I think you all probably know that I voted for COOK more times than I could keep track of. Yes, little Archuletta is cute and he has a wonderful voice. BUT I would NEVER buy his CD. I just think he's boring.
You could make a CD of all the song's Cook has sang this season and I would run to buy it. I mean "Billie Jean", "Hello", "Eleanor Rigby", "Always be your baby" and the two from last night. I love U2 more than anything - they are my beatles. And I loved his version. I also loved the Collective Soul song. I thought he did awesome last night.
But teenage girls love D.A. so he will win.
And that's okay.

What are your favorite shoes/sandals/flip flops/tennis shoes????????
OH! I love American Idol but we needed to DVR it and the season started before we had DVR! i missed almost the entire season but I think David Cook is the best! OO! I will have to get a pair of Reefs! Those look so comfy!
I, too, LOVE Reefs. They are awesome. If I'm not in the mood for flip flops, I usually wear my Born sandals. Also, very comfortable!
How cute is that picture of The Davids? They both did so great, but I am with you--David Cook's cd would be one that I would buy and have on a Top 3 CD rotation for a LONG time. :)
I am a major flip flop girl myself. The ones I literally wear ALL the time are Rainbows. They are a little more expensive (sadness), but I LOVE them.
OOh, Reef Flip Flops are amazing!! As a flip flop junkie, I will also highly reccomend, Rainbow Flip Flops. Just as Comfortable, and if you want cute and comfort. Yellow Box is where to find that :)
I love my yellowbox flip flops right now....luckily I can wear them to work everyday!!
I voted for David Cook; but I must say, also, that I will not be surprised if David A. wins! He does have a great voice... Just not my style!
I LOVE Reefs... They are so comfortable! I also love Yellowbox flip flops too!
Kelly...had I known you hadn't experienced the comfort of reefs I would have bought you some! They are great! And like the others have mentioned, yellowbox are great, too.
I think David A will win, too, but David C is still going to make it big so it will be okay. I went to that site and those flip flops look great. I love Michelle D and Gianni Bini sandals.
Oh girl, I could totally be a spokesperson for Reef. I'm suprised they haven't hired me yet. I tell everyone I know about them. I have 2 pairs, my husband has a pair, I have bought everyone in my family some. I LOVE THEM!!!
I also really like yellow box and bought my mom and mother-in-law both a pair for Mother's Day!!
With either of those, you can't go wrong!!
On AI, I am torn. I think that they both have lots of talent. They are just so different from one another!! Either way, I think they will both get a record deal and do great!!
Kelly, I am a HUGE Reef fan too. I have some that are pink (big shocker, huh?). I also voted for Cook more times than I can count!
I have a pair of reef flip flops that felt like a huge spurge when we were first married. I still wear them 8 years later. Every year I think I am going to retire them, but I love them too much.
In the winter it's my UGGs. I know they are "so last year" x 5, but they feel so great on my feet. I only wear them around the house and with my grunge clothes, if that makes me seem any more current with my fashions! :)
I just bought some Asics running shoes last weekend, they are always voted best all around by runnersworld.com. Put in some SuperFeet insoles and they are the most comfortable shoe EVER...EVER!!!
REEF's rule!!! I bought a pair of the black leather ones with a thicker soul, sooooo comfy, and my workplace accepts them as "business casual" so I wear them almost every day. They go well with dresses, cropped pants, jeans, shorts...just about anything you can think of. Maybe something to look in to?
I also love me some Rainbows, sooo comfy. I feel like such a "surfer" when I wear them :)
I too like Cook better. Archie sort of gets on my nerves a little the way he smiles. It's like he can't decide if he should show his teeth or not. Archie will win, like you said, but Cook will be more famous and sell more records (like Daughtry).
Have fun watching tonight!!!
Hey Kelly!
Okay, so I guess you could call me a blog "lurker" but I love checking out your posts and I especially love the ones on decorating/entertaining.
I just got a pair of L.L.Bean whale flip flops and they are so comfy. I like Eliza B, but they are like $50 for FLIP FLOPS and I just can't spend that. Anyways...flip flops are my favorite shoe for the summer.
David Cook! David A. is good too, but I'm not likely to buy his CD. I will be RUNNING out to buy anything from Cook!
I bought a pair of Speedo flip flops from Sam's Club last year and they are really comfortable. They have a little cushion and that helps a lot!
Reefs are hands down the best flip flops. Tevas and North Face come a pretty close 2nd. I have a pair in almost every color. Those cheap flat flip flops make my feet hurt, but I can walk all over in reefs :)
Have you tried yellow box flip flops? They are seriously the best - cute and so comfy!!
I wear flip flops to work everyday, it's a great perk of my job! My crocs flip flops are very comfy.
"Amen" to the reefs! But also "Amen" to everyone's comments about the "Yellow Box" flip flops, too. They are both awesome! I must say the "Yellow Box" has cuter styles this year in my opinion...and they would look super cute with all your dresses!
I LOVE Yellow box flip flops they are so comfortable and so cute!
David C. all the way! But, I agree, David A. will probably win. But I think David C. will have a bigger career.
And I am obsessed with Yellow Box flip flops.
I have a pair of LL Bean flip flops that are pretty good. And I just bought a pair of Teva's two weeks ago and they are sooo comfy. I want a pair of Reef's but they were out of my size last time I was at the store. LOL
Add me to the list of Reef lovers. Hands-down they're my favorite flip-flops. I also like Tevas though...very comfortable!
I don't watch AI (gasp) but if I had to pick I'd vote for David Cook. And there is a funny reason why. I'll email you!
I've never tried Reef flip flop, but now I'm intrigued! I'm a Rainbow girl all the way. I live in them if it's warm out.
Reefs are very nice and comfy, although I do love my Rainbows and my chacos! You can't go wrong with either one them!
I didn't get to see any of AI last night because we lost power, & TiVo apparently needs electricity to work =( Hopefully I can see a recap tonight before the big reveal!
I haven't tried Reef's, but I have heard all the talk about them too. I saw you wearing them in one of your pics from Hawaii and wondered if they were Reef's!
I love my Nike Celso Flip Flops but also like my Reefs.
I am a flip flop FANATIC. I live in south florida so I wear them pretty much everyday! I just bought a pair of north face sandles that I am loving but reefs definately have the prize for most comfortable flip flop!
I am a HUGE flip-flop fan!!!! I have never had a pair of reefs! I usually go for Target flip-flops (they are squishy-er (yes that is a word) than the Old Navy ones!) lol. I might have to try something new though, with your high recommendation!
Reefs are the way to go. This Florida girl wears them almost everyday of the year. I have 4 pair and one of those pairs I bought 6 years ago. They have a deep foot print in them, but they have held up well. I still wear them.
I will have to try Rainbow, I've seen them but I just pass them by to get to Reefs.
By the way, I linked your blog on mine, because I have fallen love with your blog.
I AM A REEF GIRL! Hope your David wins!!!!
OK So I'm guessing you're jumping for joy right now?! haha Now I'm counting down until NEXT January!
i'm thinking I should try reefs....but my favs are Scotts...so far I can only find them in hawaii at no other place than wal-mart. we buy a new pair every trip.
Woo hoo - David Cook won American Idol! I agree with you 100% about David Archuletta, I wouldn't ever buy his CD.
My favorite flip flops are Rainbows. I love the ones with the double soles.
Enjoy your week!
Woo-hoo!!! Go Cook!!! I literally screamed when they said his name. I am SOOO excited! :)
I love my Reef flops! I wear them everywhere, but I wasn't able to find any in brown. So I have black Reefs and brown Rainbows. The Rainbows are kind of pricy, but they are so worth it. I've had mine for over 5 years and they are just as comfortable as they were when I first bought them.
Reef flops are truly the best! I love all the fun designs on them as well:)
I have a pair of Reefs, too! LOVE em!
I'm so happy David Cook won!!!!! Woooo-Whooo!!!
I love my reef flip flops!!! I'm a flip flop girl for sure!!! I have tons and love them!!! I also love nike shox tennis shoes!!! Oh yeah and Kenneth Cole and Steve Madden...I'm a shoe freak!!!!
How happy are we that DC won AI????!! I was almost shocked to see that he won, b/c they totally played it for DA the night before! I am in heaven with DC voice!!!!! :)
Oh--if you love Reefs you might like the Yellow Box shoes too!! They are both my faves!!!
Reefs rule..and Havianna's are fun too. Check them out sometime!!
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