1. Just a little evidence of how God cares about even the smallest things in our lives:
I hadn't felt Harper move in the last day or so and I started really stressing so I sat here and prayed "Please God, let me feel her move. And let her kick me HARD so I know for sure she is okay". I mean not 5 minutes later - the girl was kung fu fighting. In the midst of her JABBING me - I had to just look up and say "Thank you God" - He really does care about every little detail of our lives.
2. I wanted to share something I got out of my very first video of "Stepping Up" because it really is good. Stepping up is based on the Psalms of Ascent - Psalms 120-134 and these are all about pilgrimages. Bethie (I call her Bethie because (go ahead and admit it) - just like the rest of you - I so like to think of her as my BFF because we both love Jesus and big hair (in that order) shared Psalms 84:5-7 that says "Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage. As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools. They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion."
In that verse - Blessed in the Hebrew literally means Happy. She said as Christians we talk about having joy - not being happy. But she went on to share that we would all be a lot happier if we realized we are all on a pilgrimage. Wherever you are - whatever circumstance you are in - you are not STUCK there! You are just passing through. God has you on that journey but it is not the end. Isn't that freeing? Doesn't that make you happy today?
3. One of my favorite people, Micaela, started a blog and she wrote a great post that I think all of you mothers or hopeful mothers will appreciate. Micaela is eight years younger than me and has always been like a little sister. But I hope when I grow up - I'm as good a mother and as Godly a mother as she is.
I have heard a lot of great things about that study. I will have to look into doing it.
I'm so glad you enjoyed your first day of Stepping Up with "Bethie"!
Don't you just love Stepping Up? I think it is just what I need right now. Every day that I work on it it seems like it was written for me during this time!
Praise the Lord for that Kung Fu kicking Harper! I hope you are continually blessed throughout the rest of your pregnancy! Thanks so much for sharing your story...you have no idea how much faith it gives me to check in on you everyday and see how evident God's miracles are!
so glad that He answered your "little" prayer so quickly...neat. and i loved #2 too...
Jesus and big hair...in that order... Oh my word! ;o)
Thanks for sharing about what you are learning in that study. That is a beautiful, inspring way to think about things...and "freeing" is a perfect way to describe that feeling. I am so thankful for my faith. I *truly* and *honestly* do not know how my life would be if I didn't have Him. I feel so heartbroken for friends (and strangers) who don't embrace the Lord, or who don't have that burning desire to know Him. I want them to know that peace. You know?
Thanks again for sharing!
I had Will on my lap when I pulled this up and he yelled "KUNG FU PANDA!!" It was a wonderful moment in his life. :)
I am so glad God asked Harper do a little TaeBo number for you. You said it perfectly - He really does care about EVERY little detail. So awesome. Go Harper, keep up that kickin!
And when Beth started talking about the pilgrimage in the Stepping Up video, I was like ok, I think I am doing the right Bible study - it was just what I needed to hear!
I think I need to do this study- this was exactly what I needed to hear today. Praise Him that I am not staying here....just on a pilgrimmage!
Thank you, sweet friend!
Thanks for sharing what you learned from your bible study! I needed to be reminded of that truth. It usually takes A LOT of reminders before I learn! "He who began a good work..", right? Haha!!The Lord knows that's true in my life!
Don't you just love the way the Lord cares about the details? I'm thankful for that as well, and very thankful he let Harper attack you today!
I was just about as pregnant as you are when I did the Stepping Up Bible study...how are you doing with literally getting on your face before God? :) I would get on my knees and put my head face down on the bed. What a great and powerful time!
God is so good isn't He! Isn't it wonderful that He cares about everything that matters to use! He is so good!
I want to do the Stepping Up soon! I am thinking beginning in October! Keep us posted on how its going!
Thanks so much for sharing what you are learning in your study. What an encouragement those words are to me! I'm just passing through!
Way to go Harper! I would love to do that study...maybe they will pick that one for our fall study this time! You are too sweet for what you said and you WILL be a GREAT and GODLY MOMMY!!!!
Aren't you glad that God is in the details of our lives?! He's so amazing!!!!!
Don't you love Stepping Up?? We just finished week 1 video....gosh its good.
Glad your sweet baby girl gave you a good kick. Chocolate milk always got my guys going....and they love chocolate milk to this day!!! Funny huh??
i keep hearing all these wonderful things about that study...it will be next on my list for sure!
Praise God for that kung-fu baby!! =-) And thanks for the reminder that God cares about the details, I always need that reminder!
There is a lot of peace in just knowing that God is in control of your life. Left to my own vices, I would THINK I know what's best so many times and make a royal mess of things. (well, you know worse than I do now)
Thanks for pointing me to Mic's blog!!
PRaise the Lord we are not stuck!!!!!!! Oh how i love that bible study. Like I told Jenna, don't miss a day without getting face down on the floor.....it was during this bible study that I was in the midst of praying very hard for you to have a baby!!!!!!!.......always during the face down time! HE IS SO GOOD!!!!!
God is so good! He knows exactly what we need, when we need it!
How sweet that God answers our prayers. I did that same thing the other day and the SAME THING happened. I am loving being pregnant!
I'm doing a Bethie study right now too! :) It's on Daniel. But I love your perspective.
Have you tried the flashlight trick yet? When I was pregnant with the twins, I was constantly trying to get them to move to let me know that they were ok. :)
There were times that I would take myself to the Evaluation Unit just to be checked as I wanted to make sure. They also say that drinking orange juice can get a baby to move a lot!!!!!!! Glad to hear that everything is ok :)
I love the little reminders that He does care! The Christmas of 2006 I was 7 months pregnant with V. Web and I hit a dog on Christmas morning and for almost two hours I did not feel him kick. Web and I excused ourselves to my parent's room, hugged, cried, prayed, and then I felt him. It is such a relief!!!!
I do love that we are on a journey...never stuck!
This has blessed my heart today (and made me cry, too). Thanks for sharing this, Kelly. Love you!
I'm making your Cherry Limeade this weekend for my nephew's 1st birthday party...can't wait to try it out :)
Hi, Kelly!
I've been reading your blog for awhile but never have commented. I, too, am doing the "Stepping Up" study, and I feel like the introduction video spoke straight to my heart...I was literally in tears four times during it! Thank you for being such a strong Christian example for all of us who read your blog. Beth rocks! But, you also uplift me with your words. God is great all the time.
Congrats on Harper! So happy for you!
Kim in Indiana
God led both of my babies to kick for me several times throughout my pregnancies. It is awesome to have such a specific prayer answered in a matter of minutes!
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