I love your blog.)
Don't you worry one bit about the weight--it really will come right off! I gained 30 with my daughter and now--wait for it--I'm 10 lbs lighter than I was before I had her! Woo-hoo! I absolutely credit the nursing for her first year.
I gained 50 pounds with my first, (not the smartest thing I have ever done), but it did come off eventually. I think that breastfeeding helps a ton, I breastfeed with my first and not with my second and I could tell a huge difference.
Don't worry about it, I think that you look really great! Your weight will be fine!!
You look great!!! :)
I gained 18 pounds the first time around and it came off quickly. I only breastfeed for 6 wks.
The 2nd time around I gained about 22 lbs and breastfeed for a year. That weight also came off quickly.
This time around, I don't think I'm going to keep up with my weight gain because I'm pretty sure it will be more!!! :0
Hi Kelly! First of all, you look totally adorable! I gained about forty pounds with my pregnancy. I lost about 30 of it within three weeks of the birth. The other ten took about 8 months to come off but now I'm about 5 pounds under my prepregnancy weight. Remember, it took you 9 months to put it on, allow yourself that long (at least) to work at getting it off!
My advice for the first few days is to get as much sleep as you can now. Do things you enjoy now (movies, eating out, etc) because they get harder with a baby, not impossible, but harder.
You'll be a terrific mom!
Oh, I forgot to say that I've been breastfeeding for 9 months also. I think that has helped with the gradual weight loss.
By the way, don't expect breastfeeding to be easy, just because it is a natural way to feed. It is a LOT of hard work (I also work full-time but my daughter has not had a drop of formula) but it so worth it for the bonding and health benefits!
I am glad you asked that question! I am 23 weeks pregnant and wondering the exact same thing. Of course, hearing that all these women kept it under 30 pounds wasn't all that reassuring to me. I have gained 16 so far, so I'm on track to definitely exceed 30!
I gained 30 lbs with Vance and it came off fairly quickly. I only breastfed for a month because of some issues, but I have seen it help and not help before. I think that if you maintain a good diet once you have Harper you will be fine. Also, my biggest exercise has been chasing after little man.
I am not sure if you all did the class or not, but one thing our teacher told us was to bring things (slippers/socks) that you did not mind if blood got on them and they had to be thrown away. I hope that is not too much TMI!
I will be ready with answers as the questions roll in ;)! THIS IS SO EXCITING!
9 months to put it on - 9 months to take it off!
51 = Hudson
34 = Carson & Lawson
40 = Emsley
Hmm, about 30, first and only pregnancy. Mostly at the end. Once the baby's almost 8 lbs were removed, and all the fluids gone(I know, gross)it didn't take long to lose the rest.
I gained well over the 35 lbs that is suggested...I don't really remember the exact number I think I have blocked that out of my mind. Breast feeding really helped take the weight off though. I lost almost all of my baby weight...but now I am sad to say that I have put a lot of pounds on and I am not even pregnant!
I gained 26 lbs. with my pregnancy and yes, the weight fell off afterward...Landry wouldn't nurse but I pumped enough to get her to 3 months old. I wouldn't recommend it...pumping every 4 hours, 24/7! It was overwhelmingly stressful especially as a first time mom. Best wishes to you...and really don't worry about the weight! You want a chubby healthly little Harper! She's was worth the "wait"...and will be worth the "weight"!
I gained b/t 30-35 pounds total. I haven't weighed myself since my 6 week check up, but I am back in my prepregnancy clothes and am still shrinking. Breastfeeding defintely helps b/c your body is working out when you aren't trying too. Ha! I was back in my clothes about 2-3 weeks after she was born, but they were still a little tighter than I liked. I had to remind myself that it took me 9 months to get this way and not expect things to change in 6 weeks. I still tell myself this 10 weeks later. I can see how my body is still adjusting and changing. Remember every one is different so what works for another may not work for you. But it is worth it when you hold that sweet baby and think how your body was a home for this child for 9 months!
sorry for the essay! you look great by the way! you don't even remember what it was like to have that belly after she is here!
I gained 55 lbs. and lost them relatively easy. This was with the 3rd. and last and I decided I was going all out and eat,eat,eat! The weight has come from hitting pero-menopause so you have a while before you have to worry.
oh yeah and the first few weeks of breastfeeding can be hard, but so worth it later one. My mom was a big source of encouragement to stick through it. i love it now for many reasons and one of them being that it is free. :-)
#1 - Graham - I worked a desk job and had preclampsia. Never sick just hungry. Ate lots of Kit Kats and ice cream. It was miserable. Gained 80 pounds, lost 70.
#2 - Gregory - Chasing after a 2 year old while pregnant and eating better, gained 45 pounds, lost 35. (See the pattern here?)
#3 - Lauren - SICK SICK SICK - gained 30 pounds and lost 30 pounds. But still needing to lose the baby weight from the first 2! Working on it!
Kelly, I just recently started blogging. I came across your blog and have loved reading it. You look absoklutely adorable in your weekly photos. Congratulations. I am not a mother, so I can not offer any advice
I gained 24lbs with my son. I did breastfeed him for 6 months and I lost the 24lbs in 6 weeks. I really think breastfeeding helped so so much. You stay so hungry but you are burning so many calories. A good trick a friend gave me was that you need to drink even more water than they tell you to drink, nursing makes you so thirsty so be sure to have that glass of water handy when you are nursing. Like others have said, it is hard in the beginning but so worth it!
You are looking so great!!
Kelly...You look so cute!!!
I gained 35 with Landon and 30 with Taylor. With Landon, the weight came off so easily, and I only breastfed him for 3 weeks due to complications. With Taylor, it seems like I held onto 5-10 pounds for a little while. I breastfed her a little longer (6 weeks). I would have definitely continued breastfeeding if I would have produced enough milk. I ended up having to supplement with both because they were just not getting enough milk from me! Stick to it if you can!
One more thing...I was reading some of the other comments and wanted to tell you to not be discouraged if you come home and have only lost a little. Everyone told me that I would drop like half the weight in the hospital after having Landon so it was a little disappointing coming home and realizing that I only lost 8 lbs and Landon was almost 8 lbs!! It will drop drastically in the 1st week!
Let me just say you look great! I have 2 girls..gained 22-25 lbs with both (all day sickness for 20 weeks). Breastfeeding made the weight fly off with the first but not the second. I would say there was probably a little stress and anxiety that helped with the weight loss after my first was born!
Oh girl, I'm so going to be asking YOU these questions someday... but I do have a friend that swears by breastfeeding as the best answer to losing that baby weight. I think she did it for a good 4-5 months, and lost all her baby weight in that time frame.
I gained 32 lbs and lost it all. I breastfed and just ate what I wanted to try and get good foods in me for the little one.
I gained 30 lbs with TWINS...and I would have gained 100 but I was sooo full all the time, I couldn't eat much at any one time.
I lost it all plus 10 more within 2 weeks, because I was such a nervous freak-worrying about everything and not taking good care of myself and resting. :)
Looking back I wish I would have had someone tell me to CHILL OUT, and relax and not try to do it all right away. I was a first time mom with twins, so I was freaked out. :)
Enjoy every minute. That is my advice!
Kelly S. Michigan
Could you seriously be any cuter? In my experience, breastfeeding took most of the weight off pretty quickly and helped pull my tummy back in. Then after a few months I reached a plateau and my body kept about 5 pounds until I weaned. Then it came right off. Lots of friends told me it would happen that way and it sure did! Plus, the great thing about BF is that your boobs stay huge, so your tummy appears to be very slender! Lol!
I gained around 30 lbs! My daughter was born weighing 5 lbs and 4 oz... She was tiny!! I breast fed for 8.5 months and the weight fell off!! It took a little while for the weight to start to come off, but once it did, look out! I am actually smaller now than I was before I had Tay. But I do believe that I was the exception to the rule! Good luck and stay healthy and happy for your baby. That's all that really matters, right?!
I did have friends that refused to be in the pics with their baby because of their weight gain.. Now they regret it! Don't be that momma!
Brayden's been having the hiccups too! Isn't it funny? It took me awhile to figure out what was going on. As for weight gain, I've gained about 18-20lbs...but I've been so sick the whole time that my number might not fall in line with most people. I won't be breastfeeding, but I am going to get that thing Brooke Burke talked about on DWTS...it compresses your uterus to help it shrink down. I've been reading a lot about it and hoping it will work!
I gained 23, 18 and 25. Breastfeeding really helped the first two and the third, I didn't lose the last little bit until I stopped nursing!
That picture frame is just perfect for you! I love it! And Harper's little boyfriend sure is cute for being in a bad mood!
I don't have any kids yet, but I am a baby nurse. From the hospital-stay standpoint, don't be afraid to have the nurses put a "No Visitors At This Time" sign on your door if you're feeling tired & overwhelmed. People love to come visit the new parents in the hospital and that's wonderful, but it's also hard for mom & dad to bond with their baby & rest when there are tons of people coming in and out! Especially if you're trying to get the breast feeding thing down!!
I just had Audrey a week ago today. She was born two weeks early, and weighed 7lbs. and 2oz. I gained 30 lbs, and in a week have lost 15 of those. I am breastfeeding and I think it has helped a lot. The main thing is though when you are breastfeeding you should NOT DIET! You have to eat to produce enough milk. I have been eating like a pig the past 5 days or so. I ate very healthy and was very consious of what I was eating when I was pregnant...but now I'm enjoying eating what I want...it's for the baby right?!?! I was really worried about losing the weight, but now I know that there is plenty of time for that. As for coming home, take a maternity dress. Pack your bag early, I started going into labor last Monday night and had not packed yet, so I threw some stuff in a bag at the last minute. It all worked out though. :) Best of luck!
I gained over 70 lbs with my son, he was 8lbs 4 oz. I didn't have any trouble losing it. I did breastfeed and walked daily, after my c-section healed. Back into my size 6 within months.
Good Luck! Even with a few extra pounds it is all worth it!!
75 lbs with my first one....took me a year to lose it, but I didn't breastfeed. 60 lbs with second one...took about 6 months to lose it but I breastfeed. Breastfeeding really worked for my baby and me. It was good for us both.
You are such a cute pregnant person! I wouldn't spend one more minute thinking about anything other than the blessing you are about to receive!
I gained 50 pounds and was sick (meaning throwing up every single day) my whole pregnancy. I hate to think what I would have gained otherwise. I was shocked that I gained that much because I exercised throughout and did not overindulge in eating at all. The good news is, most of it was fluid. I'd lost 38 pounds by my one month check-up, and easily lost the remainder within about 4 months. I did not breastfeed, and I was nearly 40 years old. My mom did give me one good piece of advice about baby weight that helped me keep things in perspective: It's not necessarily pounds but inches. Things are a bit more s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d and might not seem the same even once you've lost the weight but eventually most everything settles back into place. You'll do fine!
Hey Kelly,
I am friends with Begina and read your blog occasionally. I agree with Begina, though. I gained a LOT of weight when I was pregnant (55-60 pounds) because I told myself I was going to enjoy pregnancy (and plus I had a really healthy boy). But everyone kept telling me it would fall off when I got home and started breastfeeding. Well for me breastfeeding didn't really work out and my weight just didn't want to come off. So don't get discouraged if it doesn't come off right away, just give your body time and enjoy your precious baby girl. For me, my weight didn't start coming off till I started working out again and watching what I eat. My son is 14 months old now and I didn't start feeling good about myself till he was about a year old! I just had to keep telling myself I couldn't compare myself to everyone else that just had a baby!!!
BTW, your bedding is beautiful for your little girl!!!
I gained almost 40 pounds with my first and didn't lose it all (or easily). I only gained about 13 pounds with my second and lost all of that plus some. I breast fed my first only for about 4-6 weeks and not exclusively but nursed my second for 6 months. I credit that to the weight loss. You look great! Thanks for sharing with us along the way. It's been fun keeping up.
I gained 26lbs. When I got home from the hospital I had lost 10 or 11. By the end of the first week I had lost all but 2 pounds and by week 2 I had all of it lost. Even though I weigh a few pounds less than I did before I got pregnant, my stomach is still a little puffy. It might be from the c-section...I don't know! Breastfeeding has seemed to help a lot.
I do think the weight comes off easier if you are in good shape before and during your pregnancy. Drink lots of water these last 10 weeks..it will help a lot with the swelling and therefore with the weight!
Regardless of how much you gain or how fast it comes off it is well worth those pounds!
Kelly- I know everyone has said it, but you look AMAZING and adorable! I love it! Praise Jesus for this wonderful sweet baby girl!
I gained 28ish pounds with Connor-boo. Most of it came off pretty quickly (I breastfed,too) but a little stayed until I stopped breastfeeding (at one year). The thing I notice the most is that my body just doesn't LOOK the same, despite if my weight is the same or not. Of course I worked out ALOT more before I had him! You will have no problems getting back to yourself.
OH- and I loved, loved, loved breastfeeding! It is hard at first but SOOOO worth it!
I am praising God with you for your sweet baby girl! She'll be here SOON!
You look GREAT!!! I gained about 35 lbs with my first (24 of that was the last 7 weeks while I was on Mag in the hospital) and I left the hospital at my pre-preg weight!! I breastfed/pumped for 4 months but he was a preemie and couldn't get the hang of it. When I stopped breastfeeding, I lost about 5-10 more lbs.
This go round, I'm at 24 weeks, and I've gained 11 lbs so far...so we'll see how it goes this time!
Hope you continue to feel great!!
I so cannot help you with the pregnancy weight gain questions!! :) I have gained weight in the past year if that counts!! :)
I cannot believe you are already at 30 weeks!!!! Seriously!!! It has gone by so fast!!
That frame is just so adorable!
I gained 40 with my first and 30 with my second. It was hard to get off both times. I did breastfeed and yes that does help some, but I still ate like I was pregnant. I think I started getting motivated around 9 months post birth and did WW. And I am now smaller than I was before both pregnancies.
I gained 50 lbs and lost 40! It actually came off pretty easy and I didn't breast feed!
I gained 35 lbs with the Princess and 25 lbs with the Prince. I think I gained so much less with him because I was banned from sugar and drank a ton of water. Breastfeeding absolutely helped me lose weight faster. I could see my tummy shrinking. I still have 8 or 10 lbs to lose from the Prince, but the hubby and I are starting the Biggest Loser workout DVDs this week so I know it will come off soon.
And I no longer like Big Mama. Only 18 lbs?
23 lbs with Em (20 came off at birth so I didn't understad all this) 35 with Max (20 came off at birth) 45 with Jac! (and yes still waiting for the last 15 to come off...)
Hi! I have been reading your blog for a while but this is my first comment. I didn't really pay attention to how much I gained total with each of my three but since I have had three in under four years, I am still carrying way too much. I lost quite a bit the first few months pretty easily, but I have not had good luck losing a lot while I am breastfeeding (and since I have been doing that for almost two and half years now with my back to back boys, that hasn't helped). I'm hopeful that when I am finished nursing my youngest that I will have some better luck.
You are so cute and I enjoy reading your blog everyday!
1st child - 40 lbs. I had always been skinny, so I literally took my prepregnancy jeans to the hospital to wear home. I cried and cried when I couldn't pull them past my knees. I lost it all but 5-8 lbs with walking and changing my diet. It took about 6 months.
2nd child - 22 lbs. I knew better this time! After I had her I found this book at my mom's called "Body for Life." I did this program and lost more weight than I originally started with. I got addicted to running and working out with weights along with healthy eating.
3rd child - 17 lbs, and she was 8 lbs of it. I lost all of it and then some, especially after I stopped nursing.
Nursing definitely helps losing weight, but it makes you feel like you can eat a HORSE all the time! With all 3 of my kids after I stopped nursing I lost an additional 5 lbs.
Don't worry about the weight. It will come off. If you need anymore tips, I will be glad to help!
BTW I am such a big fan of the Biggest Loser. That is my dream job when my kids get older!
I gained 50 pounds and lost all the weight within a few days of coming home. The thing is the weight isn't the problem. It is the baby belly that now hangs from the front of me. ha ha
I just love reading your blog!! I gained 34 lbs when I was pregnant with Grace, which was right where the dr wanted me to be. I must say, I gained it very quickly though so I had to cut out fast food and all caffeine and actually ended up losing a pound one week, but came out perfect in the end!
I've heard the breastfeeding helps, but I had some difficulties with that and wasn't able to so I don't know for sure! My child will be 2 in Feb. and I still haven't lost all the weight! I also got bad stretch marks when I was pregnant, and I've learned to not fuss over them anymore because they are marks of my beautiful baby girl! A constant reminder!
I know I've said it before, but I am so extatic for you and Scott to be having this baby! I don't know you really except through your blog, but I know you and Scott are going to be GREAT parents!!!
Congrats on your 30 weeks! I so far at 34 weeks have gained 26 pounds. At this stage I am pretty uncomfortable and so ready to meet my little wiggle worm:) I have been praying for you and your family and I enjoy all of Harper's updates!
I gained over 50 pounds with both MM and HJ. I lost it plus more after each pregnancy. I weigh now what I weighed in high school. I do believe that nursing helps. I nursed both the girls for at least 14 months (a little extreme, I know). It took a little longer after HJ b/c I was on bedrest for so long. You will be fine~!
Hi Kelly! I've been reading along for a while but this is my first comment. (I think I found you through The Flying Mum)
I gained 17lbs with my first- a girl who weighed 6lbs 6oz. I lost the weight pretty easily with breastfeeding. With my second pregnancy I gained closer to 25lbs and had a BIG boy 9lbs 8oz. I lost the weight pretty easily again with breastfeeding but I'm a lot squishier than I used to be!
You look fab!! Don't worry about the weight. It will all come off over time I promise. I gained 28 with my 1st, 33 with my 2nd and 36 with my 3rd. I bf all babies and I'm still nursing my 3rd. I think it helps because you do burn a ton of calories. With my 1st 2 pregnancies I lost all the weight by my 6 week check up. Kohen, my 3rd, is 5 months and I am back down to my pre preggo weight. However, I just do not think my hips will ever be the same, but that's okay because have 3 babies is so worth all of my body's little imperfections after child birth:-)
YOU LOOK FABULOUS!!! And like everyone says-don't even worry about the weight-I thought i would be so obsessed with it after Addelyn was born-but I when she came-who cares? And breastfeeding will take it off fast-I gained about 20 lbs and it came off after the first week-nothing looked the same though! :) and I love you blog about Tiger Toons-I LOVE TUNES! I was an EEE too! too fun! :)
i gained 25lbs w/ my first one. it came off very easily... well the first 20 did, the last 5 lbs were a little pesky, but came off eventually! i was back in my jeans when i came home from the hospital.
this time around though i'm pretty sure it's going to be very different! i've already gained more than i had at this point w/ my first one and my body just feels differently! maybe it's being 4 years older? lol...
oh well, they are so worth it!
I've gotten way behind on your blog, but I have to comment on this one :)
I gained 65 lbs with my first. Of course, I was all of 105 lbs before getting pregnant with her too. I got down to about 125 easily, but then got pregnant with Noah (abigail was 7 months old when we found out, never had a period, was breastfeeding) and then gained about 40 or so. Then got down to about 120 and was happy there. I never expected to get down to 105 again. Of course, got pregnant again too. And again, lost it pretty easily. I think the breastfeeding helped tremendously. I lost it in chunks. When they went thru a growth spurt and I was nursing round the clock for those couple of days while my supply built up... I'd lose 5 lbs. Of course, having a toddler and preschooler to chase around helped too.
This time, it hasn't come off so easily. I'm not complaining. I don't really care. I'm still breastfeeding at night and while I do think it helps get it off initially, I think the last bit likes to hang on til after weaning. But along with the extra weight comes the larger chest with breastfeeding ha. So... it all evens itself out! I just have this big ol belly. I really think it was damaged beyond repair with Elijah. Who knows.
But yes, it is all worth it.
I have read your blog off and on here for a while. I have been catching up! :)
I gained 60 (yowza...that was hard to write!) with #1. But, I nursed him and did Weight Watchers Nursing Mother's program and the weight came off pretty fast. Then, I was unexpectedly blessed with another pregnancy when my first son was just 6 months old. :)
Round two was better. I only gained 25lbs. I was too busy chasing a toddler around (who walked VERY early...8 months!) to eat.
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