These are a few of my favorite things:

I love TV. I'm not really a movie girl but I LOVE TV. And some of my favorite shows are Amazing Race, Biggest Loser, American Idol (can't WAIT for it to start), Lost, Gray's Anatomy, The Bachelor, Gilmore Girls (just discovered this love - I DVR the reruns every day), anything on the food network, and just about anything else that is reality TV

Christian music - this picture is dark but it holds some of my favorites - David Crowder, Chris Tomlin, Charlie Hall and Matt Redman.

Fried pickles. Oh yum.

The beach. Oh I love the beach. And I've been to some beauties (including this one).

Magazines. I have almost an illness when it comes to magazines. I get so many subscriptions I can't keep up with them. My mom did this to me. She is as crazy about magazines as I am.

Chick-fil-a nuggets

Sonic vanilla diet cokes

Petit fours

Chili's chips and salsa
(really any chips and salsa anytime,anywhere)
Bizys has the BEST fried pickles!!!!!!!!!!!! After checking out all of your favorite things I know now why we are such good friends!!!
I am a Fish City Grill lush, when it comes to fried pickles! YUM!
Also love the petifors....can't beat Ricks or Shelby Lynns! Great stuff!
I am a twinkie with you on everything but the beach. I love the beach, but I am more of a snow bunny! : )
Cock of the Walk makes good fried pickles too. I have a recipe & mine are pretty tasty if I do say so myself! Praying still! Thinking of you everyday.
I thought of Cock of the Walk's fried pickles, too. Kelly, I'm a reality show junkie, too and I love The Gilmore Girls. How in the world do they talk so fast? And the beach, ahhh, I breath better when I am at the beach!! And the nuggets and Sonic, wait, these are my faves, too. Hee hee.
I think we may be twins separated at birth! I LOVE the biggest loser, Amazing Race, and Grey's Anatomy. I have watched Gilmore Girls religously since it started. (Have debated paying $300 for the entire seasons set). Don't even get me started on Fried Pickles (My husband can make great ones!)I love the beach and currently recieve 7 magazine subscriptions! I stopped by Sonic today (not for a diet vanilla coke, but for a diet peach tea) and I crave chips and salsa from Hacienda approximately 7 days a week!
We have lots of similarities, but the one that stood out to me most was the magazines. I get way too many magazine subscriptions, too. J has threatened to throw all of my old ones away, but I'm afraid there's something good in there I need to see! (I'm talking like 3 or 4 years old...Insane.)
Chili's hot sauce rocks! My sister in law has the recipe. I keep forgetting to have her send it to me.
You are my kind of girl. I love all these, too! : )
Great minds think alike....I love the majority of things on this list. :)
I LIVED on Route 44 Sonic Vanilla Coke's and fried pickles in college. I'm kind of grossed out now just thinking about it! That was when I was young and could eat anything I wanted. Aghhhh...those were the days! LOL!
Hi! I've been lurking for a few days! Found a comment you left on Lots of Scotts and decided to see who you were. :) I love your blog and your favorite things! I love a regular vanilla coke from Sonic as well as fried pickles, tv, the beach, David Crowder, chips and salsa, and petit fours. You are my kind of girl. (or should I say siesta?!) :P
Speaking of Chick-fil-A...have you tried the milkshakes there? To-die-for!
Never had a fried pickle. Love everything else on the list too especially the Biggest Loser!!! I have something for you over at my blog.
LOVE some fried pickles!!! Also a huge fan of Sonic drinks...preferably Route 44 Cherry Diet Coke!
Love so many of these as well! Never had fried pickles, though...I'm afraid once I try them I will never eat anything else.
I ADORE the beach. People who find this out are often shocked because I am pretty much sun-repellant. Seriously. But a tube of sunscreen works wonders! I don't care to tan necessarily, just to "absorb" the atmosphere. It's like nature's church to me!
We had a tower of petit fours at our wedding and I think I can still taste them. They were so delicious! I'd like to try fried pickles! Great post!
Good evening Miss Kelly! I love fried pickles! My husband and I discovered the best ones at a little catfish restaurant in a town near us last year. Since we are trying to not eat anything fried for now, I guess we won't be going there anytime soon (boo hoo).
I love what you said about magazines...that you are addicted to them. I am a mag. addict too (do you think there's a 12 step program for us)? I just love Southern Living. If you get a chance, check out Southern Lady as well. If ya'll don't get it where you live, you could check it out on line. I really like it because it features local stuff from close by where I live.
Have a great week and I'll talk to you soon - Judy
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