Yesterday was 77 degrees and sunny and beautiful!!! Today - it's back to the 40's, dark and cloudy. Boo!
But I did get a package in the mail today! I ordered three dresses from Forever 21 this week - they were each around $10. They will make great day dresses to wear over my swim suit in Hawaii!

Scott and I are not low maintenance small packers. We normally take two suitcases each and that's for 5 or 6 days. Not sure how we are going to be there for 10 days. ha! I just like to have a lot of options. And I need at least an outfit for each day and an outfit for night. Plus travel clothes and workout clothes (ha - yeah right) and swim suits and pajamas and shoes. Oh - I need a lot of shoes.
What about you? Are you a light packer or high maintenance like us? I have heard these urban legends about a family of 5 going on vacation and all sharing one suitcase. I think that was a lady I used to work with. Is that really possible?
I'm a high matiance packer, you just never know what mood you'll be in. I don't see how that could be possible to share a suitcase. I saw on Good Morning America this morning where I guy found a rattle snake in his suitcase,and it bit him!!
No way...that isn't possible with me! I am a VERY heavy packer too. I am always so afraid that I am forgetting something, so I think I over compensate!! I love your dresses, they will be so cute!!
I absolutely LOVE those dresses!! They are perfect. My favorite is the first one, too!
As far as packing, I can not relate to this "low-maintenance" you speak of. I agree that options are a definite must!
And a family of 5 packing in one suitcase is WAY out of my realm of understanding. ONE person just packing one suitcase is pushing it for me. :)
I'm such a low-maintenance girl all the way around, and am a pretty light packer! I'm so excited you're going to Hawaii!. And I'm so jealous!
I'm totally a high maintenance packer. When we went on our honeymoon to Maui, my bag was so huge and full that the baggage handler at the airport loudly told me that next time all I needed to bring was my bathing suit and shorts. I was so embarrassed! Next time maybe I'll do better. Hopefully there will be a "next time" for me in Maui! I'm excited for you.
Love the dresses!
I am a HEAVY packer. I usually take a suitcase for clothes, a suitcase for shoes, and at least one bag for personal care and beauty items. And that does not include one thing of the Princess'! And the hubby is on his own are far as luggage goes!
Those dresses are very cute! Have fun on your trip! I'm a bit jealous!
As for packing, I don't want to forget anything either. I like a lot of options too. You never know what the weather will be like or if you do anything unplanned.
I love your style Kelly! You have me totally hooked on dresses. I am definitley a high maintenance girl and that means a high maintenance packer. I love having options while I am traveling, which means lots of bags.
These outfits are adorable! I especially like the blue one! :)
I think we are in the middle on packing. Hubs and I share a suitcase. Each of the kids get a bag to themselves and then there is a beauty bag. I would love to have just one bag but haven't figured out how yet. LOL
My main problem is that I hate to do the laundry upon my return. :)
My husband, 3 boys and I went to Alaska and I took 1 carryon bag and a backpack (full of army guys, hot wheels and snacks) Everything went great on the way, however, we were on travel passes (my husband is an airline pilot) we missed 4 flights out of Anchorage and left at 2 am in the morning, instead of going to Dallas we went to Seattle, and sat in Seattle for 12 hours, we missed 7 flights there. Finally arrived at Dallas at 10 pm that night, we had not slept in 30 hours. As my wise husband always says, take a carry-on bag with extra clothes, make-up in case you get stuck somewhere other than the original destination! It is better to have enough clothes that not enough! Just remember your carry-on bag just in case!
Happy flying! Kara-North Texas "The pilot's wife"
Cute dresses! Don't you just LOVE Forever 21???
Those dresses are stinkin' adorable! And you got them for a steal! Love that!
I am right there with you on the high maintenance packing. I am shocked at the thought of 5 people packing in one suitcase...I don't see how that's possible!
Love, love, love those dresses... Totally "beach perfect"! Forever 21 is the best! As for the packing... Let's just say I could probably buy another plane ticket with how much I have had to pay for going over the weight limit during my travels! You just never know what the weather is going to do or how you're going to feel. And what is UP with airlines now charging for the second bag?!
I am a high maintenance packer...I like to have options, too. Plus you never kmow about the weather!
all CUTE CUTE dresses--you're such a good shopper! oh boy with the packing--i try hard, but i never seem to "scale down". last christmas i decided to pack the whole fam in a huge duffle that i used when i moved to salzburg for a semester. i've never been so frustrated trying to find a pair of 9 month old baby socks in a duffle the size of alaska. so i'm back to the following standard for a weekend: R's suitcase and blue tote, A's suitcase and pink tote, a suitcase for L, one for me, usually a Gap bag or something containing bogart's misc. stuff, toiletries case, camera bag, sometimes the video bag and usually a bag of snacks, sippy cups, etc. so that's a total of 9,456 pieces of luggage. i guess we're in the "high maintenance" category for sure.
P.S. oh, i forgot one: my tote bag with things like magazines, Bible, journal, stationery, planner. so 9,457. :)
I am an over packer from WAY BACK. I have always liked to have options. Now with 2 little girls in tow, I have triple the crap, er, I mean, stuff to take. Between my shoes, hairbows, pjs (and extra pjs just in case), MM's hair products (remember her hair is super curly), etc. Whew! I'm tired just thinking about packing. I LOVE your new dresses. You are going to be the cutest girl. WAIT! You already are;) You are going to be the best dressed chick.
I am completely an over packer! And now that we are going to MX in two one week(Ah!) - I will probably be over packing Allikaye too! Love those dresses - you are so cute!
My husband and I are both high maintenance packers too! I love the new dresses you ordered! Forever 21 has such great deals.
I'm pretty low key when it comes to packing...but you should already know that! I love your dresses. I got one tonight at Forever 21. It was $30 though. Not the bargain price of $10. I'll post a picture of it tomorrow.
love your dresses. we just got a forever 21 here, but I never go to the mall...
I guess I'm a light packer. I remember everything for everyone else, but notoriously forget to pack for myself. When we went to my mom's, I packed myself shirts and underwear... but no pants! ha I had to wear the jeans I had on (I did wash them twice) the entire time.
I always overpack, but a girl's gotta have options! LOVE the dresses. What a great idea...I don't know why I have never thought to look at Forever 21 for beach cover-ups. I just bought 2 new ones for my trip to Jamaica, but I think a trip to Forever 21 is in order!
The more I travel, the less I pack. Hubs and I traveled to Greece & Turkey for 17 days with one airplane carry on. Yes, we shared one of those small roller suitcases. It was very convenient.
Your not alone...... I have 3 children under age 8 and everyone has their own suitcase and such. I cannot imagine a family of 5 like us all sharing one suitcase!!! That is crazy! Besides...your a woman and we need all are "things" with us on vacation, even the "items" we are not sure we really need but want them just in case. Better to be over packed than under packed is what I say. LOL Have fun! Wish I was going!
love all three choices.
As far as packing, hubby and I both have oversized duffles & we each pack one. If I'm flying I use a suitcase.
Those dresses look perfect for the beach! I always pack way more than I need,but at least that way you are always prepared.
Adorable dresses and what a great price! I use to be the worst at over packing but now I'm actually low maintenance in that area. I'm glad I found your blog from the Baby Bangs site. It's so cute.
Love all the new dresses. I'm adding some super fun dresses to my summer wardrobe too!!
I am high maintenance all the way baby. I think I took 6 pairs of shoes last week to SAntonio for a 4 night stay. Don't know how you are going to do 9 nights in Hawaii??
Hope you and Scott have a great weekend.
Love it! I am an over-packer for sure! Travis marvels at what I pull out of my suitcase when we're gone...I'm always prepared though with lots of options, so I usually never regret it. I can't imagine a family of 5 using one suitcase...something about that seems just wrong!
I love the poll about your hair, although you're much braver than I am. I don't think I could take that many opinions about my hairstyle without getting my feelings hurt!! I'd rather not know what people think! You're so cute Kelly! Can't wait for you to go to Hawaii!
OK now. It's 9:30 and I've been checking all day to find out who the blog friends are you had brunch with. I'm so envious that you are going to Hawaii. I'll have to live vicariously through you! Have a great rest of the weekend.
hi! just happened on your blog and have to comment on this. we're a family of 5 and are very light packers. i posted about it recently:
my husband and i spent 7 weeks in europe with just our backpacks once. it was good practice for our trips to russia and guatemala to adopt our kids, too!
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I LOVE YOUR NEW VACATION DRESSES!!!!!!!
Ok, I wasn't going to comment again because I didn't want you to think I was a weird blogger stalker of someone I have never met BUT I just have to tell you that I am probably the most neurotic packer God ever created - SERIOUSLY. I take no less than 2 suitcases FOR A WEEK - JUST FOR MY CLOTHES. My shoes get a separate suitcase as do my accessories(shoes, belts and jewelry.)I have to start packing like 3 days in advance and then really everything in my closet ends up in the suitcase 5 minutes before we leave just in case I have "forgotten" anything or I "feel like" wearing the dress I have never worn before and don't even know why I bought it.
Just had to share:-)
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