Tonight we had a baby shower for a girl in our Sunday School class, Erin. She is expecting little Kinley Clare in 3 weeks!! Of course I'm thinking that Kinley and Harper will probably be very good friends one day!

We had the shower at this little heart breaker's house (and his mom

We had lots of good food - yummy cheese balls, mini pigs in a blanket (I literally could have ate the whole platter) and my wraps and these cute little cupcakes that look like baby rattles.

This is my pretty friend Elizabeth. She is one of my favorite people ever. Her twin sister is getting married this weekend so I was glad she was able to come anyway.

Here is Erin opening some of her cute baby gifts

Laurie and Berkli

Vonda and Robin

Robin made these awesome cookies. Are they not the cutest things you have ever seen? I'm trying to get her to open a bakery. Seriously - our town does not have a good bakery. The closest one is 20-30 minutes away. It's the one thing I think our town needs more than anything. Now that we know Robin has this secret talent of making cookies - she is going to be in trouble at all future events!

The three pregnant girls at the shower - due in January, November and March - having two girls and a boy! Our babies will be crying in the nursery at church together soon! :-)
Those cookies are awesome! Looks like you guys had fun!
Look at your cute pregnant self!!
Those cookies look tooo good
And get ready, I have a couple paintings ahead of you - But I will be emailing you 89 times in the next few days so we can get your painting going!
What a CUTE shower! Everything looked great and that food looks soooo yummy! As always you look super cute and are just glowing. Have a great weekend!
All those bumps - I wouldnt have enough hands to rub all those bellies for good luck!!!
And those cookies!!!! OH MY!!!!! Yeah - you need to get her to open a bakery - they are the cutest cookies I've seen for a shower. Too sweet!!!
Those cookies are adorable!!
Really cute photos, so glad you share them with us. Kelly, I am SO loving having another baby. I was so shocked and even a little scared at first (like, ok, now I see how pregnant teens feel...what am I going to do with 5? How will I tell Ross? etc. but of course trusting God that it was His plan) and NOW I can't imagine life without him, or even a day without him. I keep thinking of you and how much you are enjoying your pregnancy...pregnancy is like a fun weekend, having that sweet baby is like a free trip to Hawaii!!! Just for a reference point. You are going to love it ALL so much. I love you!!!! You look great. Ok, that was a long post.
There was a massive amount of adorableness in these pictures, my friend. I love it all!
But the award for the cutest thing in the whole post definitely goes to Harper's mama!!! :)
Everything looks yummy!!!
Yes, your friend should get into the cookie business. I'd order for sure! :)
Everything about this baby shower was perfect! Erin is so blessed to have such wonderful friends to surround her and baby Kinley. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the cupcake rattles...I'm totally stealing that idea for the next baby shower I help with!
MMMM That food looks yummee!!!!!
How cute you three prenant beauties are. What a Blessed time.
Praying for you,
Those cookies are adorable. Every town needs a good bakery. We have 2 that are pretty good and I have a friend who runs a business out of her home making the cutest cookies, cakes, and other goodies! She should go for it!
She made those cookies!?! WOW.
Looks like a fun evening!!! I have to remember some of these ideas for the next baby shower I host!!!
Those cookies are beautiful! I think she should open a bakery...and have a mail order so I can buy some! I bet they tasted as good as they looked!
Everything looks great! I love those cookies...I so wish I could decorate mine like that! I have worked and worked and worked on my sugar iced sugar cookie recipes and still have not mastered it (heck, I haven't even come close!!). Those are incredibly perfect! And whose idea was the cupcakes? That is adorable and so creative!
I love how there seems to be mini baby booms in churches. It is so neat there will be several babies close to Harper's age and several prospects for future boyfriends!! That little man is adorable.
I always love to see the showers you guys host. There are so nice and pretty. It gives me great ideas!! Now I need to find someone to host a shower for!!
You have to get Robin to share her secret for the icing on the cookies. I have tried and cant get it that smooth!
Looks like you girls had a fun time. You are right - those are some cute cookies.
Very cute cookies!! That gal has some serious talent!!
You are the three cutest mommy's! Robin made those cookies?!?!? I can't believe it. She really is a pro and you are right...she really needs to go into business. However, a backery is a really hard business to have...she should do it from home and be with her little boy! Kelly, every shower you are involved in is always SUPER CUTE!
I'm with Anonymous - I've been trying to figure out a good recipe to use for sugar cookies like that. Maybe she would be kind enough to share her recipe?
The shower looks so fun!
Those cookies look perfect--wow, she DOES need to open a bakery!!! Everything looks good--how did you like the wraps? I like the olive on top--I want to do that next time I make them.
The shower looks like it was a lot of fun! Your Sunday School class is like ours, lots of pregnant girls! I love it!
The cookies look like they came from Rick's! Robin did an amazing job!
Y'all do the cutest baby showers up there in Arkansas! I love all the decorations! And you're right, Robin should definitely go into business! I hear that type of icing is really hard to get right, and she did a great job! The nursery at your church will be overflowing with cuties in a few months!
Such a cute blog! I found it from another blogger and am glad I stumbled upon it. Have a great weekend =)
I love reading about all of the showers you have been attending ;)! SO MUCH FUN!!!
Those cookies are also too cute ;)!
That plate was too cute. Saw them in Michaels the other day, and after seeing these pictures I'm getting all kids of ideas. Plus, love the cookies. If she opens a bakery she must ship!
Those cookies look fab! But I can't get over those cupcakes, either! What a GREAT idea!!
Elizabeth=one of my favorite people ever as well!
You look so cute Kelly, can't wait to see pics from your baby shower!
Who makes cookies like that...looks like it takes much more patience than I would be willing to give.
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