Monday, March 03, 2008

Me and Food

A lot of ya'll have been laughing at me because I always seem to have pictures of me and food so I thought I should explain. First of all - I have always liked to eat. As my parents and grandparents have always said "I'm a good eater". My brother was a VERY picky eater and I did not get that problem. I was very happy to eat my food and his too. When Scott and I got married and went on our honeymoon - Scott took probably 300 pictures while we were there. And probably 150 of those involved food. (The other 125 were of birds or beaches and probably 5 were of us together.) If you ask him what his favorite thing was about our honeymoon - he will always say it was the breakfast buffet. I would wake up to him looking at me and saying "Are you ready to go to breakfast?" ha! We like to go out to eat and when we are on vacation - our favorite activity is finding good places to eat. And our pictures always reflect this.

Eating at Sprinkles cupcakes in L.A. with Hillary and Shannon

Here I am eating Hula Pie in Hawaii - and yes it was as good as it looks!
Eating steak in Las Vegas
Eating crab in Baltimore (this was a work trip - I got my co-workers in on the fun of taking food pictures)
Eating ice cream on a cruise

So now - it just seems like we always take pictures of our food everywhere we go. It's become a big joke in our family. I've even got my parents doing it! Our priorities are always in order : The blessing, a picture, and then DIG IN!

And now Pioneer Woman has me taking pictures of things I cook. :-)


Hillary said...

I love that you take pictures of your food! And you better believe I'll be taking pictures of mine!!! I'm with Scott, I love to eat breakfast! I love to eat any meal and dessert!!

Jessica said...

You have a great tan! : )

Hillary said...

SPRINKLES!!!!!!!!! We need to go back!! The one in Dallas isn't nearly as good! Although I eat my weight in cupcakes when I go there!

Guy and Julie said...

You need to do a food montage, kind of like you did for your hair history!

Staci said...

I love to read your blog to find new recipes! So far I've made the meat cupcakes and cake balls!

Melissa said...

i love the food pictures!! you've started a blogging trend :)

Candy said...

I love the story behind the food! Thanks for sharing. :) I dreamed about the cake balls a few nights ago. Ha!

Amanda said...

You are a girl after my own heart!

Tiffani said...

I think we are kindred spirits! Food pictures are the BEST & I enjoyed looking at all your yummy food. At least you look super cute in every food picture! Btw, I am praying, praying, praying for you guys!

Jennifer said...

I like to eat to Kelly I just wish I could stay skinny like you!

Anonymous said...

We also LOVE to plan out which neat resturants we will eat at when on vacation. Breakfast is my FAVORITE meal of the day and I also got extremely excited when we got to eat the buffet on our honeymoon.

Jessica said...

You look so cute in all your 'food' pictures. I love it! I especially love the piture of you eating the ice cream cone.

On a side note, you have been to a lot of cool places. You should do some posts on all the places you have been. I love to hear about people's travels.

Jenna said...

You are SO my kind of girl!

Anonymous said...

Too cute! Who took the one in LA from outside? That's my favorite

Leigh Ann said...

I love all your food pictures! Okay, now I'm hungry!

Allikaye's Mama said...

Ha! That was a fun post! I love how you posted you with food in many different places! Fu-un-ny!!! Loved it!

Betsy said...

You are so funny! Definitely a girl after my own heart!

RachelM said...

All of your food looks delicious! I am also a big fan of food too!
Kirk will call me at 9 am to talk about what we're planning for dinner.
And I'm so glad you post recipes because I always write them down!

Angela said...

How cute! I love the photos...of course, you look pretty in all of them.

aWare said...

Great post...I like you more and more!

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

A woman after my own heart! I love food too - cooking, eating, trying new things, etc.

Fran said...

Bring it on sister!! We love it.

Hugs and prayers~

Mandy said...

I too love all of your food posts!! You look great with all of your food. I love the picture of you with your steak, in Vegas!!

Lindsey said...

Who is the cutest girl in all the land?? You!!! You are a cutie pie. I love all your recipes and I love FOOD, too!

Megan said...

We do the same thing. Isn't it normal?!

The Garners said...

We should vacation together--eating is for sure our favorite "hobby" too. We always talk about how much we loved the breakfast buffet at the Hyatt on our honeymoon. And the Paris buffet in Vegas.

~aj~ said...

I love all the food pictures. Keep it up!!

Shannon said...

I love Sprinkles!!! That was definitely one of my fondest memories of that trip!

Anonymous said...

Hubs thinks I'm obsessed with taking photos of food. When we're in China, I like to document those dishes which are unique like turtle soup or a cooked chicken with the head still there, but then when we get outside of China & there's a hamburger that looks just like what we would eat in America - I can't slow down. Praise the Lord for digital. When we come back through America, I'm afraid that our blog is just going to be photos of the inside of Wal-Mart & foods we've eaten.

Caroline said...

KELLY YOU ARE JUST SOOOOO PRETTY!!!!!!!!!! i LOVE YOUR PICTURES OF FOOD AND I DON'T WANT YOU TO EVER STOP!!!!!! i think if i lived next door to you i would be sneaking into your closet BECAUSE I LOVE ALL YOUR DRESSES!!!!

Jennifer said...

I love that you take pictures of food. Keep 'em coming!

Unknown said...

I love your food picture! I want to try sprinkle cupcakes so bad.

Wendy said...

Just found your blog and have enjoyed reading. :)

Nicole said...

I love the pictures of food. I makes me feel like I am there with you while you are talking about it. I might have to start doing this. Between you and Jessica I kind of feel out of the loop by not taking pictures.

Anonymous said...

So, I might have to start taking pictures of my food as well - I went to Mimi's on Sunday for brunch after church, and I ALMOST took a picture of my quiche...should have done it!

Stacia said...

I love the pics of the food recipes, I have tried two o fthem now. The chicken breast supreme was excellent!

Rebecca (Sam's wife) said...

love it! so cute! i have the stuff to make sprinkle cupcakes from william sonoma. hope they are good. i want to go the real one! you have good recipes. i have tried some of them. i like being able to get recipes from blogs.

Caroline said...

fyi...i really like your hair in the vegas picture!

taralynn819 said...

Good job with the crabs! Now, if you come down here to St. Mary's County, Maryland where we live, you'll get a REAL taste of the crab culture!

I moved here to nanny for a Southern Maryland family, and although they moved out of state, they come back every few months, and one of the annual traditions is the family crab feast! Now, being a former Midwesterner, I don't actually crave crabs, but I'll eat one for the novelty. (It's kind of gross. Plus you have to eat ALL day to get full!) Next time you'll have to try Southern Maryland stuffed ham!

Check out the pics from last summer's feast:

Amy said...

I'm glad that you like to eat (b/c it makes me feel like I'm not alone!) And I have very much enjoyed the recipes you have shared. Keep them coming!

Meredith said...

SO funny!