Yeah - that seems about right.
Really doesn't start your morning off right to have to see this on Good morning America. He and his "wife" will be on Oprah today if you are interested. I am not.
1. I'm going to go order my bridesmaid dress today for Hillary's wedding. I'm so excited. She has picked out a very pretty dress and we get to choose our neckline. I can't show you until the wedding - but it is very cute!
2. Panera Bread Bacon and Spinach Egg Souffle
After hearing about the pregnant man - I decided that I needed a treat. This will make your morning SO much better
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful!!! Hebrews 10:23
I saw the pregnant man on GMA this morning and it really grossed me out. I should have stopped at Panera and gotten a souffle! Maybe tomorrow...
just one of those days....i am having one of those weeks. I needed that verse to lift my spirits!!!!!!
I could not believe that Brooke was in the bottom 3, I gasped out loud at the tv! I will buy anything she records!
We were just talking about Panera Bread the other day! We have one right down the street...I've never been there! Your treat and pictures makes me want to go check it out! YUM-O!!! I don't think that fits in with my weight watchers =)
The he/she thing makes me SICK! =(
When I see or hear things like this:
It makes me wonder...what is the world coming to?
I was so suprised about Brooke too!! I LOVE Panera! You are making me want it for lunch!
Hope you have a good day, even though the weather is nasty!!
That pregnant "man" depressed me as well. I may have to go over to Panera Bread and have a little something also.
I can't say that rain depresses me because we need it so horribly bad, but the gloomy clouds all day (like today) with NO RAIN is what gets me down.
Thanks for the verse, I needed a pick me up as well!
a pregnant man? that's ridiculous!!! what is this world coming to??? thanks for the verse. I guess everyone is having a rough week!
Brooke White is my American Idol...I am not ok with this bottom 3 thing, not one bit!!!!!!
I love your lists! You are so funny! We are in green according to the map, and the sun is just barely trying to shine. So, I hope the weather was wrong for you too. :)
I never watch TV, so I'm so glad you always post about things going on or I would never know. The man thing has got to be one of the most disgusting things I have heard!
I caught part of a conversation on Klove this morning about something great that happended on A.I. last night that was glorifying to God. I never could figure out what they were talking about. What happened? :)
A pregnant man? That's disgusting!!!!!!! This world is so wrong!
But Panera is so right!! Yum! I'm hungry for that right now! Josh likes their turkey sausage and potato one.
Yea...I can't wait to find out which neckline you picked out for my wedding! You'll be a hot mama in any of them!
That "shim" is weird! ** that's what we call a "she" and "him"... a shim! Things like that make me think "Come back Lord!" Jesus makes me happy too!!
I saw the pregnant man today on the news too! Sometimes you have to wonder? Why God allows such things to happen, then you realize we are human and of sinful nature. Just know that God is in control and one day none of this sinful world will be a part of our everlasting future in HEAVEN!!! Becky
(I feel sorry for their poor baby girl) Can you imagine what kind of life she'll have? geesh!
Thanks for the verse, Kelly! It's dark and dreary here in Tennessee, too....
I, like you, am totally disgusted about that "man" carrying a baby... Makes me sick... Absolutely sick! What I hate even more is all the publicity "it's" getting!
But I do agree... Panera can make a bad day much better! Oh, and I love, love, love that verse!
A pregnant man???? I have always believed that God has a sense of humor, but REALLY??? Oh, and Brooke? I started grrring the minute she was in the bottom three. Let is be known she is the first idol to talk about Jesus before winning the show. She is amazing!
We have the same weather - rainy and cold. It definitely doesn't feel like April!
And I saw the pregnant man last night on Entertainment Tonight. No child is a mistake and even though it's coming into a sad situation, God has a plan for that baby. It still makes me sick to see that on tv, though.
Happy Thursday! We're one day closer to the weekend!
I am flying home in this yucky weather, so be thinking about me!!! No fun! ):
I, too, am disgusted by the "pregnant man." My husband thinks this topic is a little Jerry Springer-ish".
I LOVE Brooke White...she is my favorite AI contestant this year! And the pregnant man thing made me sick. Again, one of those things you just don't understand when you are 100% woman and have fertility issues and here's a MAN getting pregnant! Crazy!
This comment is for Angela if she ever checks this...crazy small world we live in...I used to read Regina's blog (she was roommates with a good friend of mine, Corrie, for a while at A&M). I'm pretty sure I saw your name/pic on her comments, too. So do you know Regina, too? Just curious..and constantly amazed at how small the world is when you are blogging!
I apparently live under a rock. I haven't heard about the pregnant man. The souffle looks really good, though. I may have to stop at Panera for breakfast tomorrow. And, it must be raining everywhere today. It's raining here, too.
On a totally different subject, I think I remember reading that you had done the Patriarchs' study? Did you like it?
The pregnant man is ridiculous. I was soooo sad about Brooke W. I really like her a lot! I want her to win. She is just so likeable!
I roll my eyes every time I have to hear about that "man." Why are people getting so excited about this when he was born with a uterus? I mean, really. Thank you for letting me know about that amazing-looking souffle. I must have one as soon as possible.
Hi Kelly...
If you could see where I live on the map, it would show precipitation in the form of snow. *sigh* and *sigh* again. Warm and sunny would be nice. Maybe I'll stow away in your suitcase when you go to Hawaii. :)
I love Panera. That quiche looks yummy!
Ummm...I mean that souffle from Panera looks yummy.
All of those things make me grumpy, too. That thing about the pregnant man is just WRONG!
I can't believe the pregnant man! That is insane. The souffle looks amazing.
I know! I seriously can't believe what this world is coming to. Lord, please have mercy on us.
However, the souffle looks delicous, and I'm sure could brighten the dreariest of days =)
And thanks for the verse...what a great reminder to hope in the Lord...He is faithful!
The pregnant woman-man makes me sick. And I've never had a souffle from Panera--it looks yummy!
I am SOOOO glad that I'm missing the news stories on the pregnant man!! I mean...really...he was born with the parts. Its so stupid to me.
The souffle looks so very yummy!
And...the rain has gotta go. Just when I thought we had left winter, we have entered some serious rain.
Hugs and brighter days ahead~
I saw that pregnant man on Oprah today just flipping through the channels. Ok, that is just not right. It really kind of grossed me out. And then when I read your blog today, I had the thought, "Why can Kelly not get pregnant, yet a MAN can???!!!" Huh??
And I was really surprised about Brooke, too! She is so sweet and talented! I hope that's the last time she's in the bottom three!
That Panera souffle looks awesome. I love Panera! Everything there is good! :)
Just wanted to say hello. I've stopped by to read your blog a few times :-)
I heard about the "pregnant man" last week and wanted to throw up! I was also VERY shocked and sad about Brooke...she is a dolL!
I just said almost the same thing about wanting to be friends with Brooke on my blog Tuesday! She just seems like one of the girls!
And YUCK to this rain. I'd rather it storm than have this wimpy overcast cloudy stuff.
The he/she him/her totally ticked me off. I just kept thinking WHERE IS THE JUSTICE HERE?! What in the world are they going to tell that child when it's older? If we had a Panera I would sooo be there getting a carb fix! I'll compromise for some chocolate tonight. Don't think I've stopped eating junk since last Friday.
I watched Oprah today. I feel sorry for the baby. She will have a hard time growing up. Obviously the man has lots of issues, and should be prayed for.
The preg man made me so upset! We just could hardly believe it. Ugh. That breakfast treat looks amazing! I might have to check it out!
Thank you for sharing! The world does seem so messed up sometimes, but our comfort and hope is in Christ. Amen!
In Him,
I saw the pregnant "man" on the news last week while out to breakfast- with my girls. I couldn't talk loud and fast enough to try and distract from the revolting "news"... I really didn't want to have THAT conversation!
The souffle from panera is a much happier thought. Yum! My absolute favorite- maybe I will have that as a Friday treat tomorrow!
I don't watch AI, but that pregnant man-woman thing....ugh! What's next? Or should I ask? This is one of the reasons why I'm not a huge Oprah fan...hope your day wasn't as rainy as they predicted!
A pregnant man?! WHAT! I just don't know what to think.
I love the Panera souffles too. Yummy! Somehow I feel weird going from a pregnant man to souffles ... I am so confused!
Wow, I must be under a rock too! I didn't know anything about this pregnant man. I'll have to do some online searching. I saw something about a preggo man on a TV show a few months ago? Was that it??
Have a great day and stay dry!
what happened with the preg guy????/ i didn't watch???
how is your morning going? FRIDAY PTL
I just got so excited when I saw your thingie because usually I see those with babies on them...I was like WHAT?!?!?!? Then I realized it was a vacation thing. haha I am excited for your vacation though :) and jealous!
Oh I am soo glad I am not the only one who is annoyed with the man/woman pregnant on Oprah! I watched yesterday and it drove me crazy that they were making such a big deal out of it because he really is a WOMAN!!! BUGGGGG!
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