I was so excited yesterday because Jacquie (you need to check out her blog) from my hometown and her husband were in the area to visit her son who lives here and her best friend lives in this amazing old house in my town and she wanted to know if I wanted to come tour it. DID I?
This is a bad picture of it I took around Christmas when I was trying to figure out what house it was. It was built in the 1800's and is enormous and so neat. Her friend has it decorated like Ballard Designs - such great taste and yet it still has the great old wood floors and neat windows and doors with the glass door knobs. It just went on forever.What are ya'll doing this holiday weekend? Because I've been really sick and just so tired - we have planned a VERY low key weekend at home. We purposely made no plans and my plan is to literally try not to leave the house. I just want to lay around and watch movies and rest.
I love the 4th of July - it's one of my very favorite holidays. I'm also so glad to have a three day weekend. So what are your plans?
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
Happy 4th!! I'm trying to have as low key of a weekend as possible, too! I hope you get lots of rest and feel better. I'll talk to you soon ;)
Pretty house! Now I'm curious as to the inside. LOL
Happy 4th! Hope you are feeling better. Have you tried peppermint? Like Altoids Peppermint. That seemed to help a lot when I was pregnant with Shelby. I was not sick with the boys but with her it was non-stop all day long, all night long. LOL
I don't blame you for taking it easy! I love loungin' around the house watching movies!
If ya get bored, hop on over to my blog to take the citizenship test.
Happy 4th!
I LOVE the 4th of July...it's my favorite day of the year.
We've already been to our neighborhood pancake breakfast, our town parade, and now we're home resting before we head out for fireworks later.
I hope you're resting and enjoying a lazy, lazy day!
I'm so glad I found your blog, Kelly, as I really enjoy reading it...you inspire me! I also identify with so many things you talk about, and I love looking at your little baby ticker as it brings up so many very recent memories. My husband I and I spent last 4th of July in Washington D.C. While that was so great, it was also very sad as it was a time that we, too, were struggling with fertility issues. This 4th of July, we are preparing to move into a new house, AND we are 7 weeks away from giving birth to our little Alexandra Renee! :) I, too, was very, very sick for the first 20 weeks and have taken Zofran everyday since about week 9 to keep the nausea and vomiting in check...it was awful and still is if I don't take my 'magic pill.' In a weird sort of way, the vomiting and nausea makes me smile as it is a reminder of our sweet girl whom we can't wait to meet! P.S. Today is a low key day for us as well although we will spend dinner with my husband's family. :)
Happy 4th of July! Praying for you!
Kara - John 3:30
PS. I was really sick with my first 2 boys, the doctor put me on Phenergan to help with the nausea. Just a thought. I also kept crackers and a sprite on my night-stand.
Hey Kelly!!
I hope you are getting lots of rest today and able to do NOTHING!
We just got back from my in laws...the entire family is there and it really is alot of fun. However...my middle son, Tyler, is off to Destin with some friends. What???!!!! I've let him go to the beach without me.
Heading to Atlanta in the morning for some Atlanta braves baseball because we just don't seem to get enough of the sport! :)
Hugs and prayers~
I hope you get to feeling better. We are going to see the fireworks tonight. Sunday my sister and L & L are coming. Mama too I think! So that's about it! Low key weekends are always great!
Rest, Eat, Swim, Rest, Eat, Eat, Eat, Rest, Swim, Rest, Eat. Did I say eat? I love the 4th and all the grilled food...yummmy! Just think, next 4th of July your lime will be in your arms, enjoying all the festivities! Rest up!
Let's see~we ate my special recipe of burgers, hot dogs, chili to go on top, twice baked potatoes, Macaroni salad, strawberry pretzel salad, banana cream pudding, cucumbers, tomatoes and onions in vinegar and salt....hmmm, let me see, what else?? Oh, deviled eggs.....
Ah, I guess that's a lot of food!! My mom came over, so it was the 9 of us.
Tonight the kids and Daddy will go a few blocks away to our town lake to watch the big fireworks show...
While I sleep!!
I'm going to try your Bunco Buns in a couple of weeks for my husband's surprise party!!!
Okay, that's enough from me for now!
Leanne in Longview
4th of July is one of my very favorites too. It always has been!
Kelly, hope you were able to have a lazy restful 4th. I am commenting so late as I worked this morning then ended up in bed from 3p until 9p with a wicked migraine :(
The weather today in southeastern MA has been cool. I am actually glad because if were nice we would've wanted to be at the beach and I definately wouldn't have made it!
Last night my family and some friends walked to our beach and watched all the fireworks. It is a July 3rd traditon in my town. Tons of fireworks up and the the beach for miles--pretty neat!
We have a place on Cape Cod that has a town run fireworks dispaly every year and it is tomorrow night. We will be heading down the Cape tomorrow for a 2 week vaca. Tomorrow is kind of like our 4th celebration. We will have tons of family and friends there. We will go to the beach, have a big cookout then walk around the corner to the bluffs above the beach to watch the fireworks.
I have actually been in that house before; but they must not have lived there when I toured it! The decor was VERY Victorian. I have always loved the exterior, though!
So glad you get to have a relaxing weekend... I love the 4th of July, also!
Well, we had a BIG 4th with about 20 or so family members, volley ball, horse shoes, corn hole, swimming, grilling, and fireworks... and now, on the 5th, I'm thinking your low key weekend wasn't such a bad idea! I plan to have a low key next day or two! Hope you get to feeling better soon... I know it's worth it! ;-)
what a gorgeous house! i hope you are feeling good this weekend.
I am a new reader to your blog and love it! Back when you blogged about the ballard designs makeover you showed some picutres of things in your home. I am in love with your lamps in your study and the one on the side table in your living area. Where did you find them? You have great taste!
Hey Kelly! I've been reading your blog for a couple of months. I read one of your comments on Beth Moore's site and went to your blog and have really enjoyed reading it. I just wanted to tell you that I am so happy for you about your pregnancy! God is so good! I also have been getting recipes off of your recipe site. The cupcakes with the chocolate chip cookie dough in the middle is a favorite for my family. :) Anyway, just wanted to leave you a comment and tell you how much I enjoy your blog. Hope you are fabulous today and feeling good.
Happy 4th of July! I hope you had a nice low key weekend. My husband I went to the mountains with my family.
The house you toured is gorgeous! Older homes are always so pretty with so much character.
Have a nice week!
I hope that you were able to have a restful weekend and that you are felling much better!
Praying for you,
We had a very low key weekend as well. They only time we got out was to go see Pops on the River and to go to church yesterday. It has been great! I pray that you get relief from your sickness soon!
Thanks for letting me visit your site. I hope you start getting some of your energy back soon.
Sometimes there is nothing better than a low-key weekend at home ;)! I absolutely LOVE touring historic homes and that one is BEAUTIFUL!!!!
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