Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tea for Four

Today I met three friends for lunch at one of my favorite places - Crumpet Tea Room. YUM!
This is my sweet friend Rachel. She is one of the most genuinely nice people I've ever met in my life. I love being around her. (and yes - I have on the same brown dress from this weekend - I haven't switched out my closet yet so I'm limited on what I have to wear these days.)

This is Maegan and Jenna. They are so much fun to be with. Maegan and Rachel both have two little ones so they are good to give advice to me and Jenna! We should have got a picture of me and Jenna and our bellies! (next time Jenna!)
This is what I get every time I go to Crumpet - chicken salad, fruit with poppyseed dressing and the yummiest orange roll you will ever taste. I have eaten this meal so many times since I got pregnant. OH HELLO Heaven on a plate!!

Thank you for all of your prayers and concern. As I was leaving lunch - my sweet nurse called me. Luckily everything is fine. (Warning - this is TMI) I had some protein in my urine (I can't believe I just put that word on my blog) yesterday so they had me re-test. I was so concerned because that is an early sign of pre-clampsia and I'm SO terrified to get that and have the baby early. But it was just possibly a small infection and I've got an antibiotic to take as a precaution and Harper and I are still healthy. I keep telling myself that no matter how HUGE and uncomfortable I get - I will not complain when I get to 39 and 40 weeks because I will just be thankful I have made it that far. (even though I think Harper may weigh 10 pounds). ha!

Guess what tonight is??? Two of my favorite things - A date at the salon for a hair cut and color and "Biggest Loser". What more could a girl ask for? :-)


Melissa said...


I am so glad all is well! I was praying for you this morning.

You must feel a great sense of relief. You are so funny that you posted "that word" on your blog. I would have been embarrassed too.... :-)


Jamie said...

Glad to hear that you girls are doing well. You are right... Be proud of being big at week 39, 40 and in my case this last time. Week 41. Yikes!! :)

LOVE YOU A GOOGLE... said...

I am glad everything is okay. As a mom with two emergency deliveries, take care of yourself and take care of Baby Harper. :) You wlil be surprised how fast 39-40 weeks will pass! That lunch looks divine! I need to make a trip to the tea room. :) I told hubby there are so many places I see on the blog that our next Fayetteville trip we need to try, we always go to the same pizza place! Glad it is good news from your doctor. I was praying for you and baby Harper.

Heather said...

So glad everything is good....I am praying! I know God will be faithful to you and sweet baby Harper! That lunch looks delish! :)

Jenna said...

Kelly, I am so glad everything turned out ok!!

Dear Harper,

I know you can't wait to come out and be greeted by so much love and attention, and believe us - we can all barely wait to see your adorable face! But hang in there girl and keep up the good work growing and getting bigger inside your sweet mommy. We promise we won't party too hard before you make your appearance. What is a party without the guest of honor anyway?? See you in January!!

All of your blog aunts :-)

Meredith said...

OOO I do love the Crumpet Tea Room! It is soo good! Glad everything is good with you and the baby! I do love that Razorback dress!

Julia said...

First of all I wouldn't have noticed it was the same dress if you hadn't mentioned! You look cute all the time (p.s. I always wear the same thing on Monday that I wore to church on Sunday). Second of all, I am so glad that you were able to take care of your problem with antibiotics, isn't modern medicine wonderful??? Have fun at the salon. I'll be watching TBL also!!!

Kara said...

Kelly, I am so happy that everything turned out OK! I will continue praying for you and little Harper! That lunch looks DELICIOUS and how fun to share it with great friends and you look great! Harper has one beautiful Mama! :-)

Katie said...

I'm glad to hear that all is well! I woke up at about 2:30 am (grr...pregnancy insomnia...) last night and was reading, and all of the sudden, I thought about you and little Harper and prayed. I had something like that with Amelia, and I was so scared it was the start of pre-eclampsia, but fortunately mine wasn't either. I know that can be scary. And I don't remember if I commented on the last post, but those boots are so cute! Where did they come from?

Julie said...

I ATE AT A CRUMPET TEA ROOM WHEN I WAS THERE THIS PAST WEEKEND!!! I had chicken salad but I didn't have the fruit. I must come back now!!

I am so thankful you and Harper are okay. I was so worried this morning and anxious to hear. Praise God!!!

Lulu said...

I had preeclampsia and my little boy was born at 36 weeks (which is a blessing in itself that it wasnt earlier). So, I am always paranoid for other pregnant women that I know of. I am so glad things are good. Looks like your lunch was yummy!!

Missy said...

from one mom who has gone through gestational hypertension (which, is yet another early sign of pre eclampsia) i'm thinking and praying for you and lil' miss harper. glad to hear the news is good news and all is well. here's to continued health and happiness during these next few months that will go by ever so quickly!

Jacquie said...

I love Jenna's comment to sweet Harper!

I'm glad everything is well, too! I keep you in my prayers.

Tonight is my favorite night on TV! Looking forward to seeing what Jillian and Bob put those poor people through this week!

Carry Grace said...

I'm glad everything turned out good. Enjoy your night at the salon and date with biggest loser. I won't be home tonight to watch, thank God for DVR's.

Jill said...

Yea for good news today! And, I do love a good tea room! If you're ever in Dallas, I have two really great ones to recommend.

The Allens said...

I am so glad to hear that all is well!

Kendra said...

I have been praying for you and Harper! I am so glad to hear everything is well. Will keep praying she cooks in there until AT LEAST 38 weeks. =-)

Robyn Beele said...

I am glad to hear everything was okay!

Natasha said...

Kelly, you are so funny! Thank you for brightening up my day!

LSU Melanie said...

I am so glad to hear everything is fine and that ya'll are doing well!!! I cant wait for the biggest loser!!!

MaierHousehold said...

Glad to hear that everything is okay!


That plate of food...looks...YUMMY!!!

Elise said...

I'm so glad everything turned out alright! Your blog is one of my favorites, your weekly pictures with fruit and veggies are too cute, I can only imagine the cute pictures you will come up with once Harper is born!

Staci said...

Yay! Glad to hear Haper is doing fine! And thanks for the update on your urine :) Just kidding!!

So looking forward to Biggest Loser!!

Mike, Kacy & Wells said...

I love that lunch. Anytime you get the craving, let me know!!

Kaitlyn said...

I am so glad to hear you are o.k. :) If your infection was a UTI and they are safe for pregnant women, I'd suggest cranberry pills-- they work wonders for me!

Also, your lunch looks SO yummy.

Lianna Knight said...

I am so glad everything came back fine...you had us worried!!!

And by the way...you should change your post to Tea for 6...to include Harper and Brayden of course :)

Jennifer said...

I am so glad to hear that you are just on an antibiotic for the extra protien. I can tell you that pre-e is NO FUN as I had it with the twins!!!! But, you are being closly monitored and look great! Have a good week!!!!

julie & joe said...

I am so glad things are fine. We have friend who had their baby almost 3 months early for that reason but their son is doing very well and will hopefully be home this week after 5 weeks in NICU

Katie said...

Kelly, I have always wanted to eat at the Crumpet Tea Room! Looks like you girls had fun.

Glad to hear everything is going well!

Thanks for praying for me!

Hailey said...

glad everything turned out well. i'll keep you in my prayers.

CathyBB said...

I'm so glad everything is okay!

And don't worry - if Harper does weigh 10 lbs. when she's born, that will be okay, too! My personal theory is, "big babies are happy babies!" It worked for us, anyway! =)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad everything is okay! I had a 10 pound baby- you can handle it. :) But maybe she'll be more like 7.

Amanda Ledford said...

PTL everything is ok! I have been praying for you all day!

Unknown said...

I am so glad everything turned out ok. I had a similar experience and was put on a week of 1/2 bedrest. I was further along than you but it turned out that I was only pretty dehydrated. My doctor recommended a gallon of water per day! Yes, it's a lot!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad everything is ok!

Gracie Beth said...

I am so glad that everything turned out fine!

Anonymous said...

Kelly I am SO happy everything is OK with you AND Harper. I found your blog from Angies blog and I am SO thankful you are getting your dream of a beautiful baby girl.

Just curious, how do you and Angie know each other?

please email me andreao711@Hotmail.com. I am moving to fayetteville in about 6 months.

Faith said...

So glad that you and sweet Harper are okay! Praise the Lord!

P.S. I love Jenna's comment!

Jennifer said...

I'm so glad everything is ok! I prayed for you and your sweet baby while I was up feeding my sweet baby in the middle of the night.

I just can't wait for her to get here!

The Garners said...

So thankful to hear that everything was okay with your test! I thought about you all day!

Wish I could have joined you for that yummy lunch--I probably would have ordered that exact same thing!

The Proctors said...

I'm so thankful that everything turned out ok! I will continue to pray for you and Harper! I wanted to let you know that I had the same thing happen when I was pregnant with Landon. I think I was closer to my due date but they determined that I just needed to drink more water. Maybe I was a little dehydrated?? Your lunch looks so yummy!!

RJTrue said...

I just started reading your blog today. I found you through Douglas Drama. I'm so glad I did. I promise I'm not psycho but I've been reading for the last 20 minutes and probably could spend even more time doing so!

Congrats on the pregnancy! I bet it's a very exciting time! And I love the name, too! Blessings to you and little baby over the next several weeks! I'm sure I'll be back to read some more!!!

Megan L Hutchings said...

Sweet Kelly ~ I am so glad that everything is a okay with you and Harper ;)!

Also, that meal looks DIVINE!!!!

LyndsAU said...

So glad you and Harper are healthy!! :) Really cute pics of your luncheon!

Jennifer Mills said...

YUMMY!!! I love the Crumpet Tea Room! I use to go there all the time growing up, back when we lived there!! That picture of your food looks delicious! That is what I always get too! :)

The Robbins Family said...

That is too funny! I get the exact same meal at Crumpet also. I just love that place.
God's hand really is in your pregnancy. Isn't He amazing!?