Monday, July 30, 2007

Yard Work


Since Scott has been working constantly, he has had no time to do yard work. Luckily he cut our front yard short a week ago so it still looks pretty good.

But our back yard is a different story. The grass is so thick back there and it is WAY overgrown. Poor Dawson could almost get lost out there. So Friday night I decided to surprise Scott and mow it. I haven't mowed since we have been married and Scott is pretty particular about the yard so I wouldn't normally even try because yard work is not my forte. Well - he had the cutting height WAY too low because I started off and just scalped the first section I tried to mow. So I spent an hour trying to get it raised and I finally got 2 wheels to raise but the mower wouldn't start. So I eventually gave up.

Last night I tried again for about 45 minutes to get the wheels raised and just couldn't. So I told Scott if he would raise the wheels - I would mow tonight. It made me so mad - he went outside before he left this morning and in 10 seconds and with no effort - all wheels were raised. UGH!

So it took me almost 2 hours - but I got the yard mowed. Needless to say - I will not be going into the landscaping business anytime soon. I had to give me and Dawson baths afterwards and I managed to cook dinner sometime in between. And now it's 8:30 and I'm still waiting for Scott to come home.


Guy and Julie said...

I'm extremely impressed! You may have gotten me in trouble with my husband, though!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! you are WOMAN OF THE YEAR!!! I do not even attempt that. I don't even know how to back the tractor out of the garage. :) I'm impressed. Looks really good, plus you got some GOOD exercise in. :) You make me laugh!!!

Anonymous said...

I, too, am extremely impressed!!

Anonymous said...

You are SUCH a nice wife!!! The yard looks great!jlg