Scott is going to paint our nursery next weekend and we can't decide something between ourselves so I told him I would turn to the blog world!
We are painting the room chocolate brown. Right now it is a taupe color. (it's a little darker than it looks in this picture).
I'm counting on ya'll to give me good advice. The cuteness of Harper's nursery is depending on your answer! :-)
I think I would paint the ceiling a shade lighter of the chocolate. Or even two shades lighter.
Paint it light light pink.
I actually love chocolate brown with a white ceiling (I love how it makes the brown POP). However, it would look good a lighter shade of brown if it is a larger room, but I vote white.
I painted my baby girls nursery ch. brown like you want to and went with the lighter shade of taupe for the ceiling, that way the room isn't so closed in. My painter suggested it! I love it! I added tons of shades of pink and it looks so cute! Good luck, can't wait to see the finished product!
Laura Colclasure
I also like the idea of a pink ceiling! I didn't think of that!!! Very pretty!
I would paint it pale pink.
My daughter's room is green with a pink ceiling, it's very pretty.
I say leave the ceiling taupe! Easier and nice contrast without it being too dark.
If Scott's anything like Lane when it comes to painting, he's really really hoping the blog world votes "leave it as it is!" :) I think I would probably either leave it as is or paint it a few shades lighter than what the walls are going to be--just so the room doesn't get too dark and start to feel closed in??? But I'm not a designer--I don't know!?! Maybe you should e-mail Mack David!
I would leave it the lighter shade...all choc brown would make the room seem too dark and closed in, I think. Can't wait to see pics!
I think that it should stay the same or be light pink!
My vote would be to leave it a lighter shade. As is, a few shades lighter than the chocolate brown, or even pink would be nice.
I would leave the ceiling the same color as it is now. Two tones are really in right now!!!! I also agree that all chocolate would make it too dark and closed in. I think with the lighter color on the top, it would make the room appear bigger and brighter!!!!! I know that a few have said pink. However, I think that Harper will already have so much pink in her room with her bedding, accents and decor and that it would be too much..... Just my opinion!!! Can't wait to hear what you decide :)
I like the idea of painting it a light pink! I wouldn't have thought of that!
I say leave it the color it is ..(the ceiling)..
But...what I REALLY want to know was how Fireproof was....my husband and I want to see it!!!!!!
Kelly S.
I would leave it. It is going to be beautiful. Can't wait to see the finished product.
I think leaving the taupe would look great with dark brown. :)
I would say a couple of shades lighter or the pink idea everyone keepts talking about. Something else that is kind of time consuming, but beautiful is striping the ceiling. My friend did that in her nursery and it is too cute!
Leave it as is or paint it white. Ceilings are so hard to paint!!
Leave it the taupe color. That way the room won't be so dark, and painting ceilings is no fun! You'll save yourself a lot of work if you paint it and then decide that it looks too dark.
Well what I thought of was either painting the ceiling pink and the wall chocolate or just leaving the wall that color and paint the ceiling pink and chocolate brown. Maybe I helped a little??
I would not paint the ceiling the same color as the walls. Especially because it is a dark color I think it would make the room feel closed in. Either leave the ceiling or paint it a couple of shades lighter than the walls. If the colors compliment eachother than I would save yourself the trouble and just leave it as is.
Are you painting it yourself? We painted our dining room a deep red after I spent hours taping the room, only to find out we didn't prep the walls correctly so now we have crooked lines that have to be fixed by a professional. I found out the right way to prep after the fact.
I would leave it a few shades lighter and like a few others think painting it pink would be great also! Can't wait to see what you come up with!!
I don't think I would paint the ceiling chocolate. I think it would make it feel to small. I would go with a few shades lighter or white/cream (depending on your trim color). Hope this helps! Can't wait to see the finished product!
I think a light pink would look really cute!
I like the pink idea!!!
I would say leave it as is.....if you go w/ choc brown on the ceiling then the room will feel so closed up. Plus when little Harper decides she wants her room painted another color, it might be big headache to paint over the dark ceiling - just my thoughts. Can't wait to see the pictures of the room when you finish --
If it is the same color as the walls are, I would just leave it that color. It would be cute if Harper's curtains and bedding were the pink, taupe and chocolate paisley that your blog background is.
My vote is to leave it that color. Is your husband handy with crown molding? That would make a great transition between the walls and ceiling.
I say leave it the color it is...if you paint the chocolate brown it will feel too dark & cave like!
i find painting the ceilings extremely difficult (think paint in your eye). so, if you ever think you'll want to repaint the room a different color, do not do it!
I would leave it the taupe color it is now. Good contrast with the chocolate brown. Crown molding would be pretty, too!
I like the idea of the ceiling the color it is. I like walls and ceilings that are the same color...just lighter shades on the ceiling, obviously.
How was y'all's date night?? Did you love the movie??
I think I would leave it as is or paint it a pale pink. Our living room is chocolate brown and the ceilings are white. I can send you a picture of what that looks like if you want. But I think it will look great if you leave it the same color or do pink. If you do it a few shades lighter than the walls, it's kind of a lot of extra work and probably wouldn't look a lot different than what's already in there would have...so if you're going to go to the trouble--do pink! It will look cute no matter how you end up doing it, and if you're anything like us, you will never quit cuddling her long enough to leave her in the nursery anyway! :)
I think I would leave it as is or go with a pale baby pink. I am sure whatever you choose it will be cute.
I vote for leaving the ceiling the way it is. It would still have a 2 dimensional look and no back breaking involved.
Despite what others are saying... I would say FOR SURE paint the ceiling brown. DEFINITELY! It will be so elegant... especially with a beautiful chandelier. I wouldn't be as for it if you were putting dark furniture in there... but the contrast will be very nice with the white furniture and trim... You can also lighten it up with drapes. All the rooms in my parents house have the ceilings painted... and believe it or not... it actually makes the room look taller (draws your eyes up)... and much more pulled together... and elegant. GO FOR IT!!!
I vote for either painting it white or a pale pink. I think going all chocolate brown will make it too dark and as is wouldn't be bad, but it seems like a lot of brown for a baby girl's nursery. Pink would actually be a really cool contrast with the chocolate! Crown molding would be a nice touch if you have it in your house already. If not it could create a big project because you'll probably want to add it to other rooms :)
I don't know about you, but I am very affected by my surroundings. If I were in a brown room, also with a dark brown ceiling, I think I would feel closed in. If I were you, I'd probably paint the ceiling either a very light shade of pink, or keep it whatever it is or just that flat ceiling-white. And then have plenty of light so the room doesn't *feel* dark - you know??
I would leave it. I think a brown ceiling would be too dark.
Good look deciding.
I would either leave it the color it is or paint it white. I think the brown on the ceiling would make the room too dark.
My vote is to leave the ceiling the color it is so it doesn't make the room appear too dark.
I'm all about paint! Since you have so much pink, stripe the ceiling in pink or pink and the chocolate brown. Or even, 2 walls pink and 2 walls ch brown and then stripe just the chocolate leading FROM one pink wall to the other pink wall. Ooo...how fun!
I think I would just leaving the ceiling "as is" & just paint the walls brown. I can't wait to see it!
Oh, yes. The light pink sounds pretty!
I like the idea of painting the ceiling pink .... on every HGTV show I've ever watched, they always paint the ceiling!! Brown would close it in too much, but pink would be adorable!
I would leave it the color it is. I agree with some of the others when they say if it's all ch. brown that it might make things look a little closed in or smaller. Hope it goes well!! Let us know what you decide to do!
Hi, I've never commented before--still getting into this whole blog thing! Anyway, I think it should be either pale pink or white. The color that it is might look dingy with the brown walls and white doors. And chocolate brown would be way to dark for a ceiling, IMO.
Can't wait to see the finished pictures! We painted our baby girls nursery a not-so-subdued shade of green and then decorated with pink. :) We love it! Way to go on choosing a bold color. :)
Oh, I would leave it. I am not a fan of multi-colored ceilings in a house. The crisp contrast of ceiling to wall will be really nice.
I say either leave it as is, or go pink!
you've gotten plenty of feedback already but I'll just add: don't paint it chocolate brown!I wouldn't paint the ceiling a dark color, it will feel like a cave! A nice contrast,lighter color would be nice.
Leave it that taupe color.
Can't wait to see more pics!
Hmmm... I know you are not lacking in comments, but I thought one more vote couldn't hurt! I would either leave it the way it is (crown molding around the ceiling would make the contrast even more appealing!) or go with a light pink like others have suggested.
I am sure it will be ADORABLE no matter which direction you go. And your eyes (& heart!!) are going to be on that miracle baby sleeping in the crib anyways!
Light pink!
I think I would leave it as is, or go pale pink! It's going to be adorable no matter what you choose!
Have you thought about big pink and chocolate stripes or doing two finishes of the same color chcolate (high gloss and flat) in either stripes or polka dots. It gives it a great texture.
Also, adding crown moulding would really make it look more finished and less like a box.
Either way it'll be beautiful with her as the centerpiece!
I was going to say,PINK! Carlee's celing is Pink and Caroline's is purple! :)
Our master bedroom has chocolate brown walls with cream doors and crown molding, and I love it! The molding really opens it up to the cream on the ceiling. I was totally 100% going to say leave it, until I read Lauren's post... it would be pretty painted brown as well with the light furniture. Hmm. I'm no help. Do you have any type of molding at the top?
Okay, I'm a ding dong. Just looked closer at the picture. I was going to say definitely don't paint the ceiling dark if you have light molding. Oh gosh. I seriously am no help at all.
i say paint it the shade of pink you are using in the bedding and the rest of the room or, if you feel especially ambitious you could use fabric. just staple to the edges, factoring in how much gather you want in the center. it doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful. and it would look great with a little pink chandelier. it works easier for smaller rooms. let us know what you decide:)
Taupe (as it is now) or 1-2 shades lighter than chocolate. Lots of pink decoration w/ be ont he walls, bedding etc : )
Can't wait to see the end results.
My humble opinion...if you paint the ceiling paint it a couple shades lighter than the walls. Or, just leave it as is. I like two-tone!
I think leave it the color it is now. If you do it too dark, the room will just feel dark. I like the lighter ceiling! I love how you decorate, I can't wait to see the final results!!!
Stripes are hard- it took David several days.. but they are fun. I think leaving it would look good though since the walls will be chocolate. I don't think you can go wrong. : )
I'd leave it the lighter taupe color. I'd be afraid of the room seeming smaller and/or closed in if the entire room were brown. Also, as some of the responses suggested, a light pinkish shade to the taupe might also be pretty.
p.s. - At least the Florida game wasn't a total blowout - and the weather looked gorgeous!
You've got a lot of peeps. I agree with leaving it the taupe, too dark otherwise. I've been in a lot of homes where you feel like it's a cave. Good Luck.
Oops! Sorry that last one was actually me, my son was signed in.
My first time here...really cute blog.
I think I'd leave it but I really like that light pink idea. There can never be too much pink when you have a daughter!
At this point, you really don't need any more advice, but I would leave it (or paint it a light color like suggested several times). I think a dark ceiling with drak walls is going to be too much and you will feel closed in.
I'll be interested to hear what your opinion was versus your husband's before you broke down and asked for a tie breaker.
A decorator once told me to always paint your ceilings. She, too, suggested a few shades lighter of the same color, but to still paint the ceiling?!?! She helped me when we built our house in Fayetteville and we did coordinating colors in the Master bedroom and bathroom, but throughout the rest of our house she said to paint the ceilings. FYI- even if the ceiling is the same color brown it will look a little lighter because of how the light reflects. Hope that helps!
Sarah Kate is so cute in that picture with her big red bow! Precious!
I haven't read the other responses so this may be just agreeing with others but I love a painted ceiling! I say either paint it a shade lighter than the walls or you could even go with a pale shade of another color in your nursery...pink or green...I think? Either way, Harper's nursery will be adorable! Can't wait to see it come together!
I like the idea of painting it a couple of shadles lighter OR a light pink ;)!
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