Sunday, October 07, 2007

We Survived DNOW!

Sunday morning before church in our DNOW shirts

All eleven girls!
Dawson LOVED having the girls here - this is what he spent all weekend doing - begging for food.
The girls were so skinny - they could fit through Dawson's doggie door
The band Spur 58 singing this morning with the choir. 10 points if you can find me. :-)

We made it and we had a great weekend. Although I'm so sleep deprived there is no telling what I might say on this post. The girls only stayed up until about 1 a.m. on Friday night. Thanks to starbucks and the thought of all of those girls in my house - I didn't sleep but about 10 minutes. We had a church service yesterday morning with a youth speaker who was GREAT and Spur 58 doing the music. Then we had lunch at the church and then came home and rested for a little bit and then we went to the nursing home. The girls were a little unsure about the whole thing and I think it was the first time for several girls. Julie and I led the way at first of going into rooms and passing out pumpkins and saying hi but soon those girls were going on their own. I was very proud of them and I know it really brightened most of those resident's days. Then we came back and made a little Sonic run and soon it was time to go back to church for dinner and the evening service. Then they had night life at the church where they had all kinds of games and inflatables and climing walls and bungee jumps. We got them home around 10:30 and they had a small group Bible Study afterwards. Scott and I "tried" to go to bed but they were up until about 2 talking and laughing. Then we got up early this morning to go back to church. Our service was DNOW led this morning and we had the speaker and the band and all the youth (all 340 of them) sat in the middle of the church with their t-shirts on. It was an awesome service!
We had a SWEET group of 10th graders and I really enjoyed having them. They were very polite and fun. They made me feel young (and old all at the same time). It was also fun to have Guy and Julie help us. And our college girl was really sweet and did such a good job. She goes to the "other" OBU. We had one girl who talked to her about being saved so we were real excited to see something happen in our house. There were at least 12 teenagers saved yesterday so it makes all the sleepless nights worth every minute!
We don't have church tonight mostly because anyone who participated is exhausted so I am about to go and have a very long nap with Scott and Dawson.


Jessica said...

I know Dawson had the time of his life!!! Were the girls all sweet to him? Did he wander around and change beds all night? Bichon would try to sleep with everyone!

So proud of you, Kelly, for opening your house up! You amaze me!

His Doorkeeper said...

All the girls look so cute! I'm sure you all are worn out but look what you have to look forward to when you have teenagers!! I'm proud of you for hosting them!

RachelM said...

What a crazy weekend, but it looks like you guys had so much fun! What a great thing for you and Scott to do, even though you're exhausted. I hope your nap went well today!

Jessica said...

It is from T.J. Maxx- the best!!!

Anonymous said...

That sounds like so much fun!!! Were you able to make it into work this morning?

pinkmommy said...

Sounds like such a great time. Wow, 340 awesome!

Do you mind if I ask what church you go to? We usually go to church in Fayettevile when we are there for games.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a AWESOME time!! God will reward you for opening your home and lives to those teenagers! You guys had a HUGE group! That's incredible. Our DNOW is coming up in November. I always look forward to it. Thanks for sharing. I love reading all your entries. They make me smile! You a truely a woman after God's own heart. Thanks for being so open and real!

Tiffani said...

Man, you just took me back to my high school days! Such cute pictures! It looks like all of you had such a wonderful weekend with the Lord...even Dawson!