Well, apparently we are one in the bond of hair!!!!
Everyone loves to discuss hair! And I love it!!!! Thank you for your suggestions and votes. 54% of you agreed I should chop it all off into a bob. I have bad news and good news.I am totally listening to you and I value your opinions - so I AM going to chop my hair off.
I know, I know. For all of you who have hair like mine - I think you can understand that short hair + extreme humidity do not equal LOVE. I need to be able to pull my hair up on our trip. But as soon as we get home - I am going drastic. I promise!!!
I realize my hair looks exactly the same. Scott loves to say "You paid how much? And your hair looks exactly the same?" But it doesn't - the gray roots are gone. And she did trim about an inch or more off.
Now for something way more exciting than hair..........................guess what I got today?
P.S. How excited are you that tomorrow is Friday???? I am SO happy! I have such a fun weekend planned. We have two dinners planned with some of our best friends and Saturday morning I am meeting two blog friends for brunch!!! I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. Stay tuned for a report on who it is and for pictures! I can hardly wait!
Oh, how I wish I was one of the friends that could have brunch with you! :0) That letter and picture are so sweet! Isn't it cool how God is working all around us - all over the world! Those letters always remind me of that!!
How exciting to meet two blog friends this weekend!! I wish I was one of them too though! :) I can't wait to hear the story and see some pics.
I love seeing your letter and the picture he drew you! That is so neat to see. :)
Your hair looks great--as I said, you can't go wrong--it looks great long or short!
How exciting to get the letter today--that's so sweet. I like the little picture he drew. What a blessing!
Have a great weekend. We don't have any big plans. L has a test on Monday, so I'm sure he'll study a lot. I'm ready for his summer break...he'll still be busy with work, the audit, and his internship, but at least he won't have to study on weekends (I hope).
I'm so glad you got your letter!! That's great!
The hair looks great!! And oh my word at the sweetness of the letter. That is jjust too precious for words.
Oh how I wish I was the blog friend meeting up with you!! Have a great Friday!
Hi there! I've never responded to your blog before, but I thought it was time! I wandered to your blog through my co-worker Tiffani's blog. I've been following your story and I will be sure to keep you and your hubby in my prayers. That letter is so sweet! I'm sure it touched you like nothing else. Oh - and I think your hair is adorble short!
(The letter AND the hair.)
I think you made a good decision to wait on going short until after the beach. I HATE trying to deal with my hair in the humidity. It seems to be worse when it's short!
I am so glad you got your letter, that is so sweet!
It looks great! I think you made the right call to wait until after your trip. I'm sure you will be glad that you can still pull it up, etc.
That letter is just precious! That would make me cry too!
Oh, how I wish that you were in NC and we could be meeting for brunch too! That will be so fun...can't wait to hear how it goes!
I won't spoil your surprise, but one of your blogfriends told me about your brunch and she is equally excited! Your hair looks cute. I think you made a wise choice...speaking from experience with humidity and wavy, thick hair. I LOVE that letter. I got all teary-eyed reading about it. Thanks for keeping us posted on him!
you could be bald and still be the cutest! i know about loving a pony tail especially during the hot, humid Alabama summers.
the letter, it is precious.
i'm jealous. i want to come have lunch too:)
have a fabulous Friday!
I don't know you but I'm happy you decided on the trim before Hawaii. I am a fellow coarse-haired girl and I cannot imagine cutting it short and heading to Hawaii. Sounds like you made a great decision and how blessed you are that you can wear it either way and look beautiful.
You have reminded me to write some letters to our Compassion kids. I'm very embarrassed to say that we support several and I've only ever written about three letters total in about 10 years. I can start now though. What a beautiful drawing he sent you.
VERY WISE to not do a big chop before the trip! When we were in Jamaica I swear my hair shrunk up 6 inches. I left the states with hair half way down my back, and explored the tropics with a near-bob. The humidity was CRAZY. Gotta have ponytail length!
I love the picture. I can't read the letter, because I know I'll cry and I'm too vain to have puffy eyes all day tomorrow. :)
What a sweet letter! It makes me so teary!
Your hair looks beautiful!
I think you made the right choice on your hair! It looks great! My hair is naturally wavy so in a humid climate, I need to pull it up all the time! How exciting that you got a letter from your Compassion kid! Thank you for my birthday wish on Facebook! You are too sweet and I can't wait to meet you in real life! Have fun today!
Great hair choice! = )
We've gotten letters from our Compassion children, too. It's very exciting and touching!
Hey...I voted for the trim so I think it looks great! The bob is cute to but I was thinking about Hawaii.
Well, at least you have something to look forward to for AFTER your trip to Hawaii! And the letter and drawing - how sweet is that? I'm sure I would have been bawling my eyes out, too! I am probably one of the most emotional people ever - I seriously cry over the Publix commercials! Ha! Can't wait to see who you are meeting! So jealous!
Love your hair and that sweet, sweet picture. I hope it makes you feel really good to think about what your doing for that precious little boy!!
Have a fun weekend.
Can I just say that I am a tad jealous that it is not me meeting up with you?! I think the hair looks great, and I totally understand...my hair is naturally curly and not the pretty kind. I am so glad you got a letter from Richard!
Your hair looks great... And I am sure it feels even better! Oh how I love haircuts. I think you made a great decision. I cut mine off a while ago and I am desperately missing my pony tail!
And that letter... Oh my goodness. So, so precious!
We sponsor a little boy from Ghana through Compassion, and I love getting letters and pictures from him. He always tells us how much he loves Jesus, and it makes me cry. So, I right there with you!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a great brunch with your blog friends!
One whole inch and no gray? Money very well spent. Looks great! Can't wait to hear about lunch!
Your hair looks great! Yes, a ponytail is a good thing in humidity!! Your letter is so sweet, I've been thinking about doing that....
We just received our first Compassion letter from our Uganda little girl this week too. It was such a happy moment. I cried too,and couldn't read it to my husband..he had to read it.
She said (the translator wrote it for her)
"I love you for picking me out of many"
She said she is praying for us too....
I'm so happy to be a part of Compassion!
I agree, best $32 bucks EVER.
Her birthday is in April,so we just wrote a letter, sent stickers, and my kids drew her pictures.
Kelly S.
Thanks for responding to my blog. Just getting into this, but I can already tell that your blog is going to be a favorite of mine! Your hair looks great short or long - you're beautiful! I have naturally curly hair - I totally understand the humidity thing!! I am always afraid to go too short for fear of getting a fro on a humid day! lol Have a blessed day!
Love the trim, and I totally understand about the humidity and pony tail thing.
Thanks for sharing the letter. What a sweet blessing this child has been for you and Scott, and now all of us in blogland.
wise move. I like my short hair, but I really miss my ponytail. It is just now long enough to get it into a ponytail holder, but I wouldn't call the result a ponytail.
I like the short in the previous post
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