When I was in the 3rd grade - I went to church camp in Siloam Springs, AR for the first time. That began a love affair with one of my favorite places ever. I went to camp there every summer in junior high and high school and then for the 4 summers I was in college I worked there as a staffer.
Those were the most fun summers of my life. I worked with a lot of kids from OBU and we had SO much fun. I worked a ton of hours in this snack shack. :-)
This is a picture of the staff one summer that I worked there. Can you find me????? :-)
So I'm excited because one of my friends from college (who I met the summer before my freshman year- I was a staffer and he came as a counselor) - is the Camp Pastor this week. (Boy do I feel old when my friends are now camp pastors). ha! And his wife was one of my good friends at OBU. So I had planned to go over to the evening service tonight and see them. Plus, I love to go every year or so and just see how camp is going.
My parents church is there this week also. My parents went with the youth for about 20 years but in the last few years - they have gone to the children's only camp instead. So when the youth are there - they normally drive over and attend the night service to see the kids. So I'm going to meet up with them for dinner and celebrate my mom's birthday and then we'll go on to camp. And Scott is going to get to see my camp for the first time. I'm excited for him to experience it.
Did you go to church camp? And did you love it? Did any of you work at camps?
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
Second row, second person from the left?
I only got to go to church camp one time when I was eight. I went with one of my cousins. It was definitely a good experience. Have a great time tonight.
PS. We'll have to chat and pray again soon!
My guess is the same as Heather's ;)!
I went on retreats and to church camp from 6th grade on into college AND I loved every moment of it! I always had a rejuvenated feeling when I got home ;)!
I am so glad you are getting to walk down memory lane tonight with your family!!!
Ok - it's unanimous...second row, second from the left.
Sounds like you have great memories. I hope my kids get to do things like that, and have that foundation as they grow.
I picked you out!! :)
I did go to church camp when I was a kid and I'm so blank on the name right now. I can only come up with the name that the kids from my current church go to.
Loved it though. Its all that matters. Have fun tonight.
Have a great day!
DON'T CHUNK ROCKS! Oh my gosh...I loved Siloam but I haven't been in YEARS! My husband went as a counselor a few times but I haven't been back. I'm a faithful lurker to your blog and I love it. Congratulations on baby Stamps!
I went to that same camp... and LOVED it! Those were some of the BEST times!
Oh what FUN memories!!! I loved that place, too! I loved getting letters from you when you worked at camp! :) I hope Rhett can go to Children's camp there when he gets a little older. I need to go there for a few weeks now as a diet plan--I remember I'd pretty much eat only Tart n' Tiny Candy from the Snack Shack (and a few other junk foods that we stored under the bunks!)
Oh the memories of the infamous snack shack! You were probably a camp counselor when I attended! I loved that place.. Even the smelly rooms! I went from 3rd grade up through high school! Oh the memories!!!
I spotted you on the 2nd row! I never really loved any camp. I went to siloam one time. it was good. Have fun tonight!
I never went to our church camp but I was a counselor and I wish that I had gone a kid because it is so much fun!!!
Kelly-I have been so behind on blogging since the baby but just saw your amazing news about being pregnant!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so excited for ya'll! I hope you are feeling well - yah for you!!!
I see you! I used to do Group Workcamps every summer through highschool. I loved every single moment of it. The helping people fix up their houses that could do it for themselves and just the feeling of Jesus that you have when you're there, singing and feeling everything. It was the best!
My precious little cousin is at church camp this week in Siloam Springs! I just mailed her off a letter on Monday! Becky & I went EVERY summer to church camp there. I'm not sure if it is the same camp your talking about though...we were brought up "Assembly of God". Here is the address I mailed her letter. Is this the same one?
Arkansas Baptist Assembly
c/o"Lindsey Rosa"(week #3)
3600 S.Lincoln
Siloam Springs,AR 72761
my husband and i have a camp that we went to as youth (he more than i) we love going there during the week and worshipping with them. although it has changed and evolved over the years there is still something familiar and peaceful about returning to a place where you spent summers laying your soul bare.
my husband got asked this year to be on the director's advisory board! yeah, he's feeling his age with that one!
- Miriam -new reader- Love your blog (and honesty)
AHHHH the snack shack.... Do you still remember the song??? I went for 3 years. I'm sure that you were working there when I went. It was always so much fun. I hated the cabins but we always had so much fun.
I didn't go to church camp, but I did go to Girl Scout camp up in the mountains in CA.....
I was so homesick I cried every single night!
I was a very shy girl and didn't like being away from home....
You'll have a good time at Siloam!
And yes, I did spot you in the pic...
You don't look a day older, except now you have blonde hair.
Take care!
Leanne in Longview
Do you know the name of the person on the back row second from the left? I think her name might be Tammy Church. Of course it's not now, but it sure looks like her.
I went to camp in Ridgecrest, NC (Centerfuge) and in Glorietta, NM. I honestly was into meeting cute Christian boys there but really did love the "spiritual high" I came home with.
Have fun!
First row of girls, second from the left.
Boy do those pictures bring back memories!!! I attended Siloam for children's camp, once in high school and once right before my freshman year at OBU. That means you were there to! It is so funny to me that our paths crossed so much but we never really met. = )
We didn't attend Siloam camps often because 1. it was about a 6 hour drive for us back in those days, and 2. our associations always seemed to own their own campgrounds and sponsor their own children's and youth camps.
Ahhh, summer church camp... that brings back memories!
Have fun with your folks!
I went to church camp for two summers growing up...the first time was when I accepted Christ for real (I may or may not have asked Jesus into my heart about 36 different times...no one explained the one time business to me until camp). So clearly, camp holds some fond memories for me.
Girl, I went to camp in Garden City, SC (the beach!) and met my husband there! We met when I was going into 7th grade and he was going into 9th grade. We both went all through school and even in college as counselors with our churches. And 13 yrs after meeting there, we got engaged there too! Needless to say, church camp brings back LOTS of memories for me!
I went to camp just about every summer of my childhood and teenage years at Bogg Springs near Mena, AR. There was about a 13 year gap, but when my son turned 9 and daughter 3, I started going back as a sponsor for the the girls and have been every year since. (that would be 7 years now) My son is leaving for Teen Leadership Camp there on Monday. I love camp. It is awesome and I was actually going to post on church camp in a few days on my blog.
I love Jesus, yes I do, I love Jesus, how 'bout you?
That is so neat! I think my cousin Lindsey is at that EXACT church camp this week! She's 12 and it's her first time to go so I hope she's enjoying herself! I got her a card and sent it to her on Tues. because we all know how important it was to get mail while at camp! Bon and I went from the 3rd grade until we were 18 every summer until we were too old! Good times and great memories were made...love church camp!
my church went to different camps every year. We went to Super Summer after my Sr yr though... wish we woulc have gone to that camp every year. I went as a counselor the next year and that's when I met David :) (he was a counselor too... by mistake. he should have been a camper, but he interviewed to be a counselor, not knowing he was supposed to still be a camper, and they never asked him his age!)
I saw you right away. Heather is right. Sounds like fun memories and a fun time you'll have tonight.
I didn't grow up in a Christian home, so I was never exposed to the gospel or anything "church" until AFTER college. So needless to say, I never went to, worked at or even heard of church camp as a youngster.
My husband, however, has been a Christian since he was like 6 years old...and he did work at our church's camp before we got married.
Well, if everyone's guess is right, then I picked you out, too!!
YES, YES, YES! I LOVED church camp! I went to 2 church camps every summer since I was in 2nd grade and now I'm one of the directors!
Those are such special memories for me!
I would LIVE at church camp...you know...if I didn't have a hubby and kids...and wasn't 30...I think I would stand out.
We never had camp but we did have summer trips. Lots of fun!!
Now that everyone else picked you out, I see you now, too. The dark hair threw me off.
I was very lucky to go to many camps...Pine Cove in Tyler, TX, every summer; Camp Eagle Lake in Colorado one summer; Jan Kay Ranch somewhere in Texas for several summers...very fun and GREAT memories! Won't it be fun when your own little one experiences that? :)
Now I'm singing the Siloam song in my head! I loved Siloam! I was the third generation in my family to attend-my mom and grandmother went when they were in youth. DON'T CHUNK ROCKS-my friend's grandpa came up with that one-remember it? Who's the pastor friend of yours that's at Siloam this week?
Oh, next to my home I love you Siloam.....
Went to Siloam from 1972-1975!
What wonderful memories. Loved the picture of the snack shack.
I was sad when they torn down the old tabernacle.
Speaking of camp...I am at Falls Creek this week and Junior High camp next week. It is NEVER ending when you are married to the youth minister, but tons of fun!!! I grew up going to Brookhill Ranch in Hot Springs, AR. I LOVED it! Have fun tonight.... you will be SO glad they now have the air conditioned tabernacle. :)
My favorite camp was Camp Cherokee in Chattanooga TN. I got to go when I went in the 6th grade and went every year except for one until I graduated. The year we missed we went to Falls Creek.
Compared to CC, Falls Creek was horrible. But I heard it was and is a favorite of many so maybe it was just a bad year for the camp.
My sister went to JBU, I loved visiting her in Siloam. She went to FBC Springdale.
I remember going to a restaurant with roadkill in the name. Do you know it?
I never attended Siloam but I did go several times when Mark Matlock was speaking. He and my dad are really good friends so we'd got over a night or two to hear him speak. I am about to head to camp this next week as a sponsor, come back for a week and then go back for another week of Kid's Camp!
I went to an awesome church camp in Hot Springs called Brookhill growing up. It was where I got saved. I can't wait till my kids can go there as well!
I love Siloam Springs!! I started going the summer before 7th grade and went until I was a senior. I'm sure you were there the same time I was. I have many, many great memories from that place. I also went to Super Summer at OBU and also some Young Life camps. I loved me some Summer Camps!!
i'm so glad you shared your camp stories. i am constantly wishing i could be a camper at a camp again.
i went to different camps growing up then worked at camp shiloh in new york for four summers.
I went to NLR as a teen with my church and I got to bring my H.S. girls back when I was a small group leader. My husband and I lived in Siloam when we first got married and finished up school at JBU. I love Siloam too. I can't wait till we get to go to family camp in the future. Have fun!
wow! when i brought your post up and so those pictures my heart skipped a beat! it brings back so many memories! my dad was a youth minister for most of my life so i was raised at church camp. :) my fondest memories of camp were at siloam . we went to Faith Week. wish i lived closer to go back and work there. i've never worked at a camp, but would love to.
*no so those pictures, saw! sorry!
Never went to Siloam Springs camp, but Evan did. Our youth group went to Centrifuge and after a lot of convincing to go my very first year, I was hooked. I went EVERY year from 8th grade until I was old enough to staff. Basically, I was a camper, a chaperone, then a staffer. I staffed at Glorieta in between my junior and senior year of college. It was a HARD summer, but I loved it!
Wow! I went to the same church camp! Actually, my cousin Melissa (she said she e-mailed you) is the fourth person in your row. What a small world!
Add me to the Siloam camp list. :) We LOVED to go there. Maybe you were a staffer there when I was there. :) Lots of great memories were made there.
I am debating now about Coco going to this camp with our church in August. Did you go the summer before 3rd grade or after? She is going into 3rd and not sure if I should wait a year.
I went to a summer church camp in Siloam Springs in the 7th grade...it probably was that camp but I don't remember the name. I also went to Kanakuk/Kanakomo for a month one summer...that was a great camp! Have so much fun going back to your old stomping ground. Hope you're feeling wonderful!
When Derek saw the title to your post, he started singing the theme song! I loved Siloam. I have vivid memories of the pool, catching fireflies at night, and the awesome services. Most importantly, it is where, at age 9, that I asked Jesus into my heart. I would love to go back there some day. That will be so fun to show Scott around! I am curious now who the pastor is???
Oh, and I loved that "Don't Chunk Rocks" song! :)
OH I loooooved church camp! The one I went to was in Ohio...called Camp Bountiful. I have had some of THE BEST memories of my life there. I would always finagle it to where I could spend as many weeks as possible at camp. I can't wait for my kids to go ... and for me to go as the camp nurse! Love church camp!!
I'm not sure when exactly I found your blog...but I've been reading for a while!
I had a post back in June about church camp! I grew up going and actually met my husband there!!
Glad you got to go back and visit!
I went to New Life Ranch in high school. During college I worked 2 summers at Kanakuk! To this day that is one of my favorite places on earth. I grew in the Lord so, so much those 2 summers. We had no tv, radio, or contact with the "outside" world. It was just Christian influences all day, every day. Sort of like a little taste of heaven!
I went to Camp Siloam one summer in Jr. High with a friend. Not sure when. It was fun! I went Brookhill every summer I could I think. :) That is where all my summer camp memories are.
I grew up going to Siloam Springs, too. I LOVED it! We started going before we were old enough to be in the dorms, so we stayed in the houses with my mom and she worked in the children's area. My brother has been worked there quite a bit through the years. He still loves it. He just got back last week! :) I went a few years ago when he was there as athletic leader and had a blast watching the kids. I can't wait to be chaperone when my kids are able to go.
I am cracking up at the Siloam post. I hated Siloam! :) My family & friends love rehashing all of our horror stories about that place. It makes for good laughs now, so it is fun. Glad you loved it!
I found your blog through another blog. I enjoy reading it. I am an Arkie myself. Grew up in F.S., went to OBU (the other one), then to UCA, moved to Memphis, Byhalia and am now putting down roots in J'boro.
Congrats on your baby!
I totally found you with your dark hair!!!
What a coincidence! I was showing
Jamie pictures from camp when they
were here last. I went several years
in the 50's; cold showers and all.
I have great memories of Siloam.
Rose Mary
I love church camp! I went to Siloam Springs with a friend when I was 10, going into the 5th grade! So fun! All the other years, I went to an Assembly of God camp in Hot Springs, AR. I was raised AofG and now I'm Southern Baptist (since meeting my then boyfriend/now husband).
I am from the DeQueen/Horatio area. I posted on your mom's blog, but it's hard conversing further since my blog is private and I don't have her email and she doesn't have mine obviously. I was curious if she knew any of my family...lots still there in DeQueen. I graduated high school in 1991 then went to college in Texarkana. I live in Louisiana now and am friends (and live in same neighborhood) with Candy who reads your blog. Ashlie and Angela too.
Sorry this is a book! Congratulations on the baby!! I was so excited to read the great news! I was praying hard for you guys! :)
I've been lurking here for so long (from link on Candy's blog) and now I've decided to delurk. :) I love your blog! I'd love to invite you to read mine too. Maybe Candy can send me your email if you give your permission.
Yeah Siloam! I went there every year from 91-94. So funny! I just got caught up on your blog. We've been traveling.
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