Wednesday, July 02, 2008

You put the Lime in the coconut.........

12 weeks
Our baby is the size of a lime
Which I guess makes me feel a little better that I'm already showing at 12 weeks - scared of what I'll look like at 38 weeks. But I haven't gained one pound yet - so that is good I guess. I'm sure they'll be rolling in before I know it (and can stop it). :-)


Jessica said...

You look great! I was showing at 12 weeks and in some maternity clothes. I am 19 weeks and have gained only 11 lbs total. I know you will do great! : ) Are you reading some good books? Tell me if you find a good one so I can go and get it! : )

Jenna said...

Aww Kelly! Don't feel bad, I am showing too! You look adorable!

Jacquie said...

Cute little belly, Kelly! It's surprising how big a lime can look on the outside! Ha!

Can't wait to see your maternity outfits.

Anonymous said...

I love this picture, it just made me so happy for you all over again! Continuing to pray for you and your precious little one!Carrie M., a sister in Christ from Baton Rouge

Leigh Ann said...

This picture makes my heart SO happy! Yeah for you and your little lime!

LeeAnn said...

I just started reading your blog and I wanted to tell you conragulations!

The Garners said...

You look great!!! So glad you posted a picture!!!

Leanne said...

I'm glad you posted a picture of you!

Ah, the joys of the taut, first-baby tummy!

After 9 pregnancies, NOBODY wants to see my belly!! LOL!


You'll be holding that baby before you know it!

Leanne in Longview

Leanne said...

PS: You are incredibly adorable too!

Leanne in Longview

Allison said...

You look great! Do you know about bella bands? I wore them all the time when I was in that in between stage of gaining weight but not big enough for maternity clothes.

Melissa Stover said...

i'm a few weeks ahead of you and feel huge already. you look adorable.

Julia said...

Really, really, really cute!!! Oh, and LOVE the leopard print!!! You look really cute!!! How many times can I say "really cute?" haha

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

You look great! I am so excited for you!

Trina said...

Aww, you're such a cute preggo!

I gained 40 lbs with my first. I was scared to death the second time around to get that big again so I watched what I ate and only gained 30 lbs.

It still took alot of work but thanks to Weight Watchers and breastfeeding, I finally got it off!

Scrapper Mom said...

Awwww....that's awesome. You look precious. I couldn't stop reading my "what to expect" book when I was pregnant. I was so anxious to know just exactly how big my babies were at the time I was too. It's so exciting.

Heather said...

You are the cutest mama to be ever!! That is seriously the most adorable picture!!

Amanda said...

You are adorable!

Meredith said...

Kelly-I love that picture! I know ya'll are enjoying everything! How exciting!

Lauren said...

I love it!!! You look precious!

Jamie said...

You look great!

I showed earlier with #2 and #3 than I did with the 1st one. It is all good! Enjoy those stretchy clothes as long as you can. :)

Marlana said...

Kelly you are just too precious! You're one of those lucky girls that will be as beautiful and glowing at 38 weeks as you are at 12, so enjoy every single pound of that precious little life you are growing inside. God is good!

Tasha said...

Too cute! So have you been maternity clothes shopping yet?

Becky said...

You are glowing!

Jill said...

12 weeks!!!! Your first trimester is almost over!!!! Isn't that the cutest little lime....In no time, the lime will be replaced with the cutest little baby ever!!!! You look adorable by the way!

Meagan said...

Simply adorable! :-)

Elise said...

You are too cute! I don't know if I have commented before but I love reading your blog. Congratulations on the new baby bump!

Jenna said...

You are absolutely precious, my dear!!!

Leslie said...

Oh my, you are ADORABLE! How cute is that little lime!? So precious! What a lucky baby! :)

LOVE YOU A GOOGLE... said...

How great is that. I am so happy for you. You look adorable!

Hillary said...

Cutest lime ever!

Kara said...

I just started reading your blog lately and I myself just found out I am pregnant with our first. Just wanted to let you know that u look so cute...and thanks for the post below about the SeaBands..u will have to let us know if they really work!

annalee said...

hooray for the first food pic! i am grinning from ear to ear at your sweet pic and all it stand for. i can't wait to watch your sweet belly grow week by week. you are doing great and looking wonderful! and its so fun to think of your baby growing away. praise God for His amazing miracle of childbirth!

Anonymous said...

That is one of the cutest pictures I've seen! Pregnancy is such an amazing miracle that God lets us be a part of and you look so happy! :)

Meredith said...

Looking fabulous at 12 weeks! Better than I ever looked at that point! :) Enjoy every minute of it as I'm sure you will. GOD IS SO AWESOME!!!

Tammy Lou said...

You look adorable....again I am so happy for you....

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Kelly, you do look so darn cute! I'm so excited for you. I sure love those leopard pants, those are ME for sure.


Jennifer said...

You are too cute! After two kids my belly looks bigger than that on a normal basis and I'm not pregnant, lol;) I am SO happy for you!!!!

ocean mommy said...

Just Precious!

You are just glowing....


petrii said...

You look so beautiful!! You have such an exuberance in your face. I remember being 12 weeks along, and just the feeling of thankfulness and joy was so hard to express, but it shows all over you ~~ just all over you!!

Stacy said...

You look great!!

NurseMom said...

Lovely coconut!
It is going to be so exciting to wathch your pregnancy through your blog!

Anonymous said...

It seriously already seems like FOREVER ago that Kaleb was a lime!!! Looking great!!!

Candy said...

You look adorable!!! At my PEP (play,eat&pray) meeting tonight I brought you up because one of the gals is struggling with the fact that she can't get pregnant. I told her your story!!! The funny thing is that two other girls read your blog too! :)

TriciaNae said...

Oh Kelly...look how cute you are!! I'm still so excited for y'all. sister started to show way before she ever gained a pound.

Fran said...

I just gave you a hug! :)

Billie said...

You look stunning! And from one "waiting Momma" who finally got her blessings to another...cherish EVERY moment...every pound...every stretch mark...every bathroom stop. I learned thru the loss of my 3 babies before my 1st born (and one after) that so many women just get pregnant. Then their feet hurt, their back hurts, they hate feeling like this, thier belly will never be the same. But I cherished my aching curled up back, my badges of honor I call my stretch marks. Because those things meant LIFE was inside of me! She was just reminding me she was there and anxious to meet me. As yours is anxious to meet you! So you just keep glowing and growing girl!

taralynn819 said...

SO adorable.

Jennifer said...

I just read the news--I am SO late to the party!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

Alyce said...

You look beautiful! When I was pregnant the first time, I just couldn't wait to get those maternity clothes on...they make such cute ones. I was showing by 12weeks and was able to wear some. By the second pregnancy, I wanted the maternity clothes more for comfort,not cuteness. And that time..showing at 8 weeks!!!

Alison said...

This is one of the best pictures here on your blog! It is exciting to see how the Lord is blessing you.

Jennifer said...

You are just adorable pregnant Kelly! Congrats again!

Megan L Hutchings said...

All of your friends in TN are so happy for you and your little lime ;)! I love the pajama pants!!!

Mandy said...

That was one of my favorite things when I was pregnant...the food comparison!! I got an email each week that compared the baby to a food. I kept thinking they would run out of foods to compare to, but they never did!! You look great!!!

pinkmommy said...

You look great. And I can't wait to see you when you are as big as me! (Which is big. Very big.)

"J" said...

You look sooooooooooooo GREAT! =)

What a cute picture post!

Anonymous said...

You look great!! Have a great fourth of July!!

Take care,

Anonymous said...

You've never been so excited to throw up and gain weight, have you?

You look fantastic!

Rhonda said...

You look great!! Love the photo!! Try the bella band, I wore it for the first time yesterday when my pants finally did not fit. Seeing the baby bump grow is the best!

Anonymous said...

Wear that belly proud girl, you've earned it. It's one of the best times of life. Praying for baby H to continue to grow and develop. What a blessing to see H poking out!!

Lauren said...

You look adorable! I hope that you're feeling well. Isn't it amazing that what is now the size of a fruit you'll take to kindergarten some day?!

Anonymous said...

I just started reading your blog and I love it! Your cheetah pants are awesome! I am so excited for you and your little lime. Your attitude is a blessing to me!
Jenny from VA

Heather said...

Kelly- you are the cutest! I am so proud and happy for you! Keep counting those blessings, not the pounds. I'm praying for you!

Staci said...

Who's a hot mama in leopard print pj's?!! Grrrr!!!!!!!

Linda said...

You look adorable! I am not used to seeing you in pants :) This is an exciting time I am so happy for you.
Happy 4th!

Amy said...

WOW!! We love reading your site! Come and visit us sometime...we have given you an award on our site that we think that you are so deserving of!

Heather said...

You look so pic with the lime. Hope you guys have a Happy 4th!!

K said...

You look great!! I'm just 3 weeks behind you in pregnancy!

Jackie said...


I wanted to stop by and say hi...I just recently found you, and I am literally in tears as I read your story. Congrats on the precious little one on the way!! God is so good. You have given me hope...we do have one child already, but are experiencing secondary infertility now, and have been trying for our second for over a year. Sometimes it is a struggle, because things are not working according to MY plan, but in reading your story, I'm reminded again that God has perfect timing. No matter that the "evidence" and tests say that I cannot get pregnant again, I know that He is greater.

You are so adorable, and you look absolutely fantastic! I'll be back to follow along as Baby progresses. :)

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

You look adorable! happy 4th!

MiMi said...

You look so cute and you definitely have that "glow"! These are exciting times --thanks for sharing them with all of us!

CAMoore said...

It's funny b/c you really aren't "showing" yet. But I do remember thinking back when I was 12 weeks, that I was showing then too. You look great girl!

Just wait until your belly is so big you have a hard time rolling over at night! (thats me) haha!

Anonymous said...


You don't know me but I linked over to your blog from Ashley Honea's blog. I have been praying for you a baby and was SO overjoyed to read that you are expecting!!! That's an adorable little baby bump you are sporting! I am 14 weeks pregnant and am definitely showing so don't feel bad. A lot of it is bloating so don't worry - it doesn't mean that you'll be enormous! That's one precious lime!! Congratulations!

P.S. If you haven't picked up The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy, you totally should. It's light-hearted and hilarious. Read it with Scott :) You'll both get a laugh.

Lindsey said...

How cute are you?!!! You are glowing and I am truly so excited for you and your family! What an answered prayer:)