Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sisters in Christ

Elizabeth's sister-in-law, Hannah, has been home for Christmas and today we got together and had lunch with Laurie and Hannah's roommate, Kayla, also. These beautiful girls don't have boyfriends and Laurie and I wanted to encourage them that their prince charming will come! No one knows about being single more than Laurie and I.

It was fun to be with these girls because they go to the school Laurie, Elizabeth, and I went to (OBU) and they are in the same "sorority" that Laurie and I were in - Tri Chi. OBU didn't have national sororities - we had "social clubs". That was the most fun part of college for me. They have rush soon so it was fun to hear about that and how much things have not changed.

Were any of you in sororities? Which one were you in and was it a good experience for you?


Hillary said...

I was in a sorority but you already know that! Go DELTA DELTA DELTA! :) Yes, it was a good experience for me. I'm glad I did it. I got to know a lot of people I probably would have never known.

Heather said...

I was a Tri Delt at Texas Tech University. It was a wonderful experience for me. My sister and I actually pledged at the same time. Also, met one of my very best friends and hubby thru a DDD friend!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

They are beautiful girls. They have all the time in the world. Enjoy being and finding themselves. Mr right will come soon enough. Looks like a fun day!

Meredith said...

I pledged Alpha Xi Delta at HSU in Arkadelphia before transferring to OBU. I loved being in the sorority. I still talk to my Big Sis regularly and have gotten back in touch with one of my pledge sisters. Also, I had lots of great friends that were Delta Zeta's. After convincing her to go through rush, my roommate became their President!

Sarah said...

I pledged a sorority at Fayetteville, and after 3 weeks decided it wasn't for me. After 2 months I decided I'd had enough fun, loaded up my car, and came home. Pretty funny considering my entire senior year of high school, all I wanted was to go to Fayetteville, pledge, and party! And it was over in 2 months. :)

My poor parents. They were so patient as I re-enrolled in a school closer to home and then decided to go to grad school, too. Financially, it's probably good that I was an only child!

a boy a girl and a pug said...

I went to a Baptist University too, but we had no sororities. :-(

Jennifer said...

I am a Pi Beta Phi from the University of Central Florida. I loved every minute of it. I didn't really 'like' high school because a lot of the people were in clicks. I had some great friends but really wasn't active. When I left for college, I left my boyfriend of 3 years too. I just knew that this was my time to enjoy life! I'm so glad I did. If I had not, I would not have met my husband, nor had my three precious kids!

Jessica said...

Most of me college friends pledged in Fayetteville at different houses, but I was the old "young" married girl who ran around with them! They told me about the parties they went to, and I told them which laundry detergent worked best on stains! It was a great trade for all of us girls! Ha! : )

Leigh Ann said...

I loved being a Chi Delta at OBU. We had so much fun! Rush was one of my favorite parts, too. I liked it better when I wasn't a pledge though. I was called "Daisy OBU" for a long time because my last name was the name or our rival right across the street! Ha!

Shelley said...
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Shelley said...


I loved OBU and most of what I loved had to do with Tri Chi. Some of my life-long friends were Tri Chi sisters.

It is good to hear that pledging hasn't changed much. I was pledge mistress for two years and I enjoyed seeing the growth and bonding of the girls - pledges and members!


Fran said...

I was a Phi Mu at Memphis, U of M. I loved it but didn't last the whole time of college!! I had to grow up and focus and FINALLY finish school.
I did. It was a good experience but I wasn't good at juggling the social calendar and the school calendar. :)

RachelM said...

I was a Tri-Delt at the U of A with Hillary! It was a great experience for me. I met lots of people that I probably wouldn't have and we're still great friends. Also, a sorority friend introduced me to my husband, too!! Yeah!

Anonymous said...

Just look at these two beautiful women...and so clean! :) I understand their wanting to find Mr. Right. I know you guys gave them a lot of encouragement! I pledged EEE at OBU. I definitely met a lot of girls I would have otherwise not known, but I'm not sure I would enjoy going through pledge week again!

The Payne Family Blog said...


I see you have another University of Central Florida reader. I also went to UCF and was a Kappa Delta there which was right across the street from Pi Phi. Jennifer if you read this, please feel free to contact me. I was a pledge in 90.

Anonymous said...

I'm a new reader, and I love your blog! I was an Alpha Delta Pi at MTSU here in Tennessee! I loved every single minute of it, and I actually met my husband through ADPi! Those were some of the best years of my life - my big sis and I still talk to this day!

The Milams said...

I was a Theta at Baylor. It was lots of fun and I still keep in touch with lots of the girls that I met thru my sorority.

Living in LR I was educated about all the clubs at OBU. I always cracked up at how competitive some girls were about this even years later!!!

The Proctors said...

Hey Kelly! Another fellow Tri Chi-er here! I loved being a part of a group of girls because it was such a bonding experience for me! It's like all of a sudden you have like 60-80 more friends because you are part of the same group!! It was definitely the most fun part of college!

Gordon Family said...

Hey, I came across your page on facebook. I was a fellow Tri Chi. My favorite part of being in Tri Chi was Tiger Tunes. By the way, I love reading your blog. I never met Kayla but she is in my Tri Chi family tree, way down there.

Jenifer Pierson Gordon

Anonymous said...

Hey worst pledge here.:) I loved being a Tri Chi. Especially the outings. I would have to say pledge week was the worst!! I did meet some life long friends that I still keep in contact with today. It's a great thing.


Shelley said...

I will agree - Aimee was the worst pledge - coming from a pledge sister!!! Just kidding

Anonymous said...

I was an AO-Pi (alpha omicron pi) at Arkansas State. I LOVED it...some of the best, most wonderful, crazy memories ever!! I am still close to a few girls....and met my husband b/c of it. It was a really great much so I am pressuring my 18 yo sis in law to go through rush at U of A next year!!!