This is what we woke up to this morning. This weekend it was in the 70's and we were wearing shorts and today it's winter white. Of course by noon - it was all melted away but it was pretty while it lasted.
Look at this sad little face. He wants us to stay home and help him build a snow dog today.
I'm glad I could get to work because I had an eye doctor appointment today. I am legally blind but I have not been to the eye dr in three years. I know, I know. The last time I went - they gave me a crazy amount of contacts so I have just not gone back. But I am out and it was time. I went to a different doctor today (right by my office) and he was SO great. He gave me the best eye exam I've ever had. Even took pictures of my eye and let me look at them. He was also a Christian and after he asked what meds I was on and I had to tell him about the fertility drugs - he told me his wife had been there and now they were adopting from China. I almost started crying when he told me the story about how they decided to do that and how he felt like it was a total God thing. They already have a little boy. So I decided to break down and get some glasses. I haven't had any in probably 10 years. I'm just not a big fan of glasses but times have changed. There are actually some cute ones out there and I got the ones above. They are Coach and they are very chic! :-) I might even wear them out in public. If I do - I'll be sure and take a picture.
Anyone else out there practically blind? Scott has perfect vision. Actually he has like Superman vision - he can see things I don't think the human eye should be able to from distances that I just can't believe sometimes.
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
If you think of it, send me an email and let me know which doctor you went to--I'm looking for a new eye doctor. I also need glasses--BAD vision. Guy and I already know we need to start saving for glasses and braces for our poor kids because they are in for it with our genes!
Those glasses will look adorable on you! You can definitely pull it off.
What a great appointment! I am so glad that he shared all that with you. Your house looks so beautiful covered in snow!!!! I can't wait to see you in your glasses! With your will be so cute.
You'll be sooooo cute in glasses!!!!
I am jealous I want some snow! :(
P.S. Dawson does look pitiful in the window! Cute...but pitiful! He likes it when his momma stays home!
Great glasses!! Like you I also am totally legally blind. I have been in glasses/contacts since I was 5-6 years old,(am now 33). I too haven't had new glasses in awhile, (prescription is so high that each lens of my glasses cost about 85.00, plus the frames, plus the exam plus getting them featherweight, plus contacts, you can see where this is going , so yeah can't say that I've been to the eye dr lately either!!! I'm almost out of contacts so I guess it'll have to be soon. Also, I am 33 and without kids too, waiting patiently, dreading the "when are you going to have kids?" speal that if I have to hear one more time, I'm going to just freak out on someone!!! Some people are so insensitive sometimes, ya know, like I'm some sort of leper because I don't have kids and my boyfriend doesn't want to get married(after 5 years, but that's a whole nother story)just yet!! It takes time and I'm waiting patiently!!!!! Take care and honey, it'll come, all in due time(even though I know it's frustrating!!)
I am legally blind too. My contact box says -10.0 for one eye and -9.5 for the other. Scary! I really want to get lasik, but I am not sure if I will ever be eligible because my vision is so bad.
When you get glasses ask them about the special lenses that are not as thick. I get them for my glasses and it reduces the coke bottle effect. By the way - the coach frames are really cute!
I have to wear contacts and I have a pair of glasses. When I take my contacts out at night I usually have to ask Bryan if he can see my glasses. I can't see across our room to see my glasses laying on the nightstand!! Ha!!
Those glasses are the cutest things... I love the little "C's" on the ear pieces!!! I cannot wait to see pictures of them on! I'm blessed with 20/20 vision... However, I have terrible eye allergies!! WEIRD!! I was one of those kids that wanted glasses SO BAD... I even faked bad vision at an eye exam once; but still passed!
I have fairly good vision - but I have a pair of glasses that I wear at night when I'm driving...I've had those for about 5 years, so I think it's time for some new ones! I found an adorable pair of Kate Spade ones that I really want! I love the Coach ones, too!
Cute glasses! I haven't bought new ones in FOREVER. My vision actually improved slightly when I was pregnant with Alexee--crazy! I like the pic of D peeking through the curtains.
I love your new glasses and the look on Dawson's face...priceless! I am so glad he share his story with you. How uplifting! Okay, so you love Sister Hazel...what is your favorite song?
Awwww....Dawson looks so sad & cute at the same time! Poor baby! We have some friends that are adopting from China & they are so excited about it. I believe God puts people like your doctor in our paths just to encourage us. I'm still praying for you every day! :)
i wear contacts, and glasses usually at night. I hate to wear mine because I HAVE to have my sunglasses :) i was so sad when the snow melted
Derek and I are the exact same way. I can't see a thing without my contacts and he can read license plates ten cars ahead. It always amazes me.
Snow???? How nice! We had the same crazy weather (70s on Saturday 35 this morning) without the snow! Like the glasses. You're right, glasses today look better than they did years ago!
Oh my much to comment on! I too have really bad eyes. When I take my contacts out, I can't see anything!! I am about an 8 in each eye. My husband too has perfect vision. I pray that Tayson gets that from him!! Those glasses are sooo cute! I have never been a fan of wearing glasses either but they really do have some cute ones now. Finally, Dawson looks so cute in the window!! I would've had a hard time resisting staying home and building a snow dog!!
I have pretty bad eyes...sometimes I will accidentally go to bed with my contacts in, all the while THINKING I took my contacts out. I'll wake up and walk around all morning with my glasses on thinking how blurry my eyes are and how I need new glasses...only to later find out that I had my contacts in!!! How sad.
My husband also has perfect vision. He likes to test me by asking if I can see something really far away, I think it amuses him. :)
Next year, when I finally do get new glasses, I'll have to ask you to remind me what kind you got...they're really cute!
I am relate to the bad vision. My eyes are -6.00 in each eye. I recently got new glasses, but only wear them at night. The glasses you got are very chic!
I'm so glad you found this new doctor! It was definitely God who led you there!
I can't to see a pic of you in your new glasses! I love them!
You are going to be adorable in those glasses! Do you have a link for them you could post? I'm due for a new pair and those look like something I would love. Unless you don't want someone in NWA having the same spectacles. I remember that causing quite a stir on a Seinfeld episode! :)
First, I love your garage doors. Second, I am also pretty much blind. I am dying to get lasik. If I don't get lasik soon I will need to get new glasses too (I wear them before bed to read after I take my contacts out)because they are so old I can barely see out of them. Please post a picture of you wearing the new glasses, b/c I need encouragement. I might have to take you with me to pick out mine, haha. You have good taste.
Bless Dawson's heart! My husband got lasic eye surgery 2 years ago, and his vision is perfect now. I have 20/18 vision (or did). Supposedly that's what you once had to have to be a fighter pilot. I missed my true calling!;)
According to my kids behavior...we are getting MAJOR snow tonight, but the weather man disagrees! I am SO blind. My contact prescription is -7.75 in one eye and -4.25 in the other! I just got new glasses and I love it!
I'm right there with you on the blind issue. I got my first pair of glasses in the 7th grade and my vision was 20/400. My parents felt terrible and were shocked! I will never forget the feeling of being able to see and read a STOP sign. I think now I'm -5 something. I haven't been to the eyedoctor in 2 years and I've been wearing the same contacts for way too long. I need some new glasses too this time. I going to the eye DR in Mag. and I can't wait till I can see better! :) I love your new glasses. Can't wait to see a pic of you wearing them.
The snow looks beautiful!! Your sweet dog is adorable peeking out the window.
Ok...we got NONE of that beautiful snow! Thats the best kind though....beautiful when you wake up and melted by noon! :)
Poor pitiful puppy!
And, the glasses are adorbale!!
I'm sure you look adorable in them! I am more like Scott...20/20. I've never even been to the eye doctor.
Those glasses are so stylin! All the better to see that pretty snow with :)
Cute pic of Dawson
I am with you on the terrible vision. I was a -10.0 in one eye and -11.0 in the other before my Lasik surgery almost 3 years ago. I am telling you, it is a miracle! I didn't even think I would be a candidate because I was so blind, but it worked and I can't say enough good things about it!
Your frames are fabulous though, and I know they will look great on you!
Praying for you in NC! Faith
Hey Kelly! I've been reading your blog for a while. I found it through a comment you left on the Boyds. I have truly loved reading your blog and have passed it on to several friends. I figured I would finally leave a comment. I have a blog for my girls.
I have horrible eyesight. It is a -6.5 in both eyes. Love the new glasses.
Your new glasses are so pretty!
Much like you, I haven't been to the eye dr. in four years now! I feel horrible! Thanks for making me feel better and letting me know I'm not the only one!
Oh, and I'm waaaayyyy blind too!
Warmest regards...
Your house looks beautiful with all the glisten of the white snow! And Dawson is super cute at the window looking at Mommy!
Cute glasses too! I use my glasses for reading. But I am also supposed to use them for driving. They look cute, but these are cute too~ Thanks for sharing.
I am jealous- we haven't had any snow this year- what's up with that?!
The glasses look adorable:-)
I love the glasses! Really cute. The snow is just beautiful...I think snow is so romantic! I learned last night that we have a friend in common...does Jennifer Sanders ring a bell?
These are great glasses! Enjoy the snow!
Hey Kelly! Its Kim Oliver! I finally found your blog again! That just proves snow days can be productive days! You asked if anyone else is blind?? That would be ME! Even with glasses or contacts I am still blind! Dawson looks very cute! I love the glasses by the way! Take care!
I think we might be eye sisters. Not only have I not been to the eye doctor in 3 years (b/c of my stash of contacts), I am practically blind, and I just ran out of contacts so I made my eye appt just the other day. HA!
Love the new glasses. You will look precious in them:)
Hi Kelly,
I ran across your blog and couldn't help but comment on your sweet pup looking out the window! So adorable!
I also noticed you went to OBU...I spent my first couple of semesters in college there. Small world!
I love the glasses! I just went to the eye doctor a couple of weeks ago for the first time in about 3 years. I knew that I needed glasses! I haven't picked mine out yet but I may have to check out the ones you have!
Cute glasses! I'm also practically blind, near-sighted w/ astigmatism. I wore contacts for years but after I got married they started feeling weird in my eyes for some reason, birth control maybe? So, I've been wearing my glasses for probably 6 months now and they're cute but I hate having to keep them clean (can't stand smudges), not to mention pushing them up all the time! I'm actually considering LASIK eye surgery and I already had a consultation. I'm so excited!! Now I just have to convince my hubby that they (most likely) won't blind me! Ha!
I am legally blind with you, and Chris has amazing vision. So far, our kiddos have lucked out and taken after their dad on the vision. Not to worry you, but during this pregnancy, not only has my vision gotten worse (it will get better in TEN more weeks), but I have developed very severe dry eyes. My doctor and I are trying all these different drops and having to sleep with this gel stuff covering my eyes and an eye mask. SO, I have had to wear my glasses almost the whole pregnancy. Luckily, I bought a cute pair last year. It has been GREAT for my ego. :)
Your comment was actually pretty ironic! I HATE change, too...but I was a military brat growing up and moved constantly! I swore to myself that I wouldn't marry a military man or anyone who moved a lot...but here I am doing it again! I guess its a trade-off...I've got an awesome husband but so far we've moved 3 times in a little over 2 years! You'd be surprised what you can do if you have to! ha! :-)
Dawson looks so cute peeking out the window. I am so jealous of the never snows here! I LOVE the glasses. You are gonna be SO chic!
Hey Kelly, I'm also really blind and hate to wear glasses - but you'll definitely need your glasses for when you have a baby and have to get up in the middle of the night! :)
I was hoping we would get a little snow...but we didn't! That picture of Dawson in the window is TOO CUTE!!
You simply must post a picture of you in your chic glasses!
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