Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Another list of useless information

1. Did you watch the Bachelorette?

I actually like DeAnna. I think she is very pretty and well - she's from Georgia. But if I were her - I would be very disappointed. I'm not too excited about any of those guys. My favorite is probably the tall, nerdy Science teacher. I have a soft spot for good looking nerds. :-) If you haven't ever checked this out - you should go here and read her Bachelor recaps. So funny.

2. PTL - my phone has been healed!

Laurie told me about this place here in town that can save broke cell phones for $25. They did the magic and it is working! YEAY!

3. But now our DVR is broke.

Luckily Scott and I watched a lot of important shows in Hawaii because I believe we have lost all of our shows from the last two weeks. IN THE MIDDLE OF SEASON FINALES NO LESS. I spent most of my lunch on the phone with the cable company. Looks like I'll be swapping it for a new one tomorrow. Two things I can't live without - my phone and DVR. (oh and the internet. ) (and Sonic). ha!

4. Dawson was OVERJOYED to be reunited with us.

Bless his heart - he cried and licked me the whole way home yesterday and then ran circles around our house. We gave him a bath and his new little stuffed turtle we got him and spent the night rubbing his belly. He's a happy dog.


Laurie said...

I am so happy about your phone!!!!!!!!!!!! Bless Dawson's little heart.

Faith said...

Oh, sweet Dawson...so glad to see his mommy and daddy! That is precious!
Glad you got your phone fixed, and hope you get your DVR replaced as well. Oh my, that would be a crisis without it! I can't remember what we did before TiVo!
I watched Bachelorette and I liked the science teacher too! The others I wasn't too crazy about...I think I'll have to wait until I see more. Did you get to see the Bachelor finale?? I hope you did, it was sweet!

Meredith said...

I totally know what you mean about the phone. I don't know what I would do w/out mine! Dawson is so cute! I know he was excited to see ya'll!

Jenna said...

You know that I watched the Bachelorette! I agree, I would be slightly disappointed too! Glad your phone got fixed and that Dawson is happily back at home!

Lauren said...

I am actually watching "The Bachelorette" right now... Thanks to my DVR! So sorry yours is broken. I was also very disappointed in the group. The dude with the funky jacket... How did he even make the cut to be on the show?!?!

hayden said...

Ohhh, Dawson is so sweet. I laughed out loud when you said he ran circles around your house. Did you get video of that? haha!

I haven't seen the bachelorette, but I'll check it out online :)

Oh, what would I do if our Tivo broke? Curl up in the fetal position, suck my thumb and cry myself to sleep.

Luckily LOST's finale isn't until the 29th so you have time!!!

Hillary said...

Ah...poor Dawson!! I know he's glad to have his momma and daddy home!

amy (metz) walker said...

I've never watched the Bachelor before, save the after show from last year when I heard about the drama of Brad not picking anyone! I felt so bad for Deanna! For that reason, I tuned in last night when it came on... I did like the science guy and I think that the basketball player guy, Graham, was pretty genuine. I, however, didn't like the first impression rose guy AT ALL!!!

Last thing...I laughed SO SO hard when the guy, Chandler, gets out of the limo and stares off into the distance and she looks to see what he's looking at! Too funny!


Mandy said...

I watched the Bachelorette too and my picks are: Jeremy, Jason and Graham. Not a great bunch to pick from though!!

I'm glad to hear that Dawson is so happy now. I'm sure he was depressed while you guys were gone! I bet the stuffed turtle (and the belly rubs) make everything better!! :)

Jenna said...

Oh, I am so with you on the Bachelorette. Out of all the handsome, successful, good guys in America these were all ABC could come up with? There were a couple that might have potential (def the science guy--he was sweet!), but I expected much better pickins for this GA gal!

I'm so glad about your phone! I know all to well the pain of possible water damage--and the joy of phone restoration. :)

Hope y'all have a great night, my dear!

Heather said...

I'm sorry your DVR is broken! I DVR way too much TV every week :( I am also glad your phone is working. I LOVE to talk on the telephone, and I really am not certain I could cope without my cell phone close by. I hope you got a good night's sleep last night.

Stephanie said...

WHAT IS IT WITH TV DRAMA DURING SEASON FINALE WEEK??? We just discovered our satallite wasn't working and thus, we have NO TV until Friday, when they can come fix it! Yuck!! We are both bumming out over that. Of course I'm missing lots of finales this week and Travis is missing the Spurs playoff games. It's really sad I suppose to realize just how much I like having the tv on, but I about died when they told me Friday was the earliest they could come. At least you'll be up and running tomorrow!

So glad little Dawson is happy and home again!

Shannon said...

I missed the Bachelorette, but my mom called as soon as it was over to fill me in! Ha! And the link you had was great!!! From what I've heard, I agree that the pickings aren't that great this time. I'll have to watch a few episodes before I find a favorite!

I'm so happy for Dawson! :)

Angie Smith said...

Hey Kelly! Just wanted to say hey, and tell you I went to Hawaii with you in spirit...you are the cutest beach-babe ever! And a bargain shopper...

Thanks for keeping up with me...I can't wait to meet you in person one day...we'll hit the mall and grab some Sonic on the way home. My guilty pleasure there is a corn-dog, an order of chili-cheese fries, and a lemon slush. And sometimes (OK, always...dessert).

Yes, in one sitting:)

Angie Smith

Allikaye's Mama said...

Ah! Heal the DVR!! If I was there you could come watch shows with me...does that help at all?? :0)

Melissa Stover said...

i enjoyed reading about your trip. i hope we get to see hawaii some day. i know the wonderful feeling of being back home in your own bed though too. it's like nothing else.

Strawberry Rose said...

Fred's hair reminded me of Travis. I liked him and Jeremy. Glad y'all are back home safe.

Anonymous said...

So I just came across your blog tonight after reading your comments on - hmmmm....let me think which blog directed me to yours ;-) how funny! I've been reading it and thinking - this is me. This is what happened to me. I just started blogging but have been reading them for a while, and the more I do, the more I realize there are more and more ladies just like me out there. Ladies who just love to read the blogs of other ladies even ones we have no idea who they are. How fun! I'm Jennifer, and I live in Holly, Michigan. I am married to a wonderful hard working man named Scott. We have struggled with infertility too, and have had several pregnancy losses over the past 12 years of our marriage. We do have one miracle daughter (7)who God gave us naturally, and we have one adopted son (3) from Guatemala. He is currently in remission from a very rare form of leukemia, and we have seen God do wonderful things in the lives of our family. My husband I were both raised in strong, Christian homes, and graduated from Christian colleges. We have a yellow lab named Daisy (she's crazy - by the way - ever read the book "Marley and Me?")
I absolutely loved the show 90210. We don't have Sonic, unfortunately, in Michigan, but every time we are down south, we always stop in. My current favorite shows are definately American Idol, and The biggest loser. I'm in the battle of my life to lose unwanted weight - AGHHH! I'm going to Jenny Craig now, (and have lost 20 pounds) and like you, I hate frozen meals, but if this is what it takes - then I must do this now! I was so motivated by your workout schedule- I can't leave to go to the gym with the kids - but definately, need to be more motivated to exercise more than I do. I keep adding more and more blogs to the ones I read, and my husband just can't believe how addicted I am. I, like you, need to spend more time during my day focusing on God's word than I do on the computer, and although I know that, it's definately a constant and daily battle. I love your clothes and have often wished I was more of a dress girl than I am. You look really familiar to me, but can't figure out how in the world I would know you, so I'm guessing, I just loved your blog so much, that I think I just must know you. Anyhow, I will now be checking your blog on a regular basis, to see just what y'all are up to in Arkansas. And, I'll be praying that you and your husband continue to feel God's peace as you wait on Him for the child He is preparing even now just for you.

Jennifer Wiser

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

I am glad you are home safely and had a fun trip! I am not sure if you know this or not, but if you missed a show, you can always watch it on the networks's website. You have to watch it on your computer, but at least you can see it.

I hope you enjoy your week!

Fran said...

Hey girl...
I didn't even watch the Bachelorette bc the guys looked "funny" to me. Anyway, I'll get into it later and watch every bit of it.

Glad you are home. :)

RachelM said...

I watched the Bachelorette and I think I like DeAnna now better than I did on the Bachelor. She's got a great personality and she's gorgeous!
I was also EXTREMELY disappointed in her guy selection! SERIOUSLY!!

The Proctors said...

I'm definitely watching the Bachelorette because I really like DeAnna! She is so genuine, beautiful, and sweet! I have to agree with you that there wasn't a great pick for her. I kept thinking that a better one would come along. I definitely like the science teacher guy and Graham, the basketball player. Maybe these guys will get better as the season goes on!!

Lindsey said...

Glad your phone is all repaired. Sorry about the DVR.:)

Glad you are home safe and sound!

Caroline said...

oh praise the Lord the phone is ok. i hate phone issues!!!!!! and dawson issssssss sweet. oh bless his heart!!!!!!!!

Nicole said...

I am so glad that they were able to fix your phone. I have to ask was it wireless hookup?? They saved my old phone a while back but didn't do to good of a job. I am glad that you are back too, i am sure that the puppy was even more. Your post were really good while you were gone but I was a little jealous.

Erin said...

I LOVE the bachelor recaps...I pretty much just watch the show so that I can read her recaps and laugh my head off. And the science teacher is my favorite too:)