Change is good, right?
I feel like this week I am surrounded by changes. So much has happened this week - we found out one couple we know is having a baby (happy change), one couple we are good friends with is moving several states away (extremely sad change), and one of our friends lost her father this morning (very difficult change). Change is inevitable and unavoidable.
Our little family is changing and that is exciting and scary all at the same time. It's been just the two of us for almost five years. I told Scott we had to committ to actually going on dates for the next 3 months - just because we can. We are homebodies who choose to spend our free weekend nights at home but soon we will be home because we have to be. So while we are foot loose and fancy free - we needed to go out and eat in peace and go to the movies or go to Starbucks.

Another thing that changes daily is my body. It gets bigger every day and brings new things each day. Like today I have had HORRIBLE back pain. I traded office chairs, walked around a lot, wore flats and took tylenol and it was awful. Did any of you have back pain with pregnancy?
But yeay for the seasons changing - yesterday was the first official day of fall and I am happy to see the leaves start to change!
Maybe change isn't always bad.
I hope you guys will still treat yourselves to dates after Harper comes! One of our homework assignments from birthing class was to take a date two weeks after baby was born -- and we weren't allowed to talk about baby. I slipped up twice...oopsie. Having a baby is definitely a big change -- but one of the best imaginable. :)
Yes...change is inevitable but oh so good! We've been on 3 dates since Baby D joined our family, but if you are already homebodies then you will be fine. (: have plenty of friends and family that live nearby who will love to babysit Harper!
that little pooch is too cute. are already a great mom! ;)
We found date nights were hard at first but as our little one has gotten older they have become a little easier. You definitely have to make an effort (at least we did). Back of the reasons I'm not ready to be pregant again. Mine was horrible, I also had a spot on the top of my baby bump that was numb for the last 4 months of my pregnancy. Talk about uncomfortable. I found it helpful to go to the chiropractor when my back was hurting so bad. I hope it gets better for you! I'm isn't fun. you think you could post the banana pudding cheesecake recipe!! :)
I need the recipe for that cheesecake...yum!
I'm 36 weeks right now and know what you mean about back pain. Find some good comfortable flats. There are times when function over fashion has it's place! Lay down. I find walking around makes it worse. Even if you just go stretch out in the back seat of your car for 15 minutes at lunch it will help. Also, and this will sound strange, not to mention look strange so only do it at home! Climb on your bed on your knees, put a pillow or two under your belly and lean over on your forearms. Basically a fetal position that you will see babies sleeping in A LOT. This will help take the baby's weight off your back. If you can get your hubby to rub your back at the same time (especially your hips) you will be in heaven! = ) It's also a good position if you have a lot of back labor. Been there, done that. Wish I'd known about it 3 babies ago!
YES! Go to all the movies you can right now! Dawson looks great!
I had terrible back pain with Phillip, he was sitting on a nerve or something. The good news is, as soon as he came out, it was over. Good luck!
You look beautiful sweet blogging friend!!! Sounds like you are surrounded by change and new beginnings right now. :)
Savor each minute!!!
Praying that you will rest tonight and that the backache stops!!
Going on dates while you can is a great idea! I had back pain with my second. I thought I was in back labor. I hope yours eases up.
Okay, I have never commented before, but I love reading your blog and I must ask if you can post the recipe for that cheesecake! I am craving it just looking at it! Thanks so much!
I have been having lots of back pain too!! It really sucks, but I keep tellig myself that it will be all worth it really, really soon!! :)
I had back pain with #2 so bad... I bought some of those heating patches (I can't remember what they are called!) and bought a body pillow to prop my legs on at night. As long as my feet and legs were elevated, it took the pressure off of my lower back.
You look so cute! I'm glad it's going good for the most part!
Hope your back pain gets better!!
That dessert looks amazing...would she share the recipe!?
My back hurt with Rhett & Alexee. With Rhett my hip would do something weird and I'd nearly fall down sometimes because I'd have this sharp pain out of nowhere that would make my hip seem like it popped out of joint!?! I guess things were already "stretched" with Alexee, so that didn't happen much, but my back did hurt with her. Wearing my boots with heels seemed to make it a lot worse, too, and I hated that because I'm short and don't like wearing flat shoes!
I would LOVE to tell you the back pain goes away but it just doesn't. I'm 38 weeks so I am so over the back pain already. I will say I am very blessed though, the back pain has been the extent of my pain until just recently. Then they start to get REALLY heavy in the front. Good Luck to you!
P.S. I think being homebodies (which we are, too, big-time!) makes it easier when the baby arrives...we like being at home anyway, so it made it easier to get the kids on schedules and stick to it and not really have to give up any "social life" because we didn't have any to begin with--ha! We love going out to dinner/dates now, but we usually eat and then want to come straight home to put on our PJs and sit on the couch and watch tv! Just being out of the house for an hour or two is refreshing!
I hate change, too. I'm sorry about your back pain. I used to try and stretch my back out by rolling into a ball over a pillow. That seemed to make it feel a little better. And that banana pudding cheesecake looks amazing! You've got to get the recipe and share it! :)
oh yes to the back pain. right now a heating pad and medication helps but nothing makes it go away completely.
Yes... Go out while you can. While it is totally possible to go with kids... It is just not the same.
And Harper's bf... What a cutie! That cheesecake doesn't look too bad either.
And back pain. Yes, me and back pain were tight during my pregnancies... Especially with Emma Kate.
You are so right - we are always in some sort of changing state. It's crazy, but keeps life interesting I guess.
I love the pic of the cheesecake (obviously) but I love the pic of you holding Wells even more. You are so cute and such a natural! And speaking of cute - Wells. Enough said!
P.S. Dawson looks great!!
Would prefer her to mail me one, but since the odds of that happening are slim, I must attempt to make it. I am recently obsessed with banana pudding and I love cheesecake. I also love that Blue Bell has banana pudding flavor now.
Oh, I am so hungry. I see lots of running in my future.
Sorry your back is hurting. Mine hurt terribly both times. I remember doing some stretch that was supposed to relive back pain, but I can't remember what it was...maybe google it and see if you find anything helpful???
You will be fine when Harper gets here. To this day, I never want to leave the kids for more than an hour but you must still go on dates! Easy for me to say because we only go every couple of months on an actual date, but we have always been homebodies too. It seems like we are always on teh go with somewhere we have to be that we are just relieved to spend a night at home doing nothing!
I'm with everyone else--really need that recipe!!!
Oh Kelly! Have you seen the "maternity girdles" on the shelves at baby places? That, my friend, is what you need. I had horrible back pain (nerve in my back from months 2-9 and this really helped--my doctor told me it is the only remedy for that kind of pain and it worked for me! 20-30 dollars at Babies R Us
Change is always pretty good. I love reading about baby Harper.
I just want to say those 2 pics of your doggie are so cute! You really captured his feelings! So adorable! Also, I love the polka dot dress you are wearing! Very pretty!
Oh my, I had back labor with Jenny and you talk about being uncomfortable! The saving grace was that I was given an epidural and then a C-section, so I breezed through the latter part of labor :) :)
I read a great quote about change the other day but can't remember it...that was the biggest change for me when I had memory at's still not back.
but as for date nights...yes, do it now when you can but also find another family who might be interested in having date nights. We rotate each week and watch the others kids at our own homes. We just email about what nights work best and go from there and it is fabulous. We are homebodies but it gives us some time alone and out b/c we have a free babysitter. That was when we did our christmas shopping for g and in the summer we played lots of tennis. Good times and it helps us to stay connected!
I started going to physicsl therapy the second half of my pregnancy and it made a ton of difference on my back and hips.
Found you by way of Shannon and have enjoyed reading some of your back posts. That was a beautiful wedding and I too like the changing seasons. I am currently doing the Breaking Free Bible study and did Stepping Up last. It was great! I know you will enjoy it. Jackie
Hi Kelly. My name is Kelly and I have been following your blog for a while now and just have never posted a comment before because I didn't have a blog and couldnt figure out how to leave a message without a blog. Anyways I have one now and just wanted to stop by and say HI! I love hearing all your stories and looking at all the CUTE baby clothes you have bought and been given. I look forward to reading your blog everyday. God Bless! Kelly
I am so sentimental that when things change, I usually get sad. Even though the change may be something I am excited about. I need to "change" my thinking! ;o)
I am so excited for your change of having little Miss Harper "out and about." That is definitely one change that (even though it can be overwhelming and sometimes very stressful) is one of the best things in the world! You are going to make such a great momma! I just get so genuinely excited for you!
Sorry to hear about your back pain. I wore one of those belly support things when I had to work 12 hrs on my feet at the hospital. It helped somewhat, but it gets tiring of wearing it. I also wore Bella bands ALL THE TIME for my jeans, and it provided a little support. Took the edge off. You don't really wear pants/jeans though, I forgot. Well, I'll be praying for your back, Kelly! Take care!
You should move around at work. Get up as often as you can. Sitting for a long period of time can make back pain worse. Also, I have been told to wear low, thick heels instead of flats to help with the back pain.
I've got back pain and I know it is going to get worse! I bought a snoogle this week and it is heavenly to sleep with. I think I need a new desk chair at work though. That cheesecake looks so yummy right now!
It is sooo hard to leave my kids, so you are wise to make the most of your date time now.
My back hurt terribly, too. Mine was my sciatic nerve (both times) and it hurt soooo bad. It is still not the same and acts up occasionally. You are right...pregnancy changes your body and sometimes it is never the same again (like mine). LOL!
I remember back LABOR! As for dates, you do need make special time for yourselves... even if you don't GO anywhere.
That cheesecake looks so yummy!
When I saw that picture of you and that sweet little baby, it occured to me how soon that will be pictures of you and sweet Harper!!
Ditto on what Leigh Ann is hard to leave your baby so take advantage of these next three months and dedicate it to just you & Scott ;)!
Could I make a suggestion?
When I was pregnant with Vance, I had horrible sciatic nerve pain and I decided to get a prenatal massage...WOW!
I would definitely reccommend this!
That pudding looked DIVINE!
Hi, Kelly! My name is Beth Gray, and I hopped over to your blog from both Megan Burgeis' and Rebekah Harris' blogs. I love reading about Harper! I also used to live in Fayetteville for about five years and miss it terribly, so when I read your blog, I get a little slice of Fayetteville! :)
By the way, your dog is precious!
I love a clean doggie! You look so wonderful holding that sweet baby boy- just think- you will be holding your own (baby girl!) very soon!!! You should definitely take advantage of eat outs and movies now....but I will say they don't stop totally with kids...there's just an adjustment period! :)
I am sorry about your back- I will pray for that. I don't have any suggestions, though!
Some change we can love, some we can absolutely be sick over.
I love that baby boy you are holding. You are glowing with love over that little guy....too cute.
I can't remember my back hurting but I'm sure it did. Gosh, by the 3rd whole entire body hurt all the time. :)
You are right! Change is not always bad.
I had pretty bad hip pain with all 3 of my babies.
That cake looks absolutley mouth watering! I'm salivating here like an animal!
I am jealous the leaves are changing there...they are still green as can be down here. I love that time of year! Good idea on the dates, we love to get food and bring it home and just be homebody's too...we should do that more I know.
You look so cute, can I get a maternity wardrobe like yours? I feel like I can't find anything cute that fits!!!
That cheesecake made me drool at my desk.
Awww! So good to see Mr. Dawson! : ) Do you guys have a plan for him when you are at the hospital? Will Scott just run home to check on him? Is someone dog sitting?? We are trying to figure out what to do with Miss Bichon for the two or three days were gone.
I have had back pain also! I feel your pain, literally! Getting bigger by the day is a shock to me also. The cake looks so amazing and your dog is adorable!!
Hey thanks for the clothing tip! I have the day off work Friday and had planned on going to Forever 21 to see if they have anything, I'll let ya know... Also I was just reading Fit Pregnancy and some lady was talking about bad backpain and said that prenatal yoga works wonders and it's good for you and baby (plus so mess needed), just a thought? I got a really good yoga DVD at Wal-Mart, maybe something to think about?
I meant to say meds not mess! Haha
You are so right- change is always hard, but usually for the best! I had TERRIBLE back pain during the end of my pregnancy. I guess our bodies just aren't used to carrying all that extra weight... I love the dress in your 24 week picture. Have you gained any weight?? (Except in your belly) You look soooo good!
Sorry about the back pain...I remember it being in my extreme lower back and triggering my sciatic (sp?) nerve to go wacky on me. It was just because of they way my baby was resting/putting pressure as she was growing. Mine went away about a week later....hope yours does too!
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