Today has just been a wonderful day of R&R!!!! We decided just to spend the day at our hotel just relaxing and it was so great. The weather was perfect. We ate an early breakfast and were the first ones on the beach. We spent a while taking pictures around the beach because the lighting was so pretty early in the morning.

Here I am as soon as we got our seats staked out!

I'm such a poser. ha!

Doesn't Scott look so cool?

The BEST part of my day - I looked up and there was a beautiful rainbow next to the mountains! I loved this!!! God sends us rainbows as a symbol of His promise to us. And seeing this on Mother's Day was just the message I needed from God. Is He awesome or what? I wanted you to all see this to remind you that God is faithful to fulfill what He promises to us!

Our beach

Tonight we drove to the South side of the Island to eat at the Beach House. This is a very popular restaurant and we soon found out why. The setting is beautiful and it's an open air restaurant and we got to witness the most beautiful sunset while we ate. Everyone kept getting up and going outside to take pictures during their meals. The food was delicious but I decided not to post meal pictures this time.

Our waiter took our picture at sunset. I have some lovely tan lines.

I will show your our desserts - you didn't think we would skip that, did you? The back cake is chocolate and coconut and it was SO good. The front was a chocolate molten lava cake.
This was one of the best days I've had in years. I wish you were all here with us!
Thanks so much for sharing your vacation with us!! The pictures are beautiful! The rainbow brings tears to my eyes. Yes, God is faithful!! Praying for you!
It does me so good to hear that this was one of the best days you have had in years. God is so faithful, and it is so special that He was able to communicate that to you!!!
Please keep enjoying the weather because it is no good here! ha!!!
P.S. It's breakfast time here, but I am sooooo wanting those cakes!!!
P.S.S. That orange dress is waaaaay cute on you!!!
Oh, how I wish I was there, too!
I love that God gave you a rainbow! What a reminder that He sees you, Kelly, and that He cares about all that is going on in your life!
I am enjoying your posts from Hawaii. I had no idea how beautiful it was there, but you almost made me want to be a beach girl.
Glad your day yesterday was wonderful. Hope you have many more!
I've never been to Hawaii. Seeing all of your pictures is making me want to go! It looks so relaxing! I'm glad you're having a good time.
OH HIS FAITHFULNESS IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! I LOVE YOUR BANGS CLIPPED BACK!!! YOU LOOK SO CUTE!!!! i am glad that yall just layed around and rested!!!!! have a wonderful monday..... i feel like i a gaining weight just looking at your food!!!!! YUM YUM YUM
I love that you two like desserts as much as I do!!
What a BEAUTIFUL day! I wish I was there with you too!!!
What beautiful pictures! The picture of the rainbow over the mountains is breathtaking.
I'm glad this is one of your best days and I pray for many more for you.
Thanks for sharing such fun vacation moments! I'm enjoying keeping up with you and Scott on your vacation!
Gorgeous pictures! I hope the rest of your trip is just as wonderful as this day.
Everything looks so delicious and inviting! You guys are enjoying life I know. The rainbow brought tears to my eyes for you. God did send you a promise! Keep your chin up!!
God is so good and so faithful! I am so happy that the beautiful rainbow appeared for you Kelly! Keep having a blast!
These daily updates make me feel like I'm on vacation too! I love it! And of course, it's fun to see which dres you've chosen for the evening! This coral one is very cute too! I love the rainbow God gave you...why do you think He woke you up early and got you on that beach??? He is just waiting to show you and delight you with His faithfulness. I'm so glad you didn't miss it yesterday!
What an awesome, relaxing day!! I feel like I am on vacation, just reading your posts!!
You have to frame the one of you and the rainbow!
We are just like y'all...the first ones on the beach, and we always get the best chairs!
What a beautiful rainbow. God is so faithful and He's so good!!
Your orange dress rocks!!
Blessings and hugs,
Love your daily posts while on vacation! It's like I get to take a quick break at work and enjoy some nice scenery that is relaxing.
I wish I could have some of your dessert. I am about to eat the picture of the chocolate cake with coconut! YUMMMMMMM!!
God is so good! So glad you had a wonderful day! LOVE the picture of you standing in the water with the rainbow in the background. What a sweet reminder from the Lord and a precious memory to look back on and remember how He did that for you. He is faithful! Praise Him!
P.S. Awesome dress, once again!!
I love it when God goes and shows off like that! What a great gift for you. :) He does keep his promises...I have two little girls that are proof of that...keep believing Him.
Looks like a pretty relaxing place there! I LOVE the sunset picture form day two...makes me long for the beach. :)
Blessings to you
YOu are making me want to go back!!!!! YOu look really skinny in all your pics-just so you know!
Beautiful pics!!! I love living vicarioulsy through you right now...
Oh, I am so jealous! So fun! And the rainbow brought tears to my eyes. He is faithful! Enjoy your time with Him and your love.
Take the rainbow as a Mother's Day gift from God, Kelly. He does keep His promises and fulfills the desires of our hearts. So glad He is whispering to your heart!
I loved this update!!! A day of R&R sounds perfect.
And the rainbow pictures made me cry! God is just amazing. The pic with you with the rainbow behind you needs to be framed--you look beautiful and the meaning behind it is so powerful! LOVE it.
Let the fun continue!!!!
What a perfect day! You have on another CUTE dress! That rainbow is such a pretty picture and perfect reminder of God's faithfulness. I'm glad He blessed you with seeing that on Mother's Day. I prayed for you on my way to Conway yesterday...I prayed for your future family and that you would have a peaceful M-Day in the midst of your waiting. I believe that next year you will be celebrating the holiday in a whole new way! The water in those first few pictures looks crystal clear for miles--that is such a beautiful place.
Hi Kelly, you do not know me but I have been praying for you. I feel like I know you thru Caroline.. I have always wanted to go to Hawaii so I have been checking your blog to see the beautiful pictures and I loved the one of the rainbow.
May the Lord bless you and Keep you and may His face shine on you and be gracious to you and give you peace.. your sister in Christ, Robin(Caroline's MOM)
Wow! God is SO amazing! Your blessing is right around the corner :)
I love me some Hawaii! Charlie and I can't wait to go back. Your picture with the rainbow is gorgeous. And your hair is looking cute.
Kelly, I am so glad you are having a great time! The picture with you and the rainbow is beautiful! You are right - God is so faithful to us.
oh Kelly, I'm loving the photos that you are sharing with us. I've never been to Hawaii, but you make me want to go, I'm sure I will never get there life seems to be very busy. But your pictures let me know what a beatuiful place Hawaii really is. That rainbow was amazeing. You & Scott look so great in every picture such great memories together. Thanks for sharing your trip with the blogging friends. Hope you have a great time. I'm sure it will be hard to come home when its time. K.Barnes
Wow, what a beautiful rainbow. Incredible timing...isn't God amazing?
Looks like you are having an AWESOME time! It's so beautiful! I'm so glad your having so much fun, Becky
Girl, you look great! Where did you get that cute orange dress? Let me know! You are looking so skinny and cute! It is so funny, each day, I have to check your blog to see what you have done today on your trip...girl, it is like I am right there with ya in Hawaii! Loved the rainbow...and how thankful I am for you that you had such a relaxing, peaceful M-day. Love, Melody
Girl! You are looking good and relaxed. I am loving seeing these pictures and I'm glad you did get the ocean view room you talked about. I love the rainbow picture you shared and I'm so glad God gave that to you. I love it when He gives us what we need at just the most exact and needy time
I thought of you on Sunday and wanted to be near you. I prayed for you guys today (Monday).
Enjoy your time and make lots of wonderful memories!!
Oh my goodness...beautiful, beautiful pics and an adorable couple! The hair on you is just too cute, girl!
Lisa :)
Sounds like you guys are having a fabulous time!! You deserve it!
I love how you saw a rainbow and remembered God's promise! Soo true and encouraging!
Jealous of your tan lines!!
Another day of Kelly looking as cute as can be. Love the rainbow pic and that it brought peace to your sweet soul. Continue to have a fun fun time with your hubby!!
God is faithful, Kelly!! I loved that picture. How beautiful!
Just recently found your blog, and I know this post is old, but I wanted to comment anyway! I should be working, but I'm reading your blog instead (yes, all of it! tehehe). Anyway, love this post- it's so fun to see "famous people." So, my encounters with the glamorous life (or not so glam probably) include Chris Noth (saw him on our honeymoon), and Chuck Norris (at a cafe in New Mexico)- at least in my normal life. I work on capitol hill, so we see some famous people here sometimes too - Richard Simmons and Isaiah Washington are the two I can think of off hand. So, I have wanted to comment on other posts too, but couldnt work up the nerve! But, I still have a few months to read! Oh, and I have been sitting here crying at my desk reading your posts about your infertility journey. My office is wondering whats going on with me.
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