Thursday, April 24, 2008


Okay - I'm breaking my blog break (kind of). I'm still trying not to spend time on the computer at home at night. We have had a good week. We haven't watched TV (except we did decide to watch American Idol - but we did it together with no laptops on each of our laps.) We have spent a lot of time talking! :-) We have planned our trip. We have had a lot of "QT"!
Man - have I missed blogging. I knew I would fold early. It's like when I say "I will not drink any cokes this week or go to Sonic once"...........I always end up at Sonic after a few days. Will power is not my strong suit.
So this week - in my Experiencing God Bible Study - the week's study is on FAITH. Exactly what I needed to hear this week. And I had been praying for God to give me a book in the Bible to read. I really felt like he laid Hebrews on my mind. So I read Hebrews. And the entire chapter 11 is on Faith. It is about all the different men in the Bible who did things by FAITH - Noah, Abraham, Moses. I know God wants me to hear that He is in control. That I just need to trust Him and have faith that He will provide.
It's been a tough week for me in my work. Our company is having a tough time - we are tied very closely to the housing market and we've had two rounds of layoffs - including a big one yesterday. It's hard not to be worried about the future. But God continues to give me a peace that He is in control.
Ashley tagged me with a blog award this week and she wrote something that I have mulled over all week. She said that my blog showed what real faith was like. I don't think I've ever had a better compliment in my life but at the same time.........God knows my heart. He knows that it's a struggle every day for me to trust in His ways and NOT in my plans.
I guess I just wanted to share with you that if are struggling with something or worried about the future - God is in control! Allow Him to guide you and have faith that it will all work out according to His perfect plan!
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews 11:6


Katie said...

What a beautiful reminder! I love that scripture. You truly do have a beautiful, inspiring, encouraging blog, Kelly! I love reading it. Thanks for taking a break from your break to share this!
Love, Katie

Tamara said...

I've been very encouraged by your blog, too, Kelly. I've missed your posts!

I love the Corrie Ten Boom quote you shared.

I believe God is using YOU to help prepare others for the future He has planned. Because of your transparency and your testimony of clinging to the Lord, people are encouraged in their faith!

Guy and Julie said...

I've missed your blog!! How funny about faith--I have been bombarded with it everywhere I turn the last several weeks. I have been praying Hebrews 11:6 like crazy...It's been a rough week! Thanks for sharing some specific things I can pray for you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Kelly...this is what I needed too and feel God used you to send the message. I am struggling with issues in my life and I constantly have to remind myself God is in control have Faith and it will work out as he has planned. God has showed me this time and time again yet I am weak. I pray to him and thank you for your words of inspiration.

April said...

We had a sermon on musterseed faith Sunday. Just what I needed, as we are having big transitions around the Smith household that I will hopefully be able to share more about next week! It is so funny how God gives us exactly what we need to hang on a little longer. It is great that you and Scott are having more quality time. We are so guilty of having the laptops out and going even when are watching tv! Crazy! I do not think I could break from blogging for a week. It would be really hard. Lately, I've considered blogging my hobby. Actually, I know it is. God also speaks to me through many different blogs and sometimes random ones that I get to but find something that I think God is wanting me to see. It is really hard for other to understand though!

Hillary said...

You're back early! Welcome!
Oh do I need an extra measure of faith right now!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post - I have been absent from my blog for over a week now, and a lot of the things I am struggling with in my life revolve around faith. The quote you listed is by Corrie ten Boom - she is a holocaust survivor, and she wrote many books about her experiences. You should definitely check out "The Hiding Place" - a lot of it has spoken to me this week. Glad to see you back :)

Jessica said...

Thank you. That is such a good reminder.

hayden said...

Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you're back :) I think God must have moved you to come back so you could write a post about faith. In my struggle, I loose faith so easily. Tonight I will go home and read Hebrews 11 again to try and remind myself that God is in control.

Thank you for this post. It was very inspiring for me today and JUST WHAT I NEEDED!!!

P.S. Glad you're back.

Mandy said...

I'm so glad you came back early!! I really appreciate this post! I too am having a tough time with my job being tied to the housing market, completely!! I am just trying to put my faith in Him and know that he will guide me in the right direction. If I am meant to stay in this profession, he will provide me with the means to do so. If not, he will guide me in the right direction. It is SCARY to worry about it though!!

Bella said...

Yay!!! You're back!!! And I do have to agree as well, I have been very uplifted by your blog. I do have faith and pray and worship, but I have been letting it slip a bit lately. Reading your blog has encouraged me want to get to know God more and figure out certain things.

ocean mommy said...

Hi Kelly!

I'm here via Boomama..I've enjoyed reading some of your previous posts, but today...

Today, this was for me. God used you to pen some words that I needed to be reminded of. So Thank You! Thank you for your obedience to jot down and share what our Father placed on your heart!


Faith said...

Hey girl! You are back! All I can say is thank you for this. I have been wrestling with some decisions this week and worrying about them, and that is showing my lack of faith that God is in control and He alone knows what the future holds. I needed this reminder!

Alyce said...

Hi Kelly
Great post today! We do need reminders often that God is in control.
I don't know where I found your blog at, but I love your recipe blog too. I too am trying to have a blog with recipes on it. Mine isn't as pretty as yours, but I don't put alot of time into it yet.
Have a great day..
Oh..I am a paula deen fan as well :-)

Faith said...

Oh, and I just tagged you for something...if you have time later! =)

Megan L Hutchings said...

YOU ARE BRACK...PRAISE JESUS! I am so glad that you & Scott have had a few days to just relax and spend some much needed QT. Girl I understand though! During this entire home building process I have a feeling that I will be calling on God and holding strong in my faith!

P.S. My Birthday was on Sunday! THANK YOU FOR THE BIRTHDAY WISHES!

Shelley said...

Very powerful. Thank you & welcome back!

Meagan said...

YAY! I am so glad your back! I am also glad you had some QT with your hubby and some time to refocus! These were great words to hear today and a wonderful reminder every day. I esspecially love the quote by Corrie ten Boom (and what an amazing person she was and what an amazing story!) Anyway, glad your back and have a GREAT Friday!!!!

Jessica said...

So glad you and Scott some good QT in!! Missed you! : )

CAMoore said...

I have been missing my Kelly posts this week! So glad you are back! But I totally understand why you were taking a little break!

You are so inspirational!!!

PS. I will post ASAP after Dr apt next MOnday!

Fran said...

Hi and welcome back, even if for a short time!!

LOVE Hebrews 11. My older boys had to memorize the entire Chapter in the 3rd grade at school. We should all have that faith of those hall of famers! It is a HUGE part of our foundation.

Keep the faith Kelly.

Kristen said...

Hey there :( Can I just clarify that you seem so precious and I had no intentions of hurting your feelings in anyway whatsoever!!! I had never visited your page before, saw the nursery and assummed! I am completely heartbroken at the thought of hurting your feelings or bringing up somemthing you are batteling right now. I am so very SORRY!!! I will be praying for you and your husband!

The Garners said...

I've missed you!!!! So glad to "hear" from you via your blog! :)

Leigh Ann said...

I'm soooo glad you are back! I missed you! I'm glad you and Scott got in some QT! I needed that reminder today! I know I'm not in control, so why do I try to be so often? Thanks for reminding me today! :)

Deidre said...

So glad to see you back. Thanks for the reminder.

Jenna said...

Yay! Kelly's Korner withdrawls?? I think so!

Thank you so much for this post--I always need a reminder about faith, and it is definitely something that I am trying to get a grasp on at this stage of my life. God is definitely trying to get me on the same page with Him on this matter!

Faith is the hardest thing to keep and the best thing to have all at the same time.

Sarah said...

Oh I'm so glad you posted and folded early! :) I have MISSED you!!!

annalee said...

thanks for sharing what God is showing you about faith and sharing your encouragement to remember how important it is!

Beki said...

Your blog is a wonderful testimony of one of God's faithful followers despite disappointment. Just think about all the people you have inspired to at least think about God!!! Hebrews 11:6 is a theme verse for the Bible study "Believing God" by Beth Moore. I'm in the 4th week and its great. I highly recommend it! Have a great weekend!

Heather said...

You are such an example of faith and a huge encouragement to me!! I'm glad you're back!

Natasha said...

Thank you so much Kelly!

You are such an encouragement to me, and I am so glad that you are back!

His Doorkeeper said...

You were about 5 years old when your Dad memorized the entire book of Ephesians and the 11th Chapter of Hebrews. I always love to hear the Faith chapter of Hebrews!

Glad you and Scott have had some together time!

ashleydiggs said...

See? It's not just me. You are an encouragement Kelly!

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

Wow Kelly. Thanks so much for sharing that, it is just what I needed to hear. So many times I get caught up in my own ideas and plans and I don't trust God to lead.

I am glad you are back! Enjoy your day!

pinkmommy said...

If you have never done Believing God by Beth Moore, you should. It is an amazing study all about faith. My faith hasn't been the same since I did it 2 years ago!

Trina said...

When I first dedicated my life to Christ that was one of my most favorite verses (still is) because so much in my life was up in the air and I did n't know how everything would work out. I had to have faith that He would meet my needs and guide my steps.

Thanks for the reminder.

Melissa said...

Kelly, thanks for the reminder! It is a battle for me as well to trust him every day, to remember that He's in control and I just have to roll with the punches. I'm just like you....will power is not my thing. I try to quit drinking Dr Peppers at least once every few months, I think I last a few days!

Caroline said...



Erin said...

Thank you for taking a time out from your blog break to post this...I REALLY needed to be reminded of everything you said, thank you :)

Lindsey said...

You are beautiful, Kelly, inside and out. Have a great weekend:)

Cheryl said...

I loved this message. Thanks for sharing! I am a planner and get frustrated when things do not go as I planned. I know I should have more faith, especially in my future. I am often reminded that we may not always know the plan God has made for us but to always know there is a plan.

Pam said...

I am so glad you are back. Your blog is always inspiring to me. I need to read Hebrews too. My job is the housing market and I worry about what the future will bring. God is in control. Thanks for the reminder.