Our friends Mike and Kacy had their little boy, Wells Michael, yesterday morning. We were so excited for them. We went after work to visit them in the hospital and we ran into our friends Guy and Julie in the parking lot so we all four got to go up and visit.

Mike and little Wells

Kacy and her sweet boy. I am already trying to match up him and Sarah Kate. They are only 10 days apart and their daddies both went to Mississippi State and their mommas are from south Arkansas so I feel like it would be a match made in heaven. Unless of course we have a daughter and Wells decides he likes younger women - and then Sarah Kate will have a fight on her hands. (if we have a son - he couldn't date SK - because Scott and Laurie are cousins. This IS Arkansas - but I don't think that's a good idea. ha!)

And speaking of new life - we had a beautiful Japanese maple tree in our front landscaping and last spring it bloomed so pretty and then we had a freak snow in April and it just completely killed the tree. I thought it would come back to life and I kept waiting and waiting and we finally gave up.

So we decided to get a new tree and we got a Crepe Myrtle tree. I LOVE crepe myrtles. This one is a natchez variety - so it has white flowers. I love the pink flowered ones but I thought it would clash with our red house. I mean you have to accessorize correctly. ha!

What is your favorite kind of tree or plant? I also LOVE Magnolia trees and we have a minature one in our landscaping that I bought a few years ago. It makes me feel so southern.
I am a Georgia peach so I would have to say I lOVE Magnolia's as well. I would also have to say I like Dogwoods but Magnolia's are my absolute favorite!!!!
I love magnolia trees! I used to pull off the bud and use it as a microphone when I was little.
Wells and SK seem like a good match!
I love lilac bushes!! They smell so good!
absolutely a magnolia!! they would revoke my degree from ole miss if i said otherwise! ;)
I love crepe myrtles... we actually just planted one! Magnolias are GREAT, too! I also love dogwoods, although I'm thinking I've killed mine. My old sweet little neighbor told me I watered it too much! Go figure... I didn't think that was possible! My other neighbor tells me it is "adjusting". I don't know... Plants aren't my specialty!
Gardenias and Hydrangeas are probably my favorites. I have 2 of each and they are so sad. I should take better care of them! :)
I love Crepe Myrtle trees too. We have a few of those. I also love weeping cherry trees.
That is so something I would think about...will the blooms clash with the brick. So funny! I love the new tree. Very pretty.
Speaking of babies, are you still going with Hudson or Harper for the names?
Oak trees are my favorite! We have some in our back yard that are very old. We even built our house around the trees... Your yard looks beautiful and good luck with this new tree! Susie H~
I love our weeping cherry tree in the backyard. We planted on our first baby's due date that we m/c. But it's just so beautiful and reminds me of God's precious gift of life. Plus it always blooms at the beginning of April, around the due date. It's been four years, but it's just lovely to see and smell and to see our two daughters around it.
Also, Jane Magnolias. I think that's the miniature magnolia you're talking about.
Ok Kelly....so now I know it really is a small world. You know the Harris' that I knew from Kanakuk and then moved here to Waco...and now you know Mike Murray- with whom my husband went to high school with in an ever so tiny town in MS...and he also went to MSU with both of us and dated my roommate for a little while. Crazy! I'll email you for more details later. Thanks! :)
I noticed just today that our crepe myrtle is blooming. We have one in the front yard and one in the back. The one in front is behind the other--I think it gets less sun.
AWW! Congrats to the Murray's!!! Wells is so precious. Glad ya'll got to visit them! I am also partial to Magnolia trees! The blossoms are just so beautiful! But as far as other plants, I love caladiums, well there are many!
Darn that cold snap last April. It did the same thing to our Japanese maple. We too waited with baited breath for it to return...Alas no such luck. We planted a new tree. Not sure what kind, just what the nursery had on sale! HA! I commented on the post about telling your parents! THANKS so much for sharing!
crepe myrtles for sure. my parents have a pink one in the backyard...and i just love it. me and c had our picture made in front of one the first time we had our portrait done...and it is still my favorite pic of us of all time.
Babies, babies, babies on your blog. Aren't they so sweet? I am going to enjoy following your pregnancy. I have a Magnolia tree that my husband got me several years ago for Valentines day. I love to look back at the pictures and see how it has grown.
What southern girl wouldn't love crepe myrtles and magnolias?
Weeping willows by the edge of a pond are pretty too.
Congrats on the baby - I'll be praying for you.
lilac trees! it doesn't get cold enough in the south for us to have them but they are beautiful in the spring time. my great grandma had them on her farm in SD and they were just beautiful! i wish i could have one here...it makes me sad that we can't sometimes!
I love all kinds of trees and plants. My favorites are magnolias, dogwoods, hydrangeas, and peonies.
I hope you have a nice week!
I have become a huge fan of the Weeping Cherry tree. My husband and I came across them for the first time on a trip to Garvan Woodland Gardens to see the tulips and I fell in love with them. It's a beautiful tree!
First, I love that you are already matchmaking two newborns and your own baby. Quick question--if you have a son, who does Sarah Kate choose?
To answer your question, I don't know if I have ever had a favorite tree or plant before...but the house we moved into last fall has a hydrangea bush next to the front door...and it is bringing me some serious joy right now. Of course, if it were September, I would be all over the mums. Such a simple plant, but I do so love them.
Love the Crepe Myrtle trees I have one in my back yard. I also have been wanting a Magnolia but somehow my husband is not convinced on them. I'm sure I will win this little battle soon he always gives in.
Hey! My due date is Jan. 30th! I need to put a little tracker like you did on top of my blog! Hope you are feeling better....I am only getting a little sick when I let myself get hungry....so I'm trying to stay full all the time! : )
We had a HUGE tuplip magnolia tree in our backyard of the house we just sold. It was probably 50 years old! LOVELY! :)
Crepe Myrtles are awesome. At our house in NWA, we planted one that was from a start off my grandparents ancient crepe myrtle. Isn't that cool? It was so little when we planted it, but it started really blooming by the time we moved. I'd love to see how tall it is this summer.
That's the great thing about gardening...a lot of the stuff we had in our yard in NWA was from my parent's/grandparent's/aunt's yards. So fun!!!
I've been missing out from what I can see! =) I'm trying to catch up on all my blog reading! I've been off a week on vacation! Not a big vacation like yours...just a vacation around the house! Mr. "S" little girl came to stay with us for a week from Ohio...it's really sad that her mother moved her so far away!! =( The courts STINK! I won't even go there! Any ways...It was a GREAT week! You can stop by and see two post I have up now! I'm trying to get more picture post up now but I can't seem to find the time in a day!
As far as my favorite tree...
I would have to say I LOVE Magnolia trees too! They smell so good!! My dad has so many on his 10 acres! When I was a little girl I would climb up in them and pick the flowers! Yeah, I was a tom-boy! I climbed trees!
I can't wait to get caught up on your blog!
Congrats to your friends and their new bundle of joy! =)
You would hate my house because we too have red brink and we have all sort of colorful flowers in our flower beds right now! I just love bright colors and it makes is seem so summery (not a word) to me!!
I do love crepe myrtles though and I need something to plant in our back yard so I might just look into that!!
Love Japanese maples! I do not have a green thumb at all so I would kill anything I tried to plant lol. I asked my mom to come help me do some potted plants for my patio to make it more homey.
That crepe myrtle will be gorgeous there.
You did not just say "This IS Arkansas - but I don't think that's a good idea." Hee hee. You are way too cute and funny girl. But, now I'm a little worried to apply for that job! Just kidding!!
Miniature magnolias??? Never knew they had such a thing. I want one!! I love magnolias!!!!
I love crape mytrles...we planted two last September and I think this summer they are going to be amazing!!!
I did find this totally beautiful hyrangea tree at a nursery last fall. I had never seen one before and it was amazing (but also like $200).
Congrats Mike and Kacy! So exciting, and I am just in love with the name Wells. I think I remember you saying it was her maiden name which is so cool to me!
I love crepe myrtles too! You'll have to post a picture when it blooms - I know it will be just gorgeous!
P.S. Love the new ticker at the top of the blog!! :-)
I have a weeping cherry tree in the front yard and I LOVE it. We also have a Japanese Maple, but it is little. Love the landscape!
Guess what? My 5 year old daughter is named Kellie!!!
Thanks for visiting my blog....I rejoiced to see your comment!
My favorite tree is the Japanese Maple.....I've been thinking about planting one in memory of our 3 angels in Heaven. I love Japanese trees because they're so serene and so graceful, and they don't get too big and shed all over!! LOL!
I always cry when I read of mamas having babies...it's such a sacred and blessed time. I'm so excited for you and your husband to experience it first hand.
I'll keep looking for you on my blog....if you want to read more about me, you can also go over to www.homeschoolblogger.com/stillgrowing.
That's where I started blogging 2 years ago or so.
Talk soon!
I could have sworn I already commented but I guess not. I love crepe myrtles but I haven't seen many white ones.
My favorite would probably be Bradford Pear and large old Oak Trees. My poppy built my first tree house in the old oak tree in their back yard. Many memories!!
My favs are lilacs and hydrangeas. Love the lilacs for thier scent. The house I grew up in was surrounded by lilacs and in early June, when the windows were open, oh my, what a beautiful smell!
I love blue hydrangeas because they remind me of my favorite place, the beach. Especially Nantucket, with the quaint cottages and beautiful blue hydrangea bushes.
KELLY!! I was totally behind you today at Hobby Lobby at the fabric counter! It didn't hit me until after you were gone! I was standing there thinking, "That girl has really cute hair!" Then you walked off and I was like, "Oh my GOSH... That was Kelly." I tried to find you again; but I guess you had already checked out! How I wish I had realized it earlier!
I LOVE dogwoods and magnolias. My MIL has an enormous magnolia tree in her yard. She clipped some branches last Christmas, spray painted them red, and let them drape over the edge of her cabinets. So pretty. Love y'all yardwork!
Love y'all's yardwork.
I just discovered tulip trees..they are beautiful!! Tulips are my fav flowers, so I just thought a tree full of them is perfect. I also love magnolia's and dogwood's!!
I LOVE the smell of magnolias...and I do like crepe myrtles too...the line the entire side of my property line...but I really love laura pedlum.
Oh, I am a magnolia girl all the way (which is part of the reason for my blog title)! :) I love crepe myrtles as well because they bloom so pretty during the heat of the summer; we planted two of them last year in our backyard, but I have always dreamed of having a magnolia tree. :)
I love dogwoods! We had one at our home in Alabama when I was in elementary school. My other favorite is Japanese Cherry trees because they have such a dramatic bloom.
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