Saturday, February 09, 2008

Pancakes and Latin Dancing

So this morning I had a breakfast date with Hillary and Katie (and Zach). Since Hillary will be moving away in several months - I want to get together with her ever chance I have while she is still close! And I wanted to talk about all of her wedding details with her! We had so much fun. We went to Cracker Barrel which is always delicious.
Unfortuantely I am on Clomid - the fertility drug - otherwise known as the weight GAIN drug. I was warned that it would make me gain weight. At first it wasn't bad but now I am just constantly ravenous. I could seriously eat an entire cow. I am just starving at all times and the weight has piled on. That did not stop me from eating pancakes and hashbrown casserole this morning and it was SO good.

Katie and her precious son Zach
Frosty the snowman and Hillary

So since it's a pretty nice day - I thought I might go for a long walk but it's pretty windy. So I decided to go to the gym and walk on the treadmill. Now - what is funny is just this morning I was reading Katie's blog and she was talking about Zumba. Zumba is this new fitness CRAZE that I keep hearing about but since I only go to the gym about once every three months - I didn't know our gym had it. And when I got there - I glanced at the class schedule and realized a zumba class was starting in 5 minutes. So I decided to try it. It was so fun! It's a latin dance class. It felt like I was on Dancing with the Stars. I can see why those people always get so skinny because I sweat a TON. But I can assure you - if I was on DWTS - I would be kicked off the first week - because this girl has got NO rhythm. It was horrible watching me try to shake it but I had so much fun. I will definitely have to go again!

Scott dared me to show ya'll just how bad my dancing really is by posting this video that I made this summer when I was playing around with his MAC. And because I like to laugh at myself - here you go. (I can not promise how long this will stay up here).


Lindsey said...

Listen here missy! Don't you be so hard on yourself! You look beautiful and keep your eye on the prize! Speaking from someone that gained 50 pounds with each pregnancy (and lost it).

Linda said...

I am cracking up at the video. You actually look pretty good. Most importantly you looked like you were having fun!! I am sure the trade off for the weight gain will be well worth it. I can't tell if you have gained any right now you look great!

Leigh Ann said...

Ok. I am laughing so hard right now at that video. Derek and Evan watched it with me! My personal favorite move is when you slap your rear end. You are so funny! And, I can't tell you've gained anything! On Hillary's post, I was just thinking how skinny your legs look. Anyway, extra pounds are worth the end result! I'm just now (15 months later) trying to get off the extra weight! :) Thanks again for the laugh. I think I'm going to have to save it for future use when I need a giggle!

Big Mama said...

Nice moves.

Personally, my favorite part was when the dog jumped off the couch and left the room.

Anonymous said...

Girl, they are going to be calling you to TEACH Zumba before long!

The Garners said...

I think this actually looks like good dancing! :) (Is that really sad!?!) ha ha
Oh, and I can't tell you've gained any weight!? You look great! And even if you had, it wouldn't matter because you'll be gaining weight with a baby SOON anyway--and will look so cute all along the way!

Jessica said...

Woo Wee!!! I loved this video! I liked the "snake" move! Classic! You have such a good sense of humor! Dawson was like, "I'm outta here, moma!"

What gym are you at? I would seriously join that class with you. I have looked for a Zumba class and the closest I found was in Ft. Smith!!! I guess I didn't look that hard! Anyway, you do NOT look fat! Pul-ease!! You looks gorgeous! : )

Candy said...

Okay, that is too funny! These husbands of ours and their dares. My husband took a picture of me today and of course I made a stupid face because I didn't want my picture made and he said he was going to put it on my blog!
I would NOT worry about weight, girl! You can lose all the weight you want after you have that baby. You look great!

Huse Yo Mama said...

Awww...dang it! I didn't make it here soon enough to see the video!!! UGH!

Well, you look great and the weight gain is worth it, girl!! At least you have an excuse. My daughter is 13 months old and I just realized I can't use the "it's baby weight" excuse anymore!

If you email me the video, I won't be mad.

Just saying.

Lauren said...

That is the best! I love it!! I also love the fact that you can totally laugh at yourself. You go girl!

PS- Did you ever make it to True Treasures?!

Staci said...

The Melting Pot was great! Thanks for the comment. This video is hilarious! I can totally relate. I have the rhythm of a stick! The zumba class sounds fun, though. They have that at the YMCA where I work out. I'll have to try it out!

Sarah said...

That might be the FUNNIEST thing I've seen in a loooong time! I knew you were a kindred spirit but now I KNOW you are my kind of girl!!!

My personal favorite was the sprinkler move. Jon and I have a series of those: the sprinkler, the lawn mower, the postal worker... :) And no rhythm, my foot! You go girl!

Sarah said...

One more thing...YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Remember that medicine can make you feel pretty yucky, but it certainly doesn't mean you are! I hated Clomid. It stopped working after a couple of months and gave me the worst hot flashes ever! Not to mention the emotional side effects...some people are bipolar...Clomid made me multi-polar.

Melissa Stover said...

oh i can't believe you posted a video of you dancing! you are great. and, really, a good dancer. far better than i could ever hope to be.

Meredith said...

I am SO glad I checked in here before bed tonight. I definitely needed a good laugh. :) You are just the sweetest, cutest thing!

OMG, Cracker Barrel has such a yummy breakfast! They just opened one down the street from my house. I am craving it now.

You look super fab to me. I wish my gym had that class!

Jennifer said...

Girl, don't you worry b/c you look fabulous! I loved your video too! I love the snake move and the one where you slap yourself in the rear! Dawson was not having anything to do with all of this was he!

Have a great night!

Huse Yo Mama said...

Oh. My. Gosh! That was the best video EVER! I so wish we lived near one another! I LOVE YOU! (in a non-stalker, heterosexual way, of course)

So, I have three favorite things about this video. First of all, you switch back and forth from silly to super-serious in a heartbeat. I loved it. I found myself getting serious with you.

Secondly, you said "okay, I'm done," then busted out some of your best moves yet.

Thirdly, you are going to make a WONDERFUL mom! I dance for my daughter all day long (it's a wonder I'm still chubby) and she thinks it's the funniest thing she's ever seen.

This made. my. night!

~aj~ said...

If it's any consolation, your dancing puts me to shame!

Loved the video and your tasty breakfast left me drooling...

Hillary said...

HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! The first thing that got me was the "frosty the snowman" label! Not true but funny! And then the video! Oh...I can't wait to see your moves at the wedding! I'll make sure there's some MJ for you to shake it to!

Brittani's Holding Little Hands said...

Between the snake, the lip sync, and the sprinkler move, you had me out of my seat and dancing along!

Could that count as my exercise for the month?

Heather said...

Oh Kelly that was so stinkin funny..I wish I'd been there dancing with you!! You made my night. I too love to make fun of myself. Check my blog later to read about the stupid thing I did today.

Amy said...

Found you through mutual blogger friends. Love, love your blogs! This one had me rolling- I think we would tie in a dance off! Actually you would probably win! Just wanted to let you know I'll have you in my prayers - you are going to make a great mom- and a fun one at that!

The Garners said...

I just came up to the computer to watch this again! HA HA

Anonymous said...

Kelly-this is so funny! I think you dance pretty good! Mario has a hard time understanding why someone that is coordinated enough to play basketball at a college level cannot dance a lick without stepping all over his feet or tripping on myself...what can I say, it wasn't like the Flippin High School dances were the place to pick up any hot moves! Furthermmore, mom never recommending me going because "Baptist girls don't dance" you know. I have watched this a couple of times. REcently Mario&I attended a local Dancing with the Stars Benefit Night for a program at Conway high School that teaches abstinence. Most of the people dancing were people we knew--including the president of UCA and his wife. Christina Munoz and David Bazzel were also there. It was so much fun and I left there thinking I wanted to get lessons and compete next year! Not a prayer of me actually learning--don't think they can teach rythm! This is the longest post ever but I can't go without telling you that you look darling and it will all be worth it. Have really been lifting you and Scott up in prayer and I know God has wonderful things in store! Micaela

Anonymous said...

I am SO glad that you went to the class and loved it!!! I wish I had friends around here to go with me to it! Now your video was hilarious....Michael Jackson has NOTHING on you!

Fran said...

You are the best!!! I just love ya Kelly!

Marc and Charity said...

Hilarious!!! Thanks for showing that video!!! You are so funny. And oh, cracker barrell-yum yum yum...I'll dream about it tonight.

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha ... and sadly those fresh moves run in the family. did we not watch enough Solid Gold back in the day?

-your bro

Megan said...

You are so funny! I love it. Dawson was a great back up dancer.

Anonymous said...

too funny

aWare said...

K, you just won 10 times more bonus point with me! I wish I was there with you dancing! I love it! I can't find your email on my links, I was goign to send you a couple of notes.

Mrs. Shelton said...

I love that you posted that! Anything for a dare! :) Thanks for sharing! You were great!

JenB said...

Oh my word, girl, you are hilarious! I would so go to Zumba with you and I'm pretty sure we would be laughing the whole class! Your sprinkler move made me laugh out loud!

a boy a girl and a pug said...

Bravo! I was disappointed not to see any running man moves but the sprinkler made up for it! That was great!

Stephanie Kay said...

That was too funny! Much better than I could have done.

Betsy said...

You are adorable! That was too funny. I have 3 teenage girls & they have been trying to get me to go with them to zumba. It sounds like a lot of fun! And what a great way to lose weight! :)

Tiffani said...

Kelly, that was the most awesome dance video I have seen in a long time! LOVED it...laughed really hard because that is totally me. Girl you got moves!

Anonymous said...

This is Nathan. I guess that sometimes you just have to let your hair down and dance. Am I right? Sidenote - as you suspected this morning, after having seen this I can never associate with you again. J/k. You definitely know how to bust a move!

Huse Yo Mama said...

Seriously, do you have this many comments on EVERY post?

All you Kelly's Korner fans, come visit me every once in a while. I'd love to have you! I'll even cook you dinner!

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

You know, for a good little Southern Baptist preacher's daughter you dance really, really well! Sign me up for lessons please!!

The Proctors said...

I loved the video!!! You are so cute, and you do have rhythm! I'll have to look up the Zumba. I think I would really like that!

Jamie said...

Love the dance!!

Megan L Hutchings said...

Kelly ~ You are definitely a kindred spirit. LOVED IT on this Monday morning =)!

Anonymous said...

SO glad I got to see it! This just made my day - reminds me of my dance team days - you SO would have made our team :)

Anonymous said...

You are a dork!!! Kidding! :) I love that you are not afraid to put yourself out there. I am such a big chicken!

RachelM said...

I think you look absolutely gorgeous! I read Hillary's blog and she was very excited that you dressed down for the occasion!
I hope you keep that video up! It will be great to go back and laugh at later. So funny, you crack me up!

Angela said...

Hi Kelly! I'm a friend of Candy and have been reading your blog for the last few days. This video made me come out of hiding. It was GREAT! The "snake" move took me back in time...good times!

Kimberly said...

Okay I absolutely LOVE you!!! You are so funny, real, and adorable!! The fact that you put a video of you dancing in your pajamas on the internet shows confidence and charisma and I only wish I looked as cute as you do when I dance!

Anonymous said...

That was HILARIOUS!!! I love that I don't know if I could ever be that brave!! You go:)

The Nester said...

This is one of the most awesomest blog posts evah!!!!

You are so cute, I love the part where the dog gets up and moves away!!

You are officially my new BFF!

Anonymous said...

I don't even remember how I found your blog but I'm glad I did. Your dancing is an A+ compared to mine. Just imagine Elaine from Friends dancing. That would be me with no rythm at all.

Have a blessed day.
