Friday, March 14, 2008


UPDATE: Thank you for your precious comments. I hope what each of you wrote will encourage every person who reads this. I talked to my dr's office today and they actually work with specialists in Little Rock instead of Tulsa. There is a doctor from LR that comes up here once a month and she just "happens" to be coming this Monday and she just "happens" to have had a cancellation first thing Monday. (It didn't just happen - God worked it out for us). So we will have blood work and tests done and she will help us with a plan of action. I feel VERY encouraged by this. I have NO doubt God heard all of your prayers today. THANK YOU!!!!!!!

This pretty much sums up my morning.

I took this test yesterday afternoon because I was just sure that this time I was pregnant. I had been over analyzing symptons I thought I was having. I had already been praying for the baby I thought might be in me. I had planned how I would tell Scott and how we would tell our parents. All last night - I hoped this test was wrong. I hoped I maybe took it wrong.
But this morning I got my confirmation.
No Thanksgiving baby.

To say I'm sad would be the understatement of the year. I'm devastated. I don't understand. I don't understand why there are teenagers and drug addicts all over this world who are pregnant right now. I don't understand why just today there will several babies aborted because they weren't wanted.

I just want to be a mother. I want to carry a child in me. I want to have morning sickness and varicose veins and stretch marks. I want to talk with other girls about all my pregnancy issues. I want to deliver a baby and have Scott cut the umbilical cord. I want to hold my sweet baby and try to guess who it looks like. I want to get no sleep because I am up with them all night. I want to rock them and watch TV at 3 a.m. I want to watch them take their first steps. I want to hear them say their first word. I want to hear a child who belongs to me say "I love you". I want to be there when they pray to ask Jesus in their hearts. I want to see them get baptized. I want to take them to school on their first day and walk them in their room. I want to bake cookies with them on snow days. I want to take them to Disney world. This is the job I was created to do.

Please pray for me. I have to call my doctor today and I think I want to have her refer me to a fertility center in Tulsa. It's going to be difficult to have to start driving there for things but I think it may be time.

Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him! Isaiah 30:18
But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me. Micah 7:7



Anonymous said...

Praying now.

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

Kelly, I am so sorry. I am praying for you. I know you will be a wonderful mom some day. Hang in there, we are all praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you continually. We love you, Kelly. Micaela

Hillary said...

My heart breaks!! I have no words other than I'm so sorry!!

Jenna said...

Kelly, I just don't know what to say. I am so sorry you are going through this, and I will definitely continue praying for y'all.

I know the Lord is doing all this in His perfect timing, but sometimes I just want to say, "C'mon, God, really. Enough is enough, it's time."

I'm so thankful He doesn't listen to me, though. Because His plan is so much better than we could imagine...even on mornings like this when it doesn't seem like it.

Thinking about you today, friend.

Michelle said...

I'm so sorry Kelly! My heart aches for you. Will pray...

Caroline said...

Kelly, I don't understand it....I am so sorry. I am just so sorry. My tears for you right now remind me that you have a great multitude surrounding you in Prayer.The Body of Christ lifting you up when you can't look up! We love YOU!

You and You alone are God over this situation. YOU ALONE!!!! Be Kelly's strength, be her peace in the Name of Jesus. Amen

Michele said...


I am so very sorry. The pain of infertility is so unique - it's not a single loss but a chronic loss that keeps occuring over and over and over again. And with each month the pain cuts a little deeper.

I have a friend in the area that used the RE (assuming it is the same one) in Tulsa and did like the clinic. I believe she was able to coordinate with her clinic in the Springdale area. I remember I was quite reluctant to go to the RE as I think it felt like I was admitting that we did have a problem that I really wished would just solve itself. Through our testing and treatment at the RE we actually found out our problems were much more than originally told to us but they developed a treatment plan that would eventually bring us our girls.

I am praying for you - that God would bring comfort and healing to your heart today and that He would give you wisdom to make decisions in the days and weeks to come.


JenB said...

I'm so sorry. Praying now.

Mrs.D said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers today!

Stephanie Kay said...

Praying for you. My brother and sis-in-law went 6 or 7 rounds before they went to Tulsa (they live in Gentry). On the second round of IVF she got pregnant and is set to be induced tomorrow. They haven't had anything negative to say about Tulsa; other than it's a long drive.

Candy said...

I'm so sorry! I pray for you and Scott every morning and will continue to do so.

Unknown said...

I am so sorry

Melissa said...

Kelly I am so sad to hear this! I will definitely keep you and Scott in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I will be praying for you, Kelly, and your aching heart.

Stacy said...

I'm praying for you, Kelly!

Mandy said...

Kelly, I am so sorry!! I will continue to pray for you everyday and I know that He has a plan for you and Scott and that your dreams will come true!!

Jessica said...

I'm still praying and I'll keep praying until you are pregnant.

Julie said...

I know there is very little that can be said that would help the ache, hurt, and frustration in your heart right now. Each time is disappointing. And with some, I know with me, it set me back sometimes in my spiritual walk.

Heavenly Father--
I lay Kelly and Scott before your throne right now. Father, I ask your perfect plan for their family. Help them Lord to accept the plan and path you have for them even during the frustrating times. Please help them to wait upon you.Please give them guidance in all decisions they have to make and protect them physically and spiritually during this trial in their life. Please pour your spirit upon Kelly's heart and heal that aching that is so hard and heavy. Show yourself to her today so she may be encouraged in you.
Thank you for her and the privilege to know her. In your Son's Holy name--Amen.

The Proctors said...

Please know that I'm thinking and praying for you!

Jennifer said...

My heart breaks for you. I will be praying for you during this time.

pinkmommy said...

Oh girl, my heart is breaking for you. I was thinking of you this morning, and pleading with God for you to be pregnant. I am so so sorry. I am so glad you are not giving up.

boomama said...

I'm praying for you...

Jennifer said...

Hi don't know me...I found your blog somehow and love it! I just wanted to let you know that I am so sorry and will keep you and Scott in my prayers!

Deidre said...

I'm praying for you! I can so relate to all you have written. I tried for 4 years to have my first child and then 4 for my second. I was told I would never have any. It's difficult to explain to someone the emotional roller coaster you experience when 'trying'. I pray for God's peace to be with you today!

Tamara said...

Sweet Kelly,

Dear sister in Christ, I know your grief. I have been there. I know God's plan for you is perfect, but perfect is not without pain. Know that God understands exactly what He designed you for, even better than you do! And His love for you is so great, that even though He sees the plan perfectly, He aches with you. I am praying that you will sense His deep and abiding love for you today, and that He will fill you with hope that He will give you "beauty from ashes". I am praying that you will see Him revealed to you in amazing ways today, for when you are weak, He is strong.

Ephesians 3:14-21 "For this reason I kneel before the Father...I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."

Marc and Charity said...

I'm sorry Kelly, I don't understand it either. I'm praying.

CAMoore said...

I know I can't say that I can relate to your exact situtation...but please know my heart understands your desires! I am praying for you and Scott. Trust that God has his plan for you- and it WILL all work out.
Stay strong and focused! You will make a wonderful mother and I am sure your hubby will make a great Dad!

Ashlie said...


I'm a fairly new reader of your blog (which I love!) and this is my first comment. I've been reading about your journey (I feel like we're old friends!) and praying along with you. My eyes filled with tears as I read your post this morning. I'll keep the prayers coming and I know that one day your dream of becoming a mother will come true because, as you said, it's the job you were created to do. Don't lose hope. Your cheerful posts brighten our days and give hope to so many of us in "blog land." Please know that there are many people thinking of you today.

Ashlie from TN

Mom to 2 Angels said...

I'm so sorry, I was hoping it would work for you this time. We know His timing is best, but it so hard to feel that when your in the midst of it. I'll be praying for you.

Heather said...


I am so sorry. My heart breaks for you. Please know that you are continually in my prayers, and I won't stop praying for you until you become a mother. I wish so much I could give you a hug, and I pray that God would fill you with His perfect peace today. God bless you today and always.


Heather said...


I am so sorry. My heart breaks for you. Please know that you are continually in my prayers, and I won't stop praying for you until you become a mother. I wish so much I could give you a hug, and I pray that God would fill you with His perfect peace today. God bless you today and always.


Anonymous said...

Lord Jesus, please comfort Scott and Kelly, help them to continue to praise you in this storm. Lead them and guide them in the next step. Help them to never give up and never forget you love them so much and have a perfect plan for their lives.

Please give them the desire of their hearts, children.

Praying for you,
Kelly in Michigan

~aj~ said...

You are in my prayers, Kelly. I'm deeply sorry.

Anonymous said...

Kelly- That sucks. I have been there-7 years-and I never did have a baby. I am however a mama- I wrote about "My Barreness Experience" over at LAF, if you care to read it and other testimonies of gals who share this pain with you.

I totally get the pain of "why (are)there are teenagers and drug addicts all over this world who are pregnant".

I am crying with you and praying for ya'll.
One thing I believe with all my heart is that if God gives you a deep desire to be a mother- He will make it happen- just maybe not like you expected. -Amie Ladd

Jamie said...

I'm am so sorry!

Faith said...

I am so very sorry. I know there is not much to say that can comfort your hurting heart right now. I know that the pain and disappointment hurts more and more with each month that passes. Right now, the promise that I am clinging to (and praying for you also) is Psalm 126:5 "Those who sow in tears WILL reap with shouts of joy." Just keep sowing the seed of God's Word...He loves us, He protects us, He wants the very best for us and He alone knows what that is. He has the power to do the impossible!
I will also pray for you and Scott as you seek the Lord's guidance and direction in what to do next. That is my cry right now as well, because I don't want to go anywhere that He is not leading. I just want His will to be done, and I know you desire that as well.
Love in Jesus,

Anonymous said...

Kelly- I am not sure how I got "lost" in blogland, and found your blog! I just wanted to let you know that we live in Stillwater, and I saw David Kallenberger in OKC at Integris. He was amazing. May God Bless You as you go through this! I know it is so incredibly hard, but God will see you through this. Hang in there. Prayers are being sent up for you!!! Melissa

Anonymous said...


I too found your blog quite by accident and love it. Unlike your other readers, I feel that I am much older (48 with twins in college and one in high school). It's time to get very aggressive about this. You are young and healthy and you sound very determined to do whatever it takes to conceive. Do your research and find the very best doctors who have success with IVF. Travel if you need to. Turn all of this heartache into strong determination to do absolutely everything in your power to become pregnant. Your case is probably not unique. Expert and proven physicians who specialize in infertility must be your next step.

God wants this for you and Scott Kelly. His love will fuel your quest. I look at today as a new level in your fight to conceive.

I'm in your corner Sweetie. Sending heartfelt prayers your way.


Living to Love said...

Im with Jessica...I'll be praying until you are pregnant...knocking down the doors of heaven crying out for you and my friend Hannah. It seems that ya'll have the same "timing" for she just found out yesterday for the 14th month that they are not pregnang. I truly don't understand it and feel SO bad for ya'll. I don't know quite what to say but I'll send this song to you like I did to Hannah. The parts that I thought were extra special are in bold.

Praise You In This Storm
God You would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Once again, I say Amen, and it is still raining
As the thunder rolls
I barely hear you whisper through the rain
I'm with you
As your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away
I'll Praise you in this storm
And I will lift my hands
You are who you are
No matter where I am
I will Praise You in this storm
I remember when
I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry
You raised me up again
My strength is almost gone
How can I carry on
If I can't find you
I lift my eyes into the hills
Where does my help come from
The maker of heaven and earth
Casting Crowns

Sorry for the long comment just know you are in my prayers BIG time!! I am so sorry for this heartbreaking news.

Jill said...

You are always in my prayers and now I'll start praying about the Tulsa situation.

Rebecca (Sam's wife) said...

Kelly-my heart is sad for you. I don't know what to say, but I know how you feel as this was a real possibility with my husband and i when we got married. it is so hard to understand and to trust in God's timing when we are going through "stuff". though our stories our different my heart breaks for you. i am so sorry and hope that tulsa is an answer to prayers. your heart was herad in this post.

Rebekah said...

Sweet Kelly,
There are no words that can make you feel better. I am so sorry that you have had to go through the pain that you have. My heart breaks for you because I understand how you feel. Why are babies aborted every day and young girls and drug addicts are able to bring babies they don't want in to this world. Yet, loving families, who will train their children in the ways of the Lord, struggle to have a child of their own? I do want to ask God about this mystery when I get to Heaven. Until then, I am trusting that He will provide you and Scott with a baby. I can't wait to see His perfect plan played out in your life! You are going to be the most amazing mommy! You are in my prayers!

Guy and Julie said...

Kelly--I am so so sorry. I don't understand this at all. I am praying for you every day and will be especially vigilant to do so as you start down a different path.
We love you!!

Melissa Stover said...

i'm so sorry kelly. i will continue to pray for you.

Amanda (McNeely) Vestal said...

I'm so sorry. I've prayed for you every day since the first time we talked & have been thinking about you this week. I'll continue to keep you in my prayers. I just know in my heart that you will have a baby.


mer@lifeat7000feet said...


I am so sorry. My heart is heavy for you, and I'm asking God to hold you close and catch every tear that falls...


Ashlie said...

I'm so sorry you've been disappointed again. Now, if only you can cling to the verses at the bottom of your post. No man or woman can say with certainty that God will give us the desires of our heart, but thankfully His ways are higher than ours. And maybe He is wanting to do something in your life in a way you never imagined! I am stopping what I'm doing to pray for you and your husband right now...

Robyn Beele said...

I am so sorry for you! I am right there with you. I want so badly to be a mother and when months go by and it doesn't happen, it just seems to get harder. I will pray for you and try to remember God has a plan.

Sibi said...


I am still praying for you. We have three babies
in Heaven and many difficult years of waiting
and trying, etc. I know your heart is heavy
and your spirit is broken but The Father is with you
and He will give you the desires of your heart.
You are called to be a Mother and so you
shall be one. Press in and Press on. Your recompense
will be great. He is faithful....

Ashlie said...

I just went back and read all the comments for this post after I prayed for y'all. I had chill bumps on my arms from the powerful-ness (is that a word?) of all the women out there praying for you. And I know there are more people praying in your personal circle! God must surely be in this because doesn't He say that where 2 or 3 are gathered in His name, there He is also? I believe that "gathered" in prayer counts too! Thank God that you have this Godly support around you!! How much harder would it be to go through these struggles if you were not a believer?! Blessings to you today...

Katie said...

Kelly, I love you and you know you are on my "list" until you hold a baby in your arms! "Some boast in chariots and some in horses, But we will boast in the name of the LORD, our God." Psalm 20:7

Anonymous said...


I am praying for you and that you will feel God's comforting arms around you right now. I'm reminded of Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I believe God will give you the desire of your heart and you will be an incredible Mom some day soon.


Snappy Casual Snippets said...

I don't understand it either, why people who don't deserve children get them & those who want them can't. I'm praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Kelly, I found your blog a while back and think you are such a special woman. I have been praying for you----in my heart I know that such a loving, giving person like you should be a mother. I'll continue to hold you in my thoughts and prayers.

Shannon said...

Kelly, I am praying for you.

a boy a girl and a pug said...

As soon as I saw that picture the tears started flowing. You and Scott are so deserving, it just broke my heart. I will continue to lift you both up in prayer.

*Giving you a hug through the computer*


Jennifer said...

Kelly I am praying for you like always and I am actually crying right now. I just knew you would be pregnant this time. I know you will be a great mom one day. I f you need anything let me know.

M.E. said...

Awww... I actually said that outloud when I saw that pic of the results.

Thoughts & prayers are with you.

Charity said...

Oh Kelly...I am so sorry. I will SO be praying for you.

Psalm 34:18..."The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.


The Garners said...

Kelly, I just hate hate hate this for you guys. I know so many people are praying so hard and I wanted a "yes" this month SOOOO badly for you. I'm glad that you are going to move forward with another doctor specializing in this area (not that I know your current doctor or anything, I just mean that I've had friends who seemed to get great, fast results as soon as they took that next step to a specialist). Continuing to pray...and so sad for you. I keep hoping you just took the test a few days too early. I'm so sorry.

Jennifer said...

Oh heart is very heavy for you. I am glad to hear that you still have the force in you to go forward. I pray that Tulsa will be the charm for you and Scott.

The Garners said...

P.S. I don't know that LR is closer than Tulsa, but if you want to consider a specialist in LR I will find out a doctor's name from a friend of mine who went through this recently.

Staci said...

Praying for you Kelly! You are such a strong woman of God and an inspiration to me!! I wish we lived closer so we could hang out and go do something to take your mind off this right now. God bless.

Jessica said...

I'm excited about your meeting with the LR doctor. You are so right- this was no coincidence. Praying you! : )

Lauren said...

Oh, Kelly... I hurt so deeply for you. I can't say that I know how you feel. I do know, however, the longing in a woman's heart to be a mommy... It is fierce! After reading your update (which gave me chills and flooded my eyes with tears) I am rejoicing with you... No, there are no "coincidences" to God... He has had this in His divine plan all along. Isn't He good?! I pray that He would poor down blessing upon blessing on you. You will continue to be in my prayers...

He gives the barren woman a home, making her the joyous mother of children. Praise the LORD!
Psalm 113:9

Leigh Ann said...

I'm so sorry. Like you, I just knew this would be the time. I hope all moms that read this post take to heart the list of things you mentioned you want to do with your child and not take any of it for granted. I love you and pray for you.

Laura said...

Praying you feel God's touch today.

Betsy said...

Uuugghhh!! This is so not fair. I am just so sorry. It really doesn't make sense. I can so relate to all the things you said you want to do. I can't imagine the sadness of having those things dangling out of my reach. I am praying. I hope the clinic in Tulsa will have some answers for you. However far it is worth it!
Lots of love and hugs to you-

Mrs. Shelton said...

Kelly, i am so sorry! I ache for you in my heart. That is all I have ever wanted as well. Every explanation you gave. We have started trying yet, but I know so many people in your situation! thinking of you.....

Mrs. Shelton said...

Kelly, i am so sorry! I ache for you in my heart. That is all I have ever wanted as well. Every explanation you gave. We have started trying yet, but I know so many people in your situation! thinking of you.....

Mississippi Girl said...

I am SO sorry.... please know that I am lifting you up in prayer right this minute.
Jennifer R.

Jennifer said...

Praise the Lord he is so good! I will continue praying for you.

Megan said...

The fertility docs in LR are wonderful! I have several friends who used fertiliy treatment and are mommies now. Let me know if you need names or numbers-really!! Keep the faith and keep your eyes on the prize.

Anonymous said...

Kelly, are such a sweet heart and I will continue to pray for you!

Melissa said...

Good luck on Monday!!!

Lindsey said...

I wish I had the appropriate words to write to you. I do not, though I am sending up some precious prayers in your name. My heart is breaking for you and Scott. Sending you a bloggy hug!

Angela said...

Kelly, I know this has got to be such a hard time for you! I can't wait to see God's plans for your future.

Stephanie said...


I don't know you and you don't know me...I was sent to your blog by a friend tonight and I'm marveling at the timing of it. I too, took a pregnancy test that was negative today and have been down in the dumps once again because of it. My husband and I have been married for 4 years as well and so far our only baby is our golden retriever (whom we love!). We have been trying for several years now and with each month that passes we are crushed a little more. I found out I was pregnant in September and miscarried 5 days later...the day we told our family and close friends that we were finally pregnant actually. The Lord has been so good to me, but this is a road I never imagined walking and frankly, I'm ready to get off it. Please know that you have a friend in Minnesota grieving with you tonight...I am so grateful for the encouragement you offered simply by sharing your pain. I will continue to remember you in prayer...God knows and He loves us both. Blessings to you and your husband.


Meredith said...

I know I'm behind, but just wanted to let you know how sorry I am that this was not THE month. I hope you have a good appt on Monday with a fresh game plan for your road to becoming a mommy.

Heather said...

Ugghh..I hate to read this. 80 comments from women all over the country who are praying for you is just amazing!! What a blessing and comfort. I read your post this am before Brooks got up and immediately prayed, "God, please do something for Kelly." Then, check back to find you now have an apt Monday morning..AMEN!! Sending hugs your way. Thinking of you and Scott.. :)

Candy said...

I'm so glad to see your update about the Dr from Little Rock! You obviously have lots of people praying for you. :) I love how things just fell into place for Monday. It's so amazing to me to see God's work. Thanks for being so open and sharing everything. You are really inspiring a lot of people. I love Leigh Ann's comment about taking our kids for granted because it is so true. Can't wait to see what God has planned for ya'll. Have a great weekend! :)

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Praying for your future child... he/she will come in the Lord's perfect time. Praying that time is soon!

Britney said...

Kelly, i don't know you but i read your blog and i will most definitely pray for you. You are an amazing person and you will be blessed. although this is not your plan it is His plan. Mark 10:27 God can do all things. Know that it is possible and it will happen!

Fran said...

Proverbs 3:5 goes on to say...
"And in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight."

You are doing just that Kelly. He is slowly making this crazy path straight.

Please know that I grieved with you and my heart hurt too. I'm covering you in prayer friend.

I've got a great friend in LR who did all this. I'd love to know the name of your Dr. and maybe its her Dr. too. ??????

Much love~

RRR said...

Good luck with the specialist. We are all waiting to hear your good news as soon as it comes!! Your little baby (or babies?!) will be well worth the wait!

beckylbranch said...

Kelly, You are in my thoughts and prayers tonight. I'm so sorry you have to bear this burden. I don't understand either why people who don't want a baby it comes so easily, and those that really long for a baby and can't have them it has to be so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard watching everyone around you experience what your heart longs for most! Only God knows why all of this is happening and He love you sooo much and He is always in CONTROL! *Prayers & hugs* Becky

Sarah said...

Oh heart hurts with you. There really are no words sometimes. If I could divide that hurt and feel half of it for you I would. If it helps to know I DO know how you feel, know it!

I am so encouraged for you about the specialist. That is so God's doing!

Amanda said...

Kelly, I am so sorry. I hate this for you. I just saw your update and I'm glad there is something so soon to look forward to. I am praying for you!

Rachie said...

I have had those exact feelings. I have said some of those exact same words. It does not seem fair does it?

I never thought I would have fertility problems.

I used to think I was being punished.

But then I remember that we are meant to have kids. And if we continue to have Faith the Lord will bless us.

I want you to get pregnant SO bad! When I saw your pciture of the "not Pregnant" test my heart dropped.

I hope my words are a comfort to you!

Good Luck on Monday!!!

Lisa Sherrill Roach said...

We will never understand God's plan of action, but we will always appreciate it. I've known it would be close to time to find out. So, our prayers will now go in a different direction. Can't wait to see pictures of a beautiful baby with the last name Stamps.........and WE WILL!! I know it!

Allikaye's Mama said...

What an amazing testimony to the friends that love you! Continue to keep us posted because I am continuing to lay your situation before the Lord!

MMM said...

93 pieces of love for you Kelly! Amazing what blogworld can do for you. I'm so sorry for your pain and I too, will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself this week and then hop back on the horse and try again. =) Whatever season your baby will be born will be the perfect season.

Adrienne said...

Hey girl,
I just got the same results. We were on a break from treatment while we figure out our IVF plans and wait on insurance, but we still were hoping something could happen on its own. It didn't. So I completely understand. I see Dr. Batres in LR, but the other doctors at Arkansas Fertility and Gyn Assoc are good too (Dr. Miller and Dr. Moutos). I actually have our IVF class scheduled for April 1. Sounds like our timing seems to be in sync, maybe I'll see you in the class April 1! :) I felt every word of your post from the deepest part of my heart! I have thought every thought that you expressed! I do know this, God will give us the desires of our hearts. Don't know when, why, or how, but He will. So hang in there, and we'll both have a great testimony soon!


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. I am also very thankful for his provision in providing a special doctor to meet with you guys soon.

annalee said...

continuing to pray for you and God's perfect plan for the future.

pinkmommy said...

Your update gave me chills. I will be praying extra hard all day today.

Megan L Hutchings said...

Sweet Kelly! I just caught up on all of your posts, and my heart just breaks for you. All I can say is I am so sorry and I will be praying! God will provide...he ALWAYS does! On a side note: your decorations and tv trays look GREAT!

Anonymous said...

I can feel the rare emotion in your blog posting. My husband and I miscarried in Dec. of 07...I have not been trying long but know the longing to want to be a mother and make my husband a father. GOD is good and we have to have faith and trust he will bring us a baby in his time. God Bless you !

Anonymous said...

Momma, I love u!

P.S. - what i'm gon eat?

Caroline said...

hahahha kelly who wrote that last comment....scott??????? ahahhahhahah

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry Kelly.

The Pifer's said...

I read your blog all the time and the post you posted yesterday with this "linked" at your lowest, really rings true to my heart; I have been ttc for 3 years...I have no idea what the Lord has in store for us but I know it's something special...hearing you write everything I feel everytime I see another negitive's like you wrote down "MY" feelings...thank you Kelly, you are such an inspiration to me, I saw my name on your prayer blog the other day; my good friend sent you an email about it, and for you to actually take the time and add my names means more than you will ever know! THANK YOU! Women like you are amazing and you help show women like me that God does work miracles and one day he will grant you everything and more that your praying for!!!!! GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!