Monday, November 17, 2008

Blog Shower

I've spent the last few days having the most wonderful showers - and today is just the icing on the cake. It's a bloggy shower thrown by my sweet friends Jenna, Faith and Heather today!
SO FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go here to see!


Jacquie said...

It'll be lots of fun! Have a wonderful day.

Scrapper Mom said...

Kelly, I lost my grandmother to Lymphoma just 2 weeks before my son was born, so I know how traumatic it can be, especially when our hormones are crazy anyway. I will say a special prayer for you that you will get through this difficult time....but doesn't it make it so much easier knowing they are in Heaven and we will get to see them again??

And I've read about the bloggy shower. I wanted to go ahead and leave you with this thought now instead of messing with the linky thing. (I'm not sure about all of that stuff)....I have followed your blog for some time and I know how much you prayed for this baby. I know how you rejoiced when you found out you had conceived. I have seen you prepare your nursery, open gifts, and I know you will be a great mother. Raising kids is not an easy task. I have laughed over the years, but I have also cried many a tear over the years. You will as well. I know your faith in our Savior is what it will take to get you through the rough spots (the teen years mainly, lol). I will continue following throughout the birth process, but I wanted to wish you the best of luck. You are so blessed.
With much love,
Scrapper Mom

The Allens said...

I just got to read all of your posts from the weekend. I am very sorry to hear about your grandfather. Losing my grandfather was one of the most difficult things for me.

I do love the sign Jamie made for Harper's room and you are soooo blessed (I know you know it) to have a wonderful church family. My Sunday School class is very important to me.

Please be safe this week.

Heather said...

Happy shower day, Kelly!!! Thanks for being such a wonderful friend and blessing to all of us! May God get so much glory from all this!!!!

Outnumbered 4 to 1 said...

I just got to get caught up from the weekend. You are a gift to me sent from God! I prayer that I have a faith like yours to know the amazing power of the LORD! Know that I am praying for you!

Amy said...

Hi Kelly! I have never posted here before but I never miss a day of visiting Kelly's Corner. I guess i am what you would call a lurker. I found your blog (I think) through Baby Bangs blog (which I love to read daily as well). I just wanted to thank you for being so open and transparent in sharing your life with us. I too have 2 girls. They are such precious gifts from God. Actually He helped me save my youngest today (literally) as she came toward me choking a marble. Thank you Jesus! Brings tears to my eyes again as I write this. I just love reading about you, Scott, Harper, and all your other family. I even told my husband one day that if something every happened to me he should look you up because you love football so much. He is a Tennessse fan though so I am not sure it would really work out but it sounded good. I read your post to him one night lying in bed, the one about it being the weekend before football season beginning. He fell in love with you at first read I think. He especially loved that you ended your day to ESPN. I also go to sleep by it every night but not for the same reasons you do. I am forced to. :) I am so thankful that the Lord has chosen to bless you all with your sweet baby girl. I am a little bious but I think that girls are the bestest in the world and also tell Scott that he will soon be King in someone's heart. When we were pregnant with our 2nd I asked my husband if he wanted a boy or girl this time and he said without hesitation "Girl!". I couldn't believe it but after thinking about it I just don't think he wanted to share his throne with anyone else here in our home. I have enjoyed getting to "know" you and so think we would hit it off majorly. Too bad we don't live in the same city or area. We are from northeast Tennesssee about 1 1/2 hours up the road from Knoxville. You have inspired me, made me cry, brought me closer to the Lord, made me thankful, made me love my children and husband more and just made my life a little happier with this blog you call Kelly's Korner. Please, please, please enjoy this precious one that is coming. For before you know it she will be big. Cherish all the firsts and the lasts that each day will bring.

Like the previous post I too had my grandfather pass away while I was pregnant with my first and my other grandfather passed away when I was pregnant with my last. It is a stressful time so take care of yourself. I like you though take joy and pride in knowing they are both with the Lord even today.

Well, the one that I saved earlier in the day has once again escaped her crib and is supposed to be taking a nap. I need to go chase her down and get her to sleep. You will be doing this soon enough. Lots of love from Tennessee - Amy C.

PS Sorry to be so long in the post but since we hadn't "met" before I felt like it was okay to be a little long winded. :)

Lauren said...

Have a wonderful blog shower Kelly! You are soooooo loved my friend!!! and little Harper too!!! Be blessed today girl and sorry to hear about your grandfather. My prayers are with you and your family.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly. I found my way over here from Katie's blog. I hope you have a wonderful shower and enjoy all the love that is being sent your way! You've been blessed!

Mrs.D said...


What a neat idea for the Bloggy Baby have such sweet friends!

Since my blog is private I won't do the linky thing but I wanted to let you know that I've found such inspiration and joy from your blog! You give so many couples hope by sharing your story and your faith. I just know you and Scott will be amazing parents to little Harper.

I found your blog a little over a year ago when I really needed to hear that miracles do indeed happen. I also read Jenna's Journey and you both have such positive outlooks on life. Thank you!!

I believe I gave you permission to view my blog but please email me if you can't access it for some reason.

Mrs. D

Jenna said...

I think we should have blog showers every week. They make me so happy!

The Shabby Princess said...

I'm blog-o-world retardo, and I don't think I could get the linky thing to work, so, I just wanted to leave you a note on your blog.
I don't have kids yet, so, I don't have any motherly advice, but, I can tell you that as a daughter to a wonderful mother that I am so grateful for the relationship that we shared. She died tragically when I was 19, but, I am SO grateful for the 19 years I got with her and I know that you will build a wonderful relationship with your daughter. Keep everything, teach her about family, teach her about love... Those are some of the greatest teachings I have from my mother and I'm so happy that I have those. I know you will be a wonderful mother and that Harper will grow up to be a fine woman.

Congratulations on your wonderful adventure to Mommyhood! I'm sure I'll be looking to you for advise when the time comes for me :)

Elizabeth said...

Congratulations & hope you enjoyed your Bloggy Baby Shower. I just wanted to tell you that I admire your faith & you are such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your life with us.

Amanda Ledford said...

I cannot get the mr. linky to work on my computer, so please stop by my blog to see my post dedicated to you!!!!!!!!!!!.html

Betsy said...

Mr. Linky isn't working right now over at Jenna's blog, but I wanted you to know I had fun being a part of your bloggy shower today!!

In the Life of Laura said...

Hi Kelly,
Congratulations on your sweet little one. -Laura

Linda said...

Just had surgery and not thinking too clearly to link and stuff but wanted to take a moment to wish you many blessings as baby girl Harper arrives soon. I felt honored to be a part of praying for her. You are a true testimony to faithfulness even when it didn't seem to be going your way, you waited for God's way. Thanks for sharing your life with us through blogville.

Kristina said...

Congrats on your showers and I am so sorry for your loss! I know its a mix of emotions. I just started a blog "coming out" about our infertility. Thanks for having the strength to talk about these problems while people like myself suffered alone! NO MORE...check me out!

Amanda said...

Kelly, my sister Kendra is a faithful reader of your blog and has been tremendously touched and inspired by your story of faith and patience. Thank you for sharing your story and blessing others. I have tears in my eyes as I look at the pictures of all your showers and am so happy for you and your husband. What a precious little miracle Little Harper is and a true testament of faith.

I'm not sure where the New Mommy Advice is supposed to go and I've only been a mom myself for 14 months. But I have to say the best thing I can pass along is to remember the little things. I am so blessed by my blog because it helps me focus on the little tidbits of my daughter's ever changing personality and milestones so that I can share them and pass them on to my family who do not live near us. It makes them feel like they are close and are watching her grow up. It also amazes me when I go back and read my old blog entries just how quickly she grows and learns new things. I love having a blog to go back and read about the precious little things she did when she was younger and is no longer doing them now. Just yesterday I was watching a video of my husband getting her dressed the day after she came home from the hospital. I had forgotten that she used to make little noises that made her sound like a goat. :) It is so true what they say about time flying and how quickly you forget the little things.

May God continue to bless your growing family!

We've Got Scents said...

Sorry I missed out on the shower, even though I tried following directions to link-link-link? Got one part accomplished and never finished:(
Hope you know how very thankful I am for your answered prayers. I think all of your readers are as excited about Baby Harper as you and your family are. What a blessing to see HIS wonderful ways.
I am very sorry about your loss and please know I will pray for your family this week, along with safe travels for all of you.
Blessings always,
Matthew 21:22

Unknown said...

Hi there Kelly, I came upon your blog by way of Ashlie...from Everyday Ashlie (she was linked on your bloggy shower). I just wanted to tell you congrats. Children are the best blessing, the best thing you'll do, and the hardest most rewarding job ever. I thought the bloggy shower thing was so cute. I've never heard of one before. Take care and enjoy that sweet bundle of joy. If you like, stop by my blog tomorrow, I'll be having a giveaway. Take care! By the look way too cute to be pregnant. With my first my nose doubled in size. Oh yeah...I was so worried that it wouldn't go back down. Thankfully it did. It entered the room before my belly did :-) smiles/

a boy a girl and a pug said...

I'm so bummed. I was so looking forward to your sweet bloggy shower and then completely missed it. I hope you had an amazing time getting to read everyone's comments. You've blessed us all by sharing your journey and I cannot wait to see Miss Harper's first blog picture. No doubt that you will be wonderful parents and raise her in a home surrounded by more love and a confidence in such a loving Lord. Happy Shower day Kelly!