Tonight we had a baby shower for my best friend in all the world, Laurie. She will be having little Sarah Kate in 6 more weeks and I can't wait to meet my new little niece!
We had a really good turn out. Our Sunday School class has a tradition that for 2nd, 3rd or more babies.........we go to a restaurant and everyone eats and visits and gives gifts. It's very simple, easy to plan and a good excuse for a girl's night out!
Here are Laurie and I. I realize you really can't tell which one of us is almost 8 months pregnant.

Amanda and Ashley

Leah and Julie

Kacy and Lindsey. Kacy is next up for a shower. Her shower is the day I leave for Hawaii. :-( But I'm making some special stuff for it even though I have to miss.

Laurie got so many cute things

Amy and Elizabeth

All her gifts - she got a ton of pink!!!!

I wanted to show you the cute stuff I got for her but I had to wait until after the shower. I got that precious dress on etsy and the bib and burp cloth on ebay. I am so in love with monogrammed things. Our poor children will have their names stitched all over them. They will probably be going off to junior high and I'll still try to put them in monogrammed rompers. ha!
So cute!!! I love what you got her!! Sarah Kate is going to be stylin!
I LOOOOOVE monogram anything, especially baby stuff. I love all of those things you got for her. Soooo cute. I'm always looking out for what I can monogram next. I'm a nut for it!
I've missed reading your posts. Welcome back to blog world!
I love the monogram items you bought! Sara will certainly be a stylish little girl!
Oh, I love monogrammed things too. Before we had Emma Kate I bought some bloomers to have monogrammed... My husband gave me the hardest time and said, "You are getting her name embroiderd on something that goes on her rear?!" I said, "Mmm hmm... And you better watch out or I'll get your name embroidered on yours too!!" He hasn't really said anything since! :)
I love that dress you're wearing... And the earrings are great too!
LOVE the gifts for Sarah Kate! I am in love with monogrammed things too! I am getting a new embroidery machine and can't wait to try new things! So much fun!
It was a fun shower! Loved the dress--too cute!
Loved the stuff you got for the baby - you can't go wrong with pink and green. Glad you're back to blogging!
Cute, cute, cute! I love pink and green on little girls!
yea, you're back! love love love that romber. i've got no babies to put cute monogrammed things on and I'm running out of things in the house to have monogrammed! and by the way love that resturant in the background we have one here and eat at it all the time. is it sad that i can recognize resturants from their decor?
Your gift was so sweet! I love the dress!
I am so glad you are back!! I love the monogrammed things you bought. I am glad you had a great week of QT. It is important to make time for it.
I ABSOLUTELY love your dress! Where did you find it? (I'm one of the "5th floor girls" that Tiffani referenced in her blog. We all love reading yours even though we're now banned at work! :))
I love the little dress with the pink ribbons! Any item that's monogrammed is a keeper for me! :)
Love love love what you got for your niece!! You have wonderful taste! I love monogramming too!
Oh--I know Ashley!! She used to dance at the UofA when I was a freshman! She is so adorable! How is she??
LA - I got my dress at Gap! I had tried it on twice but never could decide if I really liked it but once it went on sale for more than 1/2 off - I decided I liked it a lot! :-)
I'm glad you read my blog. They probably need to ban blogs at my work too! :-)
PRECIOUS gifts for the babe!
Looks like y'all had a great time! And I, too, LOVE that dress you were wearing! Not to mention the cute earrings. I wish we could get together and you could go shopping with me--I'm in need of your aweseome style expertise. :)
What a sweet Sunday School Group you have! The gifts for Sara were absolutely ADORABLE! Who does not LOVE monogramming?
An obviously some spelling expertise as well!
That should be "awesome" of course. The thought of shopping gets me a little too excited, I guess. :)
Kelly,I love the little black dress you are wearing...where did you get it? Cute shower gift some monogramming!
I have missed reading your blog. I have that gap dress I got it on sale this weekend!! I love it. I also love the dress that you got here. I am pretty sure that I will be monogramming everything also.. My family up north thinks that I am crazy. So monogramming must be a southern thing.
First of all, you look great in that picture!! I LOVE what you got Laurie. I love those little dresses and the monogramming makes it that much more adorable!!
Oh so cute!! Can you please dish on the etsy store you bought the dress from and the ebay buyer you bought other things. I have so many baby presents to buy!!
Oh DO NOT look 8 months pregnant!!! You look so cute. I love those earrings!
I am loving this monogrammed stuff, and the pink and green combo. You have great taste. One day when God blesses you with children they will be the envy of the neighborhood because you'll be dressing them so cute!!!
I love monogrammed things too! So cute! I love that idea for second or third babies...might just have to mention it to our Sunday School class!
I'm glad your back!!
-you and Laurie both look so cute!!
-the gift you gave is adorable!!
-I love the name Sarah Kate!!
Oh i am glad your back and I am glad to be back!!!!! i have missed you sooooooo much. You and laurie look darling in your black dresses!@!!!!!!!!
pump pump pump it up.....
pump that Hawaii spirit up!!!!!
hahahahh ok that was alittle much...pulling out the old cheers is sooooooo fun
I love the monogrammed stuff you gave her--all SO cute! Love the restaurant shower idea for 2nd, 3rd babies. P.S. Like your black dress--I do have that one...I think you commented on it before. :)
LOVE the dress youa are pitured in... and your shower gift was the cutest! Monogramming makes everything better! lol
Yummy! Are you ate McCallisters??? We love their tea and pie!
I so love monogram stuff! Wait, make that, monogram EVERYTHING!! My aunt owns a monogram store here in our town and she spoils my girls and me:)
I am so glad you are back. I've missed reading all about your activities.
Shortly after I published my comment, I read the other comments and found out that you got your dress at the, guess what...I had to do a little Gap shopping today...I bought the dress for a cheap sale price...and love it! Florida here I come! Thanks!
adorable baby finds! and guess what... my sister's name is sara kate! she's 16 and has always loved her name, i know the soon-to-be sarah kate will love her name too:)
So adorable! I absolutely love that dress!!!!
yeah, where IS her baby bump? I can't believe she is due in 6 weeks and that is all she has to show for it. That is NOT what I looked like with 6 weeks to go.
I just got caught up...
and David and I are both most often found under our laptops in the family room :) We even IM each other... it comes in handy when you are trying to say something you don't want the kids to hear.
Aww, what a cute gift! I love monogrammed stuff too.
I remember Kacy from college...she is a sweet girl. I forgot which sorority she was in, but we had mutual friends. (I think she might be on my MySpace) :P That's great she is pregnant too!
I love your gifts! And your good finds for your trip! Those flip flops for $20 are a steal, and so great! I spent way more than that on a pair at Dillards on Friday, and I dare say your's are cuter!
Where did you get that etsy dress? Do you mind emailing me at
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