Harper should weigh about 3.75 lbs by now. A little more than this sack of potatoes.
We are getting so close. I read last night in "What to expect when you are expecting" about how to deliver the baby myself if I am in an emergency situation. Let's just hope it never comes to that - because they instructions they gave on pulling the baby out myself nearly put me in an early grave. :-)
I went to the doctor today and I am measuring right where I should be. I will now start going every 2 weeks. Yikes!

Thank you so much for everyone who took part of my Blog Baby Shower. It was soooo neat and fun! I loved reading all of your kind words. It was a little overwhelming actually. When I got home tonight - Scott was in the middle of reading all the posts. I think he secretly loves blogs as much as I do.
LOVE that hat and that dress! Harper is going to look PRECIOUS in that!
I am so sorry I didn't get the chance to participate in your bloggy shower today!! I've been reading your blog everyday for about a year now, and greatly admire your faith! Thank you for being so supportive those of us still waiting for our blessings. It was completely selfless of you, giving us the gift of prayers! I know you are going to be a GREAT Mom!! The take home outfit you got for Harper is so precious. I wish you and Scott all the best, and can't wait to see Harper soon!
I have enjoyed reading all the blog posts for your bloggy shower today!! What great advice and what a blessing to have so many people praying for you and your family!!
Many, MANY Blessings ~
PS ~ Kennedy made her debut on the Grand 'Ol Opry stage when she was just 10 days old wearing that SAME EXACT dress! My husband was singing there that night and took her out to the middle of the stage and 'introduced' her to the world!
A sack of taters! How cute.
You're going to have to keep doing weekly updates on your belly going DOWN after the baby... HA!!!!
I was blessed by all the shower wishes for you and Scott.
Exciting! I remember crying my eyes out when you held up that sign that said "I'm pregnant!" so I cannot WAIT for her to be here so we can see pictures. She will be so beautiful!
The dress. The hat. I'm pretty sure those two things plus the adorable baby girl who will be wearing them will make the adorable meter bust wide open! So precious!
I had so much fun at the blog shower and everyone's posts and comments were just amazing! It really was perfect.
And I love that Scott is a closet blog lover. I'm thinking maybe a Daddy-blog?? :)
Love you, friend!
Alright, so the hat is so stinkin' cute!!! I LOVE the flower! I might just have to steal that idea for my little one on the way!! Congrats again! I am now hooked on your blog!
That is the sweetest little dress ever! I can't believe how close it's getting for you. It will be no time at all. You look great, sister!
I am ABSOLUTELY DYING about that hat! It is the MOST PRECIOUS thing!!
So funny about your closet reader in your house! I think deep down everyone in this world loves blogs! How could you not?!?!
Love you and your black dress. You really do look great! You're just glowing! Love Harper's little dress and hat as well. It's crazy how cute she will look!
I remember when I read that part in What to Expect and I told my parents jokingly about it at lunch one day and my dad decides to tell me that people deliver babies in taxi cabs all the time so I needed to pay attention. Like when in the heck was I going to be in a taxi?
Just the sweetest little outfit - love that hat! You're looking pretty radiant girl!
I remember the dilemma what to bring my baby girl home in 20 years ago! Do you know that unless I look at the photographs, I can't remember exactly?? And I swore I wouldn't forget any detail. There's just too much to remember!
Hi Kelly! I am not sure how I ran across your blog, but have loved reading about your new little one coming soon! I have enjoyed all of your recipes and hope to try some soon!
Best of luck with the new one coming!
Harper will look perfect in that little dress and hat!
The book "What to expect..." totally freaked me out too. I had to stop reading it. It made me irrational, as if I wasn't already! hahaa
That is such a sweet hat! It will be perfect for Harper to wear home from the hospital...much better than the hat they give you in the hospital. :)
Choosing a special coming home outfit is something I missed with D. He came to us in an old Winnie the Pooh sleeper gown that had stains on it...it was the saddest thing. But now I have fun picking out cute little man outfits for him to wear!
That is the best hat!
You look wonderful! It's awesome that you've documented how you've grown each month- you will treasure that forever.
I came home from the hospital wearing that same sweet dress and my mom saved it so my little girl (now almost 3) was able to wear it home from the hospital too. What special memories!!! I'm sure you will share the same precious memories with your sweet little Harper when she arrives.
You're looking so cute! Glad you had fun at your shower yesterday :)
Oh my goodness, that little hat is so precious! It will be fun to see what Harper looks like, esp. since you were saying that you and Scott have such different "colorings." It's funny, because I just think of you as blonde, period. Way back when you showed a picture of you and a bunch of other girls (maybe a sorority pic??), I seriously couldn't find you in it! It wasn't until you showed a picture later on of you with dark hair with a couple other people that I realized you had naturally dark hair. I *never* would have recognized you in the big group pic I don't think.
And, yeah, I hope you don't have to give birth alone or in the car or anything...I was totally worried about that, too! Eeek!
I read that part in What to Expect last week. I am keeping that part from my husband. He'd want to go ahead and go to the hospital now and just wait for the baby to come there to avoid any chance of a home (or car) delivery!
Precious going home outfit!
I love the hat for Harper! She is going to look adorable!
PS-how about your boots? fabulous... simply fabulous!
That dress is absolutely precious - but do not be surprised when she absolutely swims in it at first. You will be shocked at HOW BIG those 0-3 months clothes look for the first several weeks. I went ahead and got a few preemie things just so they would look like they fit on both of my girls!!
That dress a hat are adorable. What a precious going-home outfit!
When Carter was born I was expecting a dark hair little boy with dark eyes and we got a dark hair boy (which later turned to blond!) with bright blue eyes...I was so excited because I always wanted a blue eyed baby. Josh and I both have dark eyes so I was expecting dark eyes but both of our dad's have blue eyes...My dad passed away when I was 7, and Carter having blue eyes felt like a special gift from him.
No matter what color her eyes are they will be the most beautiful you have ever seen!
So sweet! She will look just angelic!
I love that dress and that hat is so cute!! I love the little flower. She will look absolutely amazing.
I know I've said it a thousand times but I cannot believe how fast your pregnancy has seemed to fly by!!
Again, You look great and that dress is so beautiful and that hat is precious! You will NOT have to deliver her yourself....no worries! I can't wait to see what she looks like, either!!!!
Did I tell you that Becca delivered Elinor herself? I mean, with help from the midwife, of course.
I'm going to have to stop reading your blog b/c it is giving me baby fever.
YOu look great! That is funny about delivering yourself...I don't think I could have done that! It was hard enough with all the people there helping me!
That is a really sweet outfit...I was so ready to be home(they didn't let my dr know I had delivered b/c I had her on a sunday-don't let that happen btw call the doc yourself if you have too:)) that we didn't really do the whole coming home outfit..she was so small everything I had swallowed her.
Kelly, you look so beautiful!!! You are just all baby and have that beautiful pregnancy glow!
It's weird how they do things so differently... I am now at 28 weeks and 3 days and now have to go to the doctor every 2 weeks and then every week at 35 weeks. Strange.
I love the dress for Harper! It's beautiful! I can't wait to see pictures of her in it! I am just so excited for you!!!
That little hat is just precious ;)! I can't wait to see all of the pics that will be taken!!!
Love the dress and the hat! Soo cute!!
Derek is a closet blog lover, too! Ha! That hat is PRECIOUS!
How exciting! You're getting so close! I absolutely love her coming home outfit! Precious!
You still look great! Can't wait to see pics of this famous little girl! :)
Oh and I hope you do not have to deliver yourself! Whew, that would be tough!
Oh, that little dress!!! She's going to look like a beautiful little January (OR December!) snowflake coming home in that--it's so delicate and sweet! I was thinking the other day about what she'd look like--coloring, hair, etc.! I'm wondering if we'll have one more that looks just like R & A (since they look like twins as far as hair, coloring & eyes), or if this one will look totally different with red hair or dark wavy brown hair like Lane's!?! It will be so fun to see her! Rhett's hair was a lot darker when he was born than it actually turned out to be. And Dad tried to convince himself and everyone else that A's hair was red, but I think he was seeing things! ha ha!
aww, look at u!! soo adorable! What's amazing is that when i was born, i only weighed 4lbs 8 oz. I was supposed to be born the end of march and my mom went into labor and was put on bedrest in Jan. I was born Feb. 9th, weighing almost what little Harper does now and turned out fine!I had jet-black hair, which no one believe now since I have strawberry-dirty-blonde hair that's natural and could only wear Cabage Patch doll clothes or patterns made for 20" long dolls. :) sooo cool to see now! haha...
thx for the amazingly sweet comment on my blog. You were actually the 2nd person to know b/c I told Josh 1st! haha.... but i am so amazed at you and your walk w/ God. You are truly a daily inspiration! Love ya.. and i hope u do think of me each time Harper wears her little Hogs outfit!
It won't be too long, Kelly! you look so cute! And I love the dress for Baby Harper. It is precious! AWW!
oh, I'm SO happy for you! I can't wait to see baby Harper!
Wow you really look adorable. Such a cute little bump. You just might get your blue eyes. Of my 4 daughters 3 are blue. So much for my brown gene dominating.
It's not long now!!! :)
Love the hat
Love the dress
Harper is
So very Blessed!
Kelly -- Your excitement is contagious! Whether Harper has blue eyes and blond hair -- brown eyes with brown hair -- blue eyes with brown hair -- brown eyes with blond hair .. She is going to be goregous, I mean look at her mom! =)
that dress is just beautiful-and the hat-love it! where did you get it? I cannot wait to see your precious Harper-she is going to be gorgeous!
I've said this a million time, but you just might be the cutest pregnant girl ever!!
That is an awesome dress to bring her home in! If you go to my blog, I did a post, April of this year about my little girl's room. I have that same exact dress (or one very close to it that is the same brand) shadow boxed. She wore it home 3 years ago. I wore it 34 years ago! Is the dress Harper is wearing new or a famliy tradition? I love that some of the traditional styles never change! My second daughter is wearing a Feltman Brothers dress home form the hospital. It, too, was mine. The daygowns you buy today look just like the ones from years past. Of course, mine is a little worn and the lace is discolored! You look great by the way! I am 29 weeks and I have to start going back every 2 weeks now. I can't wait to see pictures of your precious baby girl. I am glad to see you are having fun decorating and dressing her already! You are just glowing with happiness!!!
How precious is that dress and hat??? And, I love what you said about Scott...I can just picture him reading blogs =)
What a sweet dress and hat. Harper is going to be beautiful~I just know it!
Aw.. that little dress and hat is sooo adorable!!!! You look great prenant, all belly, you look like you have gained hardly nothing!!!
What a cute dress ! It is getting so close and so exciting!
Hey girl!! I love the hat and dress for Harper to wear home... soo sweet and sooo girlie! You look amazing, as always! You're almost there!!!!
I just recently found your blog and have loved getting to "know" you...lol, I even ended up eating at MiMi's cafe today and I just had to take my picture :) Can't wait for Harper to get here, such a beautiful name!
Kelly, you are an amazing woman. I am so happy for you and can't wait for you to hold baby Harper in your arms. The hat and dress are beautiful. Karie
Love that little sweet hat! I a m SO sorry I didn't get to do the blog shower...these last two days have been INSANE!!! I will either right my encouragement, advice, etc. and email it to you...or if it's not to late, I'll just add it to Jenna's later this week!
32 weeks, almost there!! How exciting! Found your blog somehow, and I just love following along.
Hi Kelly! I'm so excited for you as you countdown the weeks til Harper makes her debut. I'm a new mother (I have 2 under 16 months!!) and parenting and motherhood is wonderful. I've read your blog for a few months now and thought I'd take the time to finally leave a comment. I love your site. You've inspired me to start my own! Check it out at enjoyingevanandemmaeveryday.blogspot.com
God bless you! I stumbled upon your blog from Jennifer Francis. I have to share that my story is alot like yours. We tried for a little over 2 years before we seeked medical help. We weren't very successful with drugs or artificial insemination either. We took a few months break to pray and watch for God's leading. In November of 2007 we proceeded with IVF. Thanks to my God it was successful with twins on the first try. I had them 11 weeks early but my God had angels around them in the NICU for 6 weeks and now they are 5 and half months old. Motherhood is everything and then some that we longed for it to be. My heart yearns for those who are stuggling. Congratulations you will love being a mother. Check out my blog www.girlytwinsmom.blogspot.com
Sisters in Christ,
You my dear are way too adorable!
I saw a baby in a hat like that the other day! There are no words for the cuteness!! Can't wait to see the pics of your Harper in hers! I missed your bloggy baby shower! :( My advice would be get the book "Baby Wise" or "Preparation for Parenting" by Gary and Ann Marie Ezzo and follow their schedule.(start looking at it now! So you'll have a clue what to do once she gets here!) It worked so well for us on both babies and gave me so much peace about motherhood and knowing what my boys needed. You are so lucky being where you are! I remember those days sooo fondly. Enjoy them!!!
I have recently just started reading your blog and I have to say how wonderful it and how inspiring it is to read daily. I was born and raised in Arkansas and would probabley still be there if it wasn't for my husband. We just moved to Texas 2 years ago and My heart is still in AR. I enjoy reading about your AR moments it brings a smile to me face. :) Congrats on your new journey with Harper.
Kelly so sorry to hear about your precious grandfather. Hope you had a safe trip to dallas.
Kelly, you look great my friend!! You give me hope for 32 weeks!! I hope I'm still rockin some killer boots by then like you :) I'm sorry I didn't make it over to the blog shower on Monday...Can I just tell you what I would have written?
You were such an encouragement to me when I found your blog. My girlfriend told me about you, shortly after our miscarriage and I remember hopping on your blog and immediately feeling a connection with you. I believe you had just posted something about infertility and I felt like you were speaking to me. I left you a comment and in true Kelly style, you responded right back with more than just a casual hello. You were sweet to write me an encouraging and uplifting email and to add me to your prayer list. I always think of you and the many other people the Lord used to pave the way for this baby of mine to be conceived. I LOVE following your story and seeing how the Lord is heaping blessings on you and Scott right now. We can't wait for Harper to get here and to stare her mommy down :) What sweeter face will there be for her to look at than yours and Scotts? Thank you for being a great blog-friend...If I lived any closer to you I'd love to sit down and have lunch with you :) Congratulations sweet Kelly! You are a blessing to me!
I love the "going home" outfit! The hat is adorable!
OK Kelly.....I am a little worried! It is not like you not to post for a few days! Are you OK???
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