First of all - I love the Bloggy World!!! Thank you for all of your great suggestions on the nursery. I'm the one who did NOT want to paint the ceiling and Scott thought we should so I knew he would listen to the opinions of all my blog friends over me. We will probably just leave it as it is. The idea of painting the ceiling pink is so cute but if we get this one room painted - we will be doing good. I don't want to re-paint and I want to change up the colors as she grows - maybe one day do green and brown or tiffany blue and brown and we would have re-do the ceiling.
First a quick report on date night - we had such a good time but neglected to take any pictures (well - I tried to convice Scott to let us take a picture in a crowded theatre right before it started. I can't believe he said no) ha! We ate at Copelands (one of my favorites) and we sat right next to my mother's lifelong best friend and her husband (up from south AR) and their son and his wife and kids. That was fun to see them. Then we went to see "Fireproof". It is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good! PLEASE go see it! I promise it will want to make you be nicer to your spouse and vice versa! :-) We ran into my dad's first cousin and his wife at the movie so that was fun!Today the hogs took on Florida. We were expecting a loss and we got one but we could actually see some improvement in our hogs and our future is looking brighter. The highlight of the game is I got to meet up with a blogger friend, Heather, at halftime! I look HORRID in this picture but I had to post it because she is so cute and sweet and I'm so glad we met in person. I just realized recently that I went to college with her husband so the blog world just gets smaller all the time.

Emily also came to our house around the same time because Laurie and Steve wanted to go see "Fire proof" - unfortunately it was sold out. So they ended up getting take-out for them and us and coming back to our house to eat with us and hang out. The guys watched football while Laurie and I and the girls visited.

So sorry about your Hogs Kelly, they'll get 'em next time! I think the decision about the ceiling is a wise one also. Less work & you can change it later if need be. Wow you do have a busy Sunday ahead! Also, I think there could be no better role model for those Senior girls than YOU! You'll do GREAT! I will be sending your "thank you" gift your way Monday! Take Care!
I'm so glad y'all got to see "Fireproof." I wish everybody would. Even for single people, it has such a beautiful message! Copeland's is the restaurant that Mike took me to on our first date...I love it!
I think it is so cute and sweet that your momma is always hauling in stuff for little Miss Harper! It's so exciting to see anticipation for a baby in soon-to-be grandparents!
Enjoy tomorrow with the 12th graders. See past the cute figures, confident smiles and cute outfits. Please see that they are insecure, wondering what God has for them, wondering if they have what it takes, wondering if they are skinny enough, pretty enough, smart enough.... You are a smart beautiful woman who has the chance to give them some words of wisdom and a heart to listen to their struggles and concerns. Thanks for working with youth...they deserve so much love and attention!
You're right, Kelly! I think your Hogs are improving too!! We watched the game on TV. Maybe next year!!
I think you look so cute in your maternity-wear.
Sorry your team lost. It is always good though to see improvement.
Just curious, what is Stepping Up?
IN the pic of you and your blog friend, are you wearing the same necklace? (it looks like it, but I could not tell for sure)
Have a good time tomorrow with the SR High girls, they will LOVE you.
What a fun (but busy!) day! Love all the pictures--you look so cute. I'm sorry that L & S didn't get to see the movie, but isn't that great news that a movie like that would be sold out!? Maybe they can go next week! Have a good Sunday!
I am dying to see that movie. Thanks for posting the trailer! Glad you had a fun date night...but now food pics?!?! hee hee!!
oooh...12th grade girls would totally freak me out, and i'm in my 30s! why am i weird like that? :0)
I just happened by your blog and I wanted to say hello. When I was pregnant for my son, my husband and I both loved the name Harper. I wanted to name the baby Harper if it was a girl (we didn't find out the gender until he was born) and he liked the name for a boy. We ended up naming our son Cohen because I refused to name a boy "Harper" seeing as its growing in popularity as a girl's name. I can't wait to show him this blog...I am always telling him every time I hear of a little girl named Harper- still making the case for the next baby to come *grin*
Anyway, that's random...but I love the name! And by the way, you look great in the pictures. I am sure your nursery is fabulous, painted ceiling or not.
I love the pic of you, Laurie and the girls. It is so cute! Emily and Sarah Kate are adorable!!! I hope you have a great day at church. I think I am going to Barnes and Noble and sit in peace (ie: no husband or dog) and drink a starbucks and work on my Stepping Up lesson for the day.
You and Heather look soooo cute. I love Heather. You are right. She is SO sweet. I hope to meet her in person myself one day soon.
It was nice to see the Hogs make a little progress even though we lost.
I think you are smart not to paint the ceiling. It leaves so many more options open for the future.
Wow! I just realized you are now in double digits (no more triples) until Harper gets here. That's amazing! Yeah! I can't wait to meet her!
I want to see that movie now. We'll have to wait till it's out on DVD or when we're home to see family (in Little Rock) because it's not at our little theater.
Glad ya'll had a great Saturday! Loved seeing all the pics - and that is so fun that you got to meet Heather! I love that girl. :)
Hope you are having a great Sunday and that your morning with the senior girls well!!
Kelly- I LOVE our picture! It was a blast meeting you and I told Todd...."I just kept hugging her!" (he thought I was being weird...)so I am glad you don't think I am a total freak! I love the pic of you and Laurie and the girls, too! Just a few more months and there will be one more precious little girl in the picture!!!
Love you, friend!
I stumbled through your blog from Meredith's at Life at 7000 feet. First of all, I have to say you are the cutest pregnant girl I think I have ever seen!! Congrats on your baby!!! I never knew how much love I had until I became a mother. We are big college football fans around here - GA Bulldawgs (as we say in the South)!!! Sorry about the Gators beating you. We play them in a few weeks and we hope to make them our chew toy:) They are one of our BIGGEST rivals!!! Keep enjoying your date nights and keep them up even after that precious baby arrives!!! I just had date weekend with my hubby and it was great. Maybe I can get him to take me to see Fireproof soon:)
Oh how exciting that you and Heather got to meet each other in person! I think it is a great picture of both of you.
BTW...I saw the picture of you on your mom's blog and you are really starting to show! You look so cute!
Hope you got some rest and that you had a great Sunday!
As always you look so cute!
So glad to hear that you all had a great time! Glad to hear too what you decided about Harper's room. I think that it will look adorable no matter what!
Look how cute you are - at a game & you are all styled up & wearing a necklace & you hair & make up is perfect - you are just the cutest mommy to be!!!
I love exciting you guys got to meet up!
You look precious. I saw your game pics on anopther blog too. Cute, cute! COngratualtions!
Thanks so much for attending Jessica's virtual shower on my blog. I know that it means alot to her! Have a wonderful week!
Leigh, Tales of Bloggeritaville.
Hi Kelly, I don't think you horible in any pictures, you look so happy, you're glowing! I wanted to ask where you get your backgrounds and layout from? I want to spruce mine up. Thanks!
How did teaching the seniors go? I am glad you decided not to paint the ceiling - painting a ceiling is really a pain - especially if you knew you would eventually paint it again! I a glad for the report on Fireproof. It's been years since my husband and I went to a movie, but this sounds worth it and I would love to have a date night!
Will you please email your mailing address to me? I have a baby gift that I want to mail to you. I promise that I am not a crazy stalker or anything!!!
HUGS!! Cena
FIREPROOF was AMAZING! My husband and I had date night on Saturday. Acutally it was a brithday date night, but what ever works! We went to see that movie and I was totally inspired! The hardest part was sitting there seeing myself on that screen! God was definitely at work with this movie!
Girl, you never look horrid.
I am ready for next season. I think it will be a whole new team.
First off, I'm yet to see a bad pic of you! You're adorable and radiant! And Second, I love your lamp in the living room shot! :) Sooo cute!
We saw fireproof this weekend and LOVED it!! I'm so glad you all made time for a date night! =)
Sounds like you guys had a busy - but very fun - weekend.
We are hoping to see Fireproof this week.
I am so glad that you and Scott had a nice date night ;)! I have been wanting to see that movie b/c everyone keeps going on and on about it!!!
You look absolutely gorgeous! I know I don't need to tell you this, but try to rest when you can ;)!
I have that same red necklace. Walmart clearance for $4! :)
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