I just kind of realized that today is Cinco de Mayo. I went to Wal-Mart tonight and wondered why they had green and red streamers everywhere and party foods out. I'm WAY disappointed that I didn't spend today eating Mexican food and chips and salsa and white cheese dip. I could seriously eat Mexican food every day for the rest of my life but I haven't had any in at least a month while I've been trying to be good. Hope some of ya'll ate chips for me!
I thought I would share a couple of fun things today. If you are in my Sunday school class - you should probably skip the rest of this.Thursday night is our class shower for one of my favorite friends, Kacy. She is expecting little Wells Michael in early July. Wells was her maiden name and I think it's such a fun name! She is doing the nursery in red and black with some zebra print in there! I love it! I made this diaper cake for decorations and for her to take home. (I also have a present for her - but I won't post that on here).
I have to miss the shower because it's the day we leave but I wanted to help out so I got the petit fours. This is the second box that wasn't as full. I could eat my weight in petit fours. Seriously! Chips and petit fours. YUM!
And finally...................Faith - this sweet blogger friend of mine just got an awesome embroidery machine and she sent me this beach towel in the mail today with my monogram on it. And it's green and brown. She also sent me the sweetest card to go with it. I'm overwhelmed by her thoughfulness! Faith - thank you so, so, so much!!!!! I LOVE IT! (I'll be sending a proper thank you your way!) P.S. SHE IS DOING A GIVEAWAY OF A TOWEL LIKE THIS ON HER BLOG - GO LEAVE HER A COMMENT!!!!!!
Have I mentioned that I love my blog friends???? Thank you for all of your sweet comments and e-mails. Keep them coming!!!!
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
I love the diaper cake you made!! You are such a thoughtful friend to prepare your gift before your big trip.
I LOVE your towel!! That was soooo sweet of Faith!! It is so cute. :)
How talented you are, Kelly! And petit fours are sooo good! That beach towel is super cute! I need (well want) one of those machines to embroider things! How fun is that!!!
I have DEEP love for all things featured in this post! :) That diaper cake is precious. And the towel is awesome! That Faith--she's a keeper!
And on behalf of this blog friend--love you too!!
Super CUTE diaper cake--wow!!! I wish I was eating a petit four right now...neat color scheme. And "Wells" IS a great name. My maiden name just wouldn't work that great for a first name! (unless I lived in Hollywood, I guess...isn't there a movie star with a son named Hopper?...I can't think who it is)
And how sweet of Faith to send that towel that is PERFECT for your trip! Monograms make things so special! Hope you saved room in your suitcase for it since you packed early! :) Have fun in the sun!
I want to jump through this computer screen and eat every single one of those petit-fours! Oh my word!!!!!!!
What a cute towel! I could use and embroidery maching right about now. With all these hostess and bridesmaids gifts!
And yes, I will be a better blogger soon! :)
The diaper cake is way too cute!! LOVE IT!! Also that towel is awesome!! You are going to look so cool sporting that in Hawaii!!
Have a GREAT time. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
In Christ Alone,
You did such a good job with that diaper cake!!! That's amazing :) I know Hayden would love red & black to go with his Georgia paraphernalia. haha
That beach towel is so cute!!! You get the best stuff from your blogging buddies!!! What did we ever do without the Internet?
Oh Faith is so sweet. I love that towel. Ok the diaper cake is amazing!!!!!!!!! count it down girl......2 DAYS TILL HAWAII!!!!!!!!
can't wait to see all the posts and pics of the great food!!!!!!!
Love the diaper cake! You did such a great job on it.
Yay! I'm so glad that you like the towel and that it came in time! I was hoping that you would still have room in your suitcase =) When I saw that green, I thought of you and how it would look great with brown on it! I love my blog friends too!!
I hope you have a wonderul trip to Hawaii!!
The diaper cake is so cute I love the colors red and black ( go bull dawgs) and the towel was so sweet!
The diaper cake is so CUTE! I just love it! and the petit fours.. YUM!!! I hope you have a wonderful time on your vacation! Enjoy the sun, fun and relaxation. Thanks for sharing.
Love the towel! I'm going to leave a comment for Faith right now and let her know! :)
Have a wonderful vacation!
The diaper cake is absolutely precious! My blogging friends never cease to amaze me with all of your crafts!!!!!
I love the beach towel! I asked Faith to make a couple of outfits for my little guy!
Just a few more days Kelly! I can't wait to see pictures!
That diaper cake is amazing!! You did a great job! I love her colors...those are the same colors as Tayson's nursery!
That was so sweet of your blogger friend to send you that towel! It is adorable and I know you will look so stylish using it on the beach!!
Why does a monogram make everything so adorable?! I love it.
And the diaper cake and petit fors are just darling. They will make the shower so cute!
I see your countdown is getting down to the day you leave! Have so much fun! I'll try not to obsess about your beach days while I'm at home in the Spring storms! Have the best time!
Love the cake and petit fors! They are so cute. What a great theme for a nursery. Love it!!
Love the towel too! Faith is awesome!
The diaper cake and petit fours look great! Enjoy your day!
Okay, that diaper cake is ADORABLE! You have to be THE craftiest person I know. I LOVE that towel. How sweet of Faith to do that! I am a nut for monograms. I think I need to get myself a machine, but then my poor children would have their names on everything they owned, probably even their underwear!
Love Love LOVE the diaper cake! So very cute! It looks like you! The petit fours look so yummy, and coordinate so well with the diaper cake!
I love that Faith sent you a towel that perfectly suits you. I hope you have a wonderful and renewing trip. You'll be missed in blogland!
Thanks for your sweet comment! I hope you have a fabulous time on your vacation! I am a teen~tiny bit jealous!!!
I love the towel. We have the same initials, we'll at least until August when I get married. I am sad to see my initials go - My dad and I share the same ones.
How fun to get a surprise in the mail!! I love it. :)
That diaper cake is so cute. You are so creative!!
I left Faith a comment. Her towels are just adorable!! I've never visited her blog before, but she lives in North Carolina, too. How cool! :)
You are crazy creative!! I wish I was that talented!
I've been thinking of you so much this week. I'm excited for you and your trip!!!
We totally missed eating Mexican food too!!
Seriously cute stuff! You are so creative - that diaper cake rocked!!!!
Hi Kelly! I have been reading your blog for a month or so now. I love it so much and I cannot tell you how much it has ministered to me. So many ways. You are such an amazing woman of God and I think we have so much in common. I am on the "trying to have a baby journey" too, and you are very encouraging. I am praying for you and hope you have a wonderful trip!
I love you too Kelly!! Isn't it fun to be blog friends? Your diaper cake is totally cute and so are the petit fours...I could eat a million of those things! I love them!
Kelly, I am so looking forward to your vacation for your sake! You are in such need of a break and some time away from reality. I'm just thrilled to know that you and Scott will get some time alone to rest...I bet you're counting down the days and hours, huh? Know that I will be praying for you and asking the Lord to just bless you beyond belief while you're there and when you return. And how about that beach towel to wrap up in?? Faith is so sweet and now you'll remember how loved you are in blog-land while you're away! Hope your day has been great Kelly!
I love that towel! And my, do I love me some petit fours! Woo!
You've got quite a talent with the diaper cakes! That's really phenomenal!!
How cute is that diaper cake?!?! So adorable!!!
I have so much blog reading to catch up on! Thank you for the kind words and well wishes about baby Ryland. I felt all the prayers when I got my second epidural :) So have fun on your trip and if you have any time I tagged you! Rules on ma blog :)
I cannot believe you are leaving in 2 days!!! I hope you have the BEST most RELAXING trip ever!!!
Hope you have a wonderful much needed vacation!!
Oh,those petit-fours look amazing! And your towel will look awesome on the beach! Have TONS of fun on your vacation!!!!
What a fabulous diaper cake-LOVE it! I'm definitely signing up for the towel give-away. What a fun and thoughtful gift. Have an absolutely wonderful trip.
Love the diaper cake, love the petit fours, love the towel, love it all!
2 days? Can you believe it??? You are going to have such fun and it is so due!
Cute diaper cake!! Are you all ready for your trip?!!?? I'm getting off at noon today for my pedicure and to pack! :)
That is one of the cutest diaper cakes that I have ever seen. I would have never put a feather with that, great idea. I love it. Plus red and black is my favorite. You should so get into making them.
I know that you are so busy with your trip, I hope that you have a blast. Try not to think of us here in ARKANSAS, while you are on the beach. I think that it is suppose to rain the entire time you are gone.
Can't wait for pictures.
Hey sweet kelly!
Have a fabulous time on your trip!
Cannot wait for pix! Please know that I'll be praying for your safety, your fun, and your return trip home.
Big hugs~
I love the diaper cake! I want to make one for my sister but I'm scared it will turn out looking messy!
Have SO much fun in Hawaii!
Oh, girl, I am with you...I could definitely eat my weight in petit fours...oh and did I hear you say "chips" to go with 'em...I'm so there! The diaper cake looks so adorable...I'm in love with the feathers on top! And the towel...oh mercy...how I love anything and everything monogrammed...(sigh) :o)
Have a great time in Hawaii, Kelly!
Love that towel...I want one.
Hawaii sounds so relaxing. Kelly, have some fun for me too! : )
How lucky for you to receive a great towel for your trip!
Love the new do, diaper cake, beach towel, and Wells!! Very fun post...
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