I want to let you in on a little secret. Okay two secrets.
I'm not a big fan of pottery barn. Gasp! I mean their stuff is okay - it's just not my favorite thing.
I am, instead, a HUGE, ENORMOUS fan of Ballard Designs. If you don't get their catalog - go to the website and sign up. They have the best stuff. I would like one of everything please.

I am telling you all this so I can let you in on my next secret - they are doing a $25,000 giveaway. You could win $25,000 worth of stuff from them AND a consultation with a decorator from Southern Accents. I'm thinking I could empty out my house and just start over if I win. And I am determined to win which makes me wonder why I am telling you???? ha!
So go here and enter today. If you win - you better at least give me a $500 gift card!
I love them too Kelly! Thanks for the heads up on the giveaway!
Girlfriend, you are too kind. :)
They are my favorite too...they have awesome table linens too!! I was thinking about ordering some chairs, but was unsure. After seeing yours, I am going to pick some out! Thanks!
Pretty stuff! I could use that giveaway for my new house.
Sorry, I was not an instant winner ;( I will try again tomorrow. If I win, I'll definitely share my winnings with you!
You know I love Ballard. I actually entered last week after I got my new catalog in the mail! LOVE THEM!!!
They do have great stuff, I get the catalogue. They have this kitchen island that I've placed on the fridge door and have been drooling over for about two years now!!! I'll enter and see what happens...although I must warn you...that cute beach towel is the only thing I've EVER won in my life!!!
I so wish I would have known about them before I started this fiasco I am living right now about my custom made curtains. NIGHTMARE! Oh, and I have always wondered where you got that chair cover in your office because it is too, too cute! Thanks for letting me know. You have such great style, Kelly. I love your house. If you do win and empty your house, just let me know and I'll come take all your stuff off your hands. :)
I love Ballard too! Their stuff is so fun and reasonably priced. I hope you enjoy your week!
Your house is beautiful. I *heart* Ballard too. They are perfect! I just signed up-keeping my fingers crossed. ;)
When you win can I have your furniture?
Love the curtains, the sofa table, etc. All so very cute.
My favorite is the monogrammed chair cover! Adorable. I am redoing our office and need all the help I can get. Is the desk a built in? Where is it??
Loved seeing all the pics of your house!
I LOVE Ballard Designs! LOVE THEM! I am very excited about the give away. If I win, I'll buy you something pretty!
I have never looked at their catalog. I will have to order one!
Check out my blog! I just gave you an Award!!
Oh mercy! This makes me so excited! Thank you so much for sharing this secret with us! How cool would it be for one of us bloggers to win??
I am hoping to stop by Ballard's Backroom when I go to Atlanta in July!
I have never heard of these folks!! Do they have stores too, and if so, where?! I will have to check out the website. I love, love, love the monogrammed chair!! I love anything with my name and/or letters on it!!! :)
Thanks for the info about the giveaway! I'll have to go enter now...nothing beats a free makeover!
I've never heard of Ballard Designs but I've been on their website and I'm in love! I hope I win, and if I do, I'll reward you well. :)
Thanks for the "heads up" and if I win I will definitely reward you good! They do have some great stuff. I love your monogrammed chair cover in your office. Looks like alot of great blogs are produced in THAT chair!
thanks for the heads up...i love this store. they recently opened one at our local mall. i was so excited because now i don't have to shop online anymore. :)
Oh my goodness. I adore that store! I made my drapes in my den from one of their designs.. I just cant get enough of them! My mother in law introduced me to them and I have been in love ... Thanks for sharing that info... and good luck. If One of us wins we will have to all share, smile! Susie H
I will definitely be checking them out. Thanks for the tip! I promise I will share with you if i win! (which is highly unlikely...I never win anything!) :)
I have never heard of that - but believe me - i am signing up for that catalogue! Your house is be-auti-ful by the way!!
Hi Kelly,
I have stopped by your blog a couple of times- I recognized the Hester's post b.c. I go to church with their family and we've been praying for them. I also cooked up some of your recipes. They were yummy. Just thought I'd say hi!
I too love BD..I'm wanting to order a Parson's chair to go in our m-bedroom and a rug for our bath. I'm in the process of decorating our house and have gotten many ideas from their catalog. Part of the reason blogging has been put on the backburner.
How neat! I was just on there today trying to choose a comforter. I don't know how I overlooked the contest. Thanks-L
I love Ballard! Thanks for telling us about the sweepstakes! $25,000! Can you even imagine?
I love them and have bought several things from them. I entered the giveaway and it said I was "bohemian"!!! That is so not me! :) I am so traditional it is not even funny. :)
I'm a designer and I agree with you 100% on Pottern Barn. There stuff is really poor quality. Love all your Ballard stuff - everything looks great.
I love Ballard's, too! Here in town, we have a Ballard's outlet, where they always have GREAT deals on their stuff...however, it is usually stuff that has either been returned or was damaged during shipping. But most of the stuff is still usuable, or fixable (are those words?). They always have tons of rugs, chandeliers, chairs, lots of their furniture, armoires, cabinets, those big desks, artwork, oh just everything. I've gotten quite a bit of stuff there.
I love the style of Ballard too. I always say that if I could choose just one store to furnish my entire home, it would be Ballard!
Their corporate headquarters is across from my old high school in Ohio and they have an outlet there. I was so bummed because when we were visiting this past spring, I tried to go 2 different times but missed their open hours. There are always tons of fun accessories & furniture to be had at their outlet! Good luck in your quest to be the contest winner!!!
I, too, love that catalog. And sadly, I'm not so much of a Pottery Barn gal either. I like some things but overall I like Ballard much better. I use Pottery Barn for ideas.
I love Ballard too - and they are reading your blog! I work with them and they love it!
Plus - where did you get your office desk? Love that too!
Oh Ballard makes me smile! Thanks for the giveaway info.
I have had so much fun looking at your blog since first seeing it on Big Mama’s Fashion Fiesta post. I have wanted to leave a comment for some time and since I too LOVE Ballard, I thought this post was the perfect opportunity! You are so cute and have such a fun blog. I look forward to checking in each day! Keep up the good work!
I love Ballard Designs and love your office chair. I want parson's chairs with monograms for a dining room one day.
Your home is beautiful! I just received my first catalog and I love it. I just can't decide where to begin. I have red in my dining room too. You are a Girl after my own heart.
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