So if you have been reading my blog for a while - you remember this story. (If not - go read it!) I still haven't recovered from God's amazing timing and showing me that He hears my prayers. I just had a very similar thing happen. There is a girl in my church who I didn't know but she has been struggling with infertility and recently had a miscarriage. I sent her a card to let her know she wasn't alone and in the mean time I found out this story. When she found out she was pregnant - the girl who sent me the card in my first story asked her if she would pray for me now that she was pregnant. She started describing me and the other girl said "Hold up. For over a year - I've been praying for a girl who I felt like God was telling me to pray for because she was infertile. I don't know her name but it sounds like the same girl. She looked me up in the church directory and it was ME that she had been praying for for the last year!" Isn't that amazing?????
We met for lunch today and we had so much fun together - it was so nice to have someone who understands. I am just overwhelmed at the peace I've had this month about our situation. I feel more than ever that God is in control and knowing He has placed it on two complete strangers hearts to pray for me just proves to me His unsurpassing love! On a different note - PROJECT BATHING SUIT has begun in full force. I do not LOVE to exercise but I am on a roll. I have exactly 36 days to be bathing suit ready (or just to fit into my summer clothes). It's pressure time people!
So we have gone to the gym every morning for the last two weeks but that's not cutting it because I don't push myself (although this morning I ran for 10 minutes of my 30 minute walk)! MILESTONE! So I am trying to go to as many classes during the week that I can. Last night I went to a 45 minute kickboxing class. I loved it! It was so hard but I think kickboxing works you harder than anything else. I actually have a LOT more energy now that I'm working out. I don't know if I can actually change my body much in the next 5 weeks but I'm sure going to try.
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
I love kickboxing, aerobics, usually anything fast paced. When I was pregnant the doctor made me do prenatal yoga because I was gaining so much weight and I actually loved it too!! It was so relaxing and I really looked forward to it each week! Good Luck with your workouts!!
First of all, that story gave me chills. How awesome! I'm trying to get into the exercise thing, too. I'm not the biggest fan of running, but I'm making myself. I love aerobics! That's my favorite. I'm thinking about trying an eliptical machine, but I haven't gotten the nerve yet. Can you see me on that thing? I don't think I'm coordinated enough. I'll have to do it on a day when there are very few people at the gym! Ha!
Wow, that is such an amazing story--I love that!! I'm so glad you've had a peaceful month...I can't wait to see what's ahead!
I get bored easily at the gym, so I change my routine often. I was doing the stair-climber and weights for a while, and the last few times I've been I did different weights and the rowing machine?? I need to stay longer and sweat more, but I start thinking of all the things I want to get done at home. Heather went to the gym w/me during R's swim lesson Monday and we walked the track together--it was a lot more fun having someone to chat with--time went by so much faster!
Isn't God amazing? That is so awesome, Kelly! As far as exercising goes, I love to dance. We have a Christian dance studio, and I have taken an adult hip-hop class there. It is so much fun. I also like to swim, but I hate to run. The only time I can remember running regularly is when I had a personal trainer who made me run.
I love kickboxing as well and have a great video that I do almost daily (we live in a small town and don't have a gym and I have a 2 1/2year old).
As for the story about God putting strangers together to pray for each other is just another example of God's amazing timing and plan!
WOW!! What an awesome testimony of God's love and concern for your situation.
I love to run, but for the last year have battled significant knee problems again and had surgery in Feb, so now I'm back to the crawl stage of exercise (you know the 5 mins of whatever I do makes me tired, but I feel like I've worked out enough for dairy queen stage :), but I am starting to have more energy, and I am determined to run again soon.
That story still gives me chills!
I like swimming...and the elipitcal machine! I think I told you this already but Shannon and I start water aerobics in less than 3 hours! Praise God!
He truly knows it all and with perfect timing, reveals Himself!
I love that story! Don't you love how God uses others to encourage us when we most need it?
My favorite form of exercise is hiking and/or jogging. I've fallen off the wagon the last 5-6 weeks though. Ugh.
Oh my - a favorite exercise? The words 'favorite' and 'exercise' have never been in the same sentence with me. When I do, I do like to walk, but maybe I need try kickboxing. It looks like fun.
That story is so awesome, it gave me chills. God's timing is so amazing.
I love kickboxing, especially after a bad day. It's a good way to get some frustration out. I also like to do the elipitcal machine.
That story is so precious... brought tears to my eyes!!
I don't adore exercise, either, but just kinda figure if I want to keep eating fried chicken I have to like it.... and force myself to continue doing it! tee hee!!
Jennifer R.
That is truly God showing you how committed HE is to you! That He would put you on a complete stranger's heart. I know that being a mother is in His plan for you!
My favorite form of exercise is walking. I know it sounds wimpy, but my nutritionist tells me it truly is the best form of exercise. She says that if you eat a small balanced meal (avoiding sugar and processed foods) 6 times a day and walk 45-60 minutes a day you'll be the picture of perfect health!
Sex is a good form of exercise!! I'm sure you know that though. Someone had to say it!!
I love pilates and yoga for muscle toning and riding my bike for cardio.
That kind of story gives me chills on my face!!! I remember reading about that first story on your blog and just crying at how awesome that was. Amazing.
And as far as my favorite form of, no. There is no such thing. Proud of you!
My favorite form of excercise is walking!
That is awesome about the girl. I can only speak for myself, but I feell all the fellow bloggers are praying for you.
I like step, pilates & sometimes yoga classes.
God is so that story.
Pilates for sure!
I love Project Bathing Suit! There is a little of that going on here in the Pengelly household...or at least a whole-hearted attempt!(Don't be surprised if that is one of my next posts! ha ha) Is it just me or is it harder and harder to lose those 10 lbs. since we are in our 30's??? ugh. I also love your posts on clothing etc...I had to go to For.21 after reading your post! I found the cutest dress/top for $6.99!!! Love it! Always enjoying your blog!
God is amazing! I am glad you are surrounded by so many supportive people!
As far as exercise, I really need to get back into a routine of doing something. I haven't worked out in forever. Oops!
Hi there! I found your blog through "Some like It Hot". What a great post. I read some of your other posts that mentioned infertility and wanted to comment. I just wanted to share with you that I too had a tremendous time conceiving my son Hunter (now 2). I consider myself young (wink-wink), 38 this year, but I am pre-menopausal. Very long story short, it took us almost 4 years to have our little guy. It was the hardest thing I ever went through. Honestly. I truly feel for you and will keep you in my prayers. I know it will happen for you one day soon! I can't wait to read your post when it does! Also, I know you don't know me but if you have any questions or just want to vent about what you are going through don't hesitate to email me:)
Way to go on the work outs! I gave you a little shout out on my post tonight. :)
I love how God works!
Oh and by the favorite exercise is no excercise at all! I kow...How lazy do I sound?!?!
I love your story! Very cool indeed. :)
I am not one who loves to exercise, but I do enjoy walking and bike riding. Our local gym is way too expensive in my opinion ($90 per month for hubby and I) that I can't see committing to that. But we love to walk our neighborhood. :) Another 'sport' that I am just getting into is golf. I love it!
i like leslie sansone's walk at home dvds.
I don't think I was a reader yet when you posted that story. I absolutely love it! It gave me chills! God is absolutely AMAZING!!
As for my favorite workout, I teach a class called Body Attack at FAC and it is awesome! It's a high intensity cardio class and I am dying afterwards!!
I don't know where you work out but, body pump at FAC, is amazing. It is the best work out ever. Plus it is ladies in there 20-30s so I don't feel weird in there.
oh i am so glad that i didn't get to read this till today. It was a bright light in my lack of joy day. Oh Father is so wonderful. How he gets people to pray is wonderful. How he burdens peoples heart is just wonderful. Praise Him for giving you peace right now!!!!!! HE IS SO GOOD ISN"T HE!!!!
swim, jazzercise...of course...i have a class tonight. the one i went to on monday worked my thighs so bad I could barely sit down in a chair....or go down stairs.
You don't know me. but I found your blog through a link from another friend's blog. I struggled with infertility for 6 years until I was blessed with a daughter in 2005. I have polycyctic ovarian syndrome. Those 6 years were so hard, so I definitely know what you are going through. I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you!
Kelly-I read your blog almost every day, and I want you to know that I will be praying for you and that I am so happy for the peace God is giving you right now. We all have struggles, and reading your blog and how positive and patient you are is very uplifting. I pray that God will continue to work in your life and eventually bless you with a beautiful family.
Hi Kelly,
I absolutely loved this post! We may not always know why things happen or the timing but God does, and it's comforting just to know that He is in control. Such a beautiful story of how much God really does love us!
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