So now that you know I'm a dancing queen.........................(ha!) - I need to move on!
Tonight Scott and I served at our church's annual Primetimer's Valentine Banquet. The primetimers are the over 55 crowd and they are a fun bunch! They have a thanksgiving dinner and a valentines banquet every year and I always sign up to help because I just love them and it's always a lot of fun.
I'm on our church's hostess committe so I work a lot of these functions but tonight was Scott's first time to serve and clean! I was so proud of him - he worked so hard!
So what are your plans for valentines? We aren't going out because we don't want to fight the crowds. I'm thinking I may cook one of Scott's favorite meals - chicken Supreme. I'll post the recipe if I do. We always exchange cards and Dawson gets each of us a card too! :-) (We each buy 2 cards). I used to LOVE getting flowers when I was single and when we were dating Scott sent me a ton of flowers. I remember one Valentines he sent me two dozen roses. It was the day I closed on my first house. Such a great day!
But now that it is coming out of my money too - I just can't part with the money for something that doesn't last. Just being married to the man of my dreams is gift enough!
But now that it is coming out of my money too - I just can't part with the money for something that doesn't last. Just being married to the man of my dreams is gift enough!
Shawn and I exchange cards. We try to make each others, but so far he has only made me one card...we will see this year! :) I enjoy helping out at dinners too! 1 more day till BB9 :)
Chad and I are going to a Valentine's Banquet at our church. It's a nice way not to fight the crowds but still get a great catered dinner. That is such a blessing (to you and them) that you are helping out with the Primetimers...I know they love it.
That looks like fun. I like doing things like that, too.
My husband and I already went out to eat this weekend. His mom and dad watched the kids while we went to Olive Garden. I won't even get to see him on V-day because he is at work. :( I'll probably do something special for dinner that night for the kids.
You two look like such a sweet couple!
I love the "older" crowd. It's amazing the perspective they have on life. Not only that, but the wisdom they have to share!
As part of the "older" crowd, nothing does our hearts good like having young couples like you learn to be servants in the church. You are blessed by serving and we are blessed by you! We are proud of you and Scott!
LOL My husband was just saying tonight that all his buddies over in Afghanistan were giving him a hard time because they're all ordering their wives flowers and he's not... because he knows I'd be mad! LOL He said they don't believe him though. I just hate spending money on flowers that are just going to die! Glad I'm not the only one!
Y'all could not be any cuter in those aprons! What a fun way to share the V-Day love--I know those primetimers were so appreciative. Your Valentine's plans sound perfect, and that Dawson is just so thoughtful to get his mama and daddy cards :)
I'm not a flower girl myself. I love to look at them, but not for the money they cost! We aren't doing anything special Thursday, but our Sunday School class is having a party on Saturday night and the church will have Kid's Night Out so that will be fun.
Glad ya'll had fun! At FBC Camden, there used to be Valentine banquets every year and with different themes! It was fun and creative too!
You two look very cute in your aprons! I'm with you on the flowers. They are pretty, but I can find many other things to spend money on that actually last. We have no plans. Valentine's Day to me is just another way for retailers to make money! ha! I love recipes! Hope you post if after you cook it. :)
I remember one V-Day you made chicken supreme for Scott and then we got to come over the next day and eat the leftovers! YUMMY!!!! I haven't made that for Josh yet but I need to soon!
Are you the same Kelly that's on Sara's Facebook? If not, you have a twin...if so...small world.
How sweet! I love church Valentine banquets. Charlie's taking me to dinner Thursday night. Yaay, a night off from cooking and we're exchanging cards. No gifts because V day is right between our birthdays.
Do you keep the cards Scott & Dawson give you? I do! We have file folders in our filing cabinet for our cards/notes from the past. It's fun to look back.
We don't like fighting the crowds sometimes we go to this dive and eat cheeseburgers with parents in law..not too sure about this year..hopefully he will cook for me:) Happy Valentines!!!
I am new to being a blogger. I came across your site while visiting the Living Proof blog. Although we have not done an IUI, my husband and I are also stuggling to conceive. I could relate to some of your comments. For Valentines, my husband and I usually exchange cards and he has bought me pajamas for the past 3 years. I love it. We do not do much more than that for Valentines because it seems very commercialized and the restaurants are always crowded. Bryan insists I do not buy him anything, but I may make his favorite cookies.
Well, since it is Amy's Birthday today and we have class tonight...we are gonna celebrate with meds and peds on Saturday...with lunch of course. Since we aren't dating anyone we will just pamper ourselves!!!!
So sweet! You and Scott are so cute! Derek and I are staying in, too. Just celebrating the four of us. Isn't it funny how time puts things in perspective. I'd rather eat a turkey sandwich with Derek and the kiddos than get flowers and go out for a steak dinner!
love the giraffe!
You guys are so sweet in your little aprons. We too have decided that this year we are going to stay in. We have gone out to eat the past 3 or 4 years and everytime we end up waiting for more than 2 hours!! We also just exchange cards and save our money for other things! Happy Valentine's Day!!
Y'all look cute in your aprons! No Valentine's plans here. R's school party is that morning, so Alexee and I will probably hang out there and help with that. I plan to make the usual heart-shaped cherry pies again this year.
We don't usually do anything either. We usually go eat the night before so we don't have to fight the crowds! It worked out great last night...we went to Olive Garden and ran into my parents so we ate with them!
I love that your are on the hospitality crew @ church - that's fitting for you! Brad is working on Valentine's, so I'll be spending my night with my parents! Although I have to disagree with you on flowers - I'm a huge lover of flowers!!! And I hope to get a bunch of them on Thursday!
I'm not much of a flower girl myself. If you want to get me something that won't last long, I prefer chocolate! = ) The kids and I will make cards for my husband on Thursday. That's about the extent of our celebration.
You are adorable! That was so funny! I have three teenage daughters who have been trying to get me to go with them to zumba. It sounds like alot of fun & a great way to lose weight! :)
I am the SAME way! When I was single, I just wanted a guy to send me flowers...then, it was always the wrong guy. When Jon and I started dating, I finally felt "in" on all of the V-Day excitment and loved getting flowers, candy, etc. Now that we've been together 10 years and married almost 6, I'd rather not spend the money on flowers. I prefer jewelry. (haha)
We're going to see Annie (the play, we don't just rent the movie or anything) tomorrow night! I'm perfectly fine with that being our V-Day celebration!
Look like so much fun. I can't wait to find a church home and start getting involved.
We are cooking dinner at home on Valentine's and then going to dinner and a movie Friday night. Hopefully, I can convince B to take me to a girlie movie.
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