Harper's bedding came today!!!

I could hardly wait to come home so I could see it. I've been so nervous about how it would turn out and I was so afraid I would not like it. But I LOVE IT!!!!!! I might or might not have done a little happy dance in the nursery when I finished putting it on. :-) It's even better than I pictured in my head. I had it made here.
(Thanks to "anonymous" who noticed in my original pictures that my sides were upside down. I'm crazy - I was in such a hurry to get it put together - I didn't even realize - but I DID think it looked kind of funny)
(Thanks to "anonymous" who noticed in my original pictures that my sides were upside down. I'm crazy - I was in such a hurry to get it put together - I didn't even realize - but I DID think it looked kind of funny)

I also got a package from Julie - she sent me this sweet little onesie and bib that say "His little lamb". PRECIOUS! And this neat willow tree figurine of an angel holding a baby.

LOVE the bedding!!!!!! It is fabulous! Harper is going to love it! Have a great weekend and Happy Birthday to Dawson! :-)
The bedding is very cute! I knew it would be! I know you cannot wait til Harper can sleep in it! And your jacket is very cute!
I bought the same $15 jacket, but in brown! (I bought a red one like it last year for $75... boo!) I was pumped to find them this year at WM!
I love her bedding. How precious!
Harper's bedding is beautiful! It really looks good.
Have fun at the game, and I hope Dawson has a good birthday.
I am definitely going to Wal-Mart to look for that coat- I love it! You know what I love more, though? HARPER'S BEDDING!!! Oh. my. goodness. It is FABULOUS! I love that Willow Tree figure, too. GO HOGS! Have a great weekend!
Hi Kelly,
I just LOVE LOVE LOVE the bedding!!
I've been reading your blog for a couple of months now and it always makes me smile. You are just the happiest blogger!!! :) I found you while reading Angie Smith's blog. I just love seeing everything you get for Miss Harper. Aren't girls just the BEST!!! I have 2 of my own---Elisabeth and Emily---not babies any more though---they are 10 and 7 now. Just wanted to say hi to another southern gal! (I'm from Baton Rouge)
Have a fun weekend!
The bedding is beautiful!! Are the side bumpers upside down? There is no cording across the top.
I love your bedding!!
Headed to Wally World for that coat!!
oh my gosh - I love that bedding! Perfect timing - I'm so glad you got it in for me to get the full effect!
Love the bedding. It is so pretty. I hope your Hogs win.
Have a great weekend.
Oh my goodness Kelly! Harper's bedding is too cute!
I hope Dawson has a very Happy 6th Birthday! He looks so cute all wrapped up in the blanket.
Go Hogs! Beat Houston Nutt!
Soooooooo VERY cute!
The bedding is adorable. I love the lime green accent. It's perfect. It might be cute with a lime green sheet, too? SO CUTE!
The bedding is beautiful! I think a light pink sheet would look beautiful. Get several. We went through sheets like crazy!
Happy Birthday to our little grand dog Dawson! Can't believe you are six already! I guess you will be going to school next fall after your new baby sister, Harper, gets here, right? Nonnie
Harper is going to be so stylish!!!!
I love your bedding, it is so cute!! Also, happy birthday to Dawson, he is so adorable!!
She is going to be the most stylin' baby ever!! Such cute bedding :)
It looks so good!!!Have fun at the Hog game. Looks like you will be warm...love the coat! :)
It's beautiful!
Love the bedding. Perfect. Harper is on the way to being a hip chick!
Love the red puffy coat..It will look great in you in all your prego-ness...the bedding..well Harper will be dreaming of peppermint icecream with hot fudge topping..yum!!!
Hey did you hear that Lisa Marie named her new girl baby Harper???
The bedding is beautiful!! I love how it turned out.
Dawson is so cute with his blanket. Calie has one that she buries herself under when she's cold...it's so cute!
Wow- that bedding is adorable!I love all the little custom touches in her nursery :)
I LOVE THE BEDDING!! so precious!!! GO HOGS!!!
The bedding is gorgeous!! Good Job little mama! :)
LOVE Harper's bedding and your jacket!! You look great! Can you believe she will be here soon? Miss you!
Ok...I seriously may copy you and go buy the same coat for the game! I LOVE her bedding!!!
LOVE the bedding!! So adorable! I love seeing your nursery come together! Thanks for sharing with all of us!!!
Happy Birthday to Dawson =-)
Love the bedding! Cute coat! Better make a quick trip to walmart in the morning before we go tailgate!
Hope Dawson enjoyed his bday dinner!
Love Harper's bedding!!
I wish I'd had that puffer jacket at the rally today. I hope you like the cold better than I do... well, you will have those pregnancy hormones helping out!
Good luck, Kelly, on the game tomorrow! Ole Miss gave us a run last weekend!
The bedding is PERFECT!!! So sweet! She'll be snoozing away in that cute bed really REALLY sooooon!!!!!!!!!!
LOVE the bedding! Turned out adorable!
I ordered mine last week, and I'm hoping to get it by the end of November!
LOVE the bedding...LOVE you...and LOVE Harper!!!! :)
Dawson is so cute! His girlfriend misses him!
You know I love the puffy coat. I have the exact same one!! And a green one and some other color but I can't remember! :)
Have fun at the game! I could cry right now just thinking I'm not going to get to see you!
Harper's bedding is absolutely precious! I know you are so excited to have her little bed made and ready for her!
Happy Birthday Dawson! Didn't know he and MK shared the same birthday.
Enjoy the game, and try to stay warm in your new cute 'razorback red' jacket!
Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22
I loooove the bedding! I was so happy a few weeks ago to have someone link to Polka Tot Designs! Now that we're pregnant I so want to use them once we find out what we're having in January. Your bedding turned out soo good!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the bedding! It is so cute! I bet you just can't wait to see how sweet little Harper will look sleeping in the bed! It won't be too much longer!
The bedding is gorgeous! I can't wait to see the whole nursery!
Love the bedding.. It is soooo cute! Dawson looks cute in the blanket as well! Can't wait to see your finished nursery!! Have a great Saturday!
Her bedding turned out really cute! I'll have to check out that website. GO HOGS!!!!
Hi Kelly, I've read your blog for months now and felt it a welcoming place to ask for prayers for a grieving family this morning. Last night we were at a local pumpkin patch and an 18 month old little girl was run over by the tractor pulling a trailor in a hayride. The beautiful little girl was killed last night. We were there and saw this tragedy and want to ask all of your readers to pray for that family today. Thanks and God Bless.
Oh my goodness anonymous....we are about to leave for a pumpkin patch and that absolutely breaks my heart!!!! Kelly- LOVE the bedding...too cute!
I think that the crib looks phenominal! You have such an eye for cuteness!
I love the bedding and that coat is so cute and only $15!!
I am so in love with Harper's bedding!!!!!!! You did a great job Kelly. :-)
Can't wait to see baby Harper in her cool crib.
I'll be cheering for the Hogs!!!
Kelly, I love H's bedding. Can't wait to see J's painting hung on the wall. Dawson looks so cozy all wrapped up in the blanket.
The bedding is FAB!!! It fits you and therefore Harper, so well! Too cute!
Have fun at the big game! Don't get too cold!
What a posh crib Miss Harper has! :) I had that pink/brown zebra in my "girl stash" too. Love it! I think the little red coat is cute.
Oh, Kelly, that bedding is JUST PRECIOUS! I can't wait to see it in person, and the little one that will be sleeping there. :)
LOVE the bedding!!! That coat is pretty cute, too! We had 6 free seats in Hog Heaven for the game tonight but we ended up not going because we didn't want to be on the road all night. We're listening to the game right now ont he radio. Hopefully, we'll catch up soon. Go HOGS!!!
The bedding turned out so cute, I love it! Okay, so be honest...how many times have you gone in there today? When I first did Emma's, I wanted to hang out in there all day everyday.
Could there be cuter bedding than that in all the world??? I am gonna have to say NO THERE COULD NOT. I absolutely love everything about it, and it's only missing one thing - the little sweetbabe!
Hope ya'll are having a great weekend! And Happy Birthday to Dawson!! He looks like a little burrito in that blanket. Too cute!
love it
love it
love it
love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
What adorable bedding!! I love it:)
The bedding is fabulous!
It turned out so cute! Glad you like it.
LOVE her bedding!
I love your nursery goodies. We're expecting our 8th grandbaby - a boy - December 31. He has no name yet, but soon I hope. And since his daddy is a high school football coach I suspect the nursery theme will be sports. Since they already have two little girls this will be a big change! blessings, marlene
LOVE the bedding!!!!!
kelly- I love reading your fun blog!!!! Harper's bedding is darling, especially with the monogram! I am doing a fun give away now with fun personalized baby items.. you may want to check it out or pass it to your other pregnant friends. I am also doing a baby shower on Saturday for a girl and taking some of the ideas you just did... How did you get the colored writing on your dress me up plate.. I have only used black dry erase???
The bedding is just perfect ;)!
I love it!!
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